


Files opened by fopen_s and _wfopen_s are not sharable. If you require that a file be sharable, use _fsopen, _wfsopen with the appropriate sharing mode constant (for example, _SH_DENYNO for read/write sharing).


fopen_s打开的文件不是共享读写的!但是日志模块需要反复在同一个文件中读写,而且每次都调用了fopen_s,第二次调用的时候当然会出错了,错误代码是13,也就是EACCES (Permission denied)



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <share.h>

int main( void )
   FILE *stream;

   // Open output file for writing. Using _fsopen allows us to
   // ensure that no one else writes to the file while we are
   // writing to it.
   if( (stream = _fsopen( "outfile", "wt", _SH_DENYWR )) != NULL )
      fprintf( stream, "No one else in the network can write "
                       "to this file until we are done.\n" );
      fclose( stream );
   // Now others can write to the file while we read it.
   system( "type outfile" );
posted @ 2012-04-20 19:21  kcy-666  阅读(10179)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报