
经常用SQL ,有一些小的问题平时不注意也不会发现,下面这个问题是以前碰到过的,觉得有点意思,所以记录在此。


create table class( CID int identity , CNo varchar(8),CName varchar(10)

constraint [PK_Class] primary key nonclustered


   CID asc

) on [primary],

constraint [IX_Class_CNO] unique NONCLUSTERED


   [cNo] asc


) on [primary]




create table student( CID int , SNo varchar(8),SName varchar(10),CNO varchar(8)


constraint [PK_SNO] primary key clustered


   Sno asc

) on [primary]


) on [primary]




alter table student with nocheck add constraint [fk_student_CID] foreign key ([CID])

references class(cid)





insert into class(cno,cname)

select '0001','班级' union

select '0002','班级' union

select '0003','班级' union

select '0004','班级' union

select '0005','班级'



insert into student(cid,sno,sname,cNO)

select 1, 'S0001','学生' ,'S0001'union

select 1,'S0002','学生' ,'S0001'union

select 1,'S0003','学生','S0001'union

select 2,'S0004','学生' ,'S0002'union

select 2,'S0005','学生','S0002' union

select 2,'S0006','学生' ,'S0002'union

select 3,'S0007','学生' ,'S0003'union

select 3,'S0008','学生' ,'S0003'union

select 3,'S0009','学生' ,'S0003'union

select 4,'S0010','学生' ,'S0004'union

select 4,'S0011','学生','S0004' union

select 4,'S0012','学生' ,'S0004'union

select 5,'S0013','学生','S0005' union

select 5,'S0014','学生' ,'S0005'union

select 5,'S0015','学生','S0005' 




select * From class

select * From student



select * From dbo.class inner join dbo.student on dbo.class.CID = dbo.student.CID



select * From dbo.student where CID in (select CID from dbo.class where CName ='班级' )



select * From dbo.student where CID in (select CID from dbo.class where CName ='班级' )

and SName ='学生'



select * From dbo.student where CID in (select CID from dbo.class

where CName ='班级' and SName ='学生')



select * From dbo.student where CID in (select CID from dbo.class

where CNo ='0001' and SName ='学生')








select * From dbo.student where CID in (select CID from dbo.class

where student.CNO ='0001' and SName ='学生')



--以下语句会返回错误,指出列名'CNO' 不明确,因为解释器无法判断你的查询要采用哪个表的CNO字段


select * From dbo.class inner join dbo.student on dbo.class.CID = dbo.student.CID

where CNo='0001'




drop table student

drop table class






posted @ 2009-09-24 17:33  aohan  阅读(753)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报