


    <div ref="chart1" class="chart"></div>
import * as echarts from "echarts";
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      chartOption: {
        color: ["#37a2da", "#32c5e9", "#9fe6b8", "#ffdb5c", "#ff9f7f"],
        tooltip: {
          trigger: "item",
          formatter: "{b}{c}%",
          backgroundColor: "rgba(8,49,107,0.9)", //设置背景颜色
          borderColor: "rgba(8,49,107,0.9)", //设置边框颜色
          textStyle: {
            color: "white" //设置文字颜色
          //formatter: "{a} <br/>{b} : {c} ({d}%)"
          formatter: params => {
            return (
              `${params.seriesName}<br/>` +
              `<span style="display:inline-block;margin-right:5px;border-radius:10px;width:10px;height:10px;background-color:${params.color};"></span>` +
              `${params.name}:` +
        toolbox: {
          show: true
        legend: {
          x: "right", //可设定图例在左、右、居中
          y: "center", //可设定图例在上、下、居中
          align: "left", //字在图例的左边或右边【left/right】
          orient: "vertical", //图例方向【horizontal/vertical】
          icon: "circle", //图例形状【circle、rect、roundRect、triangle、diamond、pin、arrow、none】
          itemGap: 12,
          textStyle: {
            rich: {
              name: {
                color: "#595959",
                fontSize: 14,
                width: 100,
                fontWeight: 400
              value: {
                color: "#595959",
                fontSize: 14,
                width: 100,
                fontWeight: 400
        series: [
            name: "饼图",
            type: "pie",
            radius: "70%",
            center: ["50%", "50%"],
            data: [],
            emphasis: {
              itemStyle: {
                shadowBlur: 10,
                shadowOffsetX: 0,
                shadowColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)"
  async mounted() {
    const chart = echarts.init(this.$refs.chart1);
    await this.fetchData();
  methods: {
    async fetchData() {
      let series1 = [
        { value: 64, name: "摄像头" },
        { value: 63, name: "灯" },
        { value: 58, name: "空调" },
        { value: 54, name: "温度计" },
        { value: 32, name: "其他" }
      const chart = echarts.init(this.$refs.chart1);
        legend: {
          formatter(name) {
            const item = series1.filter(item => item.name === name)[0];
            return `{name|${name}}{value|${item.value}}`;
        series: [{ data: series1 }]
<style scoped lang="scss">
.chart {
  width: 100%;
  height: 300px;




    <div ref="chart1" class="chart"></div>
import * as echarts from "echarts";

const getname = ["时长异常", "时长正常", "无时长"];
const getNum = [0, 0, 0];

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      chartOption: {
        legend: {
          type: "scroll",
          orient: "vertical",
          right: 0,
          top: "28%",
          icon: "circle",
          itemWidth: 15,
          itemHeight: 15,
          itemGap: 20,
          // legend格式化
          formatter: function(name) {
            for (let i = 0; i < getname.length; i++) {
              if (name == getname[i]) {
                return `{name|${name}}{value${i}|${getNum[i]}%}`;
          textStyle: {
            color: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65)",
            rich: {
              name: {
                fontSize: 15
                // padding: [36, 0, 0, 0]
              value: {
                fontSize: 15,
                color: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85)",
                // padding: [20, 0, 0, 0],
                fontWeight: 700
        title: {
          text: "6000",
          subtext: "统计数",
          left: "center",
          top: "40%",
          textStyle: {
            color: "black",
            fontSize: 14,
            align: "center"
          subtextStyle: {
            fontSize: 14,
            fontWeight: "700",
            align: "center",
            color: "black"
        tooltip: {
          trigger: "item",
          formatter: "{b}\n{c}%",
          backgroundColor: "rgba(8,49,107,0.9)", //设置背景颜色
          borderColor: "rgba(8,49,107,0.9)", //设置边框颜色
          textStyle: {
            color: "white" //设置文字颜色
          //formatter: "{a} <br/>{b} : {c} ({d}%)"
          formatter: params => {
            return (
              `${params.seriesName}<br/>` +
              `<span style="display:inline-block;margin-right:5px;border-radius:10px;width:10px;height:10px;background-color:${params.color};"></span>` +
              `${params.name}:` +
        series: [
            name: "环图",
            avoidLabelOverlap: true, //防止标签重叠
            type: "pie",
            radius: ["58%", "73%"],
            center: ["50%", "50%"],
            hoverAnimation: true,

