
USE [ChangHong_612]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[st_MES_CheckInspect] Script Date: 09/28/2015 09:25:42 ******/
-- =============================================
-- Author:cj
-- Create date: 20130710
-- Description: 检验结果
-- st_MES_CheckInspect 'MS-OQC-SL2-2015-09-001',''
-- =============================================
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[st_MES_CheckInspect] (
@BillNo varchar(50),
@CheckMan varchar(20)

declare @checktype int
select @checktype=checktype from MES_Inspect where billno=@BillNo
if (@checktype=1)
update i set checkresult=case when (Appearance='OK' or Appearance='') and Structure='OK' and ([Assembly]='OK' or [Assembly]='')
and (PerformanceTest3='OK' or PerformanceTest3='') and (PerformanceTest2='OK' or PerformanceTest2='')
and (PerformanceTest4='OK' or PerformanceTest4='') and (PerformanceTest8='OK' or PerformanceTest8='') and DeformationResult='OK' and GaugeResult='OK'
then 'OK' else 'NG' end from MES_Inspect i join (select c.billno, Appearance,Structure,[Assembly],PerformanceTest3,PerformanceTest2,PerformanceTest4,PerformanceTest8,
case when (isnull(g.LongUpDeformationResult,'OK')='OK') and isnull(g.LongMiddleDeformationResult,'OK')='OK'
and isnull(g.LongDownDeformationResult,'OK')='OK' and isnull(g.WidthUpDeformationResult,'OK')='OK'
and isnull(g.WidthMiddleDeformationResult,'OK')='OK' and isnull(g.WidthDownDeformationResult,'OK')='OK' then 'OK' else 'NG' end DeformationResult
,case when isnull(g.LongUpGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' and isnull(g.LongMiddleGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' and isnull(g.LongDownGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' and isnull(g.WidthUpGaugeResult,'OK')='OK'
and isnull(g.WidthMiddleGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' and isnull(g.WidthDownGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' and isnull(g.WeightResult,'OK')='OK' then 'OK' else 'NG' end GaugeResult from MES_Inspect c
left join
(select billno,
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN '1' THEN case when ItemValue='' then 'OK' else ItemValue end END) AS 'Appearance',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN '2' THEN case when ItemValue='' then 'OK' else ItemValue end END) AS 'Structure',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN '3' THEN case when ItemValue='' then 'OK' else ItemValue end END) AS 'Assembly',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN '6' THEN case when ItemValue='不合格' then 'NG' else 'OK' end END) AS 'PerformanceTest3',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN '5' THEN case when ItemValue='' then 'OK' else ItemValue end END) AS 'PerformanceTest2',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN '7' THEN case when ItemValue='' then 'OK' else ItemValue end END) AS 'PerformanceTest4',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN '8' THEN case when ItemValue='' then 'OK' else ItemValue end END) AS 'PerformanceTest8'
from MES_InspectSingle group by billno) s on c.BillNO=s.BillNO left join
(select billno,
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='上长' and Position='长' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'LongUpGaugeResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='中长' and Position='长' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'LongMiddleGaugeResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='下长' and Position='长' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'LongDownGaugeResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='左宽' and Position='宽' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'WidthUpGaugeResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='中宽' and Position='宽' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'WidthMiddleGaugeResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='右宽' and Position='宽' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'WidthDownGaugeResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='上长' and Position='长' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'LongUpDeformationResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='中长' and Position='长' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'LongMiddleDeformationResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='下长' and Position='长' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'LongDownDeformationResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='左宽' and Position='宽' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'WidthUpDeformationResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='中宽' and Position='宽' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'WidthMiddleDeformationResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='右宽' and Position='宽' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'WidthDownDeformationResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=1 and ItemCode='重量' and Position='重量' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'WeightResult'
from MES_InspectGauge group by billno) g on g.BillNO=s.BillNO where checktype=1) a on i.billno=a.billno where i.billno=@BillNo
else if (@checktype=2)
update i set checkresult=case when (Appearance='OK' or Appearance='') and Structure='OK' and ([Assembly]='OK' or [Assembly]='') and (Packing='OK' or Packing='')
and (PerformanceTest3='OK' or PerformanceTest3='') and (PerformanceTest2='OK' or PerformanceTest2='')
and (PerformanceTest4='OK' or PerformanceTest4='') and (PerformanceTest8='OK' or PerformanceTest8='') and DeformationResult='OK' and GaugeResult='OK'
