github n addabaji-ci/dabo-0.9.13/dabo-0.9.13/dabo/ui/uiwx/

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  import copy
  import sys
  import datetime
  import locale
  import time
  import operator
  import re
  import warnings
  from decimal import Decimal
  from decimal import InvalidOperation
  import wx
  import wx.grid
  from wx._core import PyAssertionError
  import dabo
  from dabo.ui import makeDynamicProperty
  if __name__ == "__main__":
  import dabo.dEvents as dEvents
  import dabo.dException as dException
  from dabo.dLocalize import _, n_
  from dabo.lib.utils import ustr
  import dControlMixin as cm
  import dKeys
  import dUICursors
  import dabo.dColors as dColors
  from dabo.dObject import dObject
  import dabo.lib.dates
  from dabo.lib.utils import noneSortKey, caseInsensitiveSortKey
  from dabo.dBug import loggit
  # Make this locale-independent
  # JK: We can't set this up on module load because locale
  # is set not until dApp is completely setup.
  decimalPoint = None
  class dGridDataTable(wx.grid.PyGridTableBase):
  def __init__(self, parent):
  super(dGridDataTable, self).__init__()
  self.grid = parent
  def _clearCache(self):
  self.__cachedVals = {}
  self.__cachedAttrs = {}
  def _initTable(self):
  self.colDefs = []
  self._oldRowCount = 0
  def GetAttr(self, row, col, kind=0):
  col = self._convertWxColNumToDaboColNum(col)
  if col is None:
  # Empty grid so far, no biggie:
  return self.grid._defaultGridColAttr.Clone()
  cv = self.__cachedAttrs.get((row, col))
  if cv:
  diff = time.time() - cv[1]
  if diff < 10: ## if it's been less than this # of seconds.
  return cv[0].Clone()
  dcol = self.grid.Columns[col]
  if dcol._gridCellAttrs:
  attr = dcol._gridCellAttrs.get(row, dcol._gridColAttr).Clone()
  attr = dcol._gridColAttr.Clone()
  ## Now, override with a custom renderer for this row/col if applicable.
  ## Note that only the renderer is handled here, as we are segfaulting when
  ## handling the editor here.
  r = dcol.getRendererClassForRow(row)
  if r is not None:
  rnd = r()
  if r in (dcol.floatRendererClass, dcol.decimalRendererClass):
  # Now check for alternate row coloration
  if self.alternateRowColoring:
  attr.SetBackgroundColour((self.rowColorEven, self.rowColorOdd)[row % 2])
  # Prevents overwriting when a long cell has None in the one next to it.
  self.__cachedAttrs[(row, col)] = (attr.Clone(), time.time())
  return attr
  def GetRowLabelValue(self, row):
  return self.grid.RowLabels[row]
  except IndexError:
  return ""
  def GetColLabelValue(self, col):
  return ""
  def setColumns(self, colDefs):
  """Create columns based on passed list of column definitions."""
  if colDefs == self.colDefs:
  # Already done, no need to take the time.
  for idx, col in enumerate(colDefs):
  nm = col.DataField
  while not nm:
  nm = ustr(idx)
  idx += 1
  if nm in colDefs:
  nm = ""
  colName = "Column_%s" % nm
  pos = col._getUserSetting("Order")
  if pos is not None:
  col.Order = pos
  # If the data types are actual types and not strings, convert
  # them to common strings.
  if isinstance(col.DataType, type):
  typeDict = {
  str : "string",
  unicode : "unicode",
  bool : "bool",
  int : "integer",
  float : "float",
  long : "long", : "date",
  datetime.datetime : "datetime",
  datetime.time : "time",
  Decimal: "decimal"}
  col.DataType = typeDict[col.DataType]
  except KeyError:
  # Not one of the standard types. Extract it from
  # the string version of the type
  col.DataType = ustr(col.DataType).split("'")[1].lower()
  except IndexError:
  # Something's odd. Print an error message and move on.
  dabo.log.error("Unknown data type found in setColumns(): %s"
  % col.DataType)
  col.DataType = ustr(col.DataType)
  # Make sure that all cols have an Order set
  for num in range(len(colDefs)):
  col = colDefs[num]
  if col.Order < 0:
  col.Order = num
  self.colDefs = copy.copy(colDefs)
  def orderSort(self, col1, col2):
  return cmp(col1.Order, col2.Order)
  def convertType(self, typ):
  Convert common types, names and abbreviations for
  data types into the constants needed by the wx.grid.
  # Default
  ret = wx.grid.GRID_VALUE_STRING
  if type(typ) == str:
  lowtyp = typ.lower()
  lowtyp = typ
  if typ is Decimal:
  lowtyp = "decimal"
  if lowtyp in (bool, "bool", "boolean", "logical", "l"):
  ret = wx.grid.GRID_VALUE_BOOL
  if lowtyp in (int, long, "int", "integer", "bigint", "i", "long"):
  ret = wx.grid.GRID_VALUE_NUMBER
  elif lowtyp in (str, unicode, "char", "varchar", "text", "c", "s"):
  ret = wx.grid.GRID_VALUE_STRING
  elif lowtyp in (float, "float", "f", "decimal"):
  ret = wx.grid.GRID_VALUE_FLOAT
  elif lowtyp in (, datetime.datetime, datetime.time,
  "date", "datetime", "time", "d", "t"):
  ret = wx.grid.GRID_VALUE_DATETIME
  return ret
  def CanGetValueAs(self, row, col, typ):
  col = self._convertWxColNumToDaboColNum(col)
  if self.grid.useCustomGetValue:
  return self.grid.customCanGetValueAs(row, col, typ)
  dcol = self.grid.Columns[col]
  return typ == self.convertType(dcol.DataType)
  def CanSetValueAs(self, row, col, typ):
  col = self._convertWxColNumToDaboColNum(col)
  if self.grid.useCustomSetValue:
  return self.grid.customCanSetValueAs(row, col, typ)
  dcol = self.grid.Columns[col]
  return typ == self.convertType(dcol.DataType)
  def fillTable(self, force=False):
  Fill the grid's data table to match the data set. Returns the number
  of rows in the table.
  _oldRowCount = self._oldRowCount
  # Get the data from the grid.
  bizobj = self.grid.getBizobj()
  if bizobj:
  dataSet = bizobj
  _newRowCount = dataSet.RowCount
  self._bizobj = bizobj
  self._bizobj = None
  dataSet = self.grid.DataSet
  if dataSet is None:
  return 0
  _newRowCount = len(dataSet)
  if _oldRowCount is None:
  ## still haven't tracked down why, but bizobj grids needed _oldRowCount
  ## to be initialized to None, or extra rows would be added. Since we
  ## aren't a bizobj grid, we need to change that None to 0 here so that
  ## the rows can get appended below.
  _oldRowCount = 0
  if _oldRowCount == _newRowCount and not force:
  return _newRowCount
  # Column widths come from multiple places. In decreasing precedence:
  # 1) dApp user settings,
  # 2) col.Width (as set by the Width prop or by the fieldspecs)
  # 3) have the grid autosize
  for idx, col in enumerate(self.grid._columns):
  gridCol = idx
  # 1) Try to get the column width from the saved user settings:
  width = col._getUserSetting("Width")
  if width is None:
  # 2) Try to get the column width from the column definition:
  width = col.Width
  if width is None or (width < 0):
  # 3) Have the grid autosize:
  col.Width = width
  # Show the row labels, if any
  for idx, label in enumerate(self.grid.RowLabels):
  self.SetRowLabelValue(idx, label)
  self._oldRowCount = _newRowCount
  return _newRowCount
  # The following methods are required by the grid, to find out certain
  # important details about the underlying table.
  # def GetNumberRows(self):
  # bizobj = self.grid.getBizobj()
  # if bizobj:
  # return bizobj.RowCount
  # try:
  # num = len(self.grid.DataSet)
  # except:
  # num = 0
  # return num
  # def GetNumberCols(self, useNative=False):
  # if useNative:
  # return super(dGridDataTable, self).GetNumberCols()
  # else:
  # return self.grid.ColumnCount
  # def IsEmptyCell(self, row, col):
  # if row >= self.grid.RowCount:
  # return True
  # return False
  def GetValue(self, row, col, useCache=True, convertNoneToString=True,
  dynamicUpdate=True, _fromGridEditor=False):
  col = self._convertWxColNumToDaboColNum(col)
  if useCache and not _fromGridEditor:
  cv = self.__cachedVals.get((row, col))
  if cv:
  diff = time.time() - cv[1]
  if diff < 10: ## if it's been less than this # of seconds.
  return cv[0]
  if col is None:
  # No corresponding Dabo column for this column; must be not visible.
  return ""
  bizobj = self.grid.getBizobj()
  col_obj = self.grid.Columns[col]
  field = col_obj.DataField
  if dynamicUpdate:
  ret = ""
  if bizobj:
  if field and (row < bizobj.RowCount):
  ret = bizobj.getFieldVal(field, row)
  except dException.FieldNotFoundException:
  if not _fromGridEditor:
  ret = self.getStringValue(ret)
  ret = self.grid.DataSet[row][field]
  except (TypeError, IndexError, KeyError):
  if ret is None and convertNoneToString:
  ret = self.grid.NoneDisplay
  if not _fromGridEditor:
  self.__cachedVals[(row, col)] = (ret, time.time())
  return ret
  def getStringValue(self, val):
  """Get the string value to display in the grid."""
  if isinstance(val, datetime.datetime):
  return dabo.lib.dates.getStringFromDateTime(val)
  elif isinstance(val,
  return dabo.lib.dates.getStringFromDate(val)
  return val
  def SetValue(self, row, col, value, _fromGridEditor=False):
  col = self._convertWxColNumToDaboColNum(col)
  self.grid._setCellValue(row, col, value)
  if not _fromGridEditor:
  # Update the cache
  self.__cachedVals[(row, col)] = (value, time.time())
  self.grid.afterCellEdit(row, col)
  def _convertWxColNumToDaboColNum(self, wxCol):
  return self.grid._convertWxColNumToDaboColNum(wxCol)
  class GridListEditor(wx.grid.GridCellChoiceEditor):
  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):"GridListEditor: Init ")
  super(GridListEditor, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
  def Create(self, parent, id, evtHandler, *args, **kwargs):"GridListEditor: Create")
  self.control = dabo.ui.dDropdownList(parent=parent, id=id,
  if evtHandler:
  # super(GridListEditor, self).Create(parent, id, evtHandler)
  def Clone(self):
  return self.__class__()
  def SetParameters(self, paramStr):"GridListEditor: SetParameters: %s" % paramStr)
  self.control.Choices = eval(paramStr)
  def BeginEdit(self, row, col, grid):"GridListEditor: BeginEdit (%d,%d)" % (row, col))
  self.value = grid.GetTable().GetValue(row, col)"GridListEditor: Value=%s" % self.value)"GridListEditor: Choices=%s" % self.control.Choices)
  self.control.Value = self.value
  except ValueError:"GridListEditor: Value not in Choices")
  def EndEdit(self, row, col, grid):"GridListEditor: EndEdit (%d,%d)" % (row, col))
  changed = False
  v = self.control.Value
  if v != self.value:
  changed = True
  if changed:
  grid.GetTable().SetValue(row, col, value)
  self.value = ""
  self.control.Value = self.value
  return changed
  def Reset(self):"GridListEditor: Reset")
  self.control.Value = self.value
  # def SetSize(self, rectorig):
  #"GridListEditor: SetSize: %s" % rectorig)
  #"GridListEditor: type of rectorig: %s" % type(rectorig))
  # # rect = wx.Rect(rectorig)
  # #"GridListEditor RECT: %s" % rect)
  # super(GridListEditor, self).SetSize(rectorig)
  def IsAcceptedKey(self, key):"GridListEditor: check key: %d" % (key))
  return true
  class dColumn(dabo.ui.dPemMixinBase.dPemMixinBase):
  These aren't the actual columns that appear in the grid; rather,
  they provide a way to interact with the underlying grid table in a more
  straightforward manner.
  _call_beforeInit, _call_afterInit, _call_initProperties = False, True, True
  def __init__(self, parent, properties=None, attProperties=None,
  *args, **kwargs):
  self._isConstructed = False
  self._dynamic = {}
  # Initialize the attributes for DataField and DataType
  self._dataField = ""
  self._dataType = ""
  self._expand = False
  # Default to 2 decimal places
  self._precision = 2
  # Do text columns wrap their long text?
  self._wordWrap = False
  # Is the column shown?
  self._visible = True
  # Holds the default renderer class for the column
  self._rendererClass = None
  # Custom editors/renderers
  self._customRenderers = {}
  self._customEditors = {}
  #Declare Internal Header Attributes
  self._headerVerticalAlignment = "Center"
  self._headerHorizontalAlignment = "Center"
  self._headerForeColor = None
  self._headerBackColor = None
  dataFieldSent = "DataField" in kwargs
  dataTypeSent = "DataType" in kwargs
  precisionSent = "Precision" in kwargs
  kwargs["Parent"] = parent
  # dColumn maintains one attr object that the grid table will use for
  # setting properties such as ForeColor and Font on the entire column.
  att = self._gridColAttr = parent._defaultGridColAttr.Clone()
  self._gridCellAttrs = {}
  super(dColumn, self).__init__(properties=properties, attProperties=attProperties,
  *args, **kwargs)
  self._baseClass = dColumn
  if dataFieldSent and not dataTypeSent:
  implicitPrecision = not precisionSent
  def _beforeInit(self):
  # Define the cell renderer and editor classes
  import gridRenderers
  self.stringRendererClass = wx.grid.GridCellStringRenderer
  self.wrapStringRendererClass = wx.grid.GridCellAutoWrapStringRenderer
  self.boolRendererClass = gridRenderers.BoolRenderer
  self.intRendererClass = wx.grid.GridCellNumberRenderer
  self.longRendererClass = wx.grid.GridCellNumberRenderer
  self.decimalRendererClass = wx.grid.GridCellFloatRenderer
  self.floatRendererClass = wx.grid.GridCellFloatRenderer
  self.listRendererClass = wx.grid.GridCellStringRenderer
  self.imageRendererClass = gridRenderers.ImageRenderer
  self.stringEditorClass = wx.grid.GridCellTextEditor
  self.wrapStringEditorClass = wx.grid.GridCellAutoWrapStringEditor
  self.boolEditorClass = wx.grid.GridCellBoolEditor
  self.intEditorClass = wx.grid.GridCellNumberEditor
  self.longEditorClass = wx.grid.GridCellNumberEditor
  self.decimalEditorClass = wx.grid.GridCellFloatEditor
  self.floatEditorClass = wx.grid.GridCellFloatEditor
  self.listEditorClass = wx.grid.GridCellChoiceEditor
  # self.listEditorClass = GridListEditor
  self.defaultRenderers = {
  "str" : self.stringRendererClass,
  "string" : self.stringRendererClass,
  "date" : self.stringRendererClass,
  "datetime" : self.stringRendererClass,
  "bool" : self.boolRendererClass,
  "int" : self.intRendererClass,
  "long" : self.longRendererClass,
  "decimal" : self.decimalRendererClass,
  "float" : self.floatRendererClass,
  "list" : self.listRendererClass,
  str : self.stringRendererClass,
  unicode : self.stringRendererClass, : self.stringRendererClass,
  datetime.datetime : self.stringRendererClass,
  bool : self.boolRendererClass,
  int : self.intRendererClass,
  long : self.longRendererClass,
  float : self.floatRendererClass,
  Decimal: self.decimalRendererClass,
  list : self.listRendererClass}
  self.defaultEditors = {
  "str" : self.stringEditorClass,
  "string" : self.stringEditorClass,
  "date" : self.stringEditorClass,
  "datetime" : self.stringEditorClass,
  "bool" : self.boolEditorClass,
  "int" : self.intEditorClass,
  "integer" : self.intEditorClass,
  "long" : self.longEditorClass,
  "decimal" : self.decimalEditorClass,
  "float" : self.floatEditorClass,
  "list" : self.listEditorClass,
  str : self.stringEditorClass,
  unicode : self.stringEditorClass, : self.stringEditorClass,
  datetime.datetime : self.stringEditorClass,
  bool : self.boolEditorClass,
  int : self.intEditorClass,
  long : self.longEditorClass,
  float : self.floatEditorClass,
  Decimal: self.decimalEditorClass,
  list : self.listEditorClass}
  # Default to string renderer
  self._rendererClass = self.stringRendererClass
  super(dColumn, self)._beforeInit()
  def _afterInit(self):
  self._isConstructed = True
  super(dColumn, self)._afterInit()
  def getDataTypeForColumn(self):
  typ = self.DataType
  except (dException.FieldNotFoundException, dException.NoRecordsException):
  typ = None
  return typ
  def _setRenderer(self):
  custom = self.CustomRendererClass
  if custom:
  self._rendererClass = custom
  typ = self.getDataTypeForColumn()
  self._rendererClass = self.defaultRenderers.get(typ, self.stringRendererClass)
  def _updateDynamicProps(self):
  for prop, func in self._dynamic.items():
  if prop[:4] != "Cell":
  if isinstance(func, tuple):
  args = func[1:]
  func = func[0]
  args = ()
  setattr(self, prop, func(*args))
  def _updateCellDynamicProps(self, row):
  kwargs = {"row": row}
  self._cellDynamicRow = row
  for prop, func in self._dynamic.items():
  if prop[:4] == "Cell":
  if isinstance(func, tuple):
  args = func[1:]
  func = func[0]
  args = ()
  setattr(self, prop, func(*args, **kwargs))
  del self._cellDynamicRow
  def _restoreFontZoom(self):
  if self.Form and self.Form.SaveRestorePosition:
  super(dColumn, self)._restoreFontZoom()
  def _getDefaultFont(self):
  ret = dabo.ui.dFont(Size=10, Bold=False, Italic=False,
  if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
  # The wx default is quite ugly
  ret.Face = "Arial"
  ret.Size = 9
  except dException.FontNotFoundException:
  # I had this happen to a customer running Win XP. No idea why Arial
  # would be missing. --pkm 2009-10-24
  return ret
  def _constructed(self):
  return self._isConstructed
  def release(self):
  Usually don't need this, but it helps to keep this in
  line with other Dabo objects.
  except ValueError:
  # Will happen when the column has already been removed
  def _setAbsoluteFontZoom(self, newZoom):
  origFontSize = self._origFontSize = getattr(self, "_origFontSize", self.FontSize)
  origHeaderFontSize = self._origHeaderFontSize = getattr(self, "_origHeaderFontSize", self.HeaderFontSize)
  fontSize = origFontSize + newZoom
  headerFontSize = origHeaderFontSize + newZoom
  self._currFontZoom = newZoom
  if fontSize > 1:
  self.FontSize = fontSize
  if headerFontSize > 1:
  self.HeaderFontSize = headerFontSize
  if self.Form is not None:
  dabo.ui.callAfterInterval(200, self.Form.layout)
  def _setEditor(self, row):
  Set the editor for the entire column based on the editor for this row.