            label: {
              padding: [15, 0, 0, 0],
              color: "#4E5969",
              fontSize: 14,
              formatter: "{b|{b}} {d|{c}%}\n",
              rich: {
                b: {
                  fontSize: 14,
                  color: "#4E5969"
                d: {
                  fontSize: 16,
                  fontWeight: 600,
                  fontFamily: "DINAlternate-Bold, DINAlternate",
                  color: "#4E5969"
            labelLine: {
              show: true,
              lineStyle: {
                width: 3
              normal: {
                length: 10, // 指示线长度
                length2: 10
            data: [
                name: "时长异常",
                value: 0,
                itemStyle: {
                  color: "#FF8542",
                  borderColor: "#fff",
                  borderWidth: 2
                name: "时长正常",
                value: 0,
                itemStyle: {
                  color: "#358EFE",
                  borderColor: "#fff",
                  borderWidth: 2
                name: "无时长",
                value: 0,
                itemStyle: {
                  color: "#12C2C1",
                  borderColor: "#fff",
                  borderWidth: 2
            emphasis: {
              show: false
            type: "gauge",
            zlevel: 2,
            splitNumber: 85,
            radius: "74%",
            center: ["50%", "50%"],
            startAngle: 90,
            endAngle: -269.9999,
            axisLine: {
              show: false
            axisTick: {
              show: false
            axisLabel: {
              show: false
            splitLine: {
              show: true,
              length: 3,
              lineStyle: {
                width: 2,
                color: "#017383"
            pointer: {
              show: 0
            detail: {
              show: 0
  async mounted() {
    const chart = echarts.init(this.$refs.chart1);
    await this.fetchData();
  methods: {
    async fetchData() {
      let series1 = [41.63, 51.58, 6.79];
      const chart = echarts.init(this.$refs.chart1);
        legend: {
          formatter: function(name) {
            for (let i = 0; i < getname.length; i++) {
              if (name == getname[i]) {
                return `{name|${name}}{value${i}|${getNum[i]}%}`;
        series: [
            data: [
              {name: "时长异常",value: series2[0]},
              {name: "时长正常",value: series2[1]},
              {name: "无时长",value: series2[2]}
<style scoped lang="scss">
.chart {
  width: 100%;
  height: 200px;




    <div ref="chart1" class="chart"></div>
import * as echarts from "echarts";
export default {
  data() {
    return {
       chartOption: {
        color: ["#73A0FB", "#73DEB4", "#FACA42", "#F98973", "#2F467A"],
        legend: {
          orient: "vertical",
          top: "center",
          right: "10%",
          itemGap: 20,
          itemWidth: 16,
          itemHeight: 16,
          textStyle: {
            // color: "#fff",
            fontSize: 13
          data: ["农业专业合作社", "农业企业", "农业冷藏冷库", "农业园区"]
        tooltip: {
          trigger: "item",
          formatter: "{b}\n{c}%",
          backgroundColor: "rgba(8,49,107,0.9)", //设置背景颜色
          borderColor: "rgba(8,49,107,0.9)", //设置边框颜色
          textStyle: {
            color: "white" //设置文字颜色
          //formatter: "{a} <br/>{b} : {c} ({d}%)"
          formatter: params => {
            return (
              `${params.seriesName}<br/>` +
              `<span style="display:inline-block;margin-right:5px;border-radius:10px;width:10px;height:10px;background-color:${params.color};"></span>` +
              `${params.name}:` +
        series: [
            name: "玫瑰图",
            type: "pie",
            radius: ["40%", "70%"],
            center: ["50%", "50%"],
            roseType: "radius",
            minShowLabelAngle: 60,
            label: {
              show: true,
              normal: {
                position: "outside",
                fontSize: 14,
                formatter: params => {
                  return (
                    params.name +
                    //   '(' +
                    //   ((params.value / total) * 100).toFixed(2) +
                    //   '%)' +
                    //   '\n' +
                    params.value +
            labelLine: {
              length: 1,
              length2: 10,
              smooth: true
            data: []
  async mounted() {
    const chart = echarts.init(this.$refs.chart1);
    await this.fetchData();
  methods: {
    async fetchData() {
      let series1 = [
        {name: "农业专业合作社",value: 50},
        {name: "农业企业",value: 40},
        {name: "农业冷藏冷库",value: 30},
        {name: "农业园区",value: 20}];
      const chart = echarts.init(this.$refs.chart1);
        series: [{ data: series1 }]
<style scoped lang="scss">
.chart {
  width: 100%;
  height: 200px;




