C# 执行存储过程 方法



  1 #region 通过检验类别提取检验项目
  2     protected void Search1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
  3     {
  5         string sqlLab = " Status='0' ";
  6         if (DDL_Class.SelectedValue != "--项目类别--")
  7         {
  8             sqlLab += " and item_class='" + DDL_Class.SelectedValue + "'";
  9         }
 10         if (TB_LabName.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
 11         {
 12             sqlLab += " and item_name like '%" + TB_LabName.Text.Trim() + "%'";
 13         }
 14         dtItem = Item.GetList(sqlLab + "  order by Item_name ").Tables["ds"];
 16         string itemcodes = "";//需要获取价格的项目编码组合
 17         foreach (DataRow myrow in dtItem.Rows)
 18         {
 19             itemcodes += myrow["Item_Code"].ToString() + "^";
 20         }
 21         itemcodes = itemcodes.Substring(0, itemcodes.Length - 1);        
 22         getcodelist(itemcodes, 5);//分批执行存储过程
 23         RBL_List.DataSource = dtitem.DefaultView;
 24         RBL_List.DataTextField = "item_codeAnPrice";
 25         RBL_List.DataValueField = "item_code";
 26         RBL_List.DataBind();
 27     }
 29     /// <summary>
 30     /// 分批执行存储过程
 31     /// 因为存储过程不允许返回的字符串的长度超过4000
 32     /// </summary>
 33     /// <param name="itemcodes"></param>
 34     /// <param name="n"></param>
 35     public void getcodelist(string itemcodes, int n)
 36     {
 37         string items = "";
 38         if (Regex.Matches(itemcodes, "\\^").Count > n)
 39         {
 40             string[] b = itemcodes.Split('^');
 41             for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
 42             {
 43                 items += b[i] + "^";
 44             }
 45             items = items.Substring(0, items.Length - 1);
 46             //执行存储过程
 47             getStoredProcName(items, dtitem);
 48             //递归
 49             getcodelist(itemcodes.Substring(items.Length - 1, itemcodes.Length - items.Length), n);
 50         }
 51         else
 52         {
 53             items = itemcodes;
 54             //执行存储过程
 55             getStoredProcName(items, dtitem);
 56         }
 57     }
 59     /// <summary>
 60     /// 执行存储过程
 61     /// </summary>
 62     /// <param name="items"></param>
 63     /// <param name="dtitem"></param>
 64     public void getStoredProcName(string items, DataTable dtitem)
 65     {
 66         //获取项目对应的价格
 67         //存储过程的参数声明  
 68         OracleParameter[] parameters ={
 69          new OracleParameter("inputExecType",OracleType.Number),
 70            new OracleParameter("inputPara",OracleType.NVarChar,1000),
 71          new OracleParameter("returnCode",OracleType.Number) ,
 72                                              new OracleParameter("returnTxt",OracleType.NVarChar,1000)
 73         };
 74         parameters[0].Value = 0;
 75         parameters[0].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
 76         parameters[1].Value = items;
 77         parameters[1].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
 78         parameters[2].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
 79         parameters[3].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
 80         RunProcedure("StoredProcName", parameters);
 81         if (parameters[2].Value.ToString() == "1")
 82         {
 83             string itemprices = parameters[3].Value.ToString();//ROW:Search^1^C20130322001^B型钠尿肽前体测定(心衰全定量)^224^血清
 84             itemprices = itemprices.Replace("ROW:Search", "|");
 85             string[] itemall = itemprices.Split('|');//^1^C20130322001^B型钠尿肽前体测定(心衰全定量)^224^血清
 86             for (int i = 1; i < itemall.Length; i++)
 87             {
 88                 DataRow newRow;
 89                 string[] item = itemall[i].Split('^');
 90                 newRow = dtitem.NewRow();
 91                 newRow["item_code"] = item[2];//项目编号
 92                 newRow["item_name"] = item[3];//项目名字
 93                 newRow["item_price"] = item[4];//项目价格
 94                 newRow["item_codeAnPrice"] = item[3].ToString() + "    " + item[4] + "";
 95                 dtitem.Rows.Add(newRow);
 96                 dtitem.AcceptChanges();//这一句很重要,否则每次新增的纪录会覆盖久的纪录
 97             }
 98         }
 99     }  
101     private void RunProcedure(string storedProcName, OracleParameter[] parameters)
102     {
104         OracleConnection oc = new OracleConnection("Data Source=DataSource;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=username;Password=pas;Unicode=True;Max Pool Size = 512;");
105         oc.Open();
106         OracleCommand ocm = oc.CreateCommand();
107         ocm.CommandText = storedProcName;//声明存储过程名 
108         ocm.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
109         foreach (OracleParameter parameter in parameters)
110         {
111             ocm.Parameters.Add(parameter);
112         }
113         ocm.ExecuteNonQuery();//执行存储过程 
114         oc.Close();
115     }
117     #endregion


posted @ 2021-02-19 11:05  小小枝子  阅读(454)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报