  This is a workaround to a problem that is preventing us from setting the
  editor for a specific cell at the time the grid needs it.
  edClass = self.getEditorClassForRow(row)
  attr = self._gridColAttr.Clone()
  if edClass:
  kwargs = {}
  if edClass in (wx.grid.GridCellChoiceEditor,):
  kwargs["choices"] = self.getListEditorChoicesForRow(row)
  elif edClass in (wx.grid.GridCellFloatEditor,):
  kwargs["precision"] = self.Precision
  editor = edClass(**kwargs)
  # if edClass is self.floatEditorClass:
  # editor.SetPrecision(self.Precision)
  self._gridColAttr = attr
  def getListEditorChoicesForRow(self, row):
  """Return the list of choices for the list editor for the given row."""
  return self.CustomListEditorChoices.get(row, self.ListEditorChoices)
  def getEditorClassForRow(self, row):
  """Return the cell editor class for the passed row."""
  return self.CustomEditors.get(row, self.EditorClass)
  def _getValueForRow(self, row):
  if self.Parent:
  return self.Parent.getColumnValueByRow(self, row)
  def getRendererClassForRow(self, row):
  """Return the cell renderer class for the passed row."""
  if self._getValueForRow(row) == self.Parent.NoneDisplay:
  # Null values in the data should be rendered as strings,
  # no matter what type the column is.
  return self.stringRendererClass
  return self._customRenderers.get(row, self._rendererClass)
  def _getHeaderRect(self):
  """Return the rect of this header in the header window."""
  grid = self.Parent
  height = self.Parent.HeaderHeight
  width = self.Width
  top = 0
  # Thanks Roger Binns:
  left = -grid.GetViewStart()[0] * grid.GetScrollPixelsPerUnit()[0]
  for col in range(self.Parent.ColumnCount):
  colObj = self.Parent.Columns[col]
  if not colObj.Visible:
  if colObj == self:
  left += colObj.Width
  return wx.Rect(left, top, width, height)
  def _refreshHeader(self):
  """Refresh just this column's header."""
  if self.Parent:
  # This will trigger wx to query GetColLabelValue(), which will in turn
  # call paintHeader() on just this column. It's roundabout, but gives the
  # best overall results, but risks relying on wx implementation details.
  # Other options, in case this starts to fail, are:
  # self.Parent.Header.Refresh()
  # self.Parent._paintHeader(self._GridColumnIndex)
  self.Parent.SetColLabelValue(self.ColumnIndex, "")
  def _refreshGrid(self):
  """Refresh the grid region, not the header region."""
  if self.Parent:
  gw = self.Parent.GetGridWindow()
  def _persist(self, prop):
  """Persist the current prop setting to the user settings table."""
  self._setUserSetting(prop, getattr(self, prop))
  def _setDataTypeFromDataField(self, implicitPrecision=True):
  When a column has its DataField changed, we need to set the
  correct DataType based on the new value.
  if self.Parent:
  currDT = self.DataType
  dt = self.Parent.typeFromDataField(self.DataField, self)
  if dt not in (None, type(None)) and (dt != currDT):
  self.DataType = dt
  if dt is Decimal and implicitPrecision:
  self.Precision = self.Parent.precisionFromDataField(self.DataField)
  def _getUserSetting(self, prop):
  """Get the property value from the user settings table."""
  app = self.Application
  grid = self.Parent
  form = grid.Form
  colName = "column_%s" % self.DataField
  if app is not None and form is not None \
  and not hasattr(grid, "isDesignerControl"):
  settingName = "%s.%s.%s.%s" % (form.Name, grid.Name, colName, prop)
  return app.getUserSetting(settingName)
  return None
  def _setUserSetting(self, prop, val):
  """Set the property value to the user settings table."""
  app = self.Application
  grid = self.Parent
  form = grid.Form
  colName = "column_%s" % self.DataField
  if app is not None and form is not None \
  and not hasattr(grid, "isDesignerControl"):
  settingName = "%s.%s.%s.%s" % (form.Name, grid.Name, colName, prop)
  app.setUserSetting(settingName, val)
  def _getColumnIndex(self):
  """Return our column index in the grid, or -1."""
  return self.Parent.Columns.index(self)
  except (ValueError, AttributeError):
  return -1
  def _updateEditor(self):
  """The Field, DataType, or CustomEditor has changed: set in the attr"""
  editorClass = self.EditorClass
  if editorClass is None:
  editor = None
  kwargs = {}
  if editorClass in (wx.grid.GridCellChoiceEditor,):
  kwargs["choices"] = self.ListEditorChoices
  # Fix for editor precision issue.
  elif editorClass in (wx.grid.GridCellFloatEditor,):
  kwargs["precision"] = self.Precision
  editor = editorClass(**kwargs)
  def _updateRenderer(self):
  """The Field, DataType, or CustomRenderer has changed: set in the attr"""
  rendClass = self.CustomRendererClass or self.RendererClass
  if rendClass is None:
  renderer = None
  renderer = rendClass()
  def _onFontPropsChanged(self, evt):
  # Sent by the dFont object when any props changed. Wx needs to be notified:
  def _onHeaderFontPropsChanged(self, evt):
  # Sent by the dFont object when any props changed. Wx needs to be notified:
  def _setCellProp(self, wxPropName, *args, **kwargs):
  """Called from all of the Cell property setters."""
  ## dynamic prop uses cellDynamicRow; reg prop uses self.CurrentRow
  row = getattr(self, "_cellDynamicRow", self.Parent.CurrentRow)
  except dabo.ui.deadObjectException:
  # @dabo.ui.deadCheck didn't seem to work...
  cellAttr = obj = self._gridCellAttrs.get(row, self._gridColAttr.Clone())
  if "." in wxPropName:
  # For instance, Font.SetWeight
  wxPropName, subObject = wxPropName.split(".")
  obj = getattr(cellAttr, wxPropName)
  getattr(obj, subObject)(*args, **kwargs)
  setattr(cellAttr, wxPropName, obj)
  getattr(cellAttr, wxPropName)(*args, **kwargs)
  self._gridCellAttrs[row] = cellAttr
  def _getBackColor(self):
  return self._gridColAttr.GetBackgroundColour()
  def _setBackColor(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  if isinstance(val, basestring):
  val = dColors.colorTupleFromName(val)
  self._properties["BackColor"] = val
  def _getCaption(self):
  v = self._caption
  except AttributeError:
  v = self._caption = "Column"
  return v
  def _setCaption(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  self._caption = val
  self._properties["Caption"] = val
  def _getCellBackColor(self):
  row = self.Parent.CurrentRow
  cellAttr = self._gridCellAttrs.get(row, False)
  if cellAttr:
  return cellAttr.GetBackgroundColour()
  return self.BackColor
  def _setCellBackColor(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  if isinstance(val, basestring):
  val = dColors.colorTupleFromName(val)
  self._setCellProp("SetBackgroundColour", val)
  self._properties["CellBackColor"] = val
  def _getCellFontBold(self):
  row = self.Parent.CurrentRow
  cellAttr = self._gridCellAttrs.get(row, False)
  if cellAttr:
  return cellAttr.GetFont().GetWeight() == wx.BOLD
  return self.FontBold
  def _setCellFontBold(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  if val:
  self._setCellProp("Font.SetWeight", val)
  self._properties["CellFontBold"] = val
  def _getCellForeColor(self):
  row = self.Parent.CurrentRow
  cellAttr = self._gridCellAttrs.get(row, False)
  if cellAttr:
  return cellAttr.GetTextColour()
  return self.ForeColor
  def _setCellForeColor(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  if isinstance(val, basestring):
  val = dColors.colorTupleFromName(val)
  self._setCellProp("SetTextColour", val)
  self._properties["CellForeColor"] = val
  def _getCustomEditorClass(self):
  v = self._customEditorClass
  except AttributeError:
  v = self._customEditorClass = None
  return v
  def _setCustomEditorClass(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  self._customEditorClass = val
  self._properties["CustomEditorClass"] = val
  def _getCustomEditors(self):
  v = self._customEditors
  except AttributeError:
  v = self._customEditors = {}
  return v
  def _setCustomEditors(self, val):
  self._customEditors = val
  def _getCustomListEditorChoices(self):
  v = self._customListEditorChoices
  except AttributeError:
  v = self._customListEditorChoices = {}
  return v
  def _setCustomListEditorChoices(self, val):
  self._customListEditorChoices = val
  def _getCustomRendererClass(self):
  v = self._customRendererClass
  except AttributeError:
  v = self._customRendererClass = None
  return v
  def _setCustomRendererClass(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  self._customRendererClass = val
  self._properties["CustomRendererClass"] = val
  def _getCustomRenderers(self):
  v = self._customRenderers
  except AttributeError:
  v = self._customRenderers = {}
  return v
  def _setCustomRenderers(self, val):
  self._customRenderers = val
  def _getDataType(self):
  v = self._dataType
  except AttributeError:
  v = self._dataType = "str"
  return v
  def _setDataType(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  if isinstance(val, basestring):
  if val.lower().strip() in ("str", "string", "char", "varchar", ""):
  val = "str"
  if self._dataType == val:
  self._dataType = val
  if "Automatic" in self.HorizontalAlignment:
  self._properties["DataType"] = val
  def _getEditable(self):
  return not self._gridColAttr.IsReadOnly()
  def _setEditable(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  self._gridColAttr.SetReadOnly(not val)
  if self.Parent:
  self._properties["Editable"] = val
  def _getEditorClass(self):
  v = self.CustomEditorClass
  if v is None:
  v = self.defaultEditors.get(self.DataType)
  return v
  def _getExpand(self):
  return self._expand
  def _setExpand(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  self._expand = val
  self._properties["Expand"] = val
  def _getDataField(self):
  v = self._dataField
  except AttributeError:
  v = self._dataField = ""
  return v
  def _setDataField(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  if self._dataField:
  # Use a callAfter, since the parent may not be finished instantiating yet.
  self._dataField = val
  if not self.Name or self.Name == "?":
  self._name = _("col_%s") % val
  self._properties["DataField"] = val
  def _getFont(self):
  if hasattr(self, "_font"):
  v = self._font
  v = self.Font = dabo.ui.dFont(_nativeFont=self._gridColAttr.GetFont())
  return v
  def _setFont(self, val):
  assert isinstance(val, dabo.ui.dFont)
  if self._constructed():
  self._font = val
  val.bindEvent(dEvents.FontPropertiesChanged, self._onFontPropsChanged)
  self._properties["Font"] = val
  def _getFontBold(self):
  return self.Font.Bold
  def _setFontBold(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  self.Font.Bold = val
  self._properties["FontBold"] = val
  def _getFontDescription(self):
  return self.Font.Description
  def _getFontInfo(self):
  return self.Font._nativeFont.GetNativeFontInfoDesc()
  def _getFontItalic(self):
  return self.Font.Italic
  def _setFontItalic(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  self.Font.Italic = val
  self._properties["FontItalic"] = val
  def _getFontFace(self):
  return self.Font.Face
  def _setFontFace(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  self.Font.Face = val
  self._properties["FontFace"] = val
  def _getFontSize(self):
  return self.Font.Size
  def _setFontSize(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  self.Font.Size = val
  self._properties["FontSize"] = val
  def _getFontUnderline(self):
  return self.Font.Underline
  def _setFontUnderline(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  self.Font.Underline = val
  self._properties["FontUnderline"] = val
  def _getForeColor(self):
  return self._gridColAttr.GetTextColour()
  except wx.PyAssertionError:
  # Getting the color failed on Mac and win: "no default attr"
  default = dColors.colorTupleFromName("black")
  return default
  def _setForeColor(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  if isinstance(val, basestring):
  val = dColors.colorTupleFromName(val)
  self._properties["ForeColor"] = val
  def _getHeaderFont(self):
  if hasattr(self, "_headerFont"):
  v = self._headerFont
  v = self.HeaderFont = self._getDefaultFont()
  v.Bold = True
  return v
  def _setHeaderFont(self, val):
  assert isinstance(val, dabo.ui.dFont)
  if self._constructed():
  self._headerFont = val
  val.bindEvent(dEvents.FontPropertiesChanged, self._onHeaderFontPropsChanged)
  self._properties["HeaderFont"] = val
  def _getHeaderFontBold(self):
  return self.HeaderFont.Bold
  def _setHeaderFontBold(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  self.HeaderFont.Bold = val
  self._properties["HeaderFontBold"] = val
  def _getHeaderFontDescription(self):
  return self.HeaderFont.Description
  def _getHeaderFontInfo(self):
  return self.HeaderFont._nativeFont.GetNativeFontInfoDesc()
  def _getHeaderFontItalic(self):
  return self.HeaderFont.Italic
  def _setHeaderFontItalic(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  self.HeaderFont.Italic = val
  self._properties["HeaderFontItalic"] = val
  def _getHeaderFontFace(self):
  return self.HeaderFont.Face
  def _setHeaderFontFace(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  self.HeaderFont.Face = val
  self._properties["HeaderFontFace"] = val
  def _getHeaderFontSize(self):
  return self.HeaderFont.Size
  def _setHeaderFontSize(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  self.HeaderFont.Size = val
  self._properties["HeaderFontSize"] = val
  def _getHeaderFontUnderline(self):
  return self.HeaderFont.Underline
  def _setHeaderFontUnderline(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  self.HeaderFont.Underline = val
  self._properties["HeaderFontUnderline"] = val
  def _getHeaderBackColor(self):
  v = self._headerBackColor
  except AttributeError:
  v = self._headerBackColor = None
  return v
  def _setHeaderBackColor(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  if isinstance(val, basestring):
  val = dColors.colorTupleFromName(val)
  self._headerBackColor = val
  self._properties["HeaderBackColor"] = val
  def _getHeaderForeColor(self):
  v = self._headerForeColor
  except AttributeError:
  v = self._headerForeColor = None
  return v
  def _setHeaderForeColor(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  if isinstance(val, basestring):
  val = dColors.colorTupleFromName(val)
  self._headerForeColor = val
  self._properties["HeaderForeColor"] = val
  def _getHeaderHorizontalAlignment(self):
  val = self._headerHorizontalAlignment
  except AttributeError:
  val = self._headerHorizontalAlignment = None
  return val
  def _setHeaderHorizontalAlignment(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  v = self._expandPropStringValue(val, ("Left", "Right", "Center", None))
  self._headerHorizontalAlignment = v
  self._properties["HeaderHorizontalAlignment"] = val
  def _getHeaderVerticalAlignment(self):
  val = self._headerVerticalAlignment
  except AttributeError:
  val = self._headerVerticalAlignment = None
  return val
  def _setHeaderVerticalAlignment(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  v = self._expandPropStringValue(val, ("Top", "Bottom", "Center", None))
  self._headerVerticalAlignment = v
  self._properties["HeaderVerticalAlignment"] = val
  def _getHorizontalAlignment(self):
  auto = self._autoHorizontalAlignment
  except AttributeError:
  auto = self._autoHorizontalAlignment = True
  mapping = {wx.ALIGN_LEFT: "Left", wx.ALIGN_RIGHT: "Right",
  wx.ALIGN_CENTRE: "Center"}
  wxAlignment = self._gridColAttr.GetAlignment()[0]
  val = mapping[wxAlignment]
  except KeyError:
  val = "Left"
  if auto:
  val = "%s (Automatic)" % val
  return val
  def _setAutoHorizontalAlignment(self):
  dt = self.DataType
  if isinstance(dt, basestring):
  if dt in ("decimal", "float", "long", "integer"):
  self._setHorizontalAlignment("Right", _autoAlign=True)
  def _setHorizontalAlignment(self, val, _autoAlign=False):
  if self._constructed():
  val = self._expandPropStringValue(val, ("Automatic", "Left", "Right", "Center"))
  if val == "Automatic" and not _autoAlign:
  self._autoHorizontalAlignment = True
  if val != "Automatic" and not _autoAlign:
  self._autoHorizontalAlignment = False
  mapping = {"Left": wx.ALIGN_LEFT, "Right": wx.ALIGN_RIGHT,
  "Center": wx.ALIGN_CENTRE}
  wxHorAlign = mapping[val]
  except KeyError:
  wxHorAlign = mapping["Left"]
  val = "Left"
  wxVertAlign = self._gridColAttr.GetAlignment()[1]
  self._gridColAttr.SetAlignment(wxHorAlign, wxVertAlign)
  self._properties["HorizontalAlignment"] = val
  def _getListEditorChoices(self):
  v = self._listEditorChoices
  except AttributeError:
  v = []
  return v
  def _setListEditorChoices(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  self._listEditorChoices = val
  self._properties["ListEditorChoices"] = val
  def _getMovable(self):
  return getattr(self, "_movable", True)
  def _setMovable(self, val):
  self._movable = bool(val)
  def _getOrder(self):
  v = self._order
  except AttributeError:
  v = self._order = -1
  return v
  def _setOrder(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  self._order = val
  self._properties["Order"] = val
  def _getPrecision(self):
  return self._precision
  def _setPrecision(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  self._precision = val
  if self.Parent:
  dabo.ui.callAfterInterval(50, self.Parent.refresh)
  self._properties["Precision"] = val
  def _getRendererClass(self):
  return self._rendererClass
  def _getResizable(self):
  return getattr(self, "_resizable", True)
  def _setResizable(self, val):
  self._resizable = bool(val)
  def _getSearchable(self):
  v = self._searchable
  except AttributeError:
  v = self._searchable = True
  return v
  def _setSearchable(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  self._searchable = bool(val)
  self._properties["Searchable"] = val
  def _getSortable(self):
  v = self._sortable
  except AttributeError:
  v = self._sortable = True
  return v
  def _setSortable(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  self._sortable = bool(val)
  self._properties["Sortable"] = val
  def _getValue(self):
  grid = self.Parent
  if grid is None:
  return None
  biz = grid.getBizobj()
  if self.DataField:
  if biz and (grid.CurrentRow < biz.RowCount):
  return biz.getFieldVal(self.DataField)
  if grid.DataSet:
  return grid.DataSet[grid.CurrentRow][self.DataField]
  return None
  def _getVerticalAlignment(self):
  mapping = {wx.ALIGN_TOP: "Top", wx.ALIGN_BOTTOM: "Bottom",
  wx.ALIGN_CENTRE: "Center"}
  wxAlignment = self._gridColAttr.GetAlignment()[1]
  val = mapping[wxAlignment]
  except KeyError:
  val = "Top"
  return val
  def _setVerticalAlignment(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  val = self._expandPropStringValue(val, ("Top", "Bottom", "Center"))
  mapping = {"Top": wx.ALIGN_TOP, "Bottom": wx.ALIGN_BOTTOM,
  "Center": wx.ALIGN_CENTRE}
  wxVertAlign = mapping[val]
  except KeyError:
  wxVertAlign = mapping["Top"]
  val = "Top"
  wxHorAlign = self._gridColAttr.GetAlignment()[0]
  self._gridColAttr.SetAlignment(wxHorAlign, wxVertAlign)
  self._properties["VerticalAlignment"] = val
  def _getVisible(self):
  return self._visible
  def _setVisible(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  self._visible = val
  self.Parent.showColumn(self, val)
  self._properties["Visible"] = val
  def _getWidth(self):
  v = self._width
  except AttributeError:
  v = self._width = 150
  if self.Parent:
  idx = self.Parent._convertDaboColNumToWxColNum(self.ColumnIndex)
  if idx is not None:
  # Make sure the grid is in sync:
  self.Parent.SetColSize(idx, v)
  except wx.PyAssertionError:
  # The grid may still be in the process of being created, so pass.
  return v
  def _setWidth(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  if val == self._width:
  except AttributeError:
  self._width = val
  grd = self.Parent
  if grd:
  idx = grd._convertDaboColNumToWxColNum(self.ColumnIndex)
  if idx is not None:
  # Change the size in the wx grid:
  grd.SetColSize(idx, val)
  self._properties["Width"] = val
  def _getWordWrap(self):
  return self._wordWrap
  def _setWordWrap(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  if val != self._wordWrap:
  self._wordWrap = val
  if val:
  for typ in (unicode, "str", "string"):
  self.defaultRenderers[typ] = self.wrapStringRendererClass
  self.defaultEditors[typ] = self.wrapStringEditorClass
  for typ in (unicode, "str", "string"):
  self.defaultRenderers[typ] = self.stringRendererClass
  self.defaultEditors[typ] = self.stringEditorClass
  self._properties["WordWrap"] = val
  BackColor = property(_getBackColor, _setBackColor, None,
  _("Color for the background of each cell in the column."))
  Caption = property(_getCaption, _setCaption, None,
  _("Specifies the caption displayed in this column's header.") )
  ColumnIndex = property(_getColumnIndex, None,
  _("Returns the index of this column in the parent grid."))
  CellBackColor = property(_getCellBackColor, _setCellBackColor, None,
  _("Color for the background of the current cell in the column."))
  CellFontBold = property(_getCellFontBold, _setCellFontBold, None,
  _("Specifies whether the current cell's font is bold-faced."))
  CellForeColor = property(_getCellForeColor, _setCellForeColor, None,
  _("Color for the foreground (text) of the current cell in the column."))
  CustomEditorClass = property(_getCustomEditorClass,
  _setCustomEditorClass, None,
  _("""Custom Editor class for this column. Default: None.
  Set this to override the default editor class, which Dabo will
  select based on the data type of the field."""))
  CustomEditors = property(_getCustomEditors, _setCustomEditors, None,
  _("""Dictionary of custom editors for this column. Default: {}.
  Set this to override the default editor class on a row-by-row basis.
  If there is no custom editor class for a given row in CustomEditors,
  the CustomEditor property setting will apply."""))
  CustomListEditorChoices = property(_getCustomListEditorChoices,
  _setCustomListEditorChoices, None,
  _("""Dictionary of custom list choices for this column. Default: {}.
  Set this to override the default list choices on a row-by-row basis.
  If there is no custom entry for a given row in CustomListEditorChoices,
  the ListEditorChoices property setting will apply."""))
  CustomRendererClass = property(_getCustomRendererClass,
  _setCustomRendererClass, None,
  _("""Custom Renderer class for this column. Default: None.
  Set this to override the default renderer class, which Dabo will select based
  on the data type of the field."""))
  CustomRenderers = property(_getCustomRenderers, _setCustomRenderers, None,
  _("""Dictionary of custom renderers for this column. Default: {}.
