spark ui acl 不生效的问题分析

spark ui acl 不生效的问题分析


按照spark 文档配置了spark.acls.enable, spark.ui.view.acls 等参数,再去访问spark web ui后台,还是可以访问,说明acl没有生效。为什么么有生效呢?本人查看了spark源码后,发现要让acl 生效,还要配置filter。源码如下:

private[spark] class SecurityManager(
    sparkConf: SparkConf,
    val ioEncryptionKey: Option[Array[Byte]] = None)
  extends Logging with SecretKeyHolder {

  import SecurityManager._

  // allow all users/groups to have view/modify permissions
  private val WILDCARD_ACL = "*"

  private val authOn = sparkConf.get(NETWORK_AUTH_ENABLED)
  // keep spark.ui.acls.enable for backwards compatibility with 1.0
  private var aclsOn =
    sparkConf.getBoolean("spark.acls.enable", sparkConf.getBoolean("spark.ui.acls.enable", false))

  // admin acls should be set before view or modify acls
  private var adminAcls: Set[String] =
    stringToSet(sparkConf.get("spark.admin.acls", ""))

  // admin group acls should be set before view or modify group acls
  private var adminAclsGroups : Set[String] =
    stringToSet(sparkConf.get("spark.admin.acls.groups", ""))

  private var viewAcls: Set[String] = _

  private var viewAclsGroups: Set[String] = _

  // list of users who have permission to modify the application. This should
  // apply to both UI and CLI for things like killing the application.
  private var modifyAcls: Set[String] = _

  private var modifyAclsGroups: Set[String] = _

  // always add the current user and SPARK_USER to the viewAcls
  private val defaultAclUsers = Set[String](System.getProperty("", ""),

  setViewAcls(defaultAclUsers, sparkConf.get("spark.ui.view.acls", ""))
  setModifyAcls(defaultAclUsers, sparkConf.get("spark.modify.acls", ""))

  setViewAclsGroups(sparkConf.get("spark.ui.view.acls.groups", ""));
  setModifyAclsGroups(sparkConf.get("spark.modify.acls.groups", ""));

  private val secretKey = generateSecretKey()
  logInfo("SecurityManager: authentication " + (if (authOn) "enabled" else "disabled") +
    "; ui acls " + (if (aclsOn) "enabled" else "disabled") +
    "; users  with view permissions: " + viewAcls.toString() +
    "; groups with view permissions: " + viewAclsGroups.toString() +
    "; users  with modify permissions: " + modifyAcls.toString() +
    "; groups with modify permissions: " + modifyAclsGroups.toString())

  // Set our own authenticator to properly negotiate user/password for HTTP connections.
  // This is needed by the HTTP client fetching from the HttpServer. Put here so its
  // only set once.
  if (authOn) {
      new Authenticator() {
        override def getPasswordAuthentication(): PasswordAuthentication = {
          var passAuth: PasswordAuthentication = null
          val userInfo = getRequestingURL().getUserInfo()
          if (userInfo != null) {
            val  parts = userInfo.split(":", 2)
            passAuth = new PasswordAuthentication(parts(0), parts(1).toCharArray())
          return passAuth

  // the default SSL configuration - it will be used by all communication layers unless overwritten
  private val defaultSSLOptions = SSLOptions.parse(sparkConf, "spark.ssl", defaults = None)

  // SSL configuration for the file server. This is used by Utils.setupSecureURLConnection().
  val fileServerSSLOptions = getSSLOptions("fs")
  val (sslSocketFactory, hostnameVerifier) = if (fileServerSSLOptions.enabled) {
    val trustStoreManagers =
      for (trustStore <- fileServerSSLOptions.trustStore) yield {
        val input = Files.asByteSource(fileServerSSLOptions.trustStore.get).openStream()

        try {
          val ks = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType)
          ks.load(input, fileServerSSLOptions.trustStorePassword.get.toCharArray)

          val tmf = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance(TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm)
        } finally {

    lazy val credulousTrustStoreManagers = Array({
      logWarning("Using 'accept-all' trust manager for SSL connections.")
      new X509TrustManager {
        override def getAcceptedIssuers: Array[X509Certificate] = null

        override def checkClientTrusted(x509Certificates: Array[X509Certificate], s: String) {}

        override def checkServerTrusted(x509Certificates: Array[X509Certificate], s: String) {}
      }: TrustManager

      "spark.ssl.protocol is required when enabling SSL connections.")

    val sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance(fileServerSSLOptions.protocol.get)
    sslContext.init(null, trustStoreManagers.getOrElse(credulousTrustStoreManagers), null)

    val hostVerifier = new HostnameVerifier {
      override def verify(s: String, sslSession: SSLSession): Boolean = true

