

    As mentioned in the previous issue, there will be some specific installation processes and pits that fall into them. In this episode, I will talk about the installation of the PVE system.


    First, prepare a data-free USB flash drive. I use Floppy Drive here to write the ISO image. When opening the image, use Floppy Drive to open, and use the write hard drive in Floppy Drive to write the image. In the USB flash drive, I use a USB flash drive to boot. I don't have a USB flash drive, so I use a mobile hard disk to write directly.


    Note that you need to use the RAW method for writing when writing to the disk here. After the writing is successful, use the U disk to start your computer. In my BIOS configuration, I use ahic mode and UEFI mode to start. After starting, you can see the installation interface. Of course, installation is to choose to use install myself.


     After that, there will be an agreement, Barabara, just click to agree.


After you agree, you will need to select the disk to install


After selecting the disk, you can choose the format of the disk here


Choose your country, the next step


Set your password, the next step can be done after setting


Configure the network card information, after the configuration is complete, the next step

    最后即是安装,安装当然会格式化您的磁盘,所以在您需要保留数据的时候,建议您先备份完成后,在进行安装操作。启动完成后,会在屏幕上显示管理地址。pve管理界面默认是443端口,访问时需要使用htpps进行访问。 默认端口是8006哦。安装完成后,在路由器中配置端口的映射,这样就可以在公网的网络环境下进行访问了。

    The last step is the installation. Of course, the installation will format your disk, so when you need to keep the data, it is recommended that you perform the installation operation after the backup is completed. After the startup is complete, the management address will be displayed on the screen. The pve management interface defaults to port 443, and you need to use htpps to access it. The default port is 8006. After the installation is complete, configure port mapping in the router so that it can be accessed in the public network environment.


I don't have a certificate here, so the access will prompt insecure. Just ignore it, remember it is https


    At this point, the PVE system is installed. When I installed, I didn’t take any screenshots. Some pictures in the article came from the Internet. After the PVE installation is completed, it is actually a debian system installed. For installing software or something, use apt to install the software you want

posted @ 2023-02-24 11:12  小陈运维  阅读(402)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报  来源