FPGA 中的警告:Warning: Some pins have incomplete I/O assignments (Missing drive strength and slew rate)
Warning: Some pins have incomplete I/O assignments. Refer to the I/O Assignment Warnings report for details
查看了compilation report-> I/O Assignment Warnings 提示是 输出管脚“ Missing drive strength and slew rate”。记得用过CycloneII芯片就不会出现这种警告,google了下,是因为后续高级的芯片的 drive strength 和 slew rate 都是可编程的。如果不指定的话,quartus会给出默认值并给出警告。消除警告的办法是在pin planner 分配管脚时同时制定这两个值。设置方法如下:
In the pin planner in the pin list there's a column called Current Strength.
If it doesn't show up there, right-click your mouse in the pin list and
select customize columns.... You can add the currenth strenght column
and select the desired drive strength.