
数据库Table xxx is marked as crashed and should be repaired错误的解决方法服务器断电等原因可能导致数据表损坏,导致访问的时候提示:Table xxx is marked as crashed and should be repaired其中xxx为表的名称。

找到对应的表,使用 repair table table_name; 进行修复

mysql> select * from log_check_user;
ERROR 1194 (HY000): Table 'log_check_user' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
mysql> repair table log_check_user;
| Table                | Op     | Msg_type | Msg_text                                        |
| sg456.log_check_user | repair | info     | Wrong bytesec:   0-  0-  0 at 68974624; Skipped |
| sg456.log_check_user | repair | warning  | Number of rows changed from 428999 to 428998    |
| sg456.log_check_user | repair | status   | OK                                              |
3 rows in set (24.87 sec)

mysql> select * from log_check_user;


posted @ 2018-01-03 17:47  chenjianwen  阅读(6006)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报