随笔分类 - 数学--矩阵连乘
摘要:ACdream 1214 矩阵连乘 Problem Description You might have noticed that there is the new fashion among rich people to have their yards tiled with black and
摘要:Problem DescriptionAs we all known , the Fibonacci series : F(0) = 1, F(1) = 1, F(N) = F(N - 1) + F(N - 2) (N >= 2).Now we define another kind of Fibo...
摘要:As we know , the Fibonacci numbers are defined as follows:""""Given two numbers a and b , calculate. """"InputThe input contains several test cases. E...
摘要:Maybe ACMers of HIT are always fond of fibonacci numbers, because it is so beautiful. Don't you think so? At the same time,fishcanflyalways likes to c...