then 'OK' else 'NG' end from MES_Inspect i join(select c.billno, Appearance,Structure,[Assembly],Packing,PerformanceTest3,PerformanceTest2,PerformanceTest4,PerformanceTest8,
case when (isnull(g.LongUpDeformationResult,'OK')='OK' or g.LongUpDeformationResult='') and (isnull(g.LongMiddleDeformationResult,'OK')='OK' or g.LongMiddleDeformationResult='') and (isnull(g.LongDownDeformationResult,'OK')='OK' or g.LongDownDeformationResult='') and
(isnull(g.WidthUpDeformationResult,'OK')='OK' or g.WidthUpDeformationResult='') and (isnull(g.WidthMiddleDeformationResult,'OK')='OK' or g.WidthMiddleDeformationResult='') and (isnull(g.WidthDownDeformationResult,'OK')='OK' or g.WidthDownDeformationResult='') then 'OK' else 'NG' end DeformationResult
,case when (isnull(g.LongUpGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' or g.LongUpGaugeResult='') and (isnull(g.LongMiddleGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' or g.LongMiddleGaugeResult='') and (isnull(g.LongDownGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' or g.LongDownGaugeResult='')
and (isnull(g.WidthUpGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' or g.WidthUpGaugeResult='') and (isnull(g.WidthMiddleGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' or g.WidthMiddleGaugeResult='') and (isnull(g.WidthDownGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' or g.WidthDownGaugeResult='') and isnull(g.WeightResult,'OK')='OK' then 'OK' else 'NG' end GaugeResult from MES_Inspect c
left join
(select billno,
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN '1' THEN case when ItemValue='' then 'OK' else ItemValue end END) AS 'Appearance',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN '2' THEN case when ItemValue='' then 'OK' else ItemValue end END) AS 'Structure',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN '3' THEN case when ItemValue='' then 'OK' else ItemValue end END) AS 'Assembly',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN '4' THEN case when ItemValue='' then 'OK' else ItemValue end END) AS 'Packing',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN '6' THEN case when ItemValue='不合格' then 'NG' else 'OK' end END) AS 'PerformanceTest3',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN '5' THEN case when ItemValue='' then 'OK' else ItemValue end END) AS 'PerformanceTest2',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN '7' THEN case when ItemValue='' then 'OK' else ItemValue end END) AS 'PerformanceTest4',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN '8' THEN case when ItemValue='' then 'OK' else ItemValue end END) AS 'PerformanceTest8'
from MES_InspectSingle group by billno) s on c.BillNO=s.BillNO left join
(select billno,
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='上长' and Position='长' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'LongUpGaugeResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='中长' and Position='长' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'LongMiddleGaugeResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='下长' and Position='长' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'LongDownGaugeResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='左宽' and Position='宽' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'WidthUpGaugeResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='中宽' and Position='宽' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'WidthMiddleGaugeResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='右宽' and Position='宽' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'WidthDownGaugeResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='上长' and Position='长' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'LongUpDeformationResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='中长' and Position='长' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'LongMiddleDeformationResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='下长' and Position='长' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'LongDownDeformationResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='左宽' and Position='宽' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'WidthUpDeformationResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='中宽' and Position='宽' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'WidthMiddleDeformationResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='右宽' and Position='宽' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'WidthDownDeformationResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=1 and ItemCode='重量' and Position='重量' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'WeightResult'
from MES_InspectGauge group by billno) g on g.BillNO=s.BillNO where checktype=2) a on i.billno=a.billno where i.billno=@BillNo
else if (@checktype=3)
update i set checkresult=case when (Appearance='OK' or Appearance='') and (Structure='OK' or Structure='') and ([Assembly]='OK' or [Assembly]='') and (Packing='OK' or Packing='')
and (DeviceIsNormal='OK' or DeviceIsNormal='') and (ParamIsNormal='OK' or ParamIsNormal='')
and (ToolingIsNormal='OK' or ToolingIsNormal='') and (OperationIsNormal='OK' or OperationIsNormal='')
and (PerformanceTest3='OK' or PerformanceTest3='') and DeformationResult='OK' and GaugeResult='OK'
then 'OK' else 'NG' end from MES_Inspect i join (select c.billno, Appearance,Structure,[Assembly],Packing,DeviceIsNormal,ParamIsNormal,ToolingIsNormal,OperationIsNormal,PerformanceTest3,
case when (isnull(g.LongUpDeformationResult,'OK')='OK' or g.LongUpDeformationResult='') and (isnull(g.LongMiddleDeformationResult,'OK')='OK' or g.LongMiddleDeformationResult='') and (isnull(g.LongDownDeformationResult,'OK')='OK' or g.LongDownDeformationResult='') and
