Tinkoff Challenge - Elimination Round D.Presents in Bankopolis(区间DP)






Oleg can't go near offices he visited, so if now he is in office v, he visited q, q > v, he can't visit office k, where k > q. That means if now he's in office v, he can only visit office q, l < v < r, l is rightmost visited office which position is less than v and r is leftmost visited office which position is more than v. So we have to solve our problem for state [v][l][r][s], where s count of steps we made. We have 2 options. First is go to left and second is go to right. If we go left, we are not interested what is r, and if we go right we are not interested what is l. So our state now is [left border][right border][direction][s]. State [v][l][r][s] becomes 2: [v][r][right][s] and [l][v][left][s]. We can exactly identify our current position. If we go left it's right border, and if we go right it's left border. Now, when we are in state [l][r][direction][s] and now we are in office v, we have to just find all offices q, l<=q<=r and c[v][q] != 0 and solve our problem for [l][q][right][s+1] and [q][r][left][s+1] and take minimum. For it we can use recursion. We can start from any office, so we have to solve problem for [0][v][left][0] and [v][n+1][right][0] and take minimum.
We have n^22k states. In each state we check make not more than n operations. So algo works in O(n^3*k)



using namespace std;

int dp[100][100][2][100];
int vis[100][100][2][100];
int c[100][100];
int n,k,m,u,v,value;
int work(int l,int r,int dir,int step)
    if(step==(k-1)) return 0;
    if(vis[l][r][dir][step]) return dp[l][r][dir][step];
    int bit=dir?r:l;int ret=1e9;
    for(int i=l+1;i<r;++i) if(c[bit][i])
    return ret;

int main()
    scanf("%d %d",&n,&k);
    for(int i=1;i<=m;++i)
        scanf("%d %d %d",&u,&v,&value);
        if(c[u][v]==0) c[u][v]=value;
        else c[u][v]=min(c[u][v],value);
    int ans=1e9;
    for(int i=1;i<=n;++i)
    if(ans==1e9) puts("-1");else printf("%d\n",ans);
posted @ 2017-04-26 12:33  遗风忘语  阅读(156)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报