pygame.event.pump — internally process pygame event handlers pygame.event.get — get events from the queue pygame.event.poll — get a single event from the queue pygame.event.wait — wait for a single event from the queue pygame.event.peek — test if event types are waiting on the queue pygame.event.clear — remove all events from the queue pygame.event.event_name — get the string name from and event id pygame.event.set_blocked — control which events are allowed on the queue pygame.event.set_allowed — control which events are allowed on the queue pygame.event.get_blocked — test if a type of event is blocked from the queue pygame.event.set_grab — control the sharing of input devices with other applications pygame.event.get_grab — test if the program is sharing input devices — place a new event on the queue pygame.event.Event — create a new event object pygame.event.EventType — pygame object for representing SDL events
QUIT none
ACTIVEEVENT gain, state
KEYDOWN unicode, key, mod
KEYUP key, mod
MOUSEMOTION pos, rel, buttons
JOYAXISMOTION joy, axis, value
JOYBALLMOTION joy, ball, rel
JOYHATMOTION joy, hat, value
JOYBUTTONUP joy, button
VIDEORESIZE size, w, h
image :
pygame.image.load — load new image from a file — save an image to disk pygame.image.get_extended — test if extended image formats can be loaded pygame.image.tostring — transfer image to string buffer pygame.image.fromstring — create new Surface from a string buffer pygame.image.frombuffer — create a new Surface that shares data inside a string buffer
pygame.key.get_focused — true if the display is receiving keyboard input from the system pygame.key.get_pressed — get the state of all keyboard buttons pygame.key.get_mods — determine which modifier keys are being held pygame.key.set_mods — temporarily set which modifier keys are pressed pygame.key.set_repeat — control how held keys are repeated pygame.key.get_repeat — see how held keys are repeated — get the name of a key identifier
KeyASCII ASCII Common Name K_BACKSPACE \b backspace K_TAB \t tab K_CLEAR clear K_RETURN \r return K_PAUSE pause K_ESCAPE ^[ escape K_SPACE space K_EXCLAIM ! exclaim K_QUOTEDBL " quotedbl K_HASH # hash K_DOLLAR $ dollar K_AMPERSAND & ampersand K_QUOTE quote K_LEFTPAREN ( left parenthesis K_RIGHTPAREN ) right parenthesis K_ASTERISK * asterisk K_PLUS + plus sign K_COMMA , comma K_MINUS - minus sign K_PERIOD . period K_SLASH / forward slash K_0 0 0 K_1 1 1 K_2 2 2 K_3 3 3 K_4 4 4 K_5 5 5 K_6 6 6 K_7 7 7 K_8 8 8 K_9 9 9 K_COLON : colon K_SEMICOLON ; semicolon K_LESS < less-than sign K_EQUALS = equals sign K_GREATER > greater-than sign K_QUESTION ? question mark K_AT @ at K_LEFTBRACKET [ left bracket K_BACKSLASH \ backslash K_RIGHTBRACKET ] right bracket K_CARET ^ caret K_UNDERSCORE _ underscore K_BACKQUOTE ` grave K_a a a K_b b b K_c c c K_d d d K_e e e K_f f f K_g g g K_h h h K_i i i K_j j j K_k k k K_l l l K_m m m K_n n n K_o o o K_p p p K_q q q K_r r r K_s s s K_t t t K_u u u K_v v v K_w w w K_x x x K_y y y K_z z z K_DELETE delete K_KP0 keypad 0 K_KP1 keypad 1 K_KP2 keypad 2 K_KP3 keypad 3 K_KP4 keypad 4 K_KP5 keypad 5 K_KP6 keypad 6 K_KP7 keypad 7 K_KP8 keypad 8 K_KP9 keypad 9 K_KP_PERIOD . keypad period K_KP_DIVIDE / keypad divide K_KP_MULTIPLY * keypad multiply K_KP_MINUS - keypad minus K_KP_PLUS + keypad plus K_KP_ENTER \r keypad enter K_KP_EQUALS = keypad equals K_UP up arrow K_DOWN down arrow K_RIGHT right arrow K_LEFT left arrow K_INSERT insert K_HOME home K_END end K_PAGEUP page up K_PAGEDOWN page down K_F1 F1 K_F2 F2 K_F3 F3 K_F4 F4 K_F5 F5 K_F6 F6 K_F7 F7 K_F8 F8 K_F9 F9 K_F10 F10 K_F11 F11 K_F12 F12 K_F13 F13 K_F14 F14 K_F15 F15 K_NUMLOCK numlock K_CAPSLOCK capslock K_SCROLLOCK scrollock K_RSHIFT right shift K_LSHIFT left shift K_RCTRL right control K_LCTRL left control K_RALT right alt K_LALT left alt K_RMETA right meta K_LMETA left meta K_LSUPER left Windows key K_RSUPER right Windows key K_MODE mode shift K_HELP help K_PRINT print screen K_SYSREQ sysrq K_BREAK break K_MENU menu K_POWER power K_EURO Euro The keyboard also has a list of modifier states that can be assembled by bitwise-ORing them together. KMOD_NONE, KMOD_LSHIFT, KMOD_RSHIFT, KMOD_SHIFT, KMOD_CAPS, KMOD_LCTRL, KMOD_RCTRL, KMOD_CTRL, KMOD_LALT, KMOD_RALT, KMOD_ALT, KMOD_LMETA, KMOD_RMETA, KMOD_META, KMOD_NUM, KMOD_MODE
pygame.mouse.get_pressed — get the state of the mouse buttons pygame.mouse.get_pos — get the mouse cursor position pygame.mouse.get_rel — get the amount of mouse movement pygame.mouse.set_pos — set the mouse cursor position pygame.mouse.set_visible — hide or show the mouse cursor pygame.mouse.get_focused — check if the display is receiving mouse input pygame.mouse.set_cursor — set the image for the system mouse cursor pygame.mouse.get_cursor — get the image for the system mouse cursor
pygame.cursors.compile — create binary cursor data from simple strings pygame.cursors.load_xbm — load cursor data from an XBM file