(isnull(g.WidthUpDeformationResult,'OK')='OK' or g.WidthUpDeformationResult='') and (isnull(g.WidthMiddleDeformationResult,'OK')='OK' or g.WidthMiddleDeformationResult='') and (isnull(g.WidthDownDeformationResult,'OK')='OK' or g.WidthDownDeformationResult='') then 'OK' else 'NG' end DeformationResult
,case when (isnull(g.LongUpGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' or g.LongUpGaugeResult='') and (isnull(g.LongMiddleGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' or g.LongMiddleGaugeResult='') and (isnull(g.LongDownGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' or g.LongDownGaugeResult='')
and (isnull(g.WidthUpGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' or g.WidthUpGaugeResult='') and (isnull(g.WidthMiddleGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' or g.WidthMiddleGaugeResult='') and (isnull(g.WidthDownGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' or g.WidthDownGaugeResult='') and isnull(g.WeightResult,'OK')='OK' then 'OK' else 'NG' end GaugeResult from MES_Inspect c
left join
(select billno,
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN '1' THEN case when ItemValue='' then 'OK' else ItemValue end END) AS 'Appearance',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN '2' THEN case when ItemValue='' then 'OK' else ItemValue end END) AS 'Structure',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN '3' THEN case when ItemValue='' then 'OK' else ItemValue end END) AS 'Assembly',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN '4' THEN case when ItemValue='' then 'OK' else ItemValue end END) AS 'Packing',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN '9' THEN case when ItemValue='' then 'OK' else ItemValue end END) AS 'DeviceIsNormal',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN '11' THEN case when ItemValue='' then 'OK' else ItemValue end END) AS 'ParamIsNormal',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN '10' THEN case when ItemValue='' then 'OK' else ItemValue end END) AS 'ToolingIsNormal',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN '12' THEN case when ItemValue='' then 'OK' else ItemValue end END) AS 'OperationIsNormal',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN '13' THEN case when ItemValue='不合格' then 'NG' else 'OK' end END) AS 'PerformanceTest3'
from MES_InspectSingle group by billno) s on c.BillNO=s.BillNO left join
(select billno,
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='上长' and Position='长' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'LongUpGaugeResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='中长' and Position='长' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'LongMiddleGaugeResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='下长' and Position='长' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'LongDownGaugeResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='左宽' and Position='宽' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'WidthUpGaugeResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='中宽' and Position='宽' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'WidthMiddleGaugeResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='右宽' and Position='宽' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'WidthDownGaugeResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='上长' and Position='长' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'LongUpDeformationResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='中长' and Position='长' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'LongMiddleDeformationResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='下长' and Position='长' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'LongDownDeformationResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='左宽' and Position='宽' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'WidthUpDeformationResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='中宽' and Position='宽' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'WidthMiddleDeformationResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='右宽' and Position='宽' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'WidthDownDeformationResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=1 and ItemCode='重量' and Position='重量' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'WeightResult'
from MES_InspectGauge group by billno) g on g.BillNO=s.BillNO where checktype=3) a on i.billno=a.billno where i.billno=@BillNo
else if (@checktype=4)
update i set checkresult=case when (Appearance='OK' or Appearance='') and (Structure='OK' or Structure='') and ([Assembly]='OK' or [Assembly]='') and (Packing='OK' or Packing='')
and (PerformanceTest3='OK' or PerformanceTest3='') and (PerformanceTest2='OK' or PerformanceTest2='')
and (PerformanceTest4='OK' or PerformanceTest4='') and (PerformanceTest8='OK' or PerformanceTest8='') and DeformationResult='OK' and GaugeResult='OK'
then 'OK' else 'NG' end from MES_Inspect i join (select c.billno, Appearance,Structure,[Assembly],Packing,PerformanceTest3,PerformanceTest2,PerformanceTest4,PerformanceTest8,
case when (isnull(g.LongUpDeformationResult,'OK')='OK' or g.LongUpDeformationResult='') and (isnull(g.LongMiddleDeformationResult,'OK')='OK' or g.LongMiddleDeformationResult='') and (isnull(g.LongDownDeformationResult,'OK')='OK' or g.LongDownDeformationResult='') and
(isnull(g.WidthUpDeformationResult,'OK')='OK' or g.WidthUpDeformationResult='') and (isnull(g.WidthMiddleDeformationResult,'OK')='OK' or g.WidthMiddleDeformationResult='') and (isnull(g.WidthDownDeformationResult,'OK')='OK' or g.WidthDownDeformationResult='') then 'OK' else 'NG' end DeformationResult