  Set this to override the default renderer class on a row-by-row basis.
  If there is no custom renderer for a given row in CustomRenderers, the
  CustomRendererClass property setting will apply."""))
  DataType = property(_getDataType, _setDataType, None,
  _("Description of the data type for this column (str)") )
  Editable = property(_getEditable, _setEditable, None,
  _("""If True, and if the grid is set as Editable, the cell values in this
  column are editable by the user. If False, the cells in this column
  cannot be edited no matter what the grid setting is. When editable,
  incremental searching will not be enabled, regardless of the
  Searchable property setting. (bool)""") )
  EditorClass = property(_getEditorClass, None, None,
  _("""Returns the editor class used for cells in the column. This
  will be self.CustomEditorClass if set, or the default editor for the
  datatype of the field. (varies)"""))
  Expand = property(_getExpand, _setExpand, None,
  _("""Does this column expand/shrink as the grid width changes?
  Default=False (bool)"""))
  DataField = property(_getDataField, _setDataField, None,
  _("Field key in the data set to which this column is bound. (str)") )
  Font = property(_getFont, _setFont, None,
  _("The font properties of the column's cells. (dFont)") )
  FontBold = property(_getFontBold, _setFontBold, None,
  _("Specifies if the cell font (for all cells in the column) is bold-faced. (bool)") )
  FontDescription = property(_getFontDescription, None, None,
  _("Human-readable description of the column's cell font settings. (str)") )
  FontFace = property(_getFontFace, _setFontFace, None,
  _("Specifies the font face for the column cells. (str)") )
  FontInfo = property(_getFontInfo, None, None,
  _("Specifies the platform-native font info string for the column cells. Read-only. (str)") )
  FontItalic = property(_getFontItalic, _setFontItalic, None,
  _("Specifies whether the column's cell font is italicized. (bool)") )
  FontSize = property(_getFontSize, _setFontSize, None,
  _("Specifies the point size of the column's cell font. (int)") )
  FontUnderline = property(_getFontUnderline, _setFontUnderline, None,
  _("Specifies whether cell text is underlined. (bool)") )
  ForeColor = property(_getForeColor, _setForeColor, None,
  _("Color for the foreground (text) of each cell in the column."))
  HeaderBackColor = property(_getHeaderBackColor, _setHeaderBackColor, None,
  _("Optional color for the background of the column header (str)") )
  HeaderFont = property(_getHeaderFont, _setHeaderFont, None,
  _("The font properties of the column's header. (dFont)") )
  HeaderFontBold = property(_getHeaderFontBold, _setHeaderFontBold, None,
  _("Specifies if the header font is bold-faced. (bool)") )
  HeaderFontDescription = property(_getHeaderFontDescription, None, None,
  _("Human-readable description of the current header font settings. (str)") )
  HeaderFontFace = property(_getHeaderFontFace, _setHeaderFontFace, None,
  _("Specifies the font face for the column header. (str)") )
  HeaderFontInfo = property(_getHeaderFontInfo, None, None,
  _("Specifies the platform-native font info string for the column header. Read-only. (str)") )
  HeaderFontItalic = property(_getHeaderFontItalic, _setHeaderFontItalic, None,
  _("Specifies whether the header font is italicized. (bool)") )
  HeaderFontSize = property(_getHeaderFontSize, _setHeaderFontSize, None,
  _("Specifies the point size of the header font. (int)") )
  HeaderFontUnderline = property(_getHeaderFontUnderline, _setHeaderFontUnderline, None,
  _("Specifies whether column header text is underlined. (bool)") )
  HeaderForeColor = property(_getHeaderForeColor, _setHeaderForeColor, None,
  _("Optional color for the foreground (text) of the column header (str)") )
  HeaderHorizontalAlignment = property(_getHeaderHorizontalAlignment, _setHeaderHorizontalAlignment, None,
  _("Specifies the horizontal alignment of the header caption. ('Left', 'Center', 'Right')"))
  HeaderVerticalAlignment = property(_getHeaderVerticalAlignment, _setHeaderVerticalAlignment, None,
  _("Specifies the vertical alignment of the header caption. ('Top', 'Center', 'Bottom')"))
  HorizontalAlignment = property(_getHorizontalAlignment, _setHorizontalAlignment, None,
  _("""Horizontal alignment for all cells in this column. (str)
  Acceptable values are:
  'Automatic': The cell's contents will align right for numeric data, left for text. (default)
  'Right' """))
  ListEditorChoices = property(_getListEditorChoices, _setListEditorChoices, None,
  _("""Specifies the list of choices that will appear in the list. Only applies
  if the DataType is set as "list". (list)"""))
  Movable = property(_getMovable, _setMovable, None,
  _("""Specifies whether this column is movable by the user.
  Note also the dGrid.MovableColumns property - if that is set
  to False, columns will not be movable even if their Movable
  property is set to True."""))
  Order = property(_getOrder, _setOrder, None,
  _("""Order of this column. Columns in the grid are arranged according
  to their relative Order. (int)""") )
  Precision = property(_getPrecision, _setPrecision, None,
  _("Number of decimal places to display for float and decimal values (int)"))
  RendererClass = property(_getRendererClass, None, None,
  _("""Returns the renderer class used for cells in the column. This will be
  self.CustomRendererClass if set, or the default renderer class for the
  datatype of the field. (varies)"""))
  Resizable = property(_getResizable, _setResizable, None,
  _("""Specifies whether this column is resizable by the user.
  Note also the dGrid.ResizableColumns property - if that is set
  to False, columns will not be resizable even if their Resizable
  property is set to True."""))
  Searchable = property(_getSearchable, _setSearchable, None,
  _("""Specifies whether this column's incremental search is enabled.
  Default: True. The grid's Searchable property will override this setting.
  Sortable = property(_getSortable, _setSortable, None,
  _("""Specifies whether this column can be sorted. Default: True. The grid's
  Sortable property will override this setting. (bool)"""))
  Value = property(_getValue, None, None,
  _("""Returns the current value of the column from the underlying dataset or bizobj."""))
  VerticalAlignment = property(_getVerticalAlignment, _setVerticalAlignment, None,
  _("""Vertical alignment for all cells in this column. Acceptable values
  are 'Top', 'Center', and 'Bottom'. (str)"""))
  Visible = property(_getVisible, _setVisible, None,
  _("Controls whether the column is shown or not (bool)"))
  Width = property(_getWidth, _setWidth, None,
  _("Width of this column (int)") )
  WordWrap = property(_getWordWrap, _setWordWrap, None,
  _("When True, text longer than the column width will wrap to the next line (bool)"))
  # Dynamic Property Declarations
  DynamicBackColor = makeDynamicProperty(BackColor)
  DynamicCaption = makeDynamicProperty(Caption)
  DynamicCellBackColor = makeDynamicProperty(CellBackColor)
  DynamicCellFontBold = makeDynamicProperty(CellFontBold)
  DynamicCellForeColor = makeDynamicProperty(CellForeColor)
  DynamicCustomEditorClass = makeDynamicProperty(CustomEditorClass)
  DynamicCustomEditors = makeDynamicProperty(CustomEditors)
  DynamicCustomListEditorChoices = makeDynamicProperty(CustomListEditorChoices)
  DynamicCustomRendererClass = makeDynamicProperty(CustomRendererClass)
  DynamicCustomRenderers = makeDynamicProperty(CustomRenderers)
  DynamicDataField = makeDynamicProperty(DataField)
  DynamicDataType = makeDynamicProperty(DataType)
  DynamicEditable = makeDynamicProperty(Editable)
  DynamicFont = makeDynamicProperty(Font)
  DynamicFontBold = makeDynamicProperty(FontBold)
  DynamicFontFace = makeDynamicProperty(FontFace)
  DynamicFontItalic = makeDynamicProperty(FontItalic)
  DynamicFontSize = makeDynamicProperty(FontSize)
  DynamicFontUnderline = makeDynamicProperty(FontUnderline)
  DynamicForeColor = makeDynamicProperty(ForeColor)
  DynamicHeaderBackColor = makeDynamicProperty(HeaderBackColor)
  DynamicHeaderFont = makeDynamicProperty(HeaderFont)
  DynamicHeaderFontBold = makeDynamicProperty(HeaderFontBold)
  DynamicHeaderFontFace = makeDynamicProperty(HeaderFontFace)
  DynamicHeaderFontItalic = makeDynamicProperty(HeaderFontItalic)
  DynamicHeaderFontSize = makeDynamicProperty(HeaderFontSize)
  DynamicHeaderFontUnderline = makeDynamicProperty(HeaderFontUnderline)
  DynamicHeaderForeColor = makeDynamicProperty(HeaderForeColor)
  DynamicHeaderHorizontalAlignment = makeDynamicProperty(HeaderHorizontalAlignment)
  DynamicHeaderVerticalAlignment = makeDynamicProperty(HeaderVerticalAlignment)
  DynamicHorizontalAlignment = makeDynamicProperty(HorizontalAlignment)
  DynamicListEditorChoices = makeDynamicProperty(ListEditorChoices)
  DynamicOrder = makeDynamicProperty(Order)
  DynamicSearchable = makeDynamicProperty(Searchable)
  DynamicSortable = makeDynamicProperty(Sortable)
  DynamicVerticalAlignment = makeDynamicProperty(VerticalAlignment)
  DynamicVisible = makeDynamicProperty(Visible)
  DynamicWidth = makeDynamicProperty(Width)
  class dGrid(cm.dControlMixin, wx.grid.Grid):
  Creates a grid, with rows and columns to represent records and fields.
  Grids are powerful controls for allowing reading and writing of data. A
  grid can have any number of dColumns, which themselves have lots of properties
  to manipulate. The grid is virtual, meaning that large amounts of data can
  be accessed efficiently: only the data that needs to be shown on the current
  screen is copied and displayed.
  def __init__(self, parent, properties=None, attProperties=None, *args, **kwargs):
  # Update global decimalPoint attribute.
  global decimalPoint
  if decimalPoint is None:
  decimalPoint = locale.localeconv()["decimal_point"]
  # Get scrollbar size from system metrics.
  self._scrollBarSize = wx.SystemSettings_GetMetric(wx.SYS_VSCROLL_X)
  self._baseClass = dGrid
  preClass = wx.grid.Grid
  # Internal flag indicates update invoked by grid itself.
  self._inUpdate = False
  # Internal flag indicates header repaint invoked by the header itself.
  self._inHeaderPaint = False
  # Internal flag to determine if the prior sort order needs to be restored.
  self._sortRestored = False
  # Internal flag to determine if the resorting is the result of the DataSet property.
  self._settingDataSetFromSort = False
  # Internal flag to determine if refresh should be called after sorting.
  self._refreshAfterSort = True
  # Local count of rows in the data table
  self._tableRows = 0
  # List of visible columns
  self._daboVisibleColumns = []
  # When user selects new row, does the form have responsibility for making the change?
  self._mediateRowNumberThroughForm = True
  # Used to provide 'data' when the DataSet is empty.
  self.emptyRowsToAdd = 0
  # dColumn maintains its own cell attribute object, but this is the default:
  self._defaultGridColAttr = self._getDefaultGridColAttr()
  # Some applications (I'm thinking the UI Designer here) need to be able
  # to set Editing = True, but still disallow editing. This attribute does that.
  self._vetoAllEditing = False
  # Can the user move the columns around?
  self._movableColumns = True
  # Can the user re-size the columns or rows?
  self._resizableColumns = True
  self._resizableRows = True
  # Flag to indicate we are auto-sizing all columns
  self._inAutoSizeLoop = False
  # Flag to indicate we are in a range selection event
  self._inRangeSelect = False
  # Flag to indicate we are in a selection update event
  self._inUpdateSelection = False
  # Flag to avoid record pointer movement during DataSource setting. Only
  # applies if dGrid.USE_DATASOURCE_BEING_SET_HACK is True (default False)
  self._dataSourceBeingSet = False
  # Do we show row or column labels?
  self._showHeaders = True
  self._showRowLabels = False
  # Declare Internal Row Attributes
  self._rowLabels = []
  self._sameSizeRows = True
  # Declare Internal Column Attributes
  self._columnClass = dColumn
  self._columns = []
  #Declare Internal Search And Sort Attributes
  self._searchable = True
  self._searchDelay = None
  self._sortable = True
  #Declare Internal Header Attributes
  self._headerVerticalAlignment = "Center"
  self._headerHorizontalAlignment = "Center"
  self._headerForeColor = None
  self._headerBackColor = (232, 232, 232)
  self._verticalHeaders = False
  self._autoAdjustHeaderHeight = False
  self._headerMaxTextHeight = 0
  self._columnMetrics = [(0, 0)]
  # What color/size should the little sort indicator arrow be?
  self._sortIndicatorColor = "yellow"
  self._sortIndicatorSize = 8
  #Set NoneDisplay attributes
  if self.Application:
  self.__noneDisplayDefault = self.Application.NoneDisplay
  self.__noneDisplayDefault = _("< None >")
  self._noneDisplay = self.__noneDisplayDefault
  # These hold the values that affect row/col hiliting
  self._selectionForeColor = "black"
  self._selectionBackColor = "yellow"
  self._selectionMode = "Cell"
  self._modeSet = False
  self._multipleSelection = True
  # Track the last row and col selected
  self._lastRow = self._lastCol = None
  self._alternateRowColoring = False
  self._rowColorEven = "white"
  self._rowColorOdd = (212, 255, 212) # very light green
  cm.dControlMixin.__init__(self, preClass, parent, properties=properties,
  attProperties=attProperties, *args, **kwargs)
  # Reduces grid flickering on Windows platform.
  # Need to sync the size reported by wx to the size reported by Dabo:
  self.RowHeight = self.RowHeight
  self.ShowRowLabels = self.ShowRowLabels
  # Set reasonable minimum size, as the default of (-1,-1) results in something
  # in wx calculating the effective minsize based on how much space we need to
  # show all the rows:
  self.SetMinSize((100, 100))
  def _afterInit(self):
  # When doing an incremental search, do we stop
  # at the nearest matching value?
  self.searchNearest = True
  # Do we do case-sensitive incremental searches?
  self.searchCaseSensitive = False
  # How many characters of strings do we display?
  self.stringDisplayLen = 64
  self.currSearchStr = ""
  self.incSearchTimer = dabo.ui.dTimer(self)
  self.incSearchTimer.bindEvent(dEvents.Hit, self.onIncSearchTimer)
  # By default, row labels are not shown. They can be displayed
  # if desired by setting ShowRowLabels = True, and their size
  # can be adjusted by setting RowLabelWidth = <width>
  self.EnableEditing(self.Editable and not self._vetoAllEditing)
  # These need to be set to True, and custom methods provided,
  # if a grid with variable types in a single column is used.
  self.useCustomGetValue = False
  self.useCustomSetValue = False
  # flags used by mouse motion event handlers:
  self._headerDragging = False
  self._headerDragFrom = 0
  self._headerDragTo = 0
  self._headerSizing = False
  self.sortedColumn = None
  self.sortOrder = None
  self.caseSensitiveSorting = False
  # If there is a custom sort method, set this to True
  self.customSort = False
  super(dGrid, self)._afterInit()
  # Set the header props/events
  # Make sure that the columns are sized properly
  def _afterInitAll(self):
  super(dGrid, self)._afterInitAll()
  for col in self.Columns:
  def _initEvents(self):
  ## pkm: Don't do the grid_cell mouse events, because we handle it manually and it
  ## would result in doubling up the events.
  #self.Bind(wx.grid.EVT_GRID_CELL_LEFT_DCLICK, self.__onWxGridCellMouseLeftDoubleClick)
  #self.Bind(wx.grid.EVT_GRID_CELL_LEFT_CLICK, self.__onWxGridCellMouseLeftClick)
  #self.Bind(wx.grid.EVT_GRID_CELL_RIGHT_CLICK, self.__onWxGridCellMouseRightClick)
  self.Bind(wx.grid.EVT_GRID_ROW_SIZE, self.__onWxGridRowSize)
  self.Bind(wx.grid.EVT_GRID_SELECT_CELL, self.__onWxGridSelectCell)
  self.Bind(wx.grid.EVT_GRID_COL_SIZE, self.__onWxGridColSize)
  self.Bind(wx.grid.EVT_GRID_EDITOR_CREATED, self.__onWxGridEditorCreated)
  self.Bind(wx.grid.EVT_GRID_EDITOR_SHOWN, self.__onWxGridEditorShown)
  self.Bind(wx.grid.EVT_GRID_EDITOR_HIDDEN, self.__onWxGridEditorHidden)
  self.Bind(wx.grid.EVT_GRID_CELL_CHANGE, self.__onWxGridCellChange)
  self.Bind(wx.grid.EVT_GRID_RANGE_SELECT, self.__onWxGridRangeSelect)
  self.Bind(wx.EVT_SCROLLWIN, self.__onWxScrollWin)
  # Testing bool cell renderer/editor single-click-toggle:
  self.Bind(wx.grid.EVT_GRID_CELL_LEFT_CLICK, self.__onGridCellLeftClick_toggleCB)
  gridWindow = self.GetGridWindow()
  gridWindow.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.__onWxMouseMotion)
  gridWindow.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK, self.__onWxMouseLeftDoubleClick)
  gridWindow.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.__onWxMouseLeftDown)
  gridWindow.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.__onWxMouseLeftUp)
  gridWindow.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN, self.__onWxMouseRightDown)
  gridWindow.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_UP, self.__onWxMouseRightUp)
  gridWindow.Bind(wx.EVT_CONTEXT_MENU, self.__onWxContextMenu)
  self.bindEvent(dEvents.KeyDown, self._onKeyDown)
  self.bindEvent(dEvents.KeyChar, self._onKeyChar)
  self.bindEvent(dEvents.GridRowSize, self._onGridRowSize)
  self.bindEvent(dEvents.GridCellSelected, self._onGridCellSelected)
  self.bindEvent(dEvents.GridColSize, self._onGridColSize)
  self.bindEvent(dEvents.GridCellEdited, self._onGridCellEdited)
  self.bindEvent(dEvents.GridMouseLeftClick, self._onGridMouseLeftClick)
  self.bindEvent(dEvents.MouseWheel, self._onGridMouseWheel)
  ## wx.EVT_CONTEXT_MENU doesn't appear to be working for dGrid yet:
  # self.bindEvent(dEvents.GridContextMenu, self._onContextMenu)
  self.bindEvent(dEvents.GridMouseRightClick, self._onGridMouseRightClick)
  self.bindEvent(dEvents.Resize, self._onGridResize)
  self.bindEvent(dEvents.Create, self._onCreate)
  self.bindEvent(dEvents.Destroy, self._onDestroy)
  super(dGrid, self)._initEvents()
  def initHeader(self):
  """Initialize behavior for the grid header region."""
  header = self._getWxHeader()
  self.defaultHdrCursor = header.GetCursor()
  self._headerNeedsRedraw = False
  self._lastHeaderMousePosition = None
  self._headerMouseLeftDown, self._headerMouseRightDown = False, False
  header.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK, self.__onWxHeaderMouseLeftDoubleClick)
  header.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.__onWxHeaderMouseLeftDown)
  header.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.__onWxHeaderMouseLeftUp)
  header.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN, self.__onWxHeaderMouseRightDown)
  header.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_UP, self.__onWxHeaderMouseRightUp)
  header.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.__onWxHeaderMouseMotion)
  header.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.__onWxHeaderPaint)
  header.Bind(wx.EVT_CONTEXT_MENU, self.__onWxHeaderContextMenu)
  header.Bind(wx.EVT_ENTER_WINDOW, self.__onWxHeaderMouseEnter)
  header.Bind(wx.EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW, self.__onWxHeaderMouseLeave)
  header.Bind(wx.EVT_IDLE, self.__onWxHeaderIdle)
  self.bindEvent(dEvents.GridHeaderMouseLeftDown, self._onGridHeaderMouseLeftDown)
  self.bindEvent(dEvents.GridHeaderMouseMove, self._onGridHeaderMouseMove)
  self.bindEvent(dEvents.GridHeaderMouseLeftUp, self._onGridHeaderMouseLeftUp)
  self.bindEvent(dEvents.GridHeaderMouseRightUp, self._onGridHeaderMouseRightUp)
  self.bindEvent(dEvents.GridHeaderMouseRightClick, self._onGridHeaderMouseRightClick)
  def update(self):
  Call this when your datasource or dataset has changed to get the grid showing
  the proper number of rows with current data.
