sql server 发送邮件
sql server 发送邮件
declare @html nvarchar(MAX), @subject nvarchar(MAX)='your subject', @ErrorNO int select @ErrorNO= ERROR_NUMBER() begin select @html= '<p>your message Insert Error. <br/>Error Number: </p>' + convert(nvarchar,@ErrorNO)+'<br/>ErrorMessage:'+ERROR_MESSAGE() exec msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @PROFILE_NAME = 'SQL_Profile' , @RECIPIENTS = 'abc@abc.com' , @SUBJECT = @subject , @BODY = @html , @BODY_format = 'HTML' ,@Importance='High' end
以下为sql server提供的邮件模板
------------------------------------------------------------- -- Database Mail Simple Configuration Template. -- -- This template creates a Database Mail profile, an SMTP account and -- associates the account to the profile. -- The template does not grant access to the new profile for -- any database principals. Use msdb.dbo.sysmail_add_principalprofile -- to grant access to the new profile for users who are not -- members of sysadmin. ------------------------------------------------------------- DECLARE @profile_name sysname, @account_name sysname, @SMTP_servername sysname, @email_address NVARCHAR(128), @display_name NVARCHAR(128); -- Profile name. Replace with the name for your profile SET @profile_name = '<profile_name,sysname,SampleProfile>'; -- Account information. Replace with the information for your account. SET @account_name = '<account_name,sysname,SampleAccount>'; SET @SMTP_servername = '<SMTP_servername,sysname,your SMTP server name>'; SET @email_address = '<email_address,nvarchar(128),sender email address>'; SET @display_name = '<display_name,nvarchar(128),name of the sender>'; -- Verify the specified account and profile do not already exist. IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.sysmail_profile WHERE name = @profile_name) BEGIN RAISERROR('The specified Database Mail profile (<profile_name,sysname,SampleProfile>) already exists.', 16, 1); GOTO done; END; IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.sysmail_account WHERE name = @account_name ) BEGIN RAISERROR('The specified Database Mail account (<account_name,sysname,SampleAccount>) already exists.', 16, 1) ; GOTO done; END; -- Start a transaction before adding the account and the profile BEGIN TRANSACTION ; DECLARE @rv INT; -- Add the account EXECUTE @rv=msdb.dbo.sysmail_add_account_sp @account_name = @account_name, @email_address = @email_address, @display_name = @display_name, @mailserver_name = @SMTP_servername; IF @rv<>0 BEGIN RAISERROR('Failed to create the specified Database Mail account (<account_name,sysname,SampleAccount>).', 16, 1) ; GOTO done; END -- Add the profile EXECUTE @rv=msdb.dbo.sysmail_add_profile_sp @profile_name = @profile_name ; IF @rv<>0 BEGIN RAISERROR('Failed to create the specified Database Mail profile (<profile_name,sysname,SampleProfile>).', 16, 1); ROLLBACK TRANSACTION; GOTO done; END; -- Associate the account with the profile. EXECUTE @rv=msdb.dbo.sysmail_add_profileaccount_sp @profile_name = @profile_name, @account_name = @account_name, @sequence_number = 1 ; IF @rv<>0 BEGIN RAISERROR('Failed to associate the specified profile with the specified account (<account_name,sysname,SampleAccount>).', 16, 1) ; ROLLBACK TRANSACTION; GOTO done; END; COMMIT TRANSACTION; done: GO
以下为sql template打开方法