--调用方法: --select * from GetChild('24') --select id from GetChild('24') --select * from KuCun where ProductType in(select id from GetChild('24')) Create function [dbo].[GetChild](@ID varchar(10)) returns @t table(ID varchar(10),ParentID varchar(10),Level int) as begin declare @i int set @i = 1 insert into @t select @ID,@ID,0 --当前级,本级,如果不要的话可以注释掉或再加个参数来选择操作 insert into @t select ID,ParentID,@i from Dept where ParentID = @ID while @@rowcount<>0 begin set @i = @i + 1 insert into @t select a.ID,a.ParentID,@i from Dept a,@t b where a.ParentID=b.ID and b.Level = @i-1 end return end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --在SQL Server2005中其实提供了CTE[公共表表达式]来实现递归: Declare @Id Int Set @Id = 24; ---在此修改父节点 With RootNodeCTE(Id,ParentId) As ( Select Id,ParentId From Dept Where ParentId In (@Id) Union All Select Dept.Id,Dept.ParentId From RootNodeCTE Inner Join Dept On RootNodeCTE.Id = Dept.ParentId ) Select * From RootNodeCTE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --生成测试数据 create table Dept(ID int,ParentID int,msg varchar(20)) insert into Dept select 1,0,null insert into Dept select 2,1,null insert into Dept select 3,1,null insert into Dept select 4,2,null insert into Dept select 5,3,null insert into Dept select 6,5,null insert into Dept select 7,6,null go --创建用户定义函数 Create function [dbo].[GetChild](@ID varchar(10)) returns @t table(ID varchar(10),ParentID varchar(10),Level int) as begin declare @i int set @i = 1 insert into @t select @ID,@ID,0 --当前级,本级,如果不要的话可以注释掉或再加个参数来选择操作 insert into @t select ID,ParentID,@i from Dept where ParentID = @ID while @@rowcount<>0 begin set @i = @i + 1 insert into @t select a.ID,a.ParentID,@i from Dept a,@t b where a.ParentID=b.ID and b.Level = @i-1 end return end --执行查询 select ID from dbo.GetChild(3) go --输出结果 /* 3 5 6 7 */ --删除测试数据 drop function GetChild drop table Dept 引用:http://www.yongfa365.com/Item/SQL-Di-Gui-Function-ID-ParentID.html