`timescale 1ns / 1ps ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Company: // Engineer: // // Create Date: 2020/05/25 11:50:02 // Design Name: // Module Name: DATA_interleaver // Project Name: // Target Devices: // Tool Versions: // Description: // // Dependencies: // // Revision: // Revision 0.01 - File Created // Additional Comments: // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// module DATA_interleaver( input wire DINT_CLK, input wire DINT_RST, input wire DINT_DIN, input wire DINT_ND, input wire [8:0] INDEX_IN, input wire [1:0] MODE_CON, output reg DINT_DOUT, //output register output reg DINT_RDY //synchronize with output ); //------------------------------------------------------------------------ reg DIN; reg ND; reg [8:0] INDEX; reg [1:0] MODE; always @ (negedge DINT_RST or posedge DINT_CLK) begin if(!DINT_RST) begin DIN <= 1'b0; ND <= 1'b0; INDEX <= 9'b000000000; MODE <= 2'b00; end else begin if (DINT_ND) begin DIN <= DINT_DIN; ND <= DINT_ND; INDEX <= INDEX_IN; MODE <= MODE_CON; end else begin DIN <= 1'b0; ND <= 1'b0; INDEX <= 9'b000000000; end end end //------------------------------------------------------------------------ wire RST; //reset of IP core, enable under high leavel assign RST=~DINT_RST; // counter cycle is 384 to generate read address of DINT_RAM_1 wire [9:0] Q_1; //RCOUNT_1 counter of output rcount_1 RCOUNT_1 ( .Q(Q_1), .CLK(DINT_CLK), .CE(REN_1), .ACLR(RST) ); wire [9:0] RA_1; //DINT_RAM_1 read address assign RA_1 = Q_1; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ reg WAC_1; //control write address of 1st interleaver reg [9:0] WA_1; //DINT_RAM_1 write address reg WEN_1; //DINT_RAM_1 enable write reg REN_1; //DINT_RAM_1 enable read reg DIN_1; //DINT_RAM_1 input register reg DINT_RDY_1; //DINT_RAM_1 enable output always @ (negedge DINT_RST or posedge DINT_CLK) begin if(!DINT_RST) begin WAC_1 <= 1'b0; WA_1 <= 10'b0000000000; WEN_1 <= 1'b0; DIN_1 <= 1'b0; REN_1 <= 1'b0; DINT_RDY_1 <= 1'b0; end else begin case(MODE) 2'b10: begin if(ND) begin if(!WAC_1) // input data write in the BRAM first half part and the end alternatively, under control of WAC_1. WA_1 <= (INDEX[3:0]<<3)+(INDEX[3:0]<<2)+INDEX[8:4]; else WA_1 <= (INDEX[3:0]<<3)+(INDEX[3:0]<<2)+INDEX[8:4]+192; WEN_1 <= 1'b1; DIN_1 <= DIN; if(INDEX==191) begin WAC_1<=~WAC_1; REN_1<=1'b1; end end else begin WA_1<=10'b0000000000; WEN_1<=1'b0; DIN_1<=1'b0; end if (Q_1==191 || Q_1==383) //finish read of BRAM REN_1<=1'b0; end endcase ` if (REN_1) DINT_RDY_1<=1'b1; else DINT_RDY_1<=1'b0; end end //------------------------------------------------------------------------ wire DOUT_1; //DINT_RAM_1 output // BRAM: depth is 384 bits, the 1st interleaver BRAM to store the data which already adjust the order dint_ram DINT_RAM_1 ( .addra(WA_1), .addrb(RA_1), .clka(DINT_CLK), .clkb(DINT_CLK), .dina(DIN_1), .doutb(DOUT_1), .enb(REN_1), .sinitb(RST), .wea(WEN_1)); //------------------------------------------------------------------------ wire [4:0] Q_2; //RCOUNT_2 counter of output count24 WCOUNT_2 ( .Q(Q_2), .CLK(DINT_CLK), .CE(DINT_RDY_1), .ACLR(RST)); //------------------------------------------------------------------------ wire [4:0] RA_2; //DINT_RAM_2 read address count24 RCOUNT_2 ( .Q(RA_2), .CLK(DINT_CLK), .CE(REN_2), .ACLR(RST)); //------------------------------------------------------------------------ reg WEN_2; //DINT_RAM_2 enable write reg DIN_2; //DINT_RAM_2 input register reg WAC_2; //control write address of 2ed interleaver reg REN_2; //DINT_RAM_2 enable read reg DINT_DV; //enable output reg [4:0] WA_2; //DINT_RAM_2 write address always @ (negedge DINT_RST or posedge DINT_CLK) begin if(!DINT_RST) begin WEN_2 <= 1'b0; DIN_2 <= 1'b0; WAC_2 <= 1'b0; WA_2 <= 5'b00000; REN_2 <= 1'b0; DINT_DV <= 1'b0; DINT_DOUT <= 1'b0; DINT_RDY <= 1'b0; end else begin case(MODE) 2'b10: begin if(DINT_RDY_1) //input data to the 2ed interleaver after finish the 1st interleaver begin WEN_2 <= 1'b1; DIN_2 <= DOUT_1; if (WAC_2) //process the input data, change the write address or not with 12bits cycle alternatively, under control of WAC_2 begin WA_2[4:1] <= Q_2[4:1]; WA_2[0] <= ~Q_2[0]; end else WA_2 <= Q_2; end else begin WEN_2 <= 1'b0; DIN_2 <= 1'b0; end if (Q_2==11 || Q_2==23) //finish write, begin to read begin WAC_2<=~WAC_2; REN_2<=1'b1; end if (RA_2==23 && !DINT_RDY_1) REN_2<=1'b0; end endcase if(REN_2) DINT_DV<=1'b1; else DINT_DV<=1'b0; if(DINT_DV) //data output begin DINT_DOUT <= DOUT_2; DINT_RDY <= 1'b1; end else begin DINT_DOUT <=1'b0; DINT_RDY <=1'b0; end end end //------------------------------------------------------------------------ wire DOUT_2; //DINT_RAM_2 output // BRAM: depth is 32bits, as 2ed interleaver, change the write address too dint_ram2 DINT_RAM_2 ( .A(WA_2), .CLK(DINT_CLK), .D(DIN_2), .WE(WEN_2), .DPRA(RA_2), .QDPO_CLK(DINT_CLK), .QDPO(DOUT_2), .QSPO(QSPO), .QDPO_RST(RST)); endmodule