    <div class="water-eval-container">
        <div class="cityGreenLand-charts" id="cityGreenLand-charts">

    import echarts from 'echarts'
    import 'echarts-gl';
    export default {
        name: "cityGreenLand",
        components: {},
        data() {
            return {
                optionData: [{
                    name: '林地面积统计',
                    value: 10000,
                    itemStyle: {
                        color: '#22c4ff',
                }, {
                    name: '草地面积统计',
                    value: 12116,
                    itemStyle: {
                        color: '#aaff00'
                }, {
                    name: '耕地地面积统计',
                    value: 16616,
                    itemStyle: {
                        color: '#ffaaff'
        mounted() {
            this.$nextTick(function() {
        methods: {
            init() {
                let myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('cityGreenLand-charts'));
                // 传入数据生成 option
                this.option = this.getPie3D(this.optionData, 0.8);
                    name: 'pie2d',
                    type: 'pie',
                    startAngle: -20 , //起始角度,支持范围[0, 360]。
                    clockwise: false,//饼图的扇区是否是顺时针排布。上述这两项配置主要是为了对齐3d的样式
                    radius: ['20%', '50%'],
                    center: ['50%', '50%'],
                    data: this.optionData,

            getPie3D(pieData, internalDiameterRatio) {
                let that = this;
                let series = [];
                let sumValue = 0;
                let startValue = 0;
                let endValue = 0;
                let legendData = [];
                let legendBfb = [];
                let k = 1 - internalDiameterRatio;
                pieData.sort((a, b) => {
                    return (b.value - a.value);
                // 为每一个饼图数据,生成一个 series-surface 配置
                for (let i = 0; i < pieData.length; i++) {
                    sumValue += pieData[i].value;
                    let seriesItem = {
                        name: typeof pieData[i].name === 'undefined' ? `series${i}` : pieData[i].name,
                        type: 'surface',
                        parametric: true,
                        wireframe: {
                            show: false
                        pieData: pieData[i],
                        pieStatus: {
                            selected: false,
                            hovered: false,
                            k: k
                        center: ['10%', '50%']

                    if (typeof pieData[i].itemStyle != 'undefined') {
                        let itemStyle = {};
                        typeof pieData[i].itemStyle.color != 'undefined' ? itemStyle.color = pieData[i].itemStyle.color : null;
                        typeof pieData[i].itemStyle.opacity != 'undefined' ? itemStyle.opacity = pieData[i].itemStyle.opacity : null;
                        seriesItem.itemStyle = itemStyle;

