android error: Apostrophe not preceded by \
android 报错: error: Apostrophe not preceded by \
很久没更新博客了,今天遇到一个低级错误,定位了好一会儿,在android string.xml文件增加语言自适应描述时遇到如下报错:
- <span style="font-size:18px;"> E:\client\common_version\Ipcamera3.0.10\res\values\strings.xml:16: error: Apostrophe not preceded by \(in Before click sure,Please make sure the two points:\n
- first:make sure you have enter correct password,or you can't find the camera. \n
- second:the camera will reboot and its ip may change. \n
- )</span>
删查定位法,查到问题根源是can't 中的‘符号,不支持此符号!改成can not就OK了!