pygame.display.init — Initialize the display module pygame.display.quit — Uninitialize the display module pygame.display.get_init — Returns True if the display module has been initialized pygame.display.set_mode — Initialize a window or screen for display pygame.display.get_surface — Get a reference to the currently set display surface pygame.display.flip — Update the full display Surface to the screen pygame.display.update — Update portions of the screen for software displays pygame.display.get_driver — Get the name of the pygame display backend pygame.display.Info — Create a video display information object pygame.display.get_wm_info — Get information about the current windowing system pygame.display.list_modes — Get list of available fullscreen modes pygame.display.mode_ok — Pick the best color depth for a display mode pygame.display.gl_get_attribute — Get the value for an OpenGL flag for the current display pygame.display.gl_set_attribute — Request an OpenGL display attribute for the display mode pygame.display.get_active — Returns True when the display is active on the display pygame.display.iconify — Iconify the display surface pygame.display.toggle_fullscreen — Switch between fullscreen and windowed displays pygame.display.set_gamma — Change the hardware gamma ramps pygame.display.set_gamma_ramp — Change the hardware gamma ramps with a custom lookup pygame.display.set_icon — Change the system image for the display window pygame.display.set_caption — Set the current window caption pygame.display.get_caption — Get the current window caption pygame.display.set_palette — Set the display color palette for indexed displays
pygame.Surface.blit — draw one image onto another pygame.Surface.convert — change the pixel format of an image pygame.Surface.convert_alpha — change the pixel format of an image including per pixel alphas pygame.Surface.copy — create a new copy of a Surface pygame.Surface.fill — fill Surface with a solid color pygame.Surface.scroll — Shift the surface image in place pygame.Surface.set_colorkey — Set the transparent colorkey pygame.Surface.get_colorkey — Get the current transparent colorkey pygame.Surface.set_alpha — set the alpha value for the full Surface image pygame.Surface.get_alpha — get the current Surface transparency value pygame.Surface.lock — lock the Surface memory for pixel access pygame.Surface.unlock — unlock the Surface memory from pixel access pygame.Surface.mustlock — test if the Surface requires locking pygame.Surface.get_locked — test if the Surface is current locked pygame.Surface.get_locks — Gets the locks for the Surface pygame.Surface.get_at — get the color value at a single pixel pygame.Surface.set_at — set the color value for a single pixel pygame.Surface.get_at_mapped — get the mapped color value at a single pixel pygame.Surface.get_palette — get the color index palette for an 8-bit Surface pygame.Surface.get_palette_at — get the color for a single entry in a palette pygame.Surface.set_palette — set the color palette for an 8-bit Surface pygame.Surface.set_palette_at — set the color for a single index in an 8-bit Surface palette pygame.Surface.map_rgb — convert a color into a mapped color value pygame.Surface.unmap_rgb — convert a mapped integer color value into a Color pygame.Surface.set_clip — set the current clipping area of the Surface pygame.Surface.get_clip — get the current clipping area of the Surface pygame.Surface.subsurface — create a new surface that references its parent pygame.Surface.get_parent — find the parent of a subsurface pygame.Surface.get_abs_parent — find the top level parent of a subsurface pygame.Surface.get_offset — find the position of a child subsurface inside a parent pygame.Surface.get_abs_offset — find the absolute position of a child subsurface inside its top level parent pygame.Surface.get_size — get the dimensions of the Surface pygame.Surface.get_width — get the width of the Surface pygame.Surface.get_height — get the height of the Surface pygame.Surface.get_rect — get the rectangular area of the Surface pygame.Surface.get_bitsize — get the bit depth of the Surface pixel format pygame.Surface.get_bytesize — get the bytes used per Surface pixel pygame.Surface.get_flags — get the additional flags used for the Surface pygame.Surface.get_pitch — get the number of bytes used per Surface row pygame.Surface.get_masks — the bitmasks needed to convert between a color and a mapped integer pygame.Surface.set_masks — set the bitmasks needed to convert between a color and a mapped integer pygame.Surface.get_shifts — the bit shifts needed to convert between a color and a mapped integer pygame.Surface.set_shifts — sets the bit shifts needed to convert between a color and a mapped integer pygame.Surface.get_losses — the significant bits used to convert between a color and a mapped integer pygame.Surface.get_bounding_rect — find the smallest rect containing data pygame.Surface.get_view — return a buffer view of the Surface’s pixels. pygame.Surface.get_buffer — acquires a buffer object for the pixels of the Surface. pygame.Surface._pixels_address — pixel buffer address