robot framework学习笔记之七—连接mysql数据库



     输入命令:pip install robotframework_databaselibrary



*** Test Cases ***
    ${data}    create dictionary    shopCode=xxx    coordinate=
    ${response}    Rest.Get    /api/shop/current.json    ${data}    form    ${hosts["weidian"]}
    Connect To Database Using Custom Params    pymysql    host='', port=3306, user='xx', passwd='xxx', db='test', charset= 'utf8'
    ${name}    query    select nickname from authshop where code='xxx'
    log    ${response["data"]["shop"]["shopName"]}
    should be equal    ${response['data']['shop']['shopName']}    ${name[0][0]}
    log    ${name[0][0]}


    #Check If Exists In Database
    ${data}    create dictionary    shopCode=xxx    coordinate=
    ${response}    Rest.Get    /api/shop/current.json    ${data}    form    ${hosts["weidian"]}
    Connect To Database Using Custom Params    pymysql    host='115.29.xx.xx', port=3306, user='test', passwd='xxx', db='test', charset= 'utf8'
    Check If Exists In Database    select nickname from authshop where code='xxx'

    #Check If Not Exists In Database
    ${data}    create dictionary    shopCode=xxx    coordinate=
    ${response}    Rest.Get    /api/shop/current.json    ${data}    form    ${hosts["weidian"]}
    Connect To Database Using Custom Params    pymysql    host='', port=3306, user='xx', passwd='xx', db='test', charset= 'utf8'
    Check If Exists In Database    select nickname from authshop where code='xxx'

    ${data}    create dictionary    shopCode=xxx    coordinate=
    ${response}    Rest.Get    /api/shop/current.json    ${data}    form    ${hosts["weidian"]}
    Connect To Database Using Custom Params    pymysql    host='', port=3306, user='xxx', passwd='xxx', db='test', charset= 'utf8'
    ${qeeryResults}    query    select nickname from authshop where code='xxx'
    log    ${qeeryResults}

#Row Count
    ${data}    create dictionary    shopCode=xxx    coordinate=
    ${response}    Rest.Get    /api/shop/current.json    ${data}    form    ${hosts["weidian"]}
    Connect To Database Using Custom Params    pymysql    host='', port=3306, user='xxx', passwd='xxx', db='xxx', charset= 'utf8'
    ${qeeryResults}    row count    select shop_code from authshop_relation where site_id='1'
    log    ${qeeryResults}


API 参数 说明
Check If Exists In Database 查询语句 数据库中存在:存在,则为PASS,不存在,则为FAIL
Check If Not Exists In Database 查询语句 数据库中不存在:不存在,则为PASS,存在,则为FAIL
Connect To Database dbapiModuleName=None, dbName=None, dbUsername=None, dbPassword=None, dbHost=localhost, dbPort=5432, dbConfigFile=./resources/db.cfg 连接数据库配制信息,通过配制各项属性完成
Connect To Database Using Custom Params dbapiModuleName=None, db_connect_string= 连接数据库配制信息,通过db_connect_string来传递。如database='my_db_test', user='postgres', password='s3cr3t', host='', port=5432
Delete All Rows From Table 表名 删除数据库中表的所有行:删除成功,则PASS;失败,则Fail
Description 查询语句 返回查询语句的结果,内容格式为: [Column(name='id', type_code=1043, display_size=None, internal_size=255, precision=None, scale=None, null_ok=None)] [Column(name='first_name', type_code=1043, display_size=None, internal_size=255, precision=None, scale=None, null_ok=None)] [Column(name='last_name', type_code=1043, display_size=None, internal_size=255, precision=None, scale=None, null_ok=None)]
Disconnect From Database 断开数据库链接
Execute Sql Script SqlScriptFileName 执行脚本文件。SqlScriptFileName物理路径+FileName。
Execute Sql String SqlString 执行Sql语句
Query 查询语句 返回查询语句的查询结果
Row Count 查询语句 返回查询语句的查询结果行总数
Row Count Is 0 查询语句 查询语句的查询结果行总数:为0,则PASS;非0,则FAIL
Row Count Is Equal To X 查询语句,X



Row Count Is Greater Than X 查询语句,X



Row Count Is Less Than X 查询语句,X



Table Must Exist 表名 表名必须存在:存在,则PASS;不存在,则FAIL



    #Connect To Database Using Custom Params:使用参数来连接数据库    pymysql:连接的数据库     charset=‘utf8’解决中文显示成???的问题
    Connect To Database Using Custom Params    pymysql    host=‘’, port=3306, user=‘xxx’, passwd=‘xxx’, db=‘xxx’,charset=‘utf8’
    #使用Query方法来执行"select name from wx_account_detail where type=0”,并将查询的结果返回对变量@{name}
    @{name}    query    select name from wx_account_detail where type=0
    : FOR    ${i}    IN RANGE    0    len(@{name})
    \    log    @{name}[${i}]



posted @ 2018-01-16 20:10  子信风蓝蓝  阅读(431)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报