  # We never call the superclass update, because we don't need/want that behavior.
  last = getattr(self, "_lastCellSelectedTime", 0)
  cur = time.time()
  if cur - last < .5:
  self.refresh() ## to clear the cache and repaint the cells
  def _syncAll(self):
  def refresh(self):
  """Repaint the grid."""
  if getattr(self, "__inRefresh", False):
  self.__inRefresh = True
  self._Table._clearCache() ## Make sure the proper values are filled into the cells
  # Force invisible column dynamic properties to update (possible to make Visible again):
  invisible_cols = [c._updateDynamicProps() for c in self.Columns if not c.Visible]
  super(dGrid, self).refresh()
  self.__inRefresh = False
  def _refreshHeader(self):
  def GetCellValue(self, row, col, useCache=True):
  ret = self._Table.GetValue(row, col, useCache=useCache)
  except AttributeError:
  ret = super(dGrid, self).GetCellValue(row, col)
  return ret
  def GetValue(self, row, col, dynamicUpdate=True):
  ret = self._Table.GetValue(row, col, dynamicUpdate=dynamicUpdate)
  except (AttributeError, TypeError):
  ret = super(dGrid, self).GetValue(row, col)
  return ret
  def SetValue(self, row, col, val):
  self._Table.SetValue(row, col, val)
  except StandardError, e:
  super(dGrid, self).SetCellValue(row, col, val)
  # Update the main data source
  self._setCellValue(row, col, val)
  def _setCellValue(self, row, col, val):
  column = self.Columns[col]
  fld = column.DataField
  biz = self.getBizobj()
  if isinstance(val, float) and column.DataType == "decimal":
  val = Decimal(ustr(val))
  if biz:
  biz.RowNumber = row
  biz.setFieldVal(fld, val)
  self.DataSet[row][fld] = val
  except StandardError, e:
  dabo.log.error("Cannot update data set: %s" % e)
  # Wrapper methods to Dabo-ize these calls.
  def getValue(self, row=None, col=None):
  Returns the value of the specified row and column.
  If no row/col is specified, the current row/col will be used.
  if row is None:
  row = self.CurrentRow
  if col is None:
  col = self.CurrentColumn
  ret = self.GetValue(row, col, dynamicUpdate=False)
  if isinstance(ret, str):
  ret = ret.decode(self.Encoding)
  return ret
  def setValue(self, row, col, val):
  return self.SetValue(row, col, val)
  # These two methods need to be customized if a grid has columns
  # with more than one type of data in them.
  def customCanGetValueAs(self, row, col, typ): pass
  def customCanSetValueAs(self, row, col, typ): pass
  # Wrap the native wx methods
  def setEditorForCell(self, row, col, edt):
  ## dColumn maintains a dict of overriding editor mappings, but keep this
  ## function for convenience.
  dcol = self.Columns[col]
  dcol.CustomEditors[row] = edt
  #self.SetCellEditor(row, col, edt)
  def setRendererForCell(self, row, col, rnd):
  ## dColumn maintains a dict of overriding renderer mappings, but keep this
  ## function for convenience.
  dcol = self.Columns[col]
  dcol.CustomRenderers[row] = rnd
  #self.SetCellRenderer(row, col, rnd)
  def typeFromDataField(self, df, col=None):
  When the DataField is set for a column, it needs to set the corresponding
  value of its DataType property. Will return the Python data type, or None if
  there is no bizobj, or no DataStructure info available in the bizobj.
  biz = self.getBizobj()
  if biz is None:
  if col is not None:
  return col.getDataTypeForColumn()
  return None
  pyType = biz.getDataTypeForField(df)
  except ValueError, e:
  return None
  return pyType
  def precisionFromDataField(self, df):
  Return the decimal precision for the passed data field, or the default
  precision if this isn't a decimal field or it isn't specified in the
  default = 2
  biz = self.getBizobj()
  if biz is not None:
  ret = biz.getPrecisionForField(df)
  if ret is not None:
  return ret
  return default
  def getTableClass(cls):
  We don't expose the underlying table class to the ui namespace, as it's a
  wx-specific implementation detail, but for cases where you need to subclass
  the table, this classmethod will return the class reference.
  return dGridDataTable
  getTableClass = classmethod(getTableClass)
  def setTableAttributes(self, tbl=None):
  """Set the attributes for table display"""
  if tbl is None:
  tbl = self._Table
  except TypeError:
  tbl = None
  if tbl is None:
  # Still not fully constructed
  tbl.alternateRowColoring = self.AlternateRowColoring
  tbl.rowColorOdd = self._getWxColour(self.RowColorOdd)
  tbl.rowColorEven = self._getWxColour(self.RowColorEven)
  def afterCellEdit(self, row, col):
  """Called after a cell has been edited by the user."""
  def fillGrid(self, force=False):
  """Refresh the grid to match the data in the data set."""
  # Get the default row size from dApp's user settings
  rowSize = self._getUserSetting("RowSize")
  if rowSize:
  tbl = self._Table
  if self.emptyRowsToAdd and self.Columns:
  # Used for display purposes when no data is present.
  self._tableRows = tbl.fillTable(force)
  if not self._sortRestored:
  self._sortRestored = True
  # This will make sure that the current selection mode is activated.
  # We can't do it until after the first time the grid is filled.
  if not self._modeSet:
  self._modeSet = True
  self.SelectionMode = self.SelectionMode
  # I've found that both refresh calls are needed sometimes, especially
  # on Linux when manually moving a column header with the mouse.
  dabo.ui.callAfterInterval(200, self.refresh)
  def _updateDaboVisibleColumns(self):
  self._daboVisibleColumns = [e[0] for e in enumerate(self._columns) if e[1].Visible]
  except wx._core.PyAssertionError, e:
  # Can happen when an editor is active and columns resize
  vis = []
  for pos, col in enumerate(self._columns):
  if col.Visible:
  self._daboVisibleColumns = vis
  def _convertWxColNumToDaboColNum(self, wxCol):
  For the Visible property to work, we need to convert the column number
  wx sends to the actual column index in grid.Columns.
  Returns None if there is no corresponding dabo column.
  return self._daboVisibleColumns[wxCol]
  except IndexError:
  return None
  def _convertDaboColNumToWxColNum(self, daboCol):
  For the Visible property to work, we need to convert the column number
  dabo uses in grid.Columns to the wx column.
  Returns None if there is no corresponding wx column.
  return self._daboVisibleColumns.index(daboCol)
  except ValueError:
  return None
  def _restoreSort(self):
  if not self.Sortable:
  self.sortedColumn = self._getUserSetting("sortedColumn")
  self.sortOrder = self._getUserSetting("sortOrder")
  if self.sortedColumn is not None:
  sortCol = None
  for idx, col in enumerate(self.Columns):
  if col.DataField == self.sortedColumn:
  sortCol = idx
  if sortCol is not None and col.Sortable:
  if self.RowCount > 0:
  self.processSort(sortCol, toggleSort=False)
  def _addEmptyRows(self):
  Adds blank rows of data to the grid. Used mostly by
  the Designer to display a grid that actually looks like a grid.
  # First, get the type and field name for each column, and
  # add an empty value to a dict.
  colDict = {}
  for col in self.Columns:
  val = " " * 10
  dt = col.DataType
  if dt is "bool":
  val = False
  elif dt in ("int", "long"):
  val = 0
  elif dt in ("float", "decimal"):
  val = 0.00
  colDict[col.DataField] = val
  # Now add as many rows as specified
  ds = []
  for cnt in xrange(self.emptyRowsToAdd):
  self.emptyRowsToAdd = 0
  self.DataSet = ds
  def buildFromDataSet(self, ds, keyCaption=None,
  includeFields=None, colOrder=None, colWidths=None, colTypes=None,
  Add columns with properties set based on the passed dataset.
  A dataset is defined as one of:
  + a sequence of dicts, containing fieldname/fieldvalue pairs.
  + a string, which maps to a bizobj on the form.
  The columns will be taken from the first record of the dataset, with each
  column header caption being set to the field name, unless the optional
  keyCaption parameter is passed. This parameter is a 1:1 dict containing
  the data set keys as its keys, and the desired caption as the
  corresponding value.
  If the includeFields parameter is a sequence, the only columns added will
  be the fieldnames included in the includeFields sequence. If the
  includeFields parameter is None, all fields will be added to the grid.
  The columns will be in the order returned by ds.keys(), unless the
  optional colOrder parameter is passed. Like the keyCaption property,
  this is a 1:1 dict containing key:order.
  if not ds:
  return False
  if colOrder is None:
  colOrder = {}
  if colWidths is None:
  colWidths = {}
  if colTypes is None:
  colTypes = {}
  if isinstance(ds, basestring) or isinstance(ds,
  # Assume it is a bizobj datasource.
  if self.DataSource != ds:
  self.DataSource = ds
  self.DataSource = None
  self.DataSet = ds
  bizobj = self.getBizobj()
  if bizobj:
  data = bizobj.getDataSet(rows=1)
  if data:
  firstRec = data[0]
  # Ok, the bizobj doesn't have any records, yet we still want to build
  # the grid. We can get enough info from getDataStructureFromDescription():
  structure = bizobj.getDataStructureFromDescription()
  except TypeError:
  # Well, that call failed... seems that sqlite doesn't define a cursor
  # description? I need to test this out. For now, fall back to the old
  # code that gets the data structure by executing "select * from table
  # where 1=0". The downside to this is that no derived fields will be
  # included in the structure.
  structure = bizobj.getDataStructure()
  firstRec = {}
  for field in structure:
  firstRec[field[0]] = None
  if field[0] not in colTypes:
  colTypes[field[0]] = field[1]
  # not a bizobj datasource
  firstRec = ds[0]
  colKeys = [key for key in firstRec.keys()
  if (includeFields is None or key in includeFields)]
  # Add the columns
  for colKey in colKeys:
  # Use the keyCaption values, if possible
  cap = keyCaption[colKey]
  except (KeyError, TypeError):
  cap = colKey
  col = self.addColumn(inBatch=True)
  col.Caption = cap
  col.DataField = colKey
  ## pkm: Get the datatype from what is specified in fieldspecs, not from
  ## the actual type of the record.
  dt = colTypes[colKey]
  except KeyError:
  # But if it didn't exist in the fieldspecs, use the actual type:
  dt = type(firstRec[colKey])
  if dt is type(None):
  if bizobj:
  for idx in range(bizobj.RowCount)[1:]:
  val = bizobj.getFieldVal(colKey, idx)
  if val is not None:
  dt = type(val)
  for rec in ds[1:]:
  val = rec[colKey]
  if val is not None:
  dt = type(val)
  col.DataType = dt
  if dt is type(None):
  # Default to string type
  dt = col.DataType = str
  # See if any order was specified
  if colKey in colOrder:
  col.Order = colOrder[colKey]
  # See if any width was specified
  if colKey in colWidths:
  col.Width = colWidths[colKey]
  # Use a default width
  col.Width = -1
  # Populate the grid
  if autoSizeCols:
  self.autoSizeCol("all", True)
  return True
  def _onCreate(self, evt):
  def _onDestroy(self, evt):
  def _onGridResize(self, evt):
  # Prevent unnecessary event processing.
  updCol = (self._lastSize != evt._uiEvent.Size)
  except AttributeError:
  updCol = True
  if updCol:
  self._lastSize = evt._uiEvent.Size
  def _totalContentWidth(self, addScrollBar=False):
  ret = sum([col.Width for col in self.Columns])
  if self.ShowRowLabels:
  ret += self.RowLabelWidth
  if addScrollBar and self.isScrollBarVisible("v"):
  ret += self._scrollBarSize
  return ret
  def _totalContentHeight(self, addScrollBar=False):
  if self.SameSizeRows:
  ret = self.RowHeight * self.RowCount
  ret = sum([self.GetRowSize(r) for r in xrange(self.RowCount)])
  if self.ShowHeaders:
  ret += self.HeaderHeight
  if addScrollBar and self.isScrollBarVisible("h"):
  ret += self._scrollBarSize
  return ret
  def isScrollBarVisible(self, which):
  whichSide = {"h": wx.HORIZONTAL, "v": wx.VERTICAL}[which[0].lower()]
  sr = self.GetScrollRange(whichSide)
  if self.Application.Platform in ("Win", "GTK"):
  # For some reason, GetScrollRange() returns either 1 or 101 when the scrollbar
  # is not visible under Windows or GTK. Under OS X, it returns 0 as expected.
  return sr not in (1, 101)
  return bool(sr)
  def _updateColumnWidths(self):
  See if there are any dynamically-sized columns, and resize them
  if self._inColWidthUpdate:
  except AttributeError:
  self._inColWidthUpdate = False
  if [col for col in self.Columns if col.Expand]:
  dabo.ui.callAfterInterval(10, self._delayedUpdateColumnWidths)
  def _delayedUpdateColumnWidths(self, redo=False):
  def _setFlag():
  self._inColWidthUpdate = True
  def _clearFlag():
  self._inColWidthUpdate = False
  if self._inColWidthUpdate:
  dynCols = [col for col in self.Columns
  if col.Expand]
  dynColCnt = len(dynCols)
  colWd = self._totalContentWidth(addScrollBar=True)
  rowHt = self._totalContentHeight()
  grdWd = self.Width
  # Subtract extra pixels to avoid triggering the scroll bar. Again, this
  # will probably be OS-dependent
  diff = grdWd - colWd - 10
  if redo and not diff:
  diff = -10
  if not diff:
  dabo.ui.callAfterInterval(5, _clearFlag)
  if not redo and (diff == self._scrollBarSize):
  # This can cause infinite loops as we adjust constantly
  diff -= 1
  adj = diff/ dynColCnt
  mod = diff % dynColCnt
  for col in dynCols:
  if mod:
  newWidth = col.Width + (adj+1)
  mod -= 1
  newWidth = col.Width + adj
  # Don't allow the Expand columns to shrink below 24px wide.
  col.Width = max(24, newWidth)
  # Check to see if we need a further adjustment
  adjWd = self._totalContentWidth()
  if self.isScrollBarVisible("h") and (adjWd < grdWd):
  def autoSizeCol(self, colNum, persist=False):
  Set the column to the minimum width necessary to display its data.
  Set colNum='all' to auto-size all columns. Set persist=True to persist the
  new width to the user settings table.
  if isinstance(colNum, basestring) and colNum.lower() == "all":
  self._inAutoSizeLoop = True
  for ii in range(len(self.Columns)):
  self.autoSizeCol(ii, persist=persist)
  self._inAutoSizeLoop = False
  maxWidth = 250 ## limit the width of the column to something reasonable
  if not self._inAutoSizeLoop:
  # lock the screen
  ## This function will get used in both if/elif below:
  def _setColSize(idx):
  sortIconSize = self.SortIndicatorSize
  sortIconBuffer = sortIconSize / 2
  ## breathing room around header caption:
  capBuffer = 5
  ## add additional room to account for possible sort indicator:
  capBuffer += ((2 * sortIconSize) + (2 * sortIconBuffer))
  colObj = self.Columns[idx]
  if not colObj.Visible:
  ## wx knows nothing about Dabo's invisible columns
  idx = self._convertDaboColNumToWxColNum(idx)
  autoWidth = self.GetColSize(idx)
  # Account for the width of the header caption:
  cw = dabo.ui.fontMetricFromFont(colObj.Caption,
  colObj.HeaderFont._nativeFont)[0] + capBuffer
  w = max(autoWidth, cw)
  w = min(w, maxWidth)
  colObj.Width = w
  if persist:
  self.AutoSizeColumn(self._convertDaboColNumToWxColNum(colNum), setAsMin=False)
  except (TypeError, wx.PyAssertionError):
  if colNum > -1:
  if not self._inAutoSizeLoop:
  def _paintHeader(self, updateBox=None):
  This method handles all of the display for the header, including writing
  the Captions along with any sort indicators.
  if self._inHeaderPaint:
  self._inHeaderPaint = True
  w = self._getWxHeader()
  w.SetBackgroundColour((255, 255, 255))
  if updateBox is None:
  updateBox = w.GetClientRect()
  # When called from OnPaint event, there should be PaintDC context.
  dc = wx.PaintDC(w)
  except wx.PyAssertionError:
  dc = wx.ClientDC(w)
  textAngle = {True: 90, False: 0}[self.VerticalHeaders]
  self._columnMetrics = []
  for idx, col in enumerate(self._columns):
  headerRect = col._getHeaderRect()
  intersect = wx.IntersectRect(updateBox, headerRect)
  if intersect is None:
  # column isn't visible
  headerRect[0] -= 1
  headerRect[2] += 1
  sortIndicator = False
  colObj = self.getColByX(intersect[0])
  if not colObj:
  # Grid is probably being created or destroyed, so just skip it
  holdBrush = dc.GetBrush()
  holdPen = dc.GetPen()
  fcolor = colObj.HeaderForeColor
  if fcolor is None:
  fcolor = self.HeaderForeColor
  if fcolor is None:
  fcolor = (0,0,0)
  bcolor = colObj.HeaderBackColor
  if bcolor is None:
  bcolor = self.HeaderBackColor
  wxNativeFont = colObj.HeaderFont._nativeFont
  # draw the col. header background:
  if bcolor is not None:
  dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(bcolor, wx.SOLID))
  dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(fcolor, width=0))
  # draw the col. border:
  if colObj.DataField == self.sortedColumn:
  sortIndicator = True
  sortIconSize = self.SortIndicatorSize
  sortIconBuffer = sortIconSize / 2
  # draw a triangle, pointed up or down, at the top left
  # of the column. TODO: Perhaps replace with prettier icons
  left = headerRect[0] + sortIconBuffer
  top = headerRect[1] + sortIconBuffer
  brushColor = self.SortIndicatorColor
  if isinstance(brushColor, basestring):
  brushColor = dColors.colorTupleFromName(brushColor)
  dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(brushColor, wx.SOLID))
  if self.sortOrder == "DESC":
  # Down arrow
  dc.DrawPolygon([(left, top), (left + sortIconSize, top),
  (left + sortIconBuffer, top + sortIconSize)])
  elif self.sortOrder == "ASC":
  # Up arrow
  dc.DrawPolygon([(left + sortIconBuffer, top),
  (left + sortIconSize, top + sortIconSize),
  (left, top + sortIconSize)])
  # Column is not sorted, so don't draw.
  sortIndicator = False
  ah = colObj.HeaderHorizontalAlignment
  av = colObj.HeaderVerticalAlignment
  if ah is None:
  ah = self.HeaderHorizontalAlignment
  if av is None:
  av = self.HeaderVerticalAlignment
  if ah is None:
  ah = "Center"
  if av is None:
  av = "Bottom"
  wxah = {"Center": wx.ALIGN_CENTRE_HORIZONTAL,
  "Left": wx.ALIGN_LEFT,
  "Right": wx.ALIGN_RIGHT}[ah]
  wxav = {"Center": wx.ALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL,
  "Top": wx.ALIGN_TOP,
  "Bottom": wx.ALIGN_BOTTOM}[av]
  # Give some more space around the rect - some platforms use a 3d look
  # and anyway it looks better if left/right aligned text isn't right on
  # the line.
  horBuffer = 3
  vertBuffer = 2
  sortBuffer = horBuffer
  if sortIndicator:
  # If there's a sort indicator, we'll nudge the caption over
  sortBuffer += (sortIconSize + sortIconBuffer)
  trect = list(headerRect)
  trect[0] = trect[0] + sortBuffer
  trect[1] = trect[1] + vertBuffer
  if ah == "Center":
  trect[2] = trect[2] - (2 * sortBuffer)
  trect[2] = trect[2] - (horBuffer + sortBuffer)
  trect[3] = trect[3] - (2 * vertBuffer)
  trect = wx.Rect(*trect)
  twd, tht = dabo.ui.fontMetricFromDC(dc, colObj.Caption)
  if self.VerticalHeaders:
  # Note that when rotating 90 degrees, the width affect height,
  # and vice-versa
  twd, tht = tht, twd
  self._columnMetrics.append((twd, tht))
  # Figure out the x,y coordinates to start the text drawing.
  left, top, wd, ht = trect
  x = left
  if ah == "Center":
  x += (wd / 2) - (twd / 2)
  elif ah == "Right":
  x += wd - twd
  # Note that we need to adjust for text height when angle is 0.
  yadj = 0
  if textAngle == 0:
  yadj = tht
  y = top + ht - yadj
  if av == "Top":
  y = top + tht + 2 - yadj
  elif av == "Center":
  y = top + (ht / 2) + (tht / 2) - yadj
  txt = self.drawText("%s" % colObj.Caption, x, y, angle=textAngle,
  persist=False, dc=dc, useDefaults=True)
  if self.AutoAdjustHeaderHeight:
  self._inHeaderPaint = False
  def fitHeaderHeight(self):
  Sizes the HeaderHeight to comfortably fit the captions. Primarily used for
  vertical captions or multi-line captions.
  if self._columnMetrics:
  self._headerMaxTextHeight = max([cht for cwd, cht in self._columnMetrics])
  self._headerMaxTextHeight = 0
  diff = (self._headerMaxTextHeight + 20) - self.HeaderHeight
  if diff:
  self.HeaderHeight += diff
  def showColumn(self, col, visible):
  If the column is not shown and visible=True, show it. Likewise
  but opposite if visible=False.
  col = self._resolveColumn(col, logOnly=True)
  if col is None:
  # Invalid 'col' passed
  col._visible = visible
  if getattr(self.Parent, "__inRefresh", False):
  def moveColumn(self, colNum, toNum):
  """Move the column to a new position."""
  oldCol = self.Columns[colNum]
  if toNum > colNum:
  self.Columns.insert(toNum-1, oldCol)
  self.Columns.insert(toNum, oldCol)
  for col in self.Columns:
  col.Order = self.Columns.index(col) * 10
  def getColumnValueByRow(self, col, row):
  """Returns the value in the given column and row."""
  if isinstance(col, dColumn):
  colnum = self.Columns.index(col)
  colnum = col
  return self.GetValue(row, colnum)
  def sizeToColumns(self, scrollBarFudge=True):
  Set the width of the grid equal to the sum of the widths of the columns.