                // 使用上一次遍历时,计算出的数据和 sumValue,调用 getParametricEquation 函数,
                // 向每个 series-surface 传入不同的参数方程 series-surface.parametricEquation,也就是实现每一个扇形。
                legendData = [];
                legendBfb = [];
                for (let i = 0; i < series.length; i++) {
                    endValue = startValue + series[i].pieData.value;
                    series[i].pieData.startRatio = startValue / sumValue;
                    series[i].pieData.endRatio = endValue / sumValue;
                    series[i].parametricEquation = this.getParametricEquation(series[i].pieData.startRatio, series[i].pieData.endRatio,
                        false, false, k, series[i].pieData.value);
                    startValue = endValue;
                    let bfb = that.fomatFloat(series[i].pieData.value / sumValue, 4);
                        name: series[i].name,
                        value: bfb
                        name: series[i].name,
                        value: bfb
                let boxHeight = this.getHeight3D(series, 26);//通过传参设定3d饼/环的高度,26代表26px
                // 准备待返回的配置项,把准备好的 legendData、series 传入。
                let option = {
                    legend: {
                        data: legendData,
                        orient: 'horizontal',
                        left: 10,
                        top: 10,
                        itemGap: 10,
                        textStyle: {
                            color: '#A1E2FF',
                        show: true,
                        icon: "circle",
                        formatter: function(param) {
                            let item = legendBfb.filter(item => item.name == param)[0];
                            let bfs = that.fomatFloat(item.value * 100, 2) + "%";
                            return `${item.name}${bfs}`;
                    labelLine: {
                        show: true,
                        lineStyle: {
                            color: '#7BC0CB'
                    label: {
                        show: true,
                        position: 'outside',
                        rich: {
                            b: {
                                color: '#7BC0CB',
                                fontSize: 12,
                                lineHeight: 20
                            c: {
                                fontSize: 16,
                        formatter: '{b|{b} \n}{c|{c}}{b|  亩}',

                    tooltip: {
                        formatter: params => {
                            if (params.seriesName !== 'mouseoutSeries' && params.seriesName !== 'pie2d') {
                                let bfb = ((option.series[params.seriesIndex].pieData.endRatio - option.series[params.seriesIndex].pieData.startRatio) *
                                return `${params.seriesName}<br/>` +
                                    `<span style="display:inline-block;margin-right:5px;border-radius:10px;width:10px;height:10px;background-color:${params.color};"></span>` +
                                    `${ bfb }%`;
                    xAxis3D: {
                        min: -1,
                        max: 1
                    yAxis3D: {
                        min: -1,
                        max: 1
                    zAxis3D: {
                        min: -1,
                        max: 1
                    grid3D: {
                        show: false,
                        boxHeight: boxHeight, //圆环的高度
                        viewControl: { //3d效果可以放大、旋转等,请自己去查看官方配置
                            alpha: 40, //角度
                            distance: 300,//调整视角到主体的距离,类似调整zoom
                            rotateSensitivity: 0, //设置为0无法旋转
                            zoomSensitivity: 0, //设置为0无法缩放
                            panSensitivity: 0, //设置为0无法平移
                            autoRotate: false //自动旋转
                    series: series
                return option;

            getHeight3D(series, height) {
                series.sort((a, b) => {
                    return (b.pieData.value - a.pieData.value);
                return height * 25 / series[0].pieData.value;

