1 module Quantization( 2 3 4 //moduel clock 5 input wire Clk, 6 //the reset signal 7 input wire Rst_n, 8 //the enable signal of the input datas 9 input wire inEn, 10 //the input datas: signed 1QN format 11 input wire [7:0] bitInR, 12 input wire [7:0] bitInI, 13 //the enable signal of the Quantization results 14 output reg QuantizationEnable, 15 //the quantization results 16 output reg [15:0] Quantization_Result_Real, 17 output reg [15:0] Quantization_Result_Imag); 18 19 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 21 //the enable signal buffer 22 reg BufferEnable; 23 //the input datas buffer 24 reg [7:0]BufferDataR; 25 reg [7:0]BufferDataI; 26 27 always @(posedge Clk or negedge Rst_n) 28 begin 29 if(!Rst_n) 30 begin 31 BufferEnable <= 0; 32 BufferDataR <= 0; 33 BufferDataI <= 0; 34 end 35 else 36 begin 37 if(inEn) 38 begin 39 BufferEnable <= 1; 40 BufferDataR <= bitInR; 41 BufferDataI <= bitInI; 42 end 43 else 44 begin 45 BufferEnable <= 0; 46 BufferDataR <= 0; 47 BufferDataI <= 0; 48 end 49 end 50 end 51 52 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53 54 /*持续累加用寄存器 *////// 55 reg [191:0] Continual_Accumulation_Real; 56 reg [191:0] Continual_Accumulation_Imag; 57 /*持续累加有效信号 *////// 58 reg AddEnable; 59 //********************************取得量化结果********************************// 60 always @ (posedge Clk or negedge Rst_n) 61 begin 62 if (!Rst_n) 63 begin 64 Continual_Accumulation_Real <= 0; 65 Continual_Accumulation_Imag <= 0; 66 AddEnable <= 0; 67 end 68 else 69 begin 70 if(BufferEnable) 71 begin 72 /*持续累加移位寄存器左移一个单元*****////// 73 Continual_Accumulation_Real[191:12] <= Continual_Accumulation_Real[179:0]; 74 Continual_Accumulation_Imag[191:12] <= Continual_Accumulation_Imag[179:0]; 75 /*最高一个单元与输入数据的12位扩展相加赋值给最低一个单元****////// 76 Continual_Accumulation_Real[11:0] <= {{4{BufferDataR[7]}},BufferDataR} + Continual_Accumulation_Real[191:180]; 77 Continual_Accumulation_Imag[11:0] <= {{4{BufferDataI[7]}},BufferDataI} + Continual_Accumulation_Imag[191:180]; 78 AddEnable <= 1; 79 end 80 else 81 begin 82 Continual_Accumulation_Real <= 0; 83 Continual_Accumulation_Imag <= 0; 84 AddEnable <= 0; 85 end 86 end 87 end 88 89 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 90 91 always @(posedge Clk or negedge Rst_n) 92 begin 93 if(!Rst_n) 94 begin 95 Quantization_Result_Real <= 0; 96 Quantization_Result_Imag <= 0; 97 QuantizationEnable <= 0; 98 end 99 else 100 begin 101 if(AddEnable) 102 begin 103 QuantizationEnable <= 1; 104 /*量化结果移位******////// 105 Quantization_Result_Real[14:0] <= Quantization_Result_Real[15:1]; 106 Quantization_Result_Imag[14:0] <= Quantization_Result_Imag[15:1]; 107 /*最高位为0,表正,量化为+1, 在此用0代替,下面语句只是用于判断******////// 108 Quantization_Result_Real[15] <= Continual_Accumulation_Real[11]; 109 /*最高位为1,表负,量化为-1,在此用1表示******////// 110 Quantization_Result_Imag[15] <= Continual_Accumulation_Imag[11]; 111 end 112 else 113 begin 114 Quantization_Result_Real <= 0; 115 Quantization_Result_Imag <= 0; 116 QuantizationEnable <= 0; 117 end 118 end 119 end 120 121 endmodule