  If scrollBarFudge is True, additional space will be added to account for
  the width of the vertical scrollbar.
  fudge = 5
  if scrollBarFudge:
  fudge = 18
  self.Width = reduce(operator.add, [col.Width for col in self.Columns]) + fudge
  def sizeToRows(self, maxHeight=500, scrollBarFudge=True):
  Set the height of the grid equal to the sum of the heights of the rows.
  This is intended to be used only when the number of rows is expected to be
  low. Set maxHeight to whatever you want the maximum height to be.
  fudge = 5
  if scrollBarFudge:
  fudge = 18
  self.Height = min(self.RowHeight * self.RowCount, maxHeight) + fudge
  def onIncSearchTimer(self, evt):
  Occurs when the incremental search timer reaches its interval.
  It is time to run the search, if there is any search in the buffer.
  if self.currSearchStr not in ("", "\n", "\r", "\r\n"):
  ## begin: user hook methods ##
  def fillContextMenu(self, menu):
  User hook called just before showing the context menu.
  User code can append menu items, or replace/remove the menu entirely.
  Return a dMenu or None from this hook. Default: no context menu.
  return menu
  def fillHeaderContextMenu(self, menu):
  User hook called just before showing the context menu for the header.
  User code can append menu items, or replace/remove the menu entirely.
  Return a dMenu or None from this hook. The default menu includes an
  option to autosize the column.
  return menu
  ## end: user hook methods ##
  def sort(self):
  """Hook method used in subclasses for custom sorting."""
  def processSort(self, gridCol=None, toggleSort=True):
  Sort the grid column.
  Toggle between ascending and descending. If the grid column index isn't
  passed, the currently active grid column will be sorted.
  if gridCol is None:
  gridCol = self.CurrentColumn
  colObj = self._resolveColumn(gridCol)
  canSort = (self.Sortable and colObj.Sortable)
  columnToSort = colObj.DataField
  sortCol = self.Columns.index(colObj)
  dataType = self.Columns[sortCol].DataType
  if not canSort:
  # Some columns, especially those with mixed values,
  # should not be sorted.
  if columnToSort == self.sortedColumn:
  sortOrder = self.sortOrder
  if toggleSort:
  if sortOrder == "ASC":
  sortOrder = "DESC"
  elif sortOrder == "DESC":
  columnToSort = None
  sortOrder = "ASC"
  sortOrder = "ASC"
  self.sortOrder = sortOrder
  self.sortedColumn = columnToSort
  eventData = {"column": colObj, "sortOrder": sortOrder}
  self.raiseEvent(dEvents.GridBeforeSort, eventObject=self,
  biz = self.getBizobj()
  if columnToSort is not None:
  if self.customSort:
  # Grids tied to bizobj cursors may want to use their own sorting.
  elif biz:
  # Use the default sort() in the bizobj:
  biz.sort(columnToSort, sortOrder, self.caseSensitiveSorting)
  except dException.NoRecordsException:
  # no records to sort: who cares.
  # Create the list to hold the rows for sorting
  caseSensitive = self.caseSensitiveSorting
  sortList = []
  rowNum = 0
  rowlabels = self.RowLabels
  if self.DataSet:
  for row in self.DataSet:
  if rowlabels:
  sortList.append([row[columnToSort], row, rowlabels[rowNum]])
  rowNum += 1
  sortList.append([row[columnToSort], row])
  # At this point we have a list consisting of lists. Each of these member
  # lists contain the sort value in the zeroth element, and the row as
  # the first element.
  # First, see if we are comparing strings
  if dataType is None:
  f = sortList[0][0]
  if f is None:
  # We are just poking around, trying to glean the datatype, which is prone
  # to error. The record we just checked is None, so try the last record and
  # then give up.
  f = sortList[-1][0]
  #pkm: I think grid column DataType properties should store raw python
  # types, not string renditions of them. But for now, convert to
  # string renditions. I also think that this codeblock should be
  # obsolete once all dabo grids use dColumn objects.
  if isinstance(f,
  dataType = "date"
  elif isinstance(f, datetime.datetime):
  dataType = "datetime"
  elif isinstance(f, unicode):
  dataType = "unicode"
  elif isinstance(f, str):
  dataType = "string"
  elif isinstance(f, long):
  dataType = "long"
  elif isinstance(f, int):
  dataType = "int"
  elif isinstance(f, Decimal):
  dataType = "decimal"
  dataType = None
  sortingStrings = isinstance(sortList[0][0], basestring)
  sortingStrings = dataType in ("unicode", "string")
  if sortingStrings and not caseSensitive:
  sortKey = caseInsensitiveSortKey
  elif dataType in ("date", "datetime"):
  # can't compare NoneType to these types:
  sortKey = noneSortKey
  sortKey = None
  sortList.sort(key=sortKey, reverse=(sortOrder == "DESC"))
  # Extract the rows into a new list, then set the dataSet to the new list
  newRows = []
  newLabels = []
  for elem in sortList:
  if self.RowLabels:
  self.RowLabels = newLabels
  # Set this to avoid infinite loops
  self._settingDataSetFromSort = True
  self.DataSet = newRows
  self._settingDataSetFromSort = False
  if biz:
  dabo.ui.setAfter(self, "CurrentRow", biz.RowNumber)
  if self._refreshAfterSort:
  self._setUserSetting("sortedColumn", columnToSort)
  self._setUserSetting("sortOrder", sortOrder)
  self.raiseEvent(dEvents.GridAfterSort, eventObject=self,
  dabo.ui.callAfterInterval(200, self.Form.update) ## rownum in status bar
  def restoreDataSet(self):
  if self.SaveRestoreDataSet:
  ds = self.Application.getUserSetting("%s.DataSet"
  % self.getAbsoluteName())
  if ds is not None:
  self.DataSet = ds
  def saveDataSet(self):
  if self.SaveRestoreDataSet:
  % self.getAbsoluteName(), self.DataSet)
  def runIncSearch(self):
  """Run the incremental search."""
  gridCol = self.CurrentColumn
  if gridCol < 0:
  gridCol = 0
  fld = self.Columns[gridCol].DataField
  if self.RowCount <= 0:
  # Nothing to seek within!
  if not (self.Searchable and self.Columns[gridCol].Searchable):
  # Doesn't apply to this column.
  self.currSearchStr = ""
  newRow = self.CurrentRow
  biz = self.getBizobj()
  srchVal = origSrchStr = self.currSearchStr
  self.currSearchStr = ""
  near = self.searchNearest
  caseSensitive = self.searchCaseSensitive
  # Copy the specified field vals and their row numbers to a list, and
  # add those lists to the sort list
  sortList = []
  for i in range(0, self.RowCount):
  if biz:
  val = biz.getFieldVal(fld, i, _forceNoCallback=True)
  val = self.DataSet[i][fld]
  sortList.append( [val, i] )
  # Determine if we are seeking string values
  compString = False
  for row in sortList:
  if row[0] is not None:
  compString = isinstance(row[0], basestring)
  if not compString:
  # coerce srchVal to be the same type as the field type
  listval = sortList[0][0]
  if isinstance(listval, int):
  srchVal = int(srchVal)
  except ValueError:
  srchVal = int(0)
  elif isinstance(listval, long):
  srchVal = long(srchVal)
  except ValueError:
  srchVal = long(0)
  elif isinstance(listval, float):
  srchVal = float(srchVal)
  except ValueError:
  srchVal = float(0)
  elif isinstance(listval, (datetime.datetime,, datetime.time)):
  # We need to convert the sort vals into strings
  sortList = [(ustr(vv), i) for vv, i in sortList]
  compString = True
  # Now iterate through the list to find the matching value. I know that
  # there are more efficient search algorithms, but for this purpose, we'll
  # just use brute force
  if compString:
  if caseSensitive:
  mtchs = [vv for vv in sortList
  if isinstance(vv[0], basestring) and vv[0].startswith(srchVal)]
  srchVal = srchVal.lower()
  mtchs = [vv for vv in sortList
  if isinstance(vv[0], basestring) and vv[0].lower().startswith(srchVal)]
  mtchs = [vv for vv in sortList
  if vv[0] == srchVal]
  if mtchs:
  # The row num is the second element. We want the first row in
  # the list, since it will still be sorted.
  newRow = mtchs[0][1]
  for fldval, row in sortList:
  if not compString or caseSensitive:
  match = (fldval == srchVal)
  # Case-insensitive string search.
  match = (isinstance(fldval, basestring) and fldval.lower() == srchVal)
  if match:
  newRow = row
  if near:
  newRow = row
  # If we are doing a near search, see if the row is less than the
  # requested matching value. If so, update the value of 'ret'. If not,
  # we have passed the matching value, so there's no point in
  # continuing the search, but we mu
  if compString and not caseSensitive and isinstance(fldval, basestring):
  toofar = fldval.lower() > srchVal
  toofar = fldval > srchVal
  if toofar:
  self.CurrentRow = newRow
  if self.Form is not None:
  # Add a '.' to the status bar to signify that the search is
  # done, and clear the search string for next time.
  currAutoUpdate = self.Form.AutoUpdateStatusText
  self.Form.AutoUpdateStatusText = False
  if currAutoUpdate:
  dabo.ui.setAfterInterval(1000, self.Form, "AutoUpdateStatusText", True)
  self.Form.setStatusText("Search: '%s'." % origSrchStr)
  self.currSearchStr = ""
  def addToSearchStr(self, key):
  Add a character to the current incremental search.
  Called by KeyDown when the user pressed an alphanumeric key. Add the
  key to the current search and start the timer.
  app = self.Application
  searchDelay = self.SearchDelay
  if searchDelay is None:
  if app is not None:
  searchDelay = self.Application.SearchDelay
  # use a default
  searchDelay = 500
  self.currSearchStr = "".join((self.currSearchStr, key))
  if self.Form is not None:
  self.Form.setStatusText("Search: '%s'" % self.currSearchStr)
  def findReplace(self, action, findString, replaceString, downwardSearch,
  wholeWord, matchCase):
  """Called from the 'Find' dialog."""
  ret = False
  rowcol = currRow, currCol = (self.CurrentRow, self.CurrentColumn)
  if downwardSearch:
  op =
  op =
  if wholeWord:
  if matchCase:
  srch = r"\b%s\b" % findString
  findGen = ((r,c) for r in xrange(self.RowCount) for c in xrange(self.ColumnCount)
  if op((r,c), rowcol)
  and, ustr(self.GetValue(r, c))))
  srch = r"\b%s\b" % findString.lower()
  findGen = ((r,c) for r in xrange(self.RowCount) for c in xrange(self.ColumnCount)
  if op((r,c), rowcol)
  and, ustr(self.GetValue(r, c)).lower()))
  if matchCase:
  findGen = ((r,c) for r in xrange(self.RowCount) for c in xrange(self.ColumnCount)
  if op((r,c), rowcol)
  and findString in ustr(self.GetValue(r, c)))
  findGen = ((r,c) for r in xrange(self.RowCount) for c in xrange(self.ColumnCount)
  if op((r,c), rowcol)
  and findString.lower() in ustr(self.GetValue(r, c)).lower())
  if action == "Find":
  while True:
  newR, newC =
  targetVal = self.GetValue(newR, newC)
  targetString = ustr(targetVal)
  if isinstance(targetVal, (basestring, datetime.datetime,
  # Values can be inexact matches
  # Needs to be an exact match
  if findString == targetString:
  ret = True
  self._lastRow, self._lastCol = newR, newC
  self.CurrentRow, self.CurrentColumn = newR, newC
  except StopIteration:
  ret = False
  elif action == "Replace":
  val = self.GetValue(currRow, currCol)
  if isinstance(val, basestring):
  self.SetValue(currRow, currCol, val.replace(findString, replaceString))
  ret = True
  elif isinstance(val, bool):
  if replaceString.lower() in ("true", "t", "false", "f", "1", "0", "yes", "y", "no", "n"):
  newval = replaceString.lower() in ("true", "t", "1", "yes", "y")
  self.SetValue(currRow, currCol, newval)
  ret = True
  dabo.log.error(_("Invalid boolean replacement value: %s") % replaceString)
  ret = False
  # Try the numeric types
  typFunc = type(val)
  if typFunc(findString) == val:
  # We can replace if replaceString can be the correct type
  errors = (ValueError, InvalidOperation)
  newval = typFunc(replaceString)
  self.SetValue(currRow, currCol, newval)
  ret = True
  except errors:
  dabo.log.error(_("Invalid replacement value: %s") % replaceString)
  ret = False
  if ret:
  return ret
  def getColNumByX(self, x):
  """Given the x-coordinate, return the column index in self.Columns."""
  col = self.XToCol(x + (self.GetViewStart()[0]*self.GetScrollPixelsPerUnit()[0]))
  if col == wx.NOT_FOUND:
  col = -1
  col = self._convertWxColNumToDaboColNum(col)
  return col
  def getRowNumByY(self, y):
  """Given the y-coordinate, return the row number."""
  row = self.YToRow(y + (self.GetViewStart()[1]*self.GetScrollPixelsPerUnit()[1]))
  if row == wx.NOT_FOUND:
  row = -1
  return row
  def getColByX(self, x):
  """Given the x-coordinate, return the column object."""
  colNum = self.getColNumByX(x)
  if (colNum < 0) or (colNum > self.ColumnCount-1):
  return None
  return self.Columns[colNum]
  def getColByDataField(self, df):
  """Given a DataField value, return the corresponding column."""
  ret = [col for col in self.Columns
  if col.DataField == df][0]
  except IndexError:
  ret = None
  return ret
  def maxColOrder(self):
  """Returns the highest value of Order for all columns."""
  ret = -1
  if len(self.Columns) > 0:
  ret = max([cc.Order for cc in self.Columns])
  return ret
  def addColumns(self, *columns):
  Adds a set of columns to the grid.
  Each column in the set should be a dColumn instance.
  columns = self._resolveColumns(columns)
  for column in columns:
  self.addColumn(column, inBatch=True)
  def addColumn(self, col=None, inBatch=False, *args, **kwargs):
  """Adds a column to the grid.
  If no col (class or instance) is passed, a blank dColumn is added, which
  can be customized later. Any extra keyword arguments are passed to the
  constructor of the new dColumn.
  if col is None:
  col = self.ColumnClass(self, *args, **kwargs)
  if not isinstance(col, dColumn):
  if issubclass(col, dabo.ui.dColumn):
  col = col(self, *args, **kwargs)
  raise ValueError(_("col must be a dColumn subclass or instance"))
  col.Parent = self
  if col.Order == -1:
  maxOrd = self.maxColOrder()
  if maxOrd < 0:
  newOrd = 0
  newOrd = maxOrd + 10
  col.Order = newOrd
  if not inBatch:
  ## Set the Width property last, otherwise it won't stick:
  if not col.Width:
  col.Width = 75
  ## If Width was specified in the dColumn subclass or in the constructor,
  ## it's been set as the property but because it wasn't part of the grid
  ## yet it hasn't yet taken effect: force it.
  col.Width = col.Width
  except (wx.PyAssertionError, wx.core.PyAssertionError, wx._core.PyAssertionError):
  # If the underlying wx grid doesn't yet know about the column, such
  # as when adding columns with inBatch=True, this can throw an error
  if not inBatch:
  # For now, just log it"Cannot set width of column %s") % col.Order)
  return col
  def _resolveColumns(self, columns):
  if len(columns) == 1 and isinstance(columns[0], (list, tuple, set)):
  columns = columns[0]
  return [self._resolveColumn(col) for col in columns]
  def _resolveColumn(self, colOrIdx, returnColumn=True, logOnly=False):
  Accepts either a column object or a column index, and returns a column
  object. If you need the column's index instead, pass False to the
  'returnColumn' parameter.
  Used for cases where a method can accept either type of reference, but
  needs to work with the actual column.
  If anything other than a column reference or an integer is passed, a
  ValueError will be raised. If you prefer to simply log the error without
  raising an exception, pass True to the logOnly parameter (default=False).
  if isinstance(colOrIdx, (int, long)):
  return self.Columns[colOrIdx] if returnColumn else colOrIdx
  elif isinstance(colOrIdx, dColumn):
  return colOrIdx if returnColumn else self.Columns.index(colOrIdx)
  typcoi = type(colOrIdx)
  msg = _("Values must be a dColumn or an int; received '%(colOrIdx)s' "
  "(%(typcoi)s)") % locals()
  if logOnly:
  return None
  raise ValueError(msg)
  def removeColumns(self, *columns):
  Removes a set of columns from the grid.
  The passed columns can be indexes or dColumn instances, or both.
  columns = self._resolveColumns(columns)
  for col in columns:
  self.removeColumn(col, inBatch=True)
  def removeColumn(self, col=None, inBatch=False):
  Removes a column from the grid.
  If no column is passed, the last column is removed. The col argument can
  be either a column index or a dColumn instance.
  if col is None:
  colNum = self.ColumnCount - 1
  colNum = self._resolveColumn(col, returnColumn=False, logOnly=True)
  del self.Columns[colNum]
  if not inBatch:
  def cell(self, row, col):
  class GridCell(object):
  def __init__(self, parent, row, col):
  self.parent = parent
  self.row = row
  self.col = col
  def _getVal(self):
  return self.parent.GetValue(self.row, self.col)
  def _setVal(self, val):
  self.parent.SetValue(self.row, self.col, val)
  Value = property(_getVal, _setVal)
  return GridCell(self, row, col)
  def copy(self):
  valSep = dabo.copyValueSeparator
  strSep = dabo.copyStringSeparator
  lnSep = dabo.copyLineSeparator
  def valEscape(val):
  if isinstance(val, basestring):
  # Need to escape tabs and newlines
  escval = val.replace("\t", "\\t").replace("\n", "\\n")
  if strSep:
  # Also escape the string separator
  escval = escval.replace(strSep, "\\%s" % strSep)
  return "%s%s%s" % (strSep, escval, strSep)
  ret = str(val)
  if isinstance(val, (Decimal, float)):
  # We need to convert decimal point accordingly to the locale.
  ret = ret.replace(".", decimalPoint)
  return ret
  def valuesForRange(rowrange, colrange):
  allvals = []
  for row in rowrange:
  rowvals = []
  for col in colrange:
  val = self.getValue(row, col)
  return lnSep.join(allvals)
  sel = self.Selection
  if not sel:
  return None
  selmode = self.SelectionMode
  copied = []
  txtToCopy = ""
  if selmode == "Cell":
  copySections = []
  for rangeTuple in sel:
  zrow, zcol = zip(*rangeTuple)
  rowrange = range(zrow[0], zrow[1] + 1)
  colrange = range(zcol[0], zcol[1] + 1)
  copySections.append(valuesForRange(rowrange, colrange))
  txtToCopy = lnSep.join(copySections)
  if selmode == "Row":
  rowrange = sel
  colrange = range(0, self.ColumnCount)
  rowrange = range(0, self.RowCount)
  colrange = sel
  txtToCopy = valuesForRange(rowrange, colrange)
  def getBizobj(self):
  Get the bizobj that is controlling this grid.
  Either there was an explicitly-set bizobj reference in
  self.DataSource, in which case that is returned, or self.DataSource
  is a string, in which case the form hierarchy is walked finding the
  first bizobj with the correct DataSource.
