Linux - Check If File Is Empty Or Not Using Shell Script
2023-07-21 15:21 jetwill 阅读(22) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报Linux - Check If File Is Empty Or Not Using Shell Script
How do I check if a file is empty or not using bash or ksh shell script under a UNIX / Linux / macOS / OS X / BSD family of operating systems? How do I check if a file is empty in Bash?
You can use the find command and other options as follows. The -s option to the test builtin check to see if FILE exists and has a size greater than zero. It returns true and false values to indicate that file is empty or has some data. This page shows how to check if a file is empty in Bash shell running on a Linux or Unix-like operating systems.
touch /tmp/file1
ls -l /tmp/file1
find /tmp -empty -name file1
#Sample outputs:
Bash Script – Check If File is Empty or Not With the -s Option
touch /tmp/f1
echo "data" >/tmp/f2
ls -l /tmp/f{1,2}
[ -s /tmp/f1 ]
echo $?
# output is 1
[ -s /tmp/f2 ]
echo $?
# out put is 0
# -s FILE FILE exists and has a size greater than zero