Question[SQL]: The Fastest Way to Recompile All Stored Procedures

Question: The Fastest Way to Recompile All Stored Procedures

  I have a problem with a database running in SQL Server 6.5 (Service Pack 4). We moved the database (object transfer) from one machine to another last night, and an error (specific to a stored procedure) is cropping up. However, I can't tell which procedure is causing it. Permissions are granted in all of our stored procedures; is there a way from the isql utility to force all stored procedures to recompile?

     Tips: sp_recompile can recomplie a store procedure each time


Answer:在执行存储过程时,使用 with recompile 选项强制编译新的计划;使用sp_recompile系统存储过程强制在下次运行时进行重新编译

USE AdventureWorks;
EXEC sp_recompile N'Sales.Customer';





posted @ 2008-10-13 16:36  chenjunbiao  阅读(138)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报