  Return None if no bizobj can be located.
  ds = self.DataSource
  if isinstance(ds,
  return ds
  if isinstance(ds, basestring) and self.Form is not None:
  form = self.Form
  while form is not None:
  if hasattr(form, "getBizobj"):
  biz = form.getBizobj(ds)
  if isinstance(biz,
  return biz
  form = form.Form
  return None
  def setRowHeight(self, row, ht):
  """Explicitly set the height of a specific row in the grid. If
  SameSizeRows is True, all rows will be affected.
  if self.SameSizeRows:
  self.RowHeight = ht
  if row >= self.RowCount:
  rcm = self.RowCount - 1
  dabo.log.error(_("Specified row is out of range for setRowHeight(). "
  "Attempted: %(row)s; max row: %(rcm)s") % locals())
  self.SetRowSize(row, ht)
  def _getWxHeader(self):
  """Return the wx grid header window."""
  return self.GetGridColLabelWindow()
  def _syncCurrentRow(self):
  Sync the CurrentRow of the grid to the RowNumber of the bizobj.
  Has no effect if the grid's DataSource isn't a link to a bizobj.
  self.CurrentRow = self.getBizobj().RowNumber
  except AttributeError:
  # On Win, when row is deleted, active row remains unselected.
  if self.SelectionMode == "Row":
  row = self.CurrentRow
  if row not in self.Selection:
  def _syncColumnCount(self):
  """Sync wx's rendition of column count with our self.ColumnCount"""
  msg = None
  wxColumnCount = self.GetNumberCols()
  daboColumnCount = len([col for col in self.Columns if col.Visible])
  diff = daboColumnCount - wxColumnCount
  if diff < 0:
  msg = wx.grid.GridTableMessage(self._Table,
  0, abs(diff))
  elif diff > 0:
  msg = wx.grid.GridTableMessage(self._Table,
  if msg:
  # Update the visible columns attribute
  # We need to adjust the Width of visible columns here, in case any
  # columns have Visible = False.
  for daboCol, colObj in enumerate(self._columns):
  wxCol = self._convertDaboColNumToWxColNum(daboCol)
  if wxCol is not None:
  self.SetColSize(wxCol, colObj.Width)
  def _syncRowCount(self):
  """Sync wx's rendition of row count with our self.RowCount"""
  msg = None
  wxRowCount = self.GetNumberRows()
  daboRowCount = self.RowCount
  diff = daboRowCount - wxRowCount
  if diff < 0:
  msg = wx.grid.GridTableMessage(self._Table,
  0, abs(diff))
  elif diff > 0:
  msg = wx.grid.GridTableMessage(self._Table,
  if msg:
  def _getDefaultGridColAttr(self):
  """Return the GridCellAttr that will be used for all columns by default."""
  attr = wx.grid.GridCellAttr()
  attr.SetAlignment(wx.ALIGN_TOP, wx.ALIGN_LEFT)
  return attr
  def _getUserSetting(self, prop):
  """Get the value of prop from the user settings table."""
  app = self.Application
  form = self.Form
  ret = None
  if app is not None and form is not None \
  and not hasattr(self, "isDesignerControl"):
  settingName = "%s.%s.%s" % (form.Name, self.Name, prop)
  ret = app.getUserSetting(settingName)
  return ret
  def _setUserSetting(self, prop, val):
  """Persist the value of prop to the user settings table."""
  app = self.Application
  form = self.Form
  if app is not None and form is not None \
  and not hasattr(self, "isDesignerControl"):
  settingName = "%s.%s.%s" % (form.Name, self.Name, prop)
  app.setUserSetting(settingName, val)
  def _enableDoubleBuffering(self):
  for win in (self.GetGridWindow(), self.GetGridColLabelWindow()):
  if not win.IsDoubleBuffered():
  def _disableDoubleBuffering(self):
  for win in (self.GetGridWindow(), self.GetGridColLabelWindow()):
  if win.IsDoubleBuffered():
  ## begin: dEvent callbacks for internal use ##
  def _onGridCellEdited(self, evt):
  ## force cache to update after an edit:
  row, col = evt.EventData["row"], evt.EventData["col"]
  self.GetCellValue(row, col, useCache=False)
  def _onGridColSize(self, evt):
  "Occurs when the user resizes the width of the column."
  colNum = evt.EventData["col"]
  col = self.Columns[colNum]
  colName = "Column_%s" % col.DataField
  # Sync our column object up with what the grid is reporting, and because
  # the user made this change, save to the userSettings:
  col.Width = self.GetColSize(self._convertDaboColNumToWxColNum(colNum))
  dabo.ui.callAfterInterval(20, self._updateColumnWidths)
  def _onGridHeaderMouseMove(self, evt):
  curMousePosition = evt.EventData["mousePosition"]
  headerIsDragging = self._headerDragging
  headerIsSizing = self._headerSizing
  dragging = evt.EventData["mouseDown"] and (curMousePosition != self._lastHeaderMousePosition)
  header = self._getWxHeader()
  if dragging:
  self._lastHeaderMousePosition = evt.EventData["mousePosition"]
  x,y = self._lastHeaderMousePosition
  if not headerIsSizing and (self.getColNumByX(x) == self.getColNumByX(x-5) == self.getColNumByX(x+5)):
  if not headerIsDragging:
  curCol = self.getColByX(x)
  if self.MovableColumns and curCol and curCol.Movable:
  # A header reposition is beginning
  self._headerDragging = True
  self._headerDragFrom = (x,y)
  # already dragging.
  begCol = self.getColNumByX(self._headerDragFrom[0])
  curCol = self.getColNumByX(x)
  # The visual indicators (changing the mouse cursor) isn't currently
  # working. It would work without the evt.Skip() below, but that is
  # needed for when the column is resized.
  uic = dUICursors
  if begCol == curCol:
  # Give visual indication that a move is initiated
  # Give visual indication that this is an acceptable drop target
  # A size action is happening
  self._headerSizing = True
  def _onGridHeaderMouseLeftUp(self, evt):
  Occurs when the left mouse button is released in the grid header.
  Basically, this comes down to two possibilities: the end of a drag
  operation, or a single-click operation. If we were dragging, then
  it is possible a column needs to change position. If we were clicking,
  then it is a sort operation.
  x,y = evt.EventData["mousePosition"]
  if self._headerDragging:
  # A drag action is ending
  self._headerDragTo = (x,y)
  begCol = self.getColNumByX(self._headerDragFrom[0])
  curCol = self.getColNumByX(x)
  if begCol != curCol:
  if curCol > begCol:
  curCol += 1
  self.moveColumn(begCol, curCol)
  elif self._headerSizing:
  # we weren't dragging, and the mouse was just released.
  # Find out the column we are in based on the x-coord, and
  # do a processSort() on that column.
  col = self.getColNumByX(x)
  self._headerDragging = False
  self._headerSizing = False
  ## pkm: commented out the evt.Continue=False because it doesn't appear
  ## to be needed, and it prevents the native UI from responding.
  #evt.Continue = False
  def _onGridHeaderMouseRightClick(self, evt):
  def _showHeaderContextMenu(self):
  # Make the popup menu appear in the location that was clicked. We init
  # the menu here, then call the user hook method to optionally fill the
  # menu. If we get a menu back from the user hook, we display it.
  menu = dabo.ui.dMenu()
  # Fill the default menu item(s):
  def _autosizeColumn(evt):
  self.autoSizeCol(self.getColNumByX(self.getMousePosition()[0]), persist=True)
  def _autosizeAllColumns(evt):
  if self.ResizableColumns:
  menu.append(_("&Autosize Column"), OnHit=_autosizeColumn,
  help=_("Autosize the column based on the data in the column."))
  menu.append(_("&Autosize All Columns"), OnHit=_autosizeAllColumns,
  help=_("Autosize all columns in the grid."))
  menu = self.fillHeaderContextMenu(menu)
  if menu is not None and len(menu.Children) > 0:
  def _onGridMouseWheel(self, evt):
  ## Override the default implementation which scrolls too slowly.
  lastWheelTime = getattr(self, "_lastWheelTime", 0)
  thisWheelTime = self._lastWheelTime = time.time()
  ui = evt._uiEvent
  mult = 1
  if ui.GetWheelRotation() > 0:
  mult = -1
  linesPerAction = ui.GetLinesPerAction()
  scrollAmt = mult * linesPerAction
  if thisWheelTime - lastWheelTime > .5:
  ## Run the first wheel scroll to occur immediately:
  ## Throttle subsequent rapid-fire wheel scrolls through callAfterInterval,
  ## otherwise the events pile up resulting in poor performance.
  _accumulatedWheelScroll = getattr(self, "_accumulatedWheelScroll", None)
  if _accumulatedWheelScroll is None:
  dabo.ui.callAfterInterval(50, self._scrollAccumulatedLines)
  _accumulatedWheelScroll = 0
  self._accumulatedWheelScroll = _accumulatedWheelScroll + scrollAmt
  self._wheelScrollLines = linesPerAction
  def _scrollAccumulatedLines(self):
  scrollAmt = self._accumulatedWheelScroll
  if sys.platform.startswith("win") and scrollAmt > self._wheelScrollLines:
  # I guess Windows doesn't receive as many wheel events per timeslice
  # as Gtk does. This attempts to compensate.
  scrollAmt *= (scrollAmt * .5)
  self._accumulatedWheelScroll = None
  def _scrollLines(self, scrollAmt):
  ## Without the Freeze/Thaw, performance sucks on Windows as it tries to do
  ## it smoothly.
  def _onGridHeaderMouseRightUp(self, evt):
  """Occurs when the right mouse button goes up in the grid header."""
  _onGridHeaderContextMenu = _onGridHeaderMouseRightUp
  def _onGridMouseRightClick(self, evt):
  # Make the popup menu appear in the location that was clicked. We init
  # the menu here, then call the user hook method to optionally fill the
  # menu. If we get a menu back from the user hook, we display it.
  # First though, make the cell the user right-clicked on the current cell:
  if self.MultipleSelection:
  # Don't erase the multiple selection if the user clicks on a valid
  # row or column:
  if "row" in self.SelectionMode.lower() and evt.row not in self.Selection:
  self.CurrentRow = evt.row
  elif "col" in self.SelectionMode.lower() and evt.col not in self.Selection:
  self.CurrentCol = evt.col
  elif "cel" in self.SelectionMode.lower():
  self.CurrentRow = evt.row
  self.CurrentCol = evt.col
  self.CurrentRow = evt.row
  self.CurrentColumn = evt.col
  menu = dabo.ui.dMenu()
  menu = self.fillContextMenu(menu)
  if menu is not None and len(menu.Children) > 0:
  _onContextMenu = _onGridMouseRightClick
  def _onGridHeaderMouseLeftDown(self, evt):
  # We need to eat this event, because the native wx grid will select all
  # rows in the column, which is a spreadsheet-like behavior, not a data-
  # aware grid-like behavior. However, let's keep our eyes out for a better
  # way to handle this, because eating events could cause some hard-to-debug
  # problems later (there could be other, more critical code, that isn't
  # being allowed to run).
  self._lastHeaderMousePosition = evt.EventData["mousePosition"]
  self._headerDragging = False
  self._headerSizing = False
  evt.Continue = False
  def _onGridMouseLeftClick(self, evt):
  def _onGridRowSize(self, evt):
  Occurs when the user sizes the height of the row. If the
  property 'SameSizeRows' is True, Dabo overrides the wxPython
  default and applies that size change to all rows, not just the row
  the user sized.
  row = evt.EventData["row"]
  if row is None or row < 0 or row > self.RowCount:
  # pkm: This has happened but I don't know why. Treat as spurious.
  if self.SameSizeRows:
  self.RowHeight = self.GetRowSize(row)
  except wx._core.PyAssertionError:
  # pkm: I don't understand how it could have gotten this far, but
  # I got an error report that the c++ assertion row>=0 && row<m_numrows failed.
  def _onGridCellSelected(self, evt):
  """Occurs when the grid's cell focus has changed."""
  threshold = .2
  last = getattr(self, "_lastCellSelectedTime", 0)
  cur = self._lastCellSelectedTime = time.time()
  #self._gridCellSelectedNewRowCol = (evt.EventData["row"], evt.EventData["col"])
  if cur - last > threshold:
  # Update immediately:
  self._gridCellSelectedOldRow = self.CurrentRow
  self._updateCellSelection((evt.EventData["row"], evt.EventData["col"]))
  # Let the grid scroll as fast as possible while rapid-fire keyboard navigation is
  # occurring, but <threshold> seconds later, sync up the bizobj and update the selection:
  if getattr(self, "_gridCellSelectedOldRow", None) is None:
  self._gridCellSelectedOldRow = self.CurrentRow
  dabo.ui.callAfterInterval(threshold*1000, self._updateCellSelection)
  def _updateCellSelection(self, newRowCol=None):
  if self._inUpdateSelection:
  oldRow = self._gridCellSelectedOldRow
  self._gridCellSelectedOldRow = None
  if newRowCol is None:
  newRowCol = (self.CurrentRow, self.CurrentColumn)
  newRow = newRowCol[0]
  newCol = self._convertWxColNumToDaboColNum(newRowCol[1])
  col = self.Columns[newCol]
  except (IndexError, TypeError):
  col = None
  if col and col.Editable and self.Editable:
  return ## segfault avoidance
  ## pkm 2005-09-28: This works around a nasty segfault:
  ## but periodically test it. My current version:
  if col:
  ## pkm 2005-09-28: Part of the editor segfault workaround. This sets the
  ## editor for the entire column, at a point in time before
  ## the grid is actually asking for the editor, and in a
  ## fashion that ensures the editor instance doesn't go
  ## out of scope prematurely.
  if col and (self.Editable and col.Editable and not self._vetoAllEditing
  and self.ActivateEditorOnSelect):
  if oldRow != newRow:
  bizobj = self.getBizobj()
  if bizobj and not self._dataSourceBeingSet:
  # Don't run any of this code if this is the initial setting of the DataSource
  if bizobj.RowCount > newRow and bizobj.RowNumber != newRow:
  if self._mediateRowNumberThroughForm and isinstance(self.Form, dabo.ui.dForm):
  # run it through the form:
  if not self.Form.moveToRowNumber(newRow, bizobj):
  # run it through the bizobj directly:
  bizobj.RowNumber = newRow
  except dException.BusinessRuleViolation, e:
  # We are probably trying to select row 0 when there are no records
  # in the bizobj.
  ##pkm: the following call causes an assertion on Mac, and appears to be
  ## unneccesary.
  self._dataSourceBeingSet = False
  dabo.ui.callAfterInterval(50, self._updateSelection)
  def _updateSelection(self):
  if self._inUpdateSelection or self.SelectionMode =="Cell":
  self._inUpdateSelection = True
  fnc = {"Row": self.SelectRow, "Col": self.SelectCol}[self.SelectionMode]
  for num in self.Selection:
  fnc(num, True)
  self._inUpdateSelection = False
  def _checkSelectionType(self):
  When the SelectionMode or MultipleSelection properties change,
  we want to make sure that the selection reflects those settings.
  mode = self.SelectionMode
  if mode == "Row":
  elif mode == "Col":
  self.SelectBlock(self.CurrentRow, self.CurrentColumn,
  self.CurrentRow, self.CurrentColumn)
  def _onKeyDown(self, evt):
  keycode = evt.EventData["keyCode"]
  if keycode == 27:
  # esc pressed. Grid will eat it by default. But if we are in a dialog with
  # a cancel button, let's runCancel() since that's what the user likely wants:
  if hasattr(self.Form, "runCancel"):
  if keycode == 9 and self.TabNavigates:
  self.Navigate(not evt.EventData["shiftDown"])
  def _onKeyChar(self, evt):
  """Occurs when the user presses a key inside the grid."""
  columns = self.Columns
  current_col = self.CurrentColumn
  if not columns or (self.Editable and columns[current_col].Editable
  and not self._vetoAllEditing):
  # Can't search and edit at the same time
  keyCode = evt.EventData["unicodeKey"]
  char = unichr(keyCode)
  except ValueError:
  # keycode not in ascii range
  if keyCode in (dKeys.key_Left, dKeys.key_Right,
  dKeys.key_Up, dKeys.key_Down, dKeys.key_Pageup, dKeys.key_Pagedown,
  dKeys.key_Home, dKeys.key_End, dKeys.key_Prior, dKeys.key_Next) \
  or evt.EventData["hasModifiers"]:
  # Enter, Tab, and Arrow Keys shouldn't be searched on.
  if (self.Searchable and columns[current_col].Searchable):
  # For some reason, without this the key happens twice
  ## end: dEvent callbacks for internal use ##
  def _calcRanges(self, seq, rowOrCol):
  startPoints = []
  nextVal = -1
  maxIdx = len(seq)-1
  for idx,pt in enumerate(seq):
  if idx == 0:
  nextVal = pt+1
  if pt == nextVal:
  nextVal += 1
  nextVal = pt+1
  endPoints = []
  for pt in startPoints:
  idx = seq.index(pt)
  if idx == maxIdx:
  found = False
  while idx < maxIdx:
  if seq[idx+1] == pt + 1:
  idx += 1
  pt += 1
  found = True
  if not found:
  typ = rowOrCol.lower()[:3]
  if typ == "row":
  cols = self.ColumnCount
  rangeStart = [(r, 0) for r in startPoints]
  rangeEnd = [(r, cols) for r in endPoints]
  elif typ == "col":
  rows = self.RowCount
  rangeStart = [(0, c) for c in startPoints]
  rangeEnd = [(rows, c) for c in endPoints]
  return zip(rangeStart, rangeEnd)
  ## begin: wx callbacks to re-route to dEvents ##
  ## dGrid has to reimplement all of this to augment what dPemMixin does,
  ## to offer separate events in the grid versus the header region.
  def __onWxContextMenu(self, evt):
  self.raiseEvent(dEvents.GridContextMenu, evt)
  def __onWxGridColSize(self, evt):
  daboCol = self._convertWxColNumToDaboColNum(evt.GetRowOrCol())
  colObj = self.Columns[daboCol]
  if self.ResizableColumns and colObj.Resizable:
  self.raiseEvent(dEvents.GridColSize, col=daboCol)
  # need to reference the Width property for some reason:
  def __onWxGridSelectCell(self, evt):
  if getattr(self, "_inSelect", False) or getattr(self, "_inUpdateSelection", False):
  # Avoid recursion
  if self.ColumnCount == 0:
  # Grid is not fully constructed yet
  col = self.Columns[evt.GetCol()]
  if col.Editable and col.RendererClass == col.boolRendererClass:
  # user is clicking on a checkbox
  self._inSelect = True
  if evt.Selecting():
  self.raiseEvent(dEvents.GridCellSelected, evt)
  self._lastRow, self._lastCol = evt.GetRow(), evt.GetCol()
  if not sys.platform.startswith("win"):
  self._inSelect = False
  def __onWxGridRangeSelect(self, evt):
  if self._inRangeSelect:
  # avoid recursive events
  self._inRangeSelect = True
  if evt.Selecting():
  self.raiseEvent(dEvents.GridRangeSelected, evt)
  self._inRangeSelect = False
  def __onWxScrollWin(self, evt):
  evtClass = dabo.ui.getScrollWinEventClass(evt)
  self.raiseEvent(evtClass, evt)
  def _updateWxSelection(self, evt):
  if self.MultipleSelection:
  # Nothing to do
  origRow, origCol = self.CurrentRow, self.CurrentColumn
  mode = self.GetSelectionMode()
  top, bott = evt.GetTopRow(), evt.GetBottomRow()
  except AttributeError:
  top = bott = evt.GetRow()
  left, right = evt.GetLeftCol(), evt.GetRightCol()
  except AttributeError:
  left = right = evt.GetCol()
  if mode == wx.grid.Grid.wxGridSelectRows:
  if (top != bott) or (top != origCol):
  # Attempting to select a range
  if top == origRow:
  row = bott
  row = top
  if self._lastCol is not None:
  self.SetGridCursor(row, self._lastCol)
  elif mode == wx.grid.Grid.wxGridSelectColumns:
  if (left != right) or (left != origCol):
  # Attempting to select a range
  if left == origCol:
  col = right
  col = left
  self.SetGridCursor(self._lastRow, col)
  # Cells
  chg = False
  row, col = origRow, origCol
  if top != bott:
  chg = True
  if top == origRow:
  row = bott
  row = top
  elif top != origRow:
  # New row
  chg = True
  row = top
  if left != right:
  chg = True
  if left == origCol:
  col = right
  col = left
  elif left != origCol:
  # New col
  chg = True
  col = left
  if chg:
  self.SetGridCursor(row, col)
  self.SelectBlock(row, col, row, col)
  def __onWxGridEditorShown(self, evt):
  self.raiseEvent(dEvents.GridCellEditBegin, evt)
  def __onWxGridEditorHidden(self, evt):
  self.raiseEvent(dEvents.GridCellEditEnd, evt)
  def _toggleCheckBox(self):
  ed = getattr(self, "_activeEditorControl", None)
  if ed:
  ed.SetValue(not ed.GetValue())
  def _checkBoxToggled(self, obj):