,case when (isnull(g.LongUpGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' or g.LongUpGaugeResult='') and (isnull(g.LongMiddleGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' or g.LongMiddleGaugeResult='') and (isnull(g.LongDownGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' or g.LongDownGaugeResult='')
and (isnull(g.WidthUpGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' or g.WidthUpGaugeResult='') and (isnull(g.WidthMiddleGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' or g.WidthMiddleGaugeResult='') and (isnull(g.WidthDownGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' or g.WidthDownGaugeResult='') and isnull(g.WeightResult,'OK')='OK' then 'OK' else 'NG' end GaugeResult from MES_Inspect c
left join
(select billno,
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN '1' THEN case when ItemValue='' then 'OK' else ItemValue end END) AS 'Appearance',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN '2' THEN case when ItemValue='' then 'OK' else ItemValue end END) AS 'Structure',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN '3' THEN case when ItemValue='' then 'OK' else ItemValue end END) AS 'Assembly',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN '4' THEN case when ItemValue='' then 'OK' else ItemValue end END) AS 'Packing',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN '6' THEN case when ItemValue='不合格' then 'NG' else 'OK' end END) AS 'PerformanceTest3',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN '5' THEN case when ItemValue='' then 'OK' else ItemValue end END) AS 'PerformanceTest2',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN '7' THEN case when ItemValue='' then 'OK' else ItemValue end END) AS 'PerformanceTest4',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN '8' THEN case when ItemValue='' then 'OK' else ItemValue end END) AS 'PerformanceTest8'
from MES_InspectSingle group by billno ) s on c.BillNO=s.BillNO left join
(select billno,
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='上长' and Position='长' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'LongUpGaugeResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='中长' and Position='长' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'LongMiddleGaugeResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='下长' and Position='长' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'LongDownGaugeResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='左宽' and Position='宽' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'WidthUpGaugeResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='中宽' and Position='宽' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'WidthMiddleGaugeResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='右宽' and Position='宽' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'WidthDownGaugeResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='上长' and Position='长' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'LongUpDeformationResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='中长' and Position='长' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'LongMiddleDeformationResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='下长' and Position='长' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'LongDownDeformationResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='左宽' and Position='宽' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'WidthUpDeformationResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='中宽' and Position='宽' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'WidthMiddleDeformationResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='右宽' and Position='宽' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'WidthDownDeformationResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=1 and ItemCode='重量' and Position='重量' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'WeightResult'
from MES_InspectGauge group by billno) g on g.BillNO=s.BillNO where checktype=4) a on i.billno=a.billno where i.billno=@BillNo
else if (@checktype=5)
update i set checkresult=case when (Appearance='OK' or Appearance='') and (Structure='OK' or Structure='') and ([Assembly]='OK' or [Assembly]='') and (Packing='OK' or Packing='')
and DeformationResult='OK' and GaugeResult='OK' and (OtherProperties='OK' or OtherProperties='') and (RoHSConfirm='OK' or RoHSConfirm='') and (TearFilm='OK' or TearFilm='')
and (Adhesion='OK' or Adhesion='') and i.InkHardness<>'不合格'
then 'OK' else 'NG' end from MES_Inspect i join (select c.billno, Appearance,Structure,[Assembly],Packing,
isnull(OtherProperties,'OK') OtherProperties,isnull(RoHSConfirm,'OK') RoHSConfirm,isnull(TearFilm,'OK') TearFilm,isnull(Adhesion,'OK') Adhesion,
case when (isnull(g.LongUpDeformationResult,'OK')='OK' or g.LongUpDeformationResult='') and (isnull(g.LongMiddleDeformationResult,'OK')='OK' or g.LongMiddleDeformationResult='') and (isnull(g.LongDownDeformationResult,'OK')='OK' or g.LongDownDeformationResult='') and
(isnull(g.WidthUpDeformationResult,'OK')='OK' or g.WidthUpDeformationResult='') and (isnull(g.WidthMiddleDeformationResult,'OK')='OK' or g.WidthMiddleDeformationResult='') and (isnull(g.WidthDownDeformationResult,'OK')='OK' or g.WidthDownDeformationResult='') then 'OK' else 'NG' end DeformationResult
,case when (isnull(g.LongUpGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' or g.LongUpGaugeResult='') and (isnull(g.LongMiddleGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' or g.LongMiddleGaugeResult='') and (isnull(g.LongDownGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' or g.LongDownGaugeResult='')
