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3D Buzz 发布超过7小时Unity 教学视频

Posted on 2010-03-09 21:43  BradyChen  阅读(1554)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报


3D Buzz 的Jason Busby (也就是大名鼎鼎的Buzz老爹) and Zach Parrish 刚发布了一套免费的Unity 入门教学视频. 与3D Buzz大多教学钜细糜遗讲解每个菜单选项的特点略有不同, 这次的教学主要讲解一个纵向射击游戏的制作过程. 对于喜欢"视觉系"学习方式的朋友来说, 不容错过, 当然前提是你受得了Buzz老爹的啰嗦劲.

不同于Will Goldstone的那套人手一份的教学, 3D Buzz这次的教学采用了C#, 对Javascript不感冒的同学是个福音.

以下是所有29段视频的下载地址: (最后一个链接是教学所用到的项目文件)

Unity Crash Course
The Game Object
Creating our Project
Creating the Player
Creating the Player Script
Player Script Continued
Creating the Projectile
Firing the Projectile
Adding Sound to our Game
Creating*Custom Visual Studio Templates
Creating the Enemy
Streamlining the Enemy Class
Projectile Collisions
Creating the Explosion Effect
Putting our Explosion to Work
Creating a simple HUD
Increasing Score
Player Destruction
Using Coroutines
Setting up our Menu
Losing the Game
Winning the Game
Drawing New Backgrounds
Creating a Scrolling Background
New Player Geometry
New Enemy Geometry
Enhancing our Player Spawn System
Increasing Game Difficulty

Project Assets