  # Force the flushing of the value immediately, instead of waiting for the
  # editor to lose focus (where the flush will happen a second time).
  self._Table.SetValue(self.CurrentRow, self.CurrentColumn, obj.GetValue())
  def __onGridCellLeftClick_toggleCB(self, evt):
  col = self.Columns[evt.GetCol()]
  if col.RendererClass == col.boolRendererClass:
  dabo.ui.callAfterInterval(100, self._toggleCheckBox)
  def __onWxGridEditorCreated(self, evt):
  """Bind the kill focus event to the newly instantiated cell editor """
  editor = evt.GetControl()
  editor.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self.__onWxGridCellEditorKillFocus)
  col = self.Columns[evt.GetCol()]
  if col.RendererClass == col.boolRendererClass:
  def onKeyDown(evt):
  if evt.KeyCode == wx.WXK_UP:
  if self.GetGridCursorRow() > 0:
  elif evt.KeyCode == wx.WXK_DOWN:
  if self.GetGridCursorRow() < (self.GetNumberRows() - 1):
  elif evt.KeyCode == wx.WXK_LEFT:
  if self.GetGridCursorCol() > 0:
  elif evt.KeyCode == wx.WXK_RIGHT:
  if self.GetGridCursorCol() < (self.GetNumberCols() - 1):
  def onHit(evt):
  ed = self._activeEditorControl = evt.GetControl()
  style = ed.GetWindowStyle()
  style |= wx.WANTS_CHARS
  ed.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, onKeyDown)
  ed.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, onHit)
  def __onWxGridCellEditorKillFocus(self, evt):
  # Cell editor's grandparent, the grid GridWindow's parent, is the grid.
  def __onWxGridCellChange(self, evt):
  self.raiseEvent(dEvents.GridCellEdited, evt)
  def __onWxGridRowSize(self, evt):
  self.raiseEvent(dEvents.GridRowSize, evt)
  def __onWxHeaderContextMenu(self, evt):
  col, row = self._getColRowForPosition(evt.GetPosition())
  self.raiseEvent(dEvents.GridHeaderContextMenu, evt, col=col)
  def __onWxHeaderIdle(self, evt):
  self.raiseEvent(dEvents.GridHeaderIdle, evt)
  def __onWxHeaderMouseEnter(self, evt):
  col, row = self._getColRowForPosition(evt.GetPosition())
  self.raiseEvent(dEvents.GridHeaderMouseEnter, evt, col=col)
  def __onWxHeaderMouseLeave(self, evt):
  col, row = self._getColRowForPosition(evt.GetPosition())
  self._headerMouseLeftDown, self._headerMouseRightDown = False, False
  self.raiseEvent(dEvents.GridHeaderMouseLeave, evt, col=col)
  def __onWxHeaderMouseLeftDoubleClick(self, evt):
  col, row = self._getColRowForPosition(evt.GetPosition())
  self.raiseEvent(dEvents.GridHeaderMouseLeftDoubleClick, evt, col=col)
  def __onWxHeaderMouseLeftDown(self, evt):
  col, row = self._getColRowForPosition(evt.GetPosition())
  self.raiseEvent(dEvents.GridHeaderMouseLeftDown, evt, col=col)
  self._headerMouseLeftDown = True
  #evt.Skip() #- don't skip or all the rows will be selected.
  def __onWxHeaderMouseLeftUp(self, evt):
  col, row = self._getColRowForPosition(evt.GetPosition())
  self.raiseEvent(dEvents.GridHeaderMouseLeftUp, evt, col=col)
  if self._headerMouseLeftDown:
  # mouse went down and up in the header: send a click:
  self.raiseEvent(dEvents.GridHeaderMouseLeftClick, evt, col=col)
  self._headerMouseLeftDown = False
  def __onWxHeaderMouseMotion(self, evt):
  if dabo.ui.isMouseLeftDown():
  col, row = self._getColRowForPosition(evt.GetPosition())
  self.raiseEvent(dEvents.GridHeaderMouseMove, evt, col=col)
  def __onWxHeaderMouseRightDown(self, evt):
  col, row = self._getColRowForPosition(evt.GetPosition())
  self.raiseEvent(dEvents.GridHeaderMouseRightDown, evt, col=col)
  self._headerMouseRightDown = True
  def __onWxHeaderMouseRightUp(self, evt):
  col, row = self._getColRowForPosition(evt.GetPosition())
  self.raiseEvent(dEvents.GridHeaderMouseRightUp, evt, col=col)
  if self._headerMouseRightDown:
  # mouse went down and up in the header: send a click:
  self.raiseEvent(dEvents.GridHeaderMouseRightClick, evt)
  self._headerMouseRightDown = False
  def __onWxHeaderPaint(self, evt):
  updateBox = self._getWxHeader().GetUpdateRegion().GetBox()
  def _getColRowForPosition(self, pos):
  """Used in the mouse event handlers to stuff the col, row into EventData."""
  col = self.getColNumByX(pos[0])
  row = self.getRowNumByY(pos[1])
  if col < 0 or row < 0:
  # click was outside grid cell area
  col, row = None, None
  return col, row
  def __onWxMouseLeftDoubleClick(self, evt):
  col, row = self._getColRowForPosition(evt.GetPosition())
  self.raiseEvent(dEvents.GridMouseLeftDoubleClick, evt, col=col, row=row)
  def __onWxMouseLeftDown(self, evt):
  col, row = self._getColRowForPosition(evt.GetPosition())
  self.raiseEvent(dEvents.GridMouseLeftDown, evt, col=col, row=row)
  self._mouseLeftDown = (col, row)
  def __onWxMouseLeftUp(self, evt):
  col, row = self._getColRowForPosition(evt.GetPosition())
  self.raiseEvent(dEvents.GridMouseLeftUp, evt, col=col, row=row)
  if getattr(self, "_mouseLeftDown", (None, None)) == (col, row):
  # mouse went down and up in this cell: send a click:
  self.raiseEvent(dEvents.GridMouseLeftClick, evt, col=col, row=row)
  self._mouseLeftDown = (None, None)
  def __onWxMouseMotion(self, evt):
  if dabo.ui.isMouseLeftDown():
  col, row = self._getColRowForPosition(evt.GetPosition())
  self.raiseEvent(dEvents.GridMouseMove, evt, col=col, row=row)
  def __onWxMouseRightDown(self, evt):
  col, row = self._getColRowForPosition(evt.GetPosition())
  self.raiseEvent(dEvents.GridMouseRightDown, evt, col=col, row=row)
  self._mouseRightDown = (col, row)
  def __onWxMouseRightUp(self, evt):
  col, row = self._getColRowForPosition(evt.GetPosition())
  self.raiseEvent(dEvents.GridMouseRightUp, evt, col=col, row=row)
  if getattr(self, "_mouseRightDown", (None, None)) == (col, row):
  # mouse went down and up in this cell: send a click:
  self.raiseEvent(dEvents.GridMouseRightClick, evt, col=col, row=row)
  self._mouseRightDown = (None, None)
  ## end: wx callbacks to re-route to dEvents ##
  ## begin: property definitions ##
  def _getActivateEditorOnSelect(self):
  v = self._activateEditorOnSelect
  except AttributeError:
  v = self._activateEditorOnSelect = True
  return v
  def _setActivateEditorOnSelect(self, val):
  self._activateEditorOnSelect = bool(val)
  def _getAlternateRowColoring(self):
  return self._alternateRowColoring
  def _setAlternateRowColoring(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  self._alternateRowColoring = val
  self._properties["AlternateRowColoring"] = val
  def _getAutoAdjustHeaderHeight(self):
  return self._autoAdjustHeaderHeight
  def _setAutoAdjustHeaderHeight(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  self._autoAdjustHeaderHeight = val
  if val:
  self._properties["AutoAdjustHeaderHeight"] = val
  def _getCellHighlightWidth(self):
  return self.GetCellHighlightPenWidth()
  def _setCellHighlightWidth(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  self._properties["CellHighlightWidth"] = val
  def _getColumns(self):
  return self._columns
  def _getColumnClass(self):
  return self._columnClass
  def _setColumnClass(self, val):
  self._columnClass = val
  def _getColumnCount(self):
  return len(self.Columns)
  def _setColumnCount(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  if val > -1:
  colChange = val - self.ColumnCount
  if colChange == 0:
  # No change
  elif colChange < 0:
  while self.ColumnCount > val:
  for cc in range(colChange):
  self._properties["ColumnCount"] = val
  def _getCurrCellVal(self):
  return self.GetValue(self.GetGridCursorRow(), self.GetGridCursorCol())
  def _setCurrCellVal(self, val):
  self.SetValue(self.GetGridCursorRow(), self.GetGridCursorCol(), val)
  def _getCurrentColumn(self):
  return self.GetGridCursorCol()
  def _setCurrentColumn(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  if val > -1:
  val = min(val, self.ColumnCount)
  rn = self.CurrentRow
  self.SetGridCursor(rn, val)
  self.MakeCellVisible(rn, val)
  self._properties["CurrentColumn"] = val
  def _getCurrentField(self):
  return self.Columns[self.GetGridCursorCol()].DataField
  def _setCurrentField(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  for ii in range(len(self.Columns)):
  if self.Columns[ii].DataField == val:
  self.CurrentColumn = ii
  self._properties["CurrentField"] = val
  def _getCurrentRow(self):
  return self.GetGridCursorRow()
  def _setCurrentRow(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  curr = self.GetGridCursorRow()
  if val >= self.RowCount:
  val = self.RowCount - 1
  if val < 0:
  val = 0
  cn = self.CurrentColumn
  if curr != val:
  # The row is being changed
  val = max(0, val)
  cn = max(0, cn)
  self.SetGridCursor(val, cn)
  self.MakeCellVisible(val, cn)
  self._properties["CurrentRow"] = val
  def _getDataSet(self):
  if self.DataSource is not None:
  ret = None
  bo = self.getBizobj()
  ret = bo.getDataSet()
  except AttributeError:
  # See if the DataSource is a reference
  ret = eval(self.DataSource)
  except StandardError:
  # If it fails for any reason, bail.
  self._dataSet = ret
  ret = self._dataSet
  except AttributeError:
  ret = self._dataSet = None
  return ret
  def _setDataSet(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  if (self.DataSource is not None) and not hasattr(self, "isDesignerControl"):
  raise ValueError("Cannot set DataSet: DataSource defined.")
  # We must make sure the grid's table is initialized first:
  if not isinstance(val, dabo.db.dDataSet):
  val = dabo.db.dDataSet(val)
  self._dataSet = val
  if not self._settingDataSetFromSort:
  # Force the grid to maintain its current sort order
  self._properties["DataSet"] = val
  def _getDataSource(self):
  v = self._dataSource
  except AttributeError:
  v = self._dataSource = None
  return v
  def _setDataSource(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  # We must make sure the grid's table is initialized first:
  self._dataSet = None
  self._dataSource = val
  biz = self.getBizobj()
  self._dataSourceBeingSet = True
  if biz:
  dabo.ui.setAfter(self, "CurrentRow", biz.RowNumber)
  self._properties["DataSource"] = val
  def _getEditable(self):
  return self.IsEditable()
  def _setEditable(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  self._properties["Editable"] = val
  def _getEncoding(self):
  ret = self.getBizobj().Encoding
  except AttributeError:
  ret = dabo.getEncoding()
  return ret
  def _getHeaderBackColor(self):
  return self._headerBackColor
  def _setHeaderBackColor(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  if isinstance(val, basestring):
  val = dColors.colorTupleFromName(val)
  self._headerBackColor = val
  self._properties["HeaderBackColor"] = val
  def _getHeaderForeColor(self):
  return self._headerForeColor
  def _setHeaderForeColor(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  if isinstance(val, basestring):
  val = dColors.colorTupleFromName(val)
  self._headerForeColor = val
  self._properties["HeaderForeColor"] = val
  def _getHeaderHeight(self):
  return self.GetColLabelSize()
  def _setHeaderHeight(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  if val <= 0:
  self._lastPositiveHeaderHeight = self.GetColLabelSize()
  self._properties["HeaderHeight"] = val
  def _getHeaderHorizontalAlignment(self):
  return self._headerHorizontalAlignment
  def _setHeaderHorizontalAlignment(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  v = self._expandPropStringValue(val, ("Left", "Right", "Center"))
  self._headerHorizontalAlignment = v
  self._properties["HeaderHorizontalAlignment"] = val
  def _getHeaderVerticalAlignment(self):
  return self._headerVerticalAlignment
  def _setHeaderVerticalAlignment(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  v = self._expandPropStringValue(val, ("Top", "Bottom", "Center"))
  self._headerVerticalAlignment = v
  self._properties["HeaderVerticalAlignment"] = val
  def _getHorizontalScrolling(self):
  return self.GetScrollPixelsPerUnit()[0] > 0
  def _setHorizontalScrolling(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  if val:
  self.SetScrollRate(20, self.GetScrollPixelsPerUnit()[1])
  self.SetScrollRate(0, self.GetScrollPixelsPerUnit()[1])
  self._properties["HorizontalScrolling"] = val
  def _getMovableColumns(self):
  return self._movableColumns
  def _setMovableColumns(self, val):
  self._movableColumns = val
  def _getMultipleSelection(self):
  return self._multipleSelection
  def _setMultipleSelection(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  if val != self._multipleSelection:
  self._multipleSelection = val
  self._properties["MultipleSelection"] = val
  def _getNoneDisplay(self):
  return self._noneDisplay
  def _setNoneDisplay(self, val):
  if val is None:
  self._noneDisplay = self.__noneDisplayDefault
  assert isinstance(val, basestring)
  self._noneDisplay = val
  def _getResizableColumns(self):
  return self._resizableColumns
  def _setResizableColumns(self, val):
  self._resizableColumns = val
  def _getResizableRows(self):
  return self._resizableRows
  def _setResizableRows(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  self._resizableRows = val
  if val:
  self._properties["ResizableRows"] = val
  def _getRowColorEven(self):
  return self._rowColorEven
  def _setRowColorEven(self, val):
  self._rowColorEven = val
  def _getRowColorOdd(self):
  return self._rowColorOdd
  def _setRowColorOdd(self, val):
  self._rowColorOdd = val
  def _getRowCount(self):
  self._tableRows = self.getBizobj().RowCount
  except AttributeError:
  return self._tableRows
  def _getRowHeight(self):
  v = self._rowHeight
  except AttributeError:
  v = self._rowHeight = self.GetDefaultRowSize()
  return v
  def _setRowHeight(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  rh = self._rowHeight
  except AttributeError:
  rh = self._rowHeight = self.GetDefaultRowSize()
  if val != rh:
  self._rowHeight = val
  self.SetDefaultRowSize(val, True)
  # Persist the new size:
  self._setUserSetting("RowSize", val)
  self._properties["RowHeight"] = val
  def _getRowLabels(self):
  return self._rowLabels
  def _setRowLabels(self, val):
  self._rowLabels = val
  def _getRowLabelWidth(self):
  v = self._rowLabelWidth
  except AttributeError:
  v = self._rowLabelWidth = self.GetDefaultRowLabelSize()
  return v
  def _setRowLabelWidth(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  self._rowLabelWidth = val
  if self.ShowRowLabels:
  self._properties["RowLabelWidth"] = val
  def _getSameSizeRows(self):
  return self._sameSizeRows
  def _setSameSizeRows(self, val):
  self._sameSizeRows = bool(val)
  def _getSaveRestoreDataSet(self):
  return getattr(self, "_saveRestoreDataSet", False)
  def _setSaveRestoreDataSet(self, val):
  self._saveRestoreDataSet = bool(val)
  def _getSearchable(self):
  return self._searchable
  def _setSearchable(self, val):
  self._searchable = bool(val)
  def _getSearchDelay(self):
  return self._searchDelay
  def _setSearchDelay(self, val):
  self._searchDelay = val
  def _getSelection(self):
  ret = []
  sm = self._selectionMode
  tl = self.GetSelectionBlockTopLeft()
  br = self.GetSelectionBlockBottomRight()
  cols = self.GetSelectedCols()
  rows = self.GetSelectedRows()
  cells = self.GetSelectedCells()
  if sm == "Row":
  ret = rows
  # See if anything is returned by the block functions
  if tl and br:
  for tlz, brz in zip(tl, br):
  r1 = tlz[0]
  r2 = brz[0]
  ret += range(r1, r2+1)
  if not ret:
  # Only a single cell selected
  ret = [self.GetGridCursorRow()]
  elif sm == "Col":
  ret = cols
  # See if anything is returned by the block functions
  if tl and br:
  for tlz, brz in zip(tl, br):
  c1 = tlz[1]
  c2 = brz[1]
  ret += range(c1, c2+1)
  if not ret:
  # Only a single cell selected
  ret = [self.GetGridCursorCol()]
  # Cell selection mode
  if tl and br:
  ret = zip(tl, br)
  # Add any selected rows
  if rows:
  ret += self._calcRanges(rows, "Rows")
  # Add any selected columns
  if cols:
  ret += self._calcRanges(cols, "Cols")
  # Add any selected cells
  if cells:
  ret += [(val, val) for val in cells]
  if not ret:
  cell = (self.GetGridCursorRow(), self.GetGridCursorCol())
  ret = [(cell, cell)]
  return ret
  def _getSelectionBackColor(self):
  return self._selectionBackColor
  def _setSelectionBackColor(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  self._selectionBackColor = val
  if isinstance(val, basestring):
  val = dColors.colorTupleFromName(val)
  self._properties["SelectionBackColor"] = val
  def _getSelectionForeColor(self):
  return self._selectionForeColor
  def _setSelectionForeColor(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  self._selectionForeColor = val
  if isinstance(val, basestring):
  val = dColors.colorTupleFromName(val)
  self._properties["SelectionForeColor"] = val
  def _getSelectionMode(self):
  return self._selectionMode
  def _setSelectionMode(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  orig = self._selectionMode
  val2 = val.lower().strip()[:2]
  if val2 == "ro":
  self._selectionMode = "Row"
  except wx.PyAssertionError:
  dabo.ui.callAfter(self._setSelectionMode, val)
  elif val2 == "co":
  self._selectionMode = "Col"
  except wx.PyAssertionError:
  dabo.ui.callAfter(self._setSelectionMode, val)
  self._selectionMode = "Cell"
  except wx.PyAssertionError:
  dabo.ui.callAfter(self._setSelectionMode, val)
  if self._selectionMode != orig:
  self._properties["SelectionMode"] = val
  def _getShowCellBorders(self):
  return self.GridLinesEnabled()
  def _setShowCellBorders(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  self._properties["ShowCellBorders"] = val
  def _getShowColumnLabels(self):
  warnings.warn(_("ShowColumnLabels is deprecated. Use ShowHeaders instead"), DeprecationWarning)
  return self._showHeaders
  def _setShowColumnLabels(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  warnings.warn(_("ShowColumnLabels is deprecated. Use ShowHeaders instead"), DeprecationWarning)
  self._showHeaders = val
  if val:
  self._properties["ShowColumnLabels"] = val
  def _getShowHeaders(self):
  return self._showHeaders
  def _setShowHeaders(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  self._showHeaders = val
  if val:
  hh = getattr(self, "_lastPositiveHeaderHeight", None)
  if not hh:
  # Use current if already positive:
  hh = self.GetColLabelSize()
  if not hh:
  # Set a reasonable default (should never happen)
  hh = 32
  curr = self.GetColLabelSize()
  if curr > 0:
  self._lastPositiveHeaderHeight = curr
  self._properties["ShowHeaders"] = val
  def _getShowRowLabels(self):
  return self._showRowLabels
  def _setShowRowLabels(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  self._showRowLabels = val
  if val:
  self._properties["ShowRowLabels"] = val
  def _getSortable(self):
  return self._sortable
  def _setSortable(self, val):
  self._sortable = bool(val)
  def _getSortIndicatorColor(self):
  return self._sortIndicatorColor
  def _setSortIndicatorColor(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  self._sortIndicatorColor = val
  self._properties["SortIndicatorColor"] = val
  def _getSortIndicatorSize(self):
  return self._sortIndicatorSize
  def _setSortIndicatorSize(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  self._sortIndicatorSize = val
  self._properties["SortIndicatorSize"] = val
  def _getTabNavigates(self):
  return getattr(self, "_tabNavigates", True)
  def _setTabNavigates(self, val):
  self._tabNavigates = bool(val)
  def _getVerticalHeaders(self):
  return self._verticalHeaders
  def _setVerticalHeaders(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  if val != self._verticalHeaders:
  self._verticalHeaders = val
  if self.AutoAdjustHeaderHeight:
  self._properties["VerticalHeaders"] = val
  def _getVerticalScrolling(self):
  return self.GetScrollPixelsPerUnit()[1] > 0
  def _setVerticalScrolling(self, val):
  if self._constructed():
  if val:
  self.SetScrollRate(self.GetScrollPixelsPerUnit()[0], 20)
  self.SetScrollRate(self.GetScrollPixelsPerUnit()[0], 0)
  self._properties["VerticalScrolling"] = val
  def _getTable(self):
  ## pkm: we can't call this until after the grid is fully constructed. Need to fix.
  tbl = self.GetTable()
  except TypeError:
  tbl = None
  if not tbl:
  tbl = dGridDataTable(self)
  self.SetTable(tbl, False)
  except TypeError:
  tbl = None
  return tbl
  def _setTable(self, tbl):
  if self._constructed():
  self.SetTable(tbl, True)
  self._properties["Table"] = value
  ActivateEditorOnSelect = property(
  _getActivateEditorOnSelect, _setActivateEditorOnSelect, None,
  _("Specifies whether the cell editor, if any, is activated upon cell selection."))