    (Some(sslContext.getSocketFactory), Some(hostVerifier))
  } else {
    (None, None)

  def getSSLOptions(module: String): SSLOptions = {
    val opts = SSLOptions.parse(sparkConf, s"spark.ssl.$module", Some(defaultSSLOptions))
    logDebug(s"Created SSL options for $module: $opts")

   * Split a comma separated String, filter out any empty items, and return a Set of strings
  private def stringToSet(list: String): Set[String] = {

   * Admin acls should be set before the view or modify acls.  If you modify the admin
   * acls you should also set the view and modify acls again to pick up the changes.
  def setViewAcls(defaultUsers: Set[String], allowedUsers: String) {
    viewAcls = (adminAcls ++ defaultUsers ++ stringToSet(allowedUsers))
    logInfo("Changing view acls to: " + viewAcls.mkString(","))

  def setViewAcls(defaultUser: String, allowedUsers: String) {
    setViewAcls(Set[String](defaultUser), allowedUsers)

   * Admin acls groups should be set before the view or modify acls groups. If you modify the admin
   * acls groups you should also set the view and modify acls groups again to pick up the changes.
  def setViewAclsGroups(allowedUserGroups: String) {
    viewAclsGroups = (adminAclsGroups ++ stringToSet(allowedUserGroups));
    logInfo("Changing view acls groups to: " + viewAclsGroups.mkString(","))

   * Checking the existence of "*" is necessary as YARN can't recognize the "*" in "defaultuser,*"
  def getViewAcls: String = {
    if (viewAcls.contains(WILDCARD_ACL)) {
    } else {

  def getViewAclsGroups: String = {
    if (viewAclsGroups.contains(WILDCARD_ACL)) {
    } else {

   * Admin acls should be set before the view or modify acls.  If you modify the admin
   * acls you should also set the view and modify acls again to pick up the changes.
  def setModifyAcls(defaultUsers: Set[String], allowedUsers: String) {
    modifyAcls = (adminAcls ++ defaultUsers ++ stringToSet(allowedUsers))
    logInfo("Changing modify acls to: " + modifyAcls.mkString(","))

   * Admin acls groups should be set before the view or modify acls groups. If you modify the admin
   * acls groups you should also set the view and modify acls groups again to pick up the changes.
  def setModifyAclsGroups(allowedUserGroups: String) {
    modifyAclsGroups = (adminAclsGroups ++ stringToSet(allowedUserGroups));
    logInfo("Changing modify acls groups to: " + modifyAclsGroups.mkString(","))

   * Checking the existence of "*" is necessary as YARN can't recognize the "*" in "defaultuser,*"
  def getModifyAcls: String = {
    if (modifyAcls.contains(WILDCARD_ACL)) {
    } else {

  def getModifyAclsGroups: String = {
    if (modifyAclsGroups.contains(WILDCARD_ACL)) {
    } else {

   * Admin acls should be set before the view or modify acls.  If you modify the admin
   * acls you should also set the view and modify acls again to pick up the changes.
  def setAdminAcls(adminUsers: String) {
    adminAcls = stringToSet(adminUsers)
    logInfo("Changing admin acls to: " + adminAcls.mkString(","))

   * Admin acls groups should be set before the view or modify acls groups. If you modify the admin
   * acls groups you should also set the view and modify acls groups again to pick up the changes.
  def setAdminAclsGroups(adminUserGroups: String) {
    adminAclsGroups = stringToSet(adminUserGroups)
    logInfo("Changing admin acls groups to: " + adminAclsGroups.mkString(","))

  def setAcls(aclSetting: Boolean) {
    aclsOn = aclSetting
    logInfo("Changing acls enabled to: " + aclsOn)

  def getIOEncryptionKey(): Option[Array[Byte]] = ioEncryptionKey

   * Generates or looks up the secret key.
   * The way the key is stored depends on the Spark deployment mode. Yarn
   * uses the Hadoop UGI.
   * For non-Yarn deployments, If the config variable is not set
   * we throw an exception.
  private def generateSecretKey(): String = {
    if (!isAuthenticationEnabled) {
    } else if (SparkHadoopUtil.get.isYarnMode) {
      // In YARN mode, the secure cookie will be created by the driver and stashed in the
      // user's credentials, where executors can get it. The check for an array of size 0
      // is because of the test code in YarnSparkHadoopUtilSuite.
      val secretKey = SparkHadoopUtil.get.getSecretKeyFromUserCredentials(SECRET_LOOKUP_KEY)
      if (secretKey == null || secretKey.length == 0) {
        logDebug("generateSecretKey: yarn mode, secret key from credentials is null")
        val rnd = new SecureRandom()
        val length = sparkConf.getInt("spark.authenticate.secretBitLength", 256) / JByte.SIZE
        val secret = new Array[Byte](length)

