An funy question!

Q: An int array, devide an array of integers into two parts, odd in the first part, and even in the second part.

We need some sub Function:
1: IsEven(int n) // n is Even or not
2: void Reorder(int *pData, unsigned int length, bool (*func)(int));

void Reorder(int *pData, unsigned int length, bool (*func)(int))
    if (Null==pData || length==0)
    int *Pbegin = pData;
    int *Pend = pdata+length-1;
        int temp;
        temp = * Pbegin;
        *Pbegin = *Pend;
        *Pend = temp;


bool IsEven(int n)

void ReorderOddEven(int *pData, unsigned int length)
      Reorder(pData, length, isEven);

posted @ 2007-09-21 22:05  HonestMan  阅读(181)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报