  AlternateRowColoring = property(_getAlternateRowColoring, _setAlternateRowColoring, None,
  _("""When True, alternate rows of the grid are colored according to
  the RowColorOdd and RowColorEven properties (bool)"""))
  AutoAdjustHeaderHeight = property(_getAutoAdjustHeaderHeight,
  _setAutoAdjustHeaderHeight, None,
  _("""When True, changing the VerticalHeaders property will adjust the HeaderHeight
  to accommodate the rotated labels. Default=False. (bool)"""))
  CellHighlightWidth = property(_getCellHighlightWidth, _setCellHighlightWidth, None,
  _("Specifies the width of the cell highlight box."))
  Children = property(_getColumns, None, None,
  _("List of dColumns, same as self.Columns. (list)"))
  Columns = property(_getColumns, None, None,
  _("List of dColumns. (list)"))
  ColumnClass = property(_getColumnClass, _setColumnClass, None,
  _("""Class to instantiate when a change to ColumnCount requires
  additional columns to be created. Default=dColumn. (dColumn subclass)""") )
  ColumnCount = property(_getColumnCount, _setColumnCount, None,
  _("Number of columns in the grid. (int)") )
  CurrentCellValue = property(_getCurrCellVal, _setCurrCellVal, None,
  _("Value of the currently selected grid cell (varies)") )
  CurrentColumn = property(_getCurrentColumn, _setCurrentColumn, None,
  _("Currently selected column index. (int)") )
  CurrentField = property(_getCurrentField, _setCurrentField, None,
  _("Field for the currently selected column (str)") )
  CurrentRow = property(_getCurrentRow, _setCurrentRow, None,
  _("Currently selected row (int)") )
  DataSet = property(_getDataSet, _setDataSet, None,
  _("""The set of data displayed in the grid. (set of dicts)
  When DataSource isn't defined, setting DataSet to a set of dicts,
  such as what you get from calling dBizobj.getDataSet(), will
  define the source of the data that the grid displays.
  If DataSource is defined, DataSet is read-only and returns the dataSet
  from the bizobj."""))
  DataSource = property(_getDataSource, _setDataSource, None,
  _("""The source of the data to display in the grid. (str)
  This corresponds to a bizobj with a matching DataSource on the form,
  and setting this makes it impossible to set DataSet."""))
  Editable = property(_getEditable, _setEditable, None,
  _("""This setting enables/disables cell editing globally. (bool)
  When False, no cells will be editable by the user. When True, cells in
  columns set as Editable will be editable by the user. Note that grids
  and columns are both set with Editable=False by default, so to enable
  cell editing you need to turn it on in the appropriate column as well
  as in the grid.""") )
  Encoding = property(_getEncoding, None, None,
  _("Name of encoding to use for unicode (str)") )
  HeaderBackColor = property(_getHeaderBackColor, _setHeaderBackColor, None,
  _("""Optional color for the background of the column headers. (str or None)
  This is only the default: setting the corresponding dColumn property will
  override.""") )
  HeaderForeColor = property(_getHeaderForeColor, _setHeaderForeColor, None,
  _("""Optional color for the foreground (text) of the column headers. (str or None)
  This is only the default: setting the corresponding dColumn property will
  override.""") )
  HeaderHeight = property(_getHeaderHeight, _setHeaderHeight, None,
  _("Height of the column headers. (int)") )
  HeaderHorizontalAlignment = property(_getHeaderHorizontalAlignment, _setHeaderHorizontalAlignment, None,
  _("""The horizontal alignment of the header captions. ('Left', 'Center', 'Right')
  This is only the default: setting the corresponding dColumn property will
  override.""") )
  HeaderVerticalAlignment = property(_getHeaderVerticalAlignment, _setHeaderVerticalAlignment, None,
  _("""The vertical alignment of the header captions. ('Top', 'Center', 'Bottom')
  This is only the default: setting the corresponding dColumn property will
  override.""") )
  HorizontalScrolling = property(_getHorizontalScrolling, _setHorizontalScrolling, None,
  _("Is scrolling enabled in the horizontal direction? (bool)"))
  MovableColumns = property(_getMovableColumns, _setMovableColumns, None,
  _("When False, the user cannot re-order the columns by dragging the headers (bool)"))
  MultipleSelection = property(_getMultipleSelection, _setMultipleSelection, None,
  _("When True (default), more than one cell/row/col can be selected at once (bool)"))
  NoneDisplay = property(_getNoneDisplay, _setNoneDisplay, None,
  _("Text to display for null (None) values. (str)") )
  ResizableColumns = property(_getResizableColumns, _setResizableColumns, None,
  _("When False, the user cannot resize the columns (bool)"))
  ResizableRows = property(_getResizableRows, _setResizableRows, None,
  _("When False, the user cannot resize the rows (bool)"))
  RowColorEven = property(_getRowColorEven, _setRowColorEven, None,
  _("""When alternate row coloring is active, controls the color
  of the even rows (str or tuple)"""))
  RowColorOdd = property(_getRowColorOdd, _setRowColorOdd, None,
  _("""When alternate row coloring is active, controls the color
  of the odd rows (str or tuple)"""))
  RowCount = property(_getRowCount, None, None,
  _("Number of rows in the grid. (int)") )
  RowHeight = property(_getRowHeight, _setRowHeight, None,
  _("Row Height for all rows of the grid (int)"))
  RowLabels = property(_getRowLabels, _setRowLabels, None,
  _("List of the row labels. (list)") )
  RowLabelWidth = property(_getRowLabelWidth, _setRowLabelWidth, None,
  _("""Width of the label on the left side of the rows. This only changes
  the grid if ShowRowLabels is True. (int)"""))
  SameSizeRows = property(_getSameSizeRows, _setSameSizeRows, None,
  _("""Is every row the same height? (bool)"""))
  SaveRestoreDataSet = property(_getSaveRestoreDataSet, _setSaveRestoreDataSet, None,
  _("""Specifies whether the DataSet is persisted to preferences (bool).
  This allows you to build a grid to capture user input of some form, and
  instead of saving the row and field values to a database, to save the
  entire dataset to a single key in the prefs table.
  Use this sparingly for grids that won't grow too large.
  The default is False."""))
  SaveRestoreDataSet = property(_getSaveRestoreDataSet, _setSaveRestoreDataSet, None,
  _("""Specifies whether the DataSet is persisted to preferences (bool).
  This allows you to build a grid to capture user input of some form, and
  instead of saving the row and field values to a database, to save the
  entire dataset to a single key in the prefs table.
  Use this sparingly for grids that won't grow too large.
  The default is False."""))
  Searchable = property(_getSearchable, _setSearchable, None,
  _("""Specifies whether the columns can be searched. (bool)
  If True, columns that have their Searchable properties set to True
  will be searchable.
  Default: True"""))
  SearchDelay = property(_getSearchDelay, _setSearchDelay, None,
  _("""Specifies the delay before incrementeal searching begins. (int or None)
  As the user types, the search string is modified. If the time between
  keystrokes exceeds SearchDelay (milliseconds), the search will run and
  the search string will be cleared.
  If SearchDelay is set to None (the default), Application.SearchDelay will
  be used.""") )
  Selection = property(_getSelection, None, None,
  _("""Returns either a list of row/column numbers if SelectionMode is set to
  either 'Row' or 'Column'. If SelectionMode is 'Cell', returns a list of 2-tuples,
  where each 2-tuple represents a selected range of cells: the top-left and
  bottom-right coordinates for a given range. If only a single cell is selected,
  there will be only one 2-tuple in the list, with both values being the same.
  If a continuous block of cells is selected, there will be only one 2-tuple in the
  list, but the values will differ. If more than one discontinuous range is selected,
  there will be as many 2-tuples as there are range blocks. (list)"""))
  SelectionBackColor = property(_getSelectionBackColor, _setSelectionBackColor, None,
  _("BackColor of selected cells (str or RGB tuple)"))
  SelectionForeColor = property(_getSelectionForeColor, _setSelectionForeColor, None,
  _("ForeColor of selected cells (str or RGB tuple)"))
  SelectionMode = property(_getSelectionMode, _setSelectionMode, None,
  _("""Determines how the grid displays selections. (str)
  Options are:
  Cells/Plain/None - no row/col highlighting (default)
  Row - the row of the selected cell is highlighted
  Column - the column of the selected cell is highlighted
  The highlight color is determined by the SelectionBackColor and
  SelectionForeColor properties.
  ShowCellBorders = property(_getShowCellBorders, _setShowCellBorders, None,
  _("Are borders around cells shown? (bool)") )
  ShowColumnLabels = property(_getShowColumnLabels, _setShowColumnLabels, None,
  _("""Are column labels shown? (bool)
  DEPRECATED: Use ShowHeaders instead.""") )
  ShowHeaders = property(_getShowHeaders, _setShowHeaders, None,
  _("""Are grid column headers shown? (bool)""") )
  ShowRowLabels = property(_getShowRowLabels, _setShowRowLabels, None,
  _("Are row labels shown? (bool)") )
  Sortable = property(_getSortable, _setSortable, None,
  _("""Specifies whether the columns can be sorted. If True,
  and if the column's Sortable property is True, the column
  will be sortable. Default: True (bool)"""))
  SortIndicatorColor = property(_getSortIndicatorColor, _setSortIndicatorColor,
  None, _("""Color of the icon is that identifies a column as being sorted.
  Default="yellow". (str or color tuple)"""))
  SortIndicatorSize = property(_getSortIndicatorSize, _setSortIndicatorSize,
  None, _("""Determines how large the icon is that identifies a column as
  being sorted. Default=8. (int)"""))
  TabNavigates = property(_getTabNavigates, _setTabNavigates, None,
  _("""Specifies whether Tab navigates to the next control (True, the default),
  or if Tab moves to the next column in the grid (False)."""))
  VerticalHeaders = property(_getVerticalHeaders, _setVerticalHeaders, None,
  _("""When True, the column headers' Captions are written vertically.
  Default=False. (bool)"""))
  VerticalScrolling = property(_getVerticalScrolling, _setVerticalScrolling, None,
  _("Is scrolling enabled in the vertical direction? (bool)"))
  _Table = property(_getTable, _setTable, None,
  _("Reference to the internal table class (dGridDataTable)") )
  # Dynamic Property Declarations
  DynamicActivateEditorOnSelect = makeDynamicProperty(ActivateEditorOnSelect)
  DynamicAlternateRowColoring = makeDynamicProperty(AlternateRowColoring)
  DynamicCellHighlightWidth = makeDynamicProperty(CellHighlightWidth)
  DynamicColumnClass = makeDynamicProperty(ColumnClass)
  DynamicColumnCount = makeDynamicProperty(ColumnCount)
  DynamicCurrentColumn = makeDynamicProperty(CurrentColumn)
  DynamicCurrentField = makeDynamicProperty(CurrentField)
  DynamicCurrentRow = makeDynamicProperty(CurrentRow)
  DynamicDataSet = makeDynamicProperty(DataSet)
  DynamicDataSource = makeDynamicProperty(DataSource)
  DynamicEditable = makeDynamicProperty(Editable)
  DynamicHeaderBackColor = makeDynamicProperty(HeaderBackColor)
  DynamicHeaderForeColor = makeDynamicProperty(HeaderForeColor)
  DynamicHeaderHeight = makeDynamicProperty(HeaderHeight)
  DynamicHeaderHorizontalAlignment = makeDynamicProperty(HeaderHorizontalAlignment)
  DynamicHeaderVerticalAlignment = makeDynamicProperty(HeaderVerticalAlignment)
  DynamicHorizontalScrolling = makeDynamicProperty(HorizontalScrolling)
  DynamicRowColorEven = makeDynamicProperty(RowColorEven)
  DynamicRowColorOdd = makeDynamicProperty(RowColorOdd)
  DynamicRowHeight = makeDynamicProperty(RowHeight)
  DynamicRowLabels = makeDynamicProperty(RowLabels)
  DynamicRowLabelWidth = makeDynamicProperty(RowLabelWidth)
  DynamicSameSizeRows = makeDynamicProperty(SameSizeRows)
  DynamicSearchable = makeDynamicProperty(Searchable)
  DynamicSearchDelay = makeDynamicProperty(SearchDelay)
  DynamicSelectionBackColor = makeDynamicProperty(SelectionBackColor)
  DynamicSelectionForeColor = makeDynamicProperty(SelectionForeColor)
  DynamicSelectionMode = makeDynamicProperty(SelectionMode)
  DynamicShowCellBorders = makeDynamicProperty(ShowCellBorders)
  DynamicShowColumnLabels = makeDynamicProperty(ShowColumnLabels)
  DynamicShowHeaders = makeDynamicProperty(ShowHeaders)
  DynamicShowRowLabels = makeDynamicProperty(ShowRowLabels)
  DynamicSortable = makeDynamicProperty(Sortable)
  DynamicTabNavigates = makeDynamicProperty(TabNavigates)
  DynamicVerticalScrolling = makeDynamicProperty(VerticalScrolling)
  DynamicVerticalHeaders = makeDynamicProperty(VerticalHeaders)
  ## end: property definitions ##
  class _dGrid_test(dGrid):
  def initProperties(self):
  thisYear =
  ds = [
  {"name" : "Ed Leafe", "age" : thisYear - 1957, "coder" : True, "color": "cornsilk"},
  {"name" : "Paul McNett", "age" : thisYear - 1969, "coder" : True, "color": "wheat"},
  {"name" : "Ted Roche", "age" : thisYear - 1958, "coder" : True, "color": "goldenrod"},
  {"name" : "Derek Jeter", "age": thisYear - 1974, "coder" : False, "color": "white"},
  {"name" : "Halle Berry", "age" : thisYear - 1966, "coder" : False, "color": "orange"},
  {"name" : "Steve Wozniak", "age" : thisYear - 1950, "coder" : True, "color": "yellow"},
  {"name" : "LeBron James", "age" : thisYear - 1984, "coder" : False, "color": "gold"},
  {"name" : "Madeline Albright", "age" : thisYear - 1937, "coder" : False, "color": "red"}]
  for row in range(len(ds)):
  for i in range(20):
  ds[row]["i_%s" % i] = "sss%s" % i
  self.DataSet = ds
  self.TabNavigates = False
  self.Width = 360
  self.Height = 150
  self.Editable = False
  #self.Sortable = False
  #self.Searchable = False
  def afterInit(self):
  super(_dGrid_test, self).afterInit()
  self.addColumn(Name="Geek", DataField="coder", Caption="Geek?",
  Order=10, DataType="bool", Width=60, Sortable=False,
  Searchable=False, Editable=True, HeaderFontBold=False,
  HorizontalAlignment="Center", VerticalAlignment="Center",
  col = dColumn(self, Name="Person", Order=20, DataField="name",
  DataType="string", Width=200, Caption="Celebrity Name",
  Sortable=True, Searchable=True, Editable=True, Expand=False)
  col.HeaderFontItalic = True
  col.HeaderBackColor = "peachpuff"
  col.HeaderVerticalAlignment = "Top"
  col.HeaderHorizontalAlignment = "Left"
  # Let's make a custom editor for the name
  class ColoredText(dabo.ui.dTextBox):
  def initProperties(self):
  self.ForeColor = "blue"
  self.FontItalic = True
  self.FontSize = 24
  def onKeyChar(self, evt):
  self.ForeColor = dColors.randomColor()
  self.FontItalic = not self.FontItalic
  # Since we're using a big font, set a minimum height for the editor
  col.CustomEditorClass = dabo.ui.makeGridEditor(ColoredText, minHeight=40)
  self.addColumn(Name="Age", Order=30, DataField="age",
  DataType="integer", Width=40, Caption="Age",
  Sortable=True, Searchable=True, Editable=True)
  col = dColumn(self, Name="Color", Order=40, DataField="color",
  DataType="string", Width=40, Caption="Favorite Color",
  Sortable=True, Searchable=True, Editable=True, Expand=False)
  col.ListEditorChoices = dColors.colors
  col.CustomEditorClass = col.listEditorClass
  col.HeaderVerticalAlignment = "Bottom"
  col.HeaderHorizontalAlignment = "Right"
  col.HeaderForeColor = "brown"
  for i in range(1):
  # Can't test Expand with so many columns! Just add one.
  self.addColumn(DataField="i_%s" % i, Caption="i_%s" % i)
  def onScrollLineUp(self, evt):
  print "LINE UP orientation =", evt.orientation, " scrollpos =", evt.scrollpos
  def onScrollLineDown(self, evt):
  print "LINE DOWN orientation =", evt.orientation, " scrollpos =", evt.scrollpos
  def onScrollPageUp(self, evt):
  print "PAGE UP orientation =", evt.orientation, " scrollpos =", evt.scrollpos
  def onScrollPageDown(self, evt):
  print "PAGE DOWN orientation =", evt.orientation, " scrollpos =", evt.scrollpos
  def onScrollThumbDrag(self, evt):
  print "DRAG orientation =", evt.orientation, " scrollpos =", evt.scrollpos
  def onScrollThumbRelease(self, evt):
  print "THUMB RELEASE orientation =", evt.orientation, " scrollpos =", evt.scrollpos
  if __name__ == '__main__':
  from dabo.dApp import dApp
  class TestForm(dabo.ui.dForm):
  def afterInit(self):
  self.BackColor = "khaki"
  g = self.grid = _dGrid_test(self, RegID="sampleGrid")
  self.Sizer.append(g, 1, "x", border=0, borderSides="all")
  gsz = dabo.ui.dGridSizer(HGap=50)
  chk = dabo.ui.dCheckBox(self, Caption="Allow Editing?", RegID="gridEdit",
  DataSource=self.grid, DataField="Editable")
  gsz.append(chk, row=0, col=0)
  chk = dabo.ui.dCheckBox(self, Caption="Show Headers",
  RegID="showHeaders", DataSource=self.grid,
  gsz.append(chk, row=1, col=0)
  chk = dabo.ui.dCheckBox(self, Caption="Allow Multiple Selection",
  RegID="multiSelect", DataSource=self.grid,
  gsz.append(chk, row=2, col=0)
  chk = dabo.ui.dCheckBox(self, Caption="Vertical Headers",
  RegID="verticalHeaders", DataSource=self.grid,
  gsz.append(chk, row=3, col=0)
  chk = dabo.ui.dCheckBox(self, Caption="Auto-adjust Header Height",
  RegID="autoAdjust", DataSource=self.grid,
  gsz.append(chk, row=4, col=0)
  radSelect = dabo.ui.dRadioList(self, Choices=["Row", "Col", "Cell"],
  ValueMode="string", Caption="Sel Mode", BackColor=self.BackColor,
  DataSource=self.grid, DataField="SelectionMode", RegID="radSelect")
  gsz.append(radSelect, row=0, col=1, rowSpan=3)
  def setVisible(evt):
  col = g.getColByDataField("name")
  but = evt.EventObject
  col.Visible = not col.Visible
  if col.Visible:
  but.Caption = "Make Celebrity Invisible"
  but.Caption = "Make Celebrity Visible"
  butVisible = dabo.ui.dButton(self, Caption="Toggle Celebrity Visibility",
  gsz.append(butVisible, row=5, col=0)
  self.Sizer.append(gsz, halign="Center", border=10)
  gsz.setColExpand(True, 1)
  self.fitToSizer(20, 20)
  app = dApp(MainFormClass=TestForm)
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