        val cookie = HashCodes.fromBytes(secret).toString()
        SparkHadoopUtil.get.addSecretKeyToUserCredentials(SECRET_LOOKUP_KEY, cookie)
      } else {
        new Text(secretKey).toString
    } else {
      // user must have set spark.authenticate.secret config
      // For Master/Worker, auth secret is in conf; for Executors, it is in env variable
        .orElse(sparkConf.getOption(SecurityManager.SPARK_AUTH_SECRET_CONF)) match {
        case Some(value) => value
        case None =>
          throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "Error: a secret key must be specified via the " +
              SecurityManager.SPARK_AUTH_SECRET_CONF + " config")

   * Check to see if Acls for the UI are enabled
   * @return true if UI authentication is enabled, otherwise false
  def aclsEnabled(): Boolean = aclsOn

   * Checks the given user against the view acl and groups list to see if they have
   * authorization to view the UI. If the UI acls are disabled
   * via spark.acls.enable, all users have view access. If the user is null
   * it is assumed authentication is off and all users have access. Also if any one of the
   * UI acls or groups specify the WILDCARD(*) then all users have view access.
   * @param user to see if is authorized
   * @return true is the user has permission, otherwise false
  def checkUIViewPermissions(user: String): Boolean = {
    logDebug("user=" + user + " aclsEnabled=" + aclsEnabled() + " viewAcls=" +
      viewAcls.mkString(",") + " viewAclsGroups=" + viewAclsGroups.mkString(","))
    if (!aclsEnabled || user == null || viewAcls.contains(user) ||
        viewAcls.contains(WILDCARD_ACL) || viewAclsGroups.contains(WILDCARD_ACL)) {
      return true
    val currentUserGroups = Utils.getCurrentUserGroups(sparkConf, user)
    logDebug("userGroups=" + currentUserGroups.mkString(","))

   * Checks the given user against the modify acl and groups list to see if they have
   * authorization to modify the application. If the modify acls are disabled
   * via spark.acls.enable, all users have modify access. If the user is null
   * it is assumed authentication isn't turned on and all users have access. Also if any one
   * of the modify acls or groups specify the WILDCARD(*) then all users have modify access.
   * @param user to see if is authorized
   * @return true is the user has permission, otherwise false
  def checkModifyPermissions(user: String): Boolean = {
    logDebug("user=" + user + " aclsEnabled=" + aclsEnabled() + " modifyAcls=" +
      modifyAcls.mkString(",") + " modifyAclsGroups=" + modifyAclsGroups.mkString(","))
    if (!aclsEnabled || user == null || modifyAcls.contains(user) ||
        modifyAcls.contains(WILDCARD_ACL) || modifyAclsGroups.contains(WILDCARD_ACL)) {
      return true
    val currentUserGroups = Utils.getCurrentUserGroups(sparkConf, user)
    logDebug("userGroups=" + currentUserGroups)

   * Check to see if authentication for the Spark communication protocols is enabled
   * @return true if authentication is enabled, otherwise false
  def isAuthenticationEnabled(): Boolean = authOn

   * Checks whether network encryption should be enabled.
   * @return Whether to enable encryption when connecting to services that support it.
  def isEncryptionEnabled(): Boolean = {

   * Gets the user used for authenticating HTTP connections.
   * For now use a single hardcoded user.
   * @return the HTTP user as a String
  def getHttpUser(): String = "sparkHttpUser"

   * Gets the user used for authenticating SASL connections.
   * For now use a single hardcoded user.
   * @return the SASL user as a String
  def getSaslUser(): String = "sparkSaslUser"

   * Gets the secret key.
   * @return the secret key as a String if authentication is enabled, otherwise returns null
  def getSecretKey(): String = secretKey

  // Default SecurityManager only has a single secret key, so ignore appId.
  override def getSaslUser(appId: String): String = getSaslUser()
  override def getSecretKey(appId: String): String = getSecretKey()


private[v1] class SecurityFilter extends ContainerRequestFilter with ApiRequestContext {
  override def filter(req: ContainerRequestContext): Unit = {
    val user = httpRequest.getRemoteUser()
    if (!uiRoot.securityManager.checkUIViewPermissions(user)) {
          .entity(raw"""user "$user" is not authorized""")

只有配置了filter, 登录web ui后,spark 才能获取到用户信息,进行acl判断。如果没有配置filter,那就获取不到访问web ui的用户信息,导致acl不生效。

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