            // 生成扇形的曲面参数方程,用于 series-surface.parametricEquation
            getParametricEquation(startRatio, endRatio, isSelected, isHovered, k, h) {
                // 计算
                let midRatio = (startRatio + endRatio) / 2;
                let startRadian = startRatio * Math.PI * 2;
                let endRadian = endRatio * Math.PI * 2;
                let midRadian = midRatio * Math.PI * 2;
                // 如果只有一个扇形,则不实现选中效果。
                if (startRatio === 0 && endRatio === 1) {
                    isSelected = false;
                // 通过扇形内径/外径的值,换算出辅助参数 k(默认值 1/3)
                k = typeof k !== 'undefined' ? k : 1 / 3;
                // 计算选中效果分别在 x 轴、y 轴方向上的位移(未选中,则位移均为 0)
                let offsetX = isSelected ? Math.cos(midRadian) * 0.1 : 0;
                let offsetY = isSelected ? Math.sin(midRadian) * 0.1 : 0;
                // 计算高亮效果的放大比例(未高亮,则比例为 1)
                let hoverRate = isHovered ? 1.05 : 1;
                // 返回曲面参数方程
                return {
                    u: {
                        min: -Math.PI,
                        max: Math.PI * 3,
                        step: Math.PI / 32
                    v: {
                        min: 0,
                        max: Math.PI * 2,
                        step: Math.PI / 20
                    x: function(u, v) {
                        if (u < startRadian) {
                            return offsetX + Math.cos(startRadian) * (1 + Math.cos(v) * k) * hoverRate;
                        if (u > endRadian) {
                            return offsetX + Math.cos(endRadian) * (1 + Math.cos(v) * k) * hoverRate;
                        return offsetX + Math.cos(u) * (1 + Math.cos(v) * k) * hoverRate;
                    y: function(u, v) {
                        if (u < startRadian) {
                            return offsetY + Math.sin(startRadian) * (1 + Math.cos(v) * k) * hoverRate;
                        if (u > endRadian) {
                            return offsetY + Math.sin(endRadian) * (1 + Math.cos(v) * k) * hoverRate;
                        return offsetY + Math.sin(u) * (1 + Math.cos(v) * k) * hoverRate;
                    z: function(u, v) {
                        if (u < -Math.PI * 0.5) {
                            return Math.sin(u);
                        if (u > Math.PI * 2.5) {
                            return Math.sin(u) * h * .1;
                        return Math.sin(v) > 0 ? 1 * h * .1 : -1;

            fomatFloat(num, n) {
                var f = parseFloat(num);
                if (isNaN(f)) {
                    return false;
                f = Math.round(num * Math.pow(10, n)) / Math.pow(10, n); // n 幂
                var s = f.toString();
                var rs = s.indexOf('.');
                if (rs < 0) {
                    rs = s.length;
                    s += '.';
                while (s.length <= rs + n) {
                    s += '0';
                return s;