and (isnull(g.WidthUpGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' or g.WidthUpGaugeResult='') and (isnull(g.WidthMiddleGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' or g.WidthMiddleGaugeResult='') and (isnull(g.WidthDownGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' or g.WidthDownGaugeResult='') and isnull(g.WeightResult,'OK')='OK' then 'OK' else 'NG' end GaugeResult from MES_Inspect c
left join
(select billno,
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'Appearance' THEN case when ItemValue='' then 'OK' else ItemValue end END) AS 'Appearance',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'Structure' THEN case when ItemValue='' then 'OK' else ItemValue end END) AS 'Structure',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'Assembly' THEN case when ItemValue='' then 'OK' else ItemValue end END) AS 'Assembly',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'Packing' THEN case when ItemValue='' then 'OK' else ItemValue end END) AS 'Packing',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'OtherProperties' THEN case when ItemValue='' then 'OK' else ItemValue end END) AS 'OtherProperties',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'RoHSConfirm' THEN case when ItemValue='' then 'OK' else ItemValue end END) AS 'RoHSConfirm',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'TearFilm' THEN case when ItemValue='' then 'OK' else ItemValue end END) AS 'TearFilm',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'Adhesion' THEN case when ItemValue='' then 'OK' else ItemValue end END) AS 'Adhesion'
from MES_InspectSingle group by billno) s on c.BillNO=s.BillNO left join
(select billno,
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='上长' and Position='长' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'LongUpGaugeResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='中长' and Position='长' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'LongMiddleGaugeResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='下长' and Position='长' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'LongDownGaugeResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='左宽' and Position='宽' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'WidthUpGaugeResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='中宽' and Position='宽' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'WidthMiddleGaugeResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='右宽' and Position='宽' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'WidthDownGaugeResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='上长' and Position='长' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'LongUpDeformationResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='中长' and Position='长' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'LongMiddleDeformationResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='下长' and Position='长' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'LongDownDeformationResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='左宽' and Position='宽' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'WidthUpDeformationResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='中宽' and Position='宽' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'WidthMiddleDeformationResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='右宽' and Position='宽' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'WidthDownDeformationResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=1 and ItemCode='重量' and Position='重量' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'WeightResult'
from MES_InspectGauge group by billno) g on g.BillNO=s.BillNO where checktype=5) a on i.billno=a.billno where i.billno=@BillNo
else if (@checktype=6)
update i set checkresult=case when (PerformanceTest1='OK' or PerformanceTest1='') and (PerformanceTest2='OK' or PerformanceTest2='') and (PerformanceTest3='OK' or PerformanceTest3='') and (PerformanceTest4='OK' or PerformanceTest4='')
and (PerformanceTest5='OK' or PerformanceTest5='') and (PerformanceTest6='OK' or PerformanceTest6='') and (PerformanceTest7='OK' or PerformanceTest7='') and (PerformanceTest8='OK' or PerformanceTest8='') and (PerformanceTest9='OK' or PerformanceTest9='')
and (PerformanceTest10='OK' or PerformanceTest10='') and (PerformanceTest11='OK' or PerformanceTest11='') and (PackagingProject1='OK' or PackagingProject1='') and (PackagingProject2='OK' or PackagingProject2='') and (PackagingProject3='OK' or PackagingProject3='') and
(PackagingProject4='OK' or PackagingProject4='') and (VisualInspection1='OK' or VisualInspection1='') and (VisualInspection2='OK' or VisualInspection2='') and (VisualInspection3='OK' or VisualInspection3='') and (VisualInspection4='OK' or VisualInspection4='')
and (VisualInspection5='OK' or VisualInspection5='') and (VisualInspection6='OK' or VisualInspection6='') and DeformationResult='OK' and GaugeResult='OK' and i.InkHardness<>'不合格'
then 'OK' else 'NG' end from MES_Inspect i join (select c.billno, PerformanceTest1,PerformanceTest2,PerformanceTest3,PerformanceTest4,PerformanceTest5,PerformanceTest6,PerformanceTest7,PerformanceTest8,
case when (isnull(g.LongUpDeformationResult,'OK')='OK' or g.LongUpDeformationResult='') and (isnull(g.LongMiddleDeformationResult,'OK')='OK' or g.LongMiddleDeformationResult='') and (isnull(g.LongDownDeformationResult,'OK')='OK' or g.LongDownDeformationResult='') and
