面试必会函数源代码 strcpy/memcpy/atoi/kmp/quicksort
- char * strcpy( char *strDest, const char *strSrc )
- {
- if(strDest == strSrc) { return strDest; }
- assert( (strDest != NULL) && (strSrc != NULL) );
- char *address = strDest;
- while( (*strDest++ = * strSrc++) != '\0' );
- return address;
- }
- <span style="font-size:18px;">char *strncpy(char *strDes, const char *strSrc, unsigned int count)
- {
- assert(strDes != NULL && strSrc != NULL);
- char *address = strDes;
- while (count-- && *strSrc != '\0')
- *strDes++ = *strSrc++;
- *strDes = '\0';
- return address;
- } </span>
- int strcmp(const char *s, const char *t)
- {
- assert(s != NULL && t != NULL);
- while (*s && *t && *s == *t)
- {
- ++ s;
- ++ t;
- }
- return (*s - *t);
- }
- char *strcat(char *strDes, const char *strSrc)
- {
- assert((strDes != NULL) && (strSrc != NULL));
- char *address = strDes;
- while (*strDes != '\0')
- ++ strDes;
- while ((*strDes ++ = *strSrc ++) != '\0')
- return address;
- }
- int strlen(const char *str)
- {
- assert(str != NULL);
- int len = 0;
- while (*str ++ != '\0')
- ++ len;
- return len;
- }
- char *strstr(const char *strSrc, const char *str)
- {
- assert(strSrc != NULL && str != NULL);
- const char *s = strSrc;
- const char *t = str;
- for (; *strSrc != '\0'; ++ strSrc)
- {
- for (s = strSrc, t = str; *t != '\0' && *s == *t; ++s, ++t)
- if (*t == '\0')
- return (char *) strSrc;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- char *strncat(char *strDes, const char *strSrc, unsigned int count)
- {
- assert((strDes != NULL) && (strSrc != NULL));
- char *address = strDes;
- while (*strDes != '\0')
- ++ strDes;
- while (count -- && *strSrc != '\0' )
- *strDes ++ = *strSrc ++;
- *strDes = '\0';
- return address;
- }
- int strncmp(const char *s, const char *t, unsigned int count)
- {
- assert((s != NULL) && (t != NULL));
- while (*s && *t && *s == *t && count --)
- {
- ++ s;
- ++ t;
- }
- return (*s - *t);
- }
- void *memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, unsigned int count)
- {
- assert((dest != NULL) && (src != NULL));
- void *address = dest;
- while (count --)
- {
- *(char *) dest = *(char *) src;
- dest = (char *) dest + 1;
- src = (char *) src + 1;
- }
- return address;
- }
- void *memccpy(void *dest, const void *src, int c, unsigned int count)
- {
- assert((dest != NULL) && (src != NULL));
- while (count --)
- {
- *(char *) dest = *(char *) src;
- if (* (char *) src == (char) c)
- return ((char *)dest + 1);
- dest = (char *) dest + 1;
- src = (char *) src + 1;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- int memcmp(const void *s, const void *t, unsigned int count)
- {
- assert((s != NULL) && (t != NULL));
- while (*(char *) s && *(char *) t && *(char *) s == *(char *) t && count --)
- {
- s = (char *) s + 1;
- t = (char *) t + 1;
- }
- return (*(char *) s - *(char *) t);
- }
- //@big:
- //要处理src和dest有重叠的情况,不是从尾巴开始移动就没问题了。
- //一种情况是dest小于src有重叠,这个时候要从头开始移动,
- //另一种是dest大于src有重叠,这个时候要从尾开始移动。
- void *memmove(void *dest, const void *src, unsigned int count)
- {
- assert(dest != NULL && src != NULL);
- char* pdest = (char*) dest;
- char* psrc = (char*) src;
- //pdest在psrc后面,且两者距离小于count时,从尾部开始移动. 其他情况从头部开始移动
- if (pdest > psrc && pdest - psrc < count)
- {
- while (count--)
- {
- *(pdest + count) = *(psrc + count);
- }
- } else
- {
- while (count--)
- {
- *pdest++ = *psrc++;
- }
- }
- return dest;
- }
- void *memset(void *str, int c, unsigned int count)
- {
- assert(str != NULL);
- void *s = str;
- while (count --)
- {
- *(char *) s = (char) c;
- s = (char *) s + 1;
- }
- return str;
- }
三、atoi && itoa
- //代码自己所写,不对地方请及时指正,谢谢!
