angle attribute in android gradient

angle attribute in android gradient

Gradient basically represents the variation in space(in a direction) of any quantity. With color it represents the variation of color intensity in a direction represented by angle. Here are some diagrams to represent this concept:

Here the figure shows the color variation in horizontal direction(angle is set 0).
XML code:

    <shape xmlns:android="">    <gradient        android:startColor="#000000"        android:angle="0"/>   </shape>

Here the figure shows the color variation in horizontal direction(angle is set 90).
XML code:

<shape xmlns:android=""><gradient    android:startColor="#000000"   android:angle="90"/> </shape>

You can also use different color as start, center and end colors. The code you attached contains all these elements.

posted @ 2013-06-25 08:50  fancychendong  阅读(385)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报