(isnull(g.WidthUpDeformationResult,'OK')='OK' or g.WidthUpDeformationResult='') and (isnull(g.WidthMiddleDeformationResult,'OK')='OK' or g.WidthMiddleDeformationResult='') and (isnull(g.WidthDownDeformationResult,'OK')='OK' or g.WidthDownDeformationResult='') then 'OK' else 'NG' end DeformationResult
,case when (isnull(g.LongUpGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' or g.LongUpGaugeResult='') and (isnull(g.LongMiddleGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' or g.LongMiddleGaugeResult='') and (isnull(g.LongDownGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' or g.LongDownGaugeResult='')
and (isnull(g.WidthUpGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' or g.WidthUpGaugeResult='') and (isnull(g.WidthMiddleGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' or g.WidthMiddleGaugeResult='') and (isnull(g.WidthDownGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' or g.WidthDownGaugeResult='') and isnull(g.WeightResult,'OK')='OK' then 'OK' else 'NG' end GaugeResult from MES_Inspect c
left join
(select billno,
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceTest1' THEN ItemValue END) AS 'PerformanceTest1',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceTest2' THEN ItemValue END) AS 'PerformanceTest2',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceTest3' THEN ItemValue END) AS 'PerformanceTest3',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceTest4' THEN ItemValue END) AS 'PerformanceTest4',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceTest5' THEN ItemValue END) AS 'PerformanceTest5',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceTest6' THEN ItemValue END) AS 'PerformanceTest6',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceTest7' THEN ItemValue END) AS 'PerformanceTest7',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceTest8' THEN ItemValue END) AS 'PerformanceTest8',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceTest9' THEN ItemValue END) AS 'PerformanceTest9',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceTest10' THEN ItemValue END) AS 'PerformanceTest10',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceTest11' THEN ItemValue END) AS 'PerformanceTest11',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PackagingProject1' THEN ItemValue END) AS 'PackagingProject1',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PackagingProject2' THEN ItemValue END) AS 'PackagingProject2',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PackagingProject3' THEN ItemValue END) AS 'PackagingProject3',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PackagingProject4' THEN ItemValue END) AS 'PackagingProject4',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'VisualInspection1' THEN ItemValue END) AS 'VisualInspection1',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'VisualInspection2' THEN ItemValue END) AS 'VisualInspection2',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'VisualInspection3' THEN ItemValue END) AS 'VisualInspection3',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'VisualInspection4' THEN ItemValue END) AS 'VisualInspection4',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'VisualInspection5' THEN ItemValue END) AS 'VisualInspection5',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'VisualInspection6' THEN ItemValue END) AS 'VisualInspection6'
from MES_InspectSingle group by billno) s on c.BillNO=s.BillNO left join
(select billno,
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='上长' and Position='长' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'LongUpGaugeResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='中长' and Position='长' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'LongMiddleGaugeResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='下长' and Position='长' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'LongDownGaugeResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='左宽' and Position='宽' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'WidthUpGaugeResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='中宽' and Position='宽' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'WidthMiddleGaugeResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='右宽' and Position='宽' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'WidthDownGaugeResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='上长' and Position='长' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'LongUpDeformationResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='中长' and Position='长' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'LongMiddleDeformationResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='下长' and Position='长' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'LongDownDeformationResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='左宽' and Position='宽' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'WidthUpDeformationResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='中宽' and Position='宽' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'WidthMiddleDeformationResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='右宽' and Position='宽' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'WidthDownDeformationResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=1 and ItemCode='重量' and Position='重量' THEN case when CheckResult='' then 'OK' else CheckResult end END) AS 'WeightResult'
from MES_InspectGauge group by billno) g on g.BillNO=s.BillNO where checktype=6) a on i.billno=a.billno where i.billno=@BillNo


posted on 2015-09-29 09:02  chengjunde  阅读(168)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
