import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import ipywidgets as widgets import time from IPython.display import Javascript, display, clear_output, update_display class PltTest: def __init__(self): self.output = widgets.Output() self.tbtn1 = widgets.ToggleButton(value=False, description='Click 1', disabled=False, button_style='', # 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger' or '' tooltip='Description', icon='check' # (FontAwesome names without the `fa-` prefix) ) self.tbtn2 = widgets.ToggleButton(value=False, description='Click 2', disabled=False, button_style='', tooltip='Description', icon='check') # An HBox lays out its children horizontally self.ui = widgets.HBox([self.tbtn1, self.tbtn2]) self.fig, self.ax = None, None self.fig1, self.ax1 = None, None self.line = None self.line1 = None self.out1 = widgets.interactive_output(self.plot1, {'tb1': self.tbtn1}) self.out2 = widgets.interactive_output(self.plot2, {'tb2': self.tbtn2}) def plot1(self, tb1): print("tb1:", tb1) # if tb1['new']: if tb1: with self.output: self.fig, self.ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(5, 3.5)) self.ax.set_title('figure1') # display(fig) plt.show() else: self.output.clear_output() # clear_output() plt.clf() plt.close() def plot2(self, tb2): print("tb2:", tb2) if tb2: with self.output: self.fig1, self.ax1 = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(5, 3.5)) self.ax1.set_title('figure2') # display(fig1) plt.show() else: self.output.clear_output() # clear_output() plt.clf() plt.close() def draw1(self): # print("draw1") # plt.cla() if self.line is not None: self.line.remove() # line1.remove() # clear_output(wait=True) if self.fig and self.ax: x = np.cumsum(np.random.randn(150)) + 100.0 self.line, = self.ax.plot(x, np.sin(x)) self.line.set_ydata(np.cumsum(np.random.randn(150)) + 100.0) self.ax.relim() # 重设坐标轴,让图像更协调 self.ax.autoscale_view() self.fig.canvas.draw() time.sleep(0.3) def draw2(self): # print("draw2") # plt.cla() if self.line1 is not None: self.line1.remove() # line1.remove() # clear_output(wait=True) if self.fig1 and self.ax1: x = np.cumsum(np.random.randn(150)) + 100.0 self.line1, = self.ax1.plot(x, np.sin(x)) self.line1.set_ydata(np.cumsum(np.random.randn(150)) + 100.0) self.ax1.relim() # 重设坐标轴,让图像更协调 self.ax1.autoscale_view() self.fig1.canvas.draw() time.sleep(0.3) def dis(self): out1 = widgets.interactive_output(self.plot1, {'tb1': self.tbtn1}) out2 = widgets.interactive_output(self.plot2, {'tb2': self.tbtn2}) # tbtn1.observe(plot1, names='value') # tbtn2.observe(plot2, names='value') display(self.ui, out1, out2)
# 交互式绘图需要安装 pip install ipympl %matplotlib widget from plt_test import PltTest pt = PltTest() pt.dis()
for i in range(10): pt.draw1() pt.draw2()