Apache Maven基础


     3.cmd命令下输入:mvn -version/mvn-v
        Apache Maven 3.1.1 (0728685237757ffbf44136acec0402957f723d9a; 2013-09-17 23:22:2
        Maven home: C:\apache-maven-3.1.1\bin\..
        Java version: 1.7.0_51, vendor: Oracle Corporation
        Java home: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_51\jre
        Default locale: zh_CN, platform encoding: GBK
        OS name: "windows xp", version: "5.1", arch: "x86", family: "windows"

2.mvn -help
 usage: mvn [options] [<goal(s)>] [<phase(s)>]

  -am,--also-make                        If project list is specified, also
      build projects required by the
  -amd,--also-make-dependents            If project list is specified, also
      build projects that depend on
      projects on the list
  -B,--batch-mode                        Run in non-interactive (batch)
  -C,--strict-checksums                  Fail the build if checksums don't
  -c,--lax-checksums                     Warn if checksums don't match
  -cpu,--check-plugin-updates            Ineffective, only kept for
      backward compatibility
  -D,--define <arg>                      Define a system property
  -e,--errors                            Produce execution error messages
  -emp,--encrypt-master-password <arg>   Encrypt master security password
  -ep,--encrypt-password <arg>           Encrypt server password
  -f,--file <arg>                        Force the use of an alternate POM
      file (or directory with pom.xml).
  -fae,--fail-at-end                     Only fail the build afterwards;
      allow all non-impacted builds to
  -ff,--fail-fast                        Stop at first failure in
      reactorized builds
  -fn,--fail-never                       NEVER fail the build, regardless
      of project result
  -gs,--global-settings <arg>            Alternate path for the global
      settings file
  -h,--help                              Display help information
  -l,--log-file <arg>                    Log file to where all build output
      will go.
  -llr,--legacy-local-repository         Use Maven 2 Legacy Local
      Repository behaviour, ie no use of
      _remote.repositories. Can also be
      activated by using
  -N,--non-recursive                     Do not recurse into sub-projects
  -npr,--no-plugin-registry              Ineffective, only kept for
      backward compatibility
  -npu,--no-plugin-updates               Ineffective, only kept for
      backward compatibility
  -nsu,--no-snapshot-updates             Suppress SNAPSHOT updates
  -o,--offline                           Work offline
  -P,--activate-profiles <arg>           Comma-delimited list of profiles
      to activate
  -pl,--projects <arg>                   Comma-delimited list of specified
      reactor projects to build instead
      of all projects. A project can be
      specified by [groupId]:artifactId
      or by its relative path.
  -q,--quiet                             Quiet output - only show errors
  -rf,--resume-from <arg>                Resume reactor from specified
  -s,--settings <arg>                    Alternate path for the user
      settings file
  -T,--threads <arg>                     Thread count, for instance 2.0C
      where C is core multiplied
  -t,--toolchains <arg>                  Alternate path for the user
      toolchains file
  -U,--update-snapshots                  Forces a check for updated
      releases and snapshots on remote
  -up,--update-plugins                   Ineffective, only kept for
      backward compatibility
  -V,--show-version                      Display version information
      WITHOUT stopping build
  -v,--version                           Display version information
  -X,--debug                             Produce execution debug output

     ${basedir} 存放 pom.xml(Project Object Model)和所有的子目录
     ${basedir}/src/main/java 项目的 java源代码
     ${basedir}/src/main/resources 项目的资源,比如说 property文件
     ${basedir}/src/test/java 项目的测试类,比如说 JUnit代码
     ${basedir}/src/test/resources 测试使用的资源

     编译后 的 classes 会放在 ${basedir}/target/classes 下面, JAR会放在 ${basedir}/target

     3.远程中央仓库的地址为 http://repo1.maven.org/


          1.groupId/artifactId/version 依赖的具体工程
          2.scope 依赖范围 compile/test/runtime/provided/system
          3.optional 去除依赖传递
          4.exclusions 排除依赖

          1.通过一个父模块将所有的要构建模块整合起来,将父模块的打包类型声明为 POM,通过 <modules> 将各模块集中到父 POM.<module></module> 中间的内容为子模块工程名的相对路径.
          2.Maven 会首先解析聚合模块的 POM 文件,分析要构建的模块,并通过各模块的依赖关系计算出模块的执行顺序,根据这个潜在的关系依次构建模块。将各子模块聚合到父模块中后,我们就可以对父模块进行一次构建命令来完成全部模块的构建




     1.内置属性。这种属性跟 Maven Project 自身有关,比如要引入当前 Project 的版本信 息,那么只需要在使用的位置引用 ${version} 就行了。 
     2.Setting 属性。上文中已经提到 Maven 自身有一个 settings.xml 配置文件,它里面含有包括仓库,代理服务器等一些配置信息,利用 ${settings.somename} 就可以得到文件里相应元素的值。 
     3.POM 属性。这种属性对应 POM 文件中对应元素的值,例如 ${project.groupId} 对应了 <groupId></groupId> 中的值,${project.artifactId} 对应了 <artifactId> </ artifactId > 中的值。
     4.系统环境变量。可以使用 env.${name} 来获得相应 name 对应的环境变量的值,例如 ${env.JAVA_HOME} 得到的就是 JAVA_HOME 的环境变量值。 
     5.用户自定义变量。这种类型的变量是使用最频繁和广泛的变量,完全由用户自己定义。在 POM 文件中加入 <properties> 元素并将自定义属性作为其子元素



posted @ 2014-02-07 09:48  chenchangyan  阅读(263)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报