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1. 首先用LIMIT偏移QUERY的指针

    *    get hot post by current page
    *    @param [int]startNumOfPPost, [int]numOfPostPerPage
    *    @return [array]post
    function getHotPostByCurrectPage($startNumOfPPost, $numOfPostPerPage)
        consoleLog('CPost func getHotPostByCurrectPage');
        $sql = " SELECT id, category, date, authorId, editorId, title, abstract, abstractImg
                    FROM post
                        WHERE visitable = '1' AND isTop = '1'
                                ORDER BY date DESC, id DESC 
                                    LIMIT ".$startNumOfPPost.", ".$numOfPostPerPage;
        $result = mysql_query($sql);
        while ($post = mysql_fetch_array($result))
            $post['authorName'] = $this->getNameByUserId($post['authorId']);
            $post['editorName'] = $this->getNameByUserId($post['editorId']);
            $post['categoryName'] = $this->getCategoryNameById($post['category']);
            $arrPost[] = $post;
        return $arrPost;

2. Presenter渲染HTML

    function showHotPostList($currentPage)
        consoleLogWithTitle('PostPresenter func showHotPostList var currentPage', $currentPage);
        $postModel = $this->postModel;
        // get the first post id of current page
        $numOfPostPerPage = $this->numOfPostPerPage;
        $startNumOfPPost = ($currentPage-1)*$numOfPostPerPage;
        // get post from db
        $arrPost = $postModel->getHotPostByCurrectPage($startNumOfPPost, $numOfPostPerPage);

        foreach ($arrPost AS $post)
            echo '
                <div class="gobalPost">
                    <div class="gobalPostImg"> 
                        <a href="#"> <div class="gobalPostImgHeaderCentered" style="background-image: url(\''.$post['abstractImg'].'\');" ></div> </a>
                        <div class="gobalPostImgTag"> <a href="#">'.$post['categoryName'].'</a> </div> 
                    </div>  <!-- gobalPostImg -->

                    <div class="gobalPostContext">
                        <div class="fontSize20 color111">
                            <a href="../post/post.php?postId='.$post['id'].'">'.$post['title'].'</a>
                        <div class="mTop2 fontSize12 color666">
                            &nbsp  作者:<a href="#">'.$post['authorName'].'</a> 
                            &nbsp  编辑:<a href="#">'.$post['editorName'].'</a>
                        <div class="mTop8 fontSize13 color333">
                    </div> <!-- gobalPostContext -->
                </div> <!-- gobalPost -->

3. View,视图层




1. get amoumt of total post in db

2. prensenter render page selector 

    function getPageSelectorCellHTML($numOfPage)
        $selectorCellHTML = "";
        for ( $x = 1; $x <= $numOfPage; $x++)
            $selectorCellHTML .= ' <a class="item" href="../../view/home/index.php?currentPage='.$x.'">'.$x.'</a> ';
        return $selectorCellHTML;
    function renderPageSelector($currentPage)
        consoleLogWithTitle('PostPresenter func renderPageSelector var currentPage', $currentPage);
        $postModel = $this->postModel;
        $totalPost = count($postModel->getHotPostOrderById());
        $numOfPage = ceil($totalPost / $this->numOfPostPerPage);
        echo '
        <div class="ui basic very padded center aligned segment container">
            <div class="ui inverted pagination menu">
                <a class="item"><i class="icon purple left arrow"></i></a>
                <a class="item"><i class="icon purple right arrow"></i></a>



3. View

<?php $postPresenter->renderPageSelector($currentPage); ?>


posted on 2017-12-29 11:25  chankuang  阅读(355)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报