镜像, 转置, 锐化, 灰度,旋转

* 函数名: mirror 
* 功  能: 对图片进行水平和垂直镜像操作 
void mirror()  
    int height = bmpInfoHeader.biHeight;  
    int width = bmpInfoHeader.biWidth;  
    int imgSize = bmpInfoHeader.biSizeImage;  
    memset(pXBmpData,0,sizeof(unsigned char )*imgSize);  
    memset(pYBmpData,0,sizeof(unsigned char )*imgSize);  
    int lineByte = (width * 8 + 31) / 32 * 4;  //每行像素的字节数  
    for(int i = 0; i < height; i++ )  
        for(int j = 0; j < width; j++ )  
            *(pXBmpData + i*lineByte + width - 1 - j) = *(pBmpData + i*lineByte + j); //水平镜像  
            *(pYBmpData + (height - i - 1)*lineByte + j) = *(pBmpData + i*lineByte + j);  //垂直镜像  


* 函数名: transpose
* 功 能: 对图像进行转置处理 */

void transpose() { int height = bmpInfoHeader.biHeight; int width = bmpInfoHeader.biWidth; int imgSize = bmpInfoHeader.biSizeImage; //转置之后高宽变了 bmpInfoHeader.biHeight = width; bmpInfoHeader.biWidth = height; memset(pNewBmpData,0,sizeof(unsigned char )*imgSize); int lineByte = (width * 8 + 31) / 32 * 4; //每行像素的字节数 int newLineByte = (height * 8 + 31) / 32 * 4; //新的lineByte for(int i = 0; i < height; i++ ) { for(int j = 0; j < width; j++ ) { *(pNewBmpData + (width - 1 - j)*newLineByte + i) = *(pBmpData + (height - 1 - i)*lineByte + j); //转置 } } }
    * 函数名: sharpening 
    * 功  能: 对图像进行锐化处理 
    void Laplacian()  
        int temp[9] = {-1,-1,-1,-1,9,-1,-1,-1,-1};   //Laplacian 模版  
        int height = bmpInfoHeader.biHeight;     
        int width = bmpInfoHeader.biWidth;    
        int imgSize = bmpInfoHeader.biSizeImage;  
        int lineByte = (width * 8 +31) / 32 * 4;  //每行像素所占字节数  
        memcpy(pNewBmpData,pBmpData,imgSize);   //把原图数据复制给pNewBmpData  
        double temResult;  //中间结果  
        for(int i = 1; i < height - 1; i++ )  
            for(int j = 1; j < width - 1; j++ )  
                temResult = (double)(*(pBmpData + (i-1) * lineByte + j - 1) * temp[0]);  
                temResult += (double)(*(pBmpData + (i-1) * lineByte + j) * temp[1]);  
                temResult += (double)(*(pBmpData + (i-1) * lineByte + j + 1) * temp[2]);  
                temResult += (double)(*(pBmpData + (i) * lineByte + j - 1) * temp[3]);  
                temResult += (double)(*(pBmpData + (i) * lineByte + j) * temp[4]);  
                temResult += (double)(*(pBmpData + (i) * lineByte + j + 1) * temp[5]);  
                temResult += (double)(*(pBmpData + (i+1) * lineByte + j - 1) * temp[6]);  
                temResult += (double)(*(pBmpData + (i+1) * lineByte + j) * temp[7]);  
                temResult += (double)(*(pBmpData + (i+1) * lineByte + j + 1) * temp[8]);  
                *(pNewBmpData + i * lineByte + j) = temResult;  