- //inf用来标记作为判断是否越界
- //atoiFlag作为是否是正确结果的返回值
- const __int64 inf = (0x7fffffff);
- int atoiFlag;
- int atoi(const char* ch)
- {
- ASSERT(ch != NULL);
- atoiFlag = false;
- while (*ch == ' ' || *ch == '\t')
- ch ++;
- int isMinus = 1;
- if (*ch == '-')
- {
- isMinus = -1;
- ch ++;
- }
- else if (*ch == '+')
- {
- ch ++;
- }
- //判断非法
- if (!(*ch <= '9' && *ch >= '0'))
- return 0;
- __int64 ans = 0;
- while (*ch && *ch <= '9' && *ch >= '0')
- {
- ans *= 10;
- ans += *ch - '0';
- //判断越界
- if (ans > inf)
- {
- return inf;
- }
- ch ++;
- }
- ans *= isMinus;
- atoiFlag = true;
- return (int)ans;
- }
- //如何使用
- int main()
- {
- char a[100];
- while (scanf("%s", a) != EOF)
- {
- int ans = atoi(a);
- if (atoiFlag)
- printf("%d\n", ans);
- else if (ans == inf)
- puts("The data of crossing the line");
- else
- puts("Not is a integer");
- }
- return 0;
- }
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- char *myitoa(int num,char *str,int radix);
- int main()
- {
- int number = -123456;
- char string[25];
- myitoa(number, string, 16);
- printf("integer = %d string = %s\n", number, string);
- return 0;
- }
- /* 实现itoa函数的源代码 */
- char *myitoa(int num,char *str,int radix)
- {
- /* 索引表 */
- char index[]="0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
- unsigned unum; /* 中间变量 */
- int i=0,j,k;
- /* 确定unum的值 */
- if(radix==10&&num<0) /* 十进制负数 */
- {
- unum=(unsigned)-num;
- str[i++]='-';
- }
- else unum=(unsigned)num; /* 其他情况 */
- /* 逆序 */
- do
- {
- str[i++]=index[unum%(unsigned)radix];
- unum/=radix;
- }while(unum);
- str[i]='\0';
- /* 转换 */
- if(str[0]=='-') k=1; /* 十进制负数 */
- else k=0;
- /* 将原来的“/2”改为“/2.0”,保证当num在16~255之间,radix等于16时,也能得到正确结果 */
- char temp;
- for(j=k;j<=(i-k-1)/2.0;j++)
- {
- temp=str[j];
- str[j]=str[i-j-1];
- str[i-j-1]=temp;
- }
- return str;
- }
四、kmp && quicksort
- void getNext(const char* p, int next[])
- {
- next[0] = -1;
- int index = 0;
- int p_l = strlen(p);
- for (int i=1; i<p_l; i++)
- {
- index = next[i-1];
- while (index >= 0 && p[index+1] != p[i])
- {
- index = next[index];
- }
- if (p[index+1] == p[i])
- {
- next[i] = index + 1;
- }
- else
- {
- next[i] = -1;
- }
- }
- }
- int kmp(const char* t, const char* p)
- {
- const int t_l = strlen(t);
- const int p_l = strlen(p);
- int Next = new int[p_l + 1];
- getNext(p, Next);
- int p_index = 0, t_index = 0;
- int cnt = 0;
- while (p_index < p_l && t_index < t_l)
- {
- if (t[t_index] == p[p_index])
- {
- t_index ++;
- p_index ++;
- }
- else if (p_index == 0)
- {
- t_index ++;
- }
- else
- {
- p_index = Next[p_index-1] + 1;
- }
- if (p_index == p_l)
- {
- cnt ++;
- p_index = Next[p_index-1] + 1;
- }
- }
- delete[] Next;
- return cnt;
- }
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <time.h>
- int partion(int a[], int p, int r)
- {
- srand((unsigned)time(NULL));
- int e = rand()%(r-p+1)+p;
- int tmp = a[e];
- a[e] = a[r];
- a[r] = tmp;
- int x = a[r];
- int i, j;
- i = p;
- for (j=p; j<r; j++)
- {
- if (a[j] <= x)
- {
- tmp = a[i];
- a[i] = a[j];
- a[j] = tmp;
- i ++;
- }
- }
- tmp = a[r];
- a[r] = a[i];
- a[i] = tmp;
- return i;
- }
- void QuickSort(int a[], int p, int r)
- {
- if (p < r)
- {
- int q = partion(a, p, r);
- QuickSort(a, p, q-1);
- QuickSort(a, q+1, r);
- }
- }
- int main()
- {
- int a[] = {1,2,3,-1,5,-9,10,33,0};
- QuickSort(a, 0, 8);
- for (int i=0; i<9; i++)
- {
- printf("%d\t", a[i]);
- }
- return 0;
- }