word2vec 构建中文词向量
本文采用的是搜狗实验室的搜狗新闻语料库,数据链接 http://www.sogou.com/labs/resource/cs.php
下载下来的文件名为: news_sohusite_xml.full.tar.gz
2.1 解压并查看原始数据
cd 到原始文件目录下,执行解压命令:
tar -zvxf news_sohusite_xml.full.tar.gz
得到文件 news_sohusite_xml.dat, 用vim打开该文件,
vim news_sohusite_xml.dat
2.2 取出内容
取出<content> </content> 中的内容,执行如下命令:
cat news_tensite_xml.dat | iconv -f gbk -t utf-8 -c | grep "<content>" > corpus.txt
得到文件名为corpus.txt的文件,可以通过vim 打开
vim corpus.txt
2.3 分词
注意,送给word2vec的文件是需要分词的,分词可以采用jieba分词实现,安装jieba 分词
pip install jieba
对原始文本内容进行分词,python 程序如下:
1 ##!/usr/bin/env python 2 ## coding=utf-8 3 import jieba 4 5 filePath='corpus.txt' 6 fileSegWordDonePath ='corpusSegDone.txt' 7 # read the file by line 8 fileTrainRead = [] 9 #fileTestRead = [] 10 with open(filePath) as fileTrainRaw: 11 for line in fileTrainRaw: 12 fileTrainRead.append(line) 13 14 15 # define this function to print a list with Chinese 16 def PrintListChinese(list): 17 for i in range(len(list)): 18 print list[i], 19 # segment word with jieba 20 fileTrainSeg=[] 21 for i in range(len(fileTrainRead)): 22 fileTrainSeg.append([' '.join(list(jieba.cut(fileTrainRead[i][9:-11],cut_all=False)))]) 23 if i % 100 == 0 : 24 print i 25 26 # to test the segment result 27 #PrintListChinese(fileTrainSeg[10]) 28 29 # save the result 30 with open(fileSegWordDonePath,'wb') as fW: 31 for i in range(len(fileTrainSeg)): 32 fW.write(fileTrainSeg[i][0].encode('utf-8')) 33 fW.write('\n')
可以得到文件名为 corpusSegDone.txt 的文件,需要注意的是,对于读入文件的每一行,使用结巴分词的时候并不是从0到结尾的全部都进行分词,而是对[9:-11]分词 (如行22中所示: fileTrainRead[i][9:-11] ),这样可以去掉每行(一篇新闻稿)起始的<content> 和结尾的</content>。
同样的,可以通过vim 打开分词之后的文件,执行命令:
vim corpusSegDone.txt
3.1 安装word2vec
pip install word2vec
3.2 构建词向量
import word2vec word2vec.word2vec('corpusSegDone.txt', 'corpusWord2Vec.bin', size=300,verbose=True)
即可构建词向量,得到结果放在文件名为 corpusWord2Vec.bin的文件中。可以通过设定size 的大小来指定词向量的维数。用vim打开生成的二进制文件会出现乱码,目前不知道解决方法。
3.3 显示并使用词向量
3.3.1 查看词向量
import word2vec model = word2vec.load('corpusWord2Vec.bin') print (model.vectors)
3.3.2 查看词表中的词
import word2vec model = word2vec.load('corpusWord2Vec.bin') index = 1000 print (model.vocab[index]
可以得到词表中第1000个词为 确保。
3.3.3 显示空间距离相近的词
import word2vec model = word2vec.load('corpusWord2Vec.bin') indexes = model.cosine(u'加拿大') for index in indexes[0]: print (model.vocab[index])
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding=utf-8 import numpy as np import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.decomposition import PCA import word2vec # load the word2vec model model = word2vec.load('corpusWord2Vec.bin') rawWordVec=model.vectors # reduce the dimension of word vector X_reduced = PCA(n_components=2).fit_transform(rawWordVec) # show some word(center word) and it's similar words index1,metrics1 = model.cosine(u'中国') index2,metrics2 = model.cosine(u'清华') index3,metrics3 = model.cosine(u'牛顿') index4,metrics4 = model.cosine(u'自动化') index5,metrics5 = model.cosine(u'刘亦菲') # add the index of center word index01=np.where(model.vocab==u'中国') index02=np.where(model.vocab==u'清华') index03=np.where(model.vocab==u'牛顿') index04=np.where(model.vocab==u'自动化') index05=np.where(model.vocab==u'刘亦菲') index1=np.append(index1,index01) index2=np.append(index2,index03) index3=np.append(index3,index03) index4=np.append(index4,index04) index5=np.append(index5,index05) # plot the result zhfont = matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties(fname='/usr/share/fonts/truetype/wqy/wqy-microhei.ttc') fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) for i in index1: ax.text(X_reduced[i][0],X_reduced[i][1], model.vocab[i], fontproperties=zhfont,color='r') for i in index2: ax.text(X_reduced[i][0],X_reduced[i][1], model.vocab[i], fontproperties=zhfont,color='b') for i in index3: ax.text(X_reduced[i][0],X_reduced[i][1], model.vocab[i], fontproperties=zhfont,color='g') for i in index4: ax.text(X_reduced[i][0],X_reduced[i][1], model.vocab[i], fontproperties=zhfont,color='k') for i in index5: ax.text(X_reduced[i][0],X_reduced[i][1], model.vocab[i], fontproperties=zhfont,color='c') ax.axis([0,0.8,-0.5,0.5]) plt.show()
中文的显示需要做特殊处理,详见代码 line: 37
源自: https://www.cnblogs.com/Newsteinwell/p/6034747.html