* 程序名: Rotation.cpp 
* 功  能: 实现灰度图像的旋转,如果超出原图范围,则用白色填充 
*         测试位图为test.bmp放到工程目录下 
#include <iostream>  
#include <fstream>  
#include <cstring>  
#include <cmath>  
#include <windows.h>  
using namespace std;  
#define PI 3.1415926535  
#define RADIAN(angle) (((angle)*PI)/180.0)  
BITMAPFILEHEADER bmpFileHeader;   //bmp文件头  
BITMAPINFOHEADER bmpInfoHeader;   //bmp信息头  
RGBQUAD *pColorTable;            //bmp颜色表     
unsigned char *pBmpData;        //bmp位图数据  
unsigned char *pNewBmpData;   //旋转后bmp位图数据  
int newImgSize;         //旋转后图像大小  
* 函数名: readBmp 
* 参  数: fileName--要读取文件的文件名 
* 功  能: 读取bmp位图数据,成功返回TRUE,否则返回FALSE 
BOOL readBmp(char *fileName)  
    FILE *fp = fopen(fileName,"rb");   //以二进制读方式打开  
    if (NULL == fp)  
        cout<<"The file is opened failure!"<<endl;  
        return FALSE;  
    pColorTable = new RGBQUAD[256];  
    int imgSize = bmpInfoHeader.biSizeImage;     //文图数据的大小,4的倍数  
    pBmpData = new  unsigned char[imgSize];  
    fread(pBmpData,sizeof(unsigned char),imgSize,fp);  
    return TRUE;  
* 函数名: rotation 
* 参  数: rotAngle--要转换的角度 
* 功  能: 实现bmp图像的旋转 
void rotation(int rotAngle)  
    double cosa,sina,srcX[4],srcY[4],dstX[4],dstY[4],rad;  
    int oldWidth,oldHeight,newWidth,newHeight;  
    rad = (double)RADIAN(rotAngle);  
    cosa = cos(rad);  
    sina = sin(rad);  
    oldWidth = bmpInfoHeader.biWidth;  
    oldHeight = bmpInfoHeader.biHeight;  
    srcX[0] = -0.5 * oldWidth;  
    srcY[0] = 0.5 * oldHeight;  
    srcX[1] = 0.5 * oldWidth;  
    srcY[1] = 0.5 * oldHeight;  
    srcX[2] = 0.5 * oldWidth;  
    srcY[2] = -0.5 * oldHeight;  
    srcX[3] = -0.5 * oldWidth;  
    srcY[3] = -0.5 * oldHeight;  
    for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )  
        dstX[i] = cosa * srcX[i] + sina * srcY[i];  
        dstY[i] = -sina * srcX[i] + cosa * srcY[i];  
//      cout<<dstY[i]<<endl;  
    bmpInfoHeader.biWidth = newWidth = (int)(max(fabs(dstX[0] - dstX[2]),fabs(dstX[1] - dstX[3])) + 0.5);  
    bmpInfoHeader.biHeight = newHeight = (int)(max(fabs(dstY[0] - dstY[2]),fabs(dstY[1] - dstY[3])) + 0.5);  
//  cout<<newWidth<<newHeight<<endl;  
    bmpInfoHeader.biSizeImage = newImgSize = newHeight * ((newWidth * bmpInfoHeader.biBitCount + 31) / 32 * 4);  
    pNewBmpData = new unsigned char[newImgSize];  
    double temp1,temp2;   //计算矩阵(2.9)中的两个常数,这样不用以后每次都计算了  
    temp1 = -0.5 * newWidth * cosa - 0.5 * newHeight * sina + 0.5 * oldWidth;  
    temp2 = 0.5 * newWidth * sina - 0.5 * newHeight * cosa + 0.5 * oldHeight;  
    memset(pNewBmpData,(BYTE)255,newImgSize);   //先全部填充成白色  
    int x0,y0,x1,y1;  
    unsigned char *pOldTemp,*pNewTemp;  
    int oldLineByte,newLineByte;  
    oldLineByte = (oldWidth * bmpInfoHeader.biBitCount + 31) / 32 * 4;  
    newLineByte = (newWidth * bmpInfoHeader.biBitCount + 31) / 32 * 4;  
    for(y1 = 0; y1 < newHeight; y1++)  
        for(x1 = 0; x1 < newWidth; x1++ )  
            x0 = (int)(x1 * cosa + y1 * sina + temp1);  
            y0 = (int)(-x1 * sina + y1 * cosa + temp2);  
            if((x0 >= 0 && x0 < oldWidth) && (y0 >= 0 && y0 < oldHeight))    //这里不能为<=oldWidth或oldHeight  
                pOldTemp = pBmpData + (oldHeight - 1 - y0) * oldLineByte + x0;  
                pNewTemp = pNewBmpData + (newHeight - 1 - y1) * newLineByte + x1;  
                *pNewTemp = *pOldTemp;  
* 函数名: writeBmp 
* 参  数: bmpName -- 旋转后的bmp文件名 
* 功  能: 新建一个bmp文件,把旋转后的图像信息存入其中 
void writeBmp(char *bmpName)  
    FILE *fp = fopen(bmpName,"wb");  //以二进制写方式打开  
    if(NULL == fp)  
        cout<<"The file is opened failure"<<endl;  
    fwrite(pNewBmpData,sizeof(unsigned char),newImgSize,fp);  
        delete []pColorTable;  
        delete []pNewBmpData;  
        delete []pBmpData;  
* 函数名: work 
* 参  数: 无 
* 功  能: 实现处理工作 
void work()  
    char readBmpName[] = "test.bmp";  
    if ( !readBmp(readBmpName))  
        cout<<"The file "<<readBmpName<<"is read failure"<<endl;  
    cout<<"please input the angle to rotate(Clockwise):";  
    int rotAngle;  
    char writeBmpName[] = "test_new.bmp";  
int main()  
    return 0;  


posted @ 2016-08-08 15:41  chencesc  阅读(518)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报