
How You Can Stop Limiting Beliefs and Take Back Your Life

2012-12-19 10:04  PingX  阅读(209)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报




In this life, you are the only person who holds the keys to your life. This means that you have the power to either make or break it. You’ve heard countless times that you only have one life and that life is short thus, you need to live it to the fullest. Most of the time, the situations you have to face are a result of false beliefs that you desperately try to cling to. These beliefs may be self-imposed or you might have gotten them from peers, friends, relatives, or people you look up to.

Regardless of where these beliefs come from, it is important to find the right solutions to help you stop limiting beliefs and regain your life. Below you will find some suggestions that can help you get back on track.

Question the limiting beliefs

There are very many times when we accept limiting beliefs or thoughts automatically. Why you ask? Probably because somewhere along your life, you have learned to do this. If you want to regain your life however, it’s about time to start questioning and challenging those limitations. This can be as simple as asking you “How do I know I can’t?” Keep probing even when your subconscious mind has already given you the automatic NO. This conversation should be kept alive until you realize that the limitation holding you back was just an illusion.

Take time off

One of the reasons why you could be choosing to follow beliefs that limit you in one way or another is because your judgment may be clouded. Take a little time off so that you can approach the situation with a clear mind for better results. This allows you to evaluate the areas in life where you might feel stuck, trapped or stressed. It is important to note that you only feel this way because you want to. You can choose to release these negative or frustrating emotions and start looking at the glass as half-full rather than half empty.

Get out of your comfort zone

You might be affected by limiting thoughts simply because you feel safe or are “used” to being in a certain situation. Try and take a few steps and wade into unfamiliar territories. This will take you outside the borders of your limited behavior and thinking capabilities. At this point, you get to ask yourself a very important question “How can this be done?” Take small yet powerful steps towards finding innovative or successful solutions. Someone once said “A journey of a thousand mile starts with one step.” This means that you have to look for a starting point. Taking this step, helps individuals to redefine what they think they can achieve. It is always important to remember that you can achieve more or do more than you think you can. Switch the gears of your life and adopt a “can do” attitude and you will be surprised as to how far you can go in life.

Learn from your past

Drowning yourself in the sorrows of yesterday will do nothing for your future. This will only leave you locked into a cocoon of self-pity, which is a very dangerous spot. It is important to learn to pick yourself up, dust off, and move on with your head held high. It took Thomas Edison about 10, 000 tries to make the light bulb. When he was interviewed by a reporter who asked him whether he felt like a failure, he simply answered, “Young man, why would I feel like a failure? And why would I ever give up? I now know definitively over 9,000 ways that an electric light bulb will not work. Success is almost in my grasp.” If he was discouraged by his first attempt and wallowed in failure, he would probably not have made history. Take life lessons from this master who invented the light bulb and regain your life in an instant.

Don’t label yourself

To be successful in life, you have to watch your language. Don’t paste labels on your life that could end up pulling you down. Someone once said, “What you say, you become.” If you label and think of yourself as a failure, you will most probably end up as one. The fact that you are a human being means that you are more flexible than you could ever imagine; just look at all the great things around you. They were once an idea from someone who worked hard to make sure his or her dream was achieved. You are not controlling or submissive, close-minded or inquisitive, sensitive or strong, you are a combination of all of the above. Just like a carpenter who used a wide array of tools for his work, you should also maximize your full personality spectrum to accomplish more, have better relationships and generally be happy.

Look for direction

Just because you think you can’t see the way, does not mean that the way is not there. There are very many times when you allow limiting beliefs to take a central role in your life and end up quitting on things that were close to fruition. Move in a direction that you feel is ideal. If for any reason it is not, turn back and take the next turn. Never ever, think that it is a little too late to change your life. That’s just wrong. First, you need to understand that people live longer nowadays, and most of the age stereotypes are slowly becoming outdated. Secondly, it is better to have lived everyday of your life as a growing individual rather than a shrinking one. It is also important to note that chances of getting instant success are almost zero to nil. You have to dream and be well prepared to be a successful person.

Getting motivated to get started can be hard for some. Here is a great article called Hack Your Mind to Get Motivated.

Learn how to deal effectively with outer limitations. You would probably astonish yourself if you broke the bounds of limiting beliefs and searched for more options, made more phone calls, knocked more doors and explored extra resources.

Featured photo credit:  Desert highway road to horizon via Shutterstock

Daniel is the founder of one of the internet's best personal development sites personaldevelopment123.net . He is a young and well educated individual with a real passion for what he does. His areas of specialty are personal development, life improvement, self-help, motivation, relationships, personal finance, and helping others. You can visit his site here or subscribe to his feed.

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