            bindListen(myChart) {
                // 监听鼠标事件,实现饼图选中效果(单选),近似实现高亮(放大)效果。
                let that = this;
                let selectedIndex = '';
                let hoveredIndex = '';
                // 监听点击事件,实现选中效果(单选)
                myChart.on('click', function(params) {
                    // 从 option.series 中读取重新渲染扇形所需的参数,将是否选中取反。
                    let isSelected = !that.option.series[params.seriesIndex].pieStatus.selected;
                    let isHovered = that.option.series[params.seriesIndex].pieStatus.hovered;
                    let k = that.option.series[params.seriesIndex].pieStatus.k;
                    let startRatio = that.option.series[params.seriesIndex].pieData.startRatio;
                    let endRatio = that.option.series[params.seriesIndex].pieData.endRatio;
                    // 如果之前选中过其他扇形,将其取消选中(对 option 更新)
                    if (selectedIndex !== '' && selectedIndex !== params.seriesIndex) {
                        that.option.series[selectedIndex].parametricEquation = that.getParametricEquation(that.option.series[
                            .startRatio, that.option.series[selectedIndex].pieData.endRatio, false, false, k, that.option.series[
                        that.option.series[selectedIndex].pieStatus.selected = false;
                    // 对当前点击的扇形,执行选中/取消选中操作(对 option 更新)
                    that.option.series[params.seriesIndex].parametricEquation = that.getParametricEquation(startRatio, endRatio,
                        isHovered, k, that.option.series[params.seriesIndex].pieData.value);
                    that.option.series[params.seriesIndex].pieStatus.selected = isSelected;
                    // 如果本次是选中操作,记录上次选中的扇形对应的系列号 seriesIndex
                    isSelected ? selectedIndex = params.seriesIndex : null;
                    // 使用更新后的 option,渲染图表
                // 监听 mouseover,近似实现高亮(放大)效果
                myChart.on('mouseover', function(params) {
                    // 准备重新渲染扇形所需的参数
                    let isSelected;
                    let isHovered;
                    let startRatio;
                    let endRatio;
                    let k;
                    // 如果触发 mouseover 的扇形当前已高亮,则不做操作
                    if (hoveredIndex === params.seriesIndex) {
                        // 否则进行高亮及必要的取消高亮操作
                    } else {
                        // 如果当前有高亮的扇形,取消其高亮状态(对 option 更新)
                        if (hoveredIndex !== '') {
                            // 从 option.series 中读取重新渲染扇形所需的参数,将是否高亮设置为 false。
                            isSelected = that.option.series[hoveredIndex].pieStatus.selected;
                            isHovered = false;
                            startRatio = that.option.series[hoveredIndex].pieData.startRatio;
                            endRatio = that.option.series[hoveredIndex].pieData.endRatio;
                            k = that.option.series[hoveredIndex].pieStatus.k;
                            // 对当前点击的扇形,执行取消高亮操作(对 option 更新)
                            that.option.series[hoveredIndex].parametricEquation = that.getParametricEquation(startRatio, endRatio,
                                isHovered, k, that.option.series[hoveredIndex].pieData.value);
                            that.option.series[hoveredIndex].pieStatus.hovered = isHovered;
                            // 将此前记录的上次选中的扇形对应的系列号 seriesIndex 清空
                            hoveredIndex = '';
                        // 如果触发 mouseover 的扇形不是透明圆环,将其高亮(对 option 更新)
                        if (params.seriesName !== 'mouseoutSeries' && params.seriesName !== 'pie2d') {
                            // 从 option.series 中读取重新渲染扇形所需的参数,将是否高亮设置为 true。
                            isSelected = that.option.series[params.seriesIndex].pieStatus.selected;
                            isHovered = true;
                            startRatio = that.option.series[params.seriesIndex].pieData.startRatio;
                            endRatio = that.option.series[params.seriesIndex].pieData.endRatio;
                            k = that.option.series[params.seriesIndex].pieStatus.k;
                            // 对当前点击的扇形,执行高亮操作(对 option 更新)
                            that.option.series[params.seriesIndex].parametricEquation = that.getParametricEquation(startRatio, endRatio,
                                isSelected, isHovered, k, that.option.series[params.seriesIndex].pieData.value + 5);
                            that.option.series[params.seriesIndex].pieStatus.hovered = isHovered;
                            // 记录上次高亮的扇形对应的系列号 seriesIndex
                            hoveredIndex = params.seriesIndex;
                        // 使用更新后的 option,渲染图表
                // 修正取消高亮失败的 bug
                myChart.on('globalout', function() {
                    // 准备重新渲染扇形所需的参数
                    let isSelected;
                    let isHovered;
                    let startRatio;
                    let endRatio;
                    let k;
                    if (hoveredIndex !== '') {
                        // 从 option.series 中读取重新渲染扇形所需的参数,将是否高亮设置为 true。
                        isSelected = that.option.series[hoveredIndex].pieStatus.selected;
                        isHovered = false;
                        k = that.option.series[hoveredIndex].pieStatus.k;
                        startRatio = that.option.series[hoveredIndex].pieData.startRatio;
                        endRatio = that.option.series[hoveredIndex].pieData.endRatio;
                        // 对当前点击的扇形,执行取消高亮操作(对 option 更新)
                        that.option.series[hoveredIndex].parametricEquation = that.getParametricEquation(startRatio, endRatio,
                            isHovered, k, that.option.series[hoveredIndex].pieData.value);
                        that.option.series[hoveredIndex].pieStatus.hovered = isHovered;
                        // 将此前记录的上次选中的扇形对应的系列号 seriesIndex 清空
                        hoveredIndex = '';
                    // 使用更新后的 option,渲染图表
<style lang="less">
    .water-eval-container {
        width: 100%;
        height: 100%;
    .cityGreenLand-charts {
        height: 200px;
        width: 400px;


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