1. 定义以及初始化
(1) 8种string类对象构造方法;
(2) copy();substr();
2. 基本用法
(1) 打印输出: cout
(2) 索引某个位置的字符:[]、at()
(3) 大小:size()、length()、max_size()、capacity()
(4) 改变大小: resize()、reserve()、
(5) 判空与清空: empty()、clear()
3. 增
(1) 末尾添加:push_back()、append()
(2) 任意位置插入: insert()
(3) 字符串拼接:+
4. 删、改
(1) 清空字符串: clear()
(2) 清空字符串并重新赋值:assign()
(3) 字符串替换:replace()
(4) 字符串交换: swap()
(5) 删除:erase()
(6) 顺序反转:revers() [该函数在头文件algorithm中]
5. 查
(1) 查找:find()、rfind()、find_first_of()、find_last_of()、find_first_not_of()、find_last_not_of()
(2) 比较:compare(); <=、>=、==、>、<
6. C风格字符串与string字符串之间转换
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <typeinfo> #include <algorithm> // 参考博客: // https://blog.csdn.net/qq_42659468/article/details/90381985?utm_medium=distribute.pc_relevant.none-task-blog-BlogCommendFromMachineLearnPai2-2&depth_1-utm_source=distribute.pc_relevant.none-task-blog-BlogCommendFromMachineLearnPai2-2 // std::string declare_string(){ // string::size_type // string::npos string类型变量成员函数失败的返回值 int strlen = 3; int stridx = 2; // string类是一种顺序表的结构,元素是char类型的字符,常用构造方法如下: // 1. 构造空的string类的对象,即空字符串。 std::string str1; // 2. 注意:"This is str2"的类型是 const char[] std::string str2 = "This is str2"; // 3. 等价于 string str3 = "This is str3"; std::string str3("This is str3"); // 4. 字符串str2拷贝构造str3 std::string str4(str2); // 5. 将字符数组"This is str5"的前strlen个字符用来构造str5 std::string str5("This is str5", strlen); // 6. 与5的区别是第一个参数str2是string类型,表示从字符串str2的stridx处开始,并将其用来拷贝构造str6(索引从0开始) std::string str6(str2, stridx); // 7.将字符数组"This is str7"从第stridx开始,长为strlen的子字符串用来构造str7(索引从0开始) std::string str7("This is str7", stridx, strlen+1); // 8. 表示将strlen个'A'字符初始化str8,此时第二个参数必须是char型字符 std::string str8(strlen, 'A'); // 9. copy 从str8中位置0开始赋值3个字符到char*变量中,返回复制的字符个数, 注意这是深拷贝 char str9[4]; std::size_t n = str8.copy(str9, 3, 0); // 10. substr 返回从位置0开始,共2个字符的新字符串,注意这是深拷贝 std::string str10 = str8.substr(0, 2); std::cout << "str1: " << str1 << std::endl; std::cout << "str2: " << str2 << std::endl; std::cout << "str3: " << str3 << std::endl; std::cout << "str4: " << str4 << std::endl; std::cout << "str5: " << str5 << std::endl; std::cout << "str6: " << str6 << std::endl; std::cout << "str7: " << str7 << std::endl; std::cout << "str8: " << str8 << std::endl; std::cout << "9.copy(): " << "n:" << n << "; str9: " << str9 << std::endl; str9[2] = 'b'; std::cout << "str9: " << str9 << "; str8: " << str8 << std::endl; std::cout << "str10: " << str10 << "; str8: " << str8 << std::endl; str10[0] = 'c'; std::cout << "str10: " << str10 << "; str8: " << str8 << std::endl; // 结果: // str1: // str2: This is str2 // str3: This is str3 // str4: This is str2 // str5: Thi // str6: is is str2 // str7: is i // str8: AAA // 9.copy(): n:3; str9: AAA // str9: AAb; str8: AAA // str10: AA; str8: AAA // str10: cA; str8: AAA return str1,str2,str3,str4,str5,str6,str7,str8; } void basic_operation(){ // 0. 将字符数组赋值给string类型变量str std::string str = "I am a string"; std::string str2 = "wo shi zi fu chuan"; // 1. cout可以直接一次性打印str,而不像容器vector需要遍历才能打印; std::cout << "1.str: " << str << std::endl; // 2. 通过下标索引string类型某个字符; 或者通过string::at()成员函数函数,推荐使用后者; std::cout<< "2.第3个字符:" << str[2] << ";每个字符类型:" << typeid(str[2]).name() << std::endl; std::cout<< "2.第4个字符:" << str.at(3) << ";每个字符类型:" << typeid(str.at(3)).name() << std::endl; // 3. string类型变量的大小:string::size(); string::length();string::max_size;string::capacity(); std::cout<< "3.str.size(): " << str.size() << std::endl; // size()与length()函数功能一样,返回当前string类型变量的长度; std::cout<< "3.str.length(): " << str.length() << std::endl; std::cout<< "3.str.max_size(): " << str.max_size() << std::endl; // 返回string类型最多字符数,超出会抛出length_error异常 std::cout<< "3.str.capacity(): " << str.capacity() << std::endl; // 已经分配的内存中,string对象能包含的最大字符数,即不用增加内存就能使用的字符数; // 4. 改变string类型变量指定长度,如果该长度小于字符串长度,则截取,否则,使用\0 补充; str.resize(3); std::cout << "4.str.resize(3)" << str << std::endl; str.resize(5, 'n'); // 改变字符串长度,如果指定长度大于当前字符串长度,用指定字符填充; std::cout << str << ";str最大容量:" << str.capacity() << std::endl; // reserve重新分配string类型变量的容量,不会填充数据;如果指定容量为n,原来容量为c,当n>c时则重新分配后容量为max(n,2c);当n<c时则重新分配后容量为min(n,c); // 分配过程:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4a0824490102vvqj.html // (1) 分配新的内存块,它有容器目前容量的倍数。在大部分实现中,vector和string的容量每次以2为因数增长。也就是说,当容器必须扩展时,它们的容量每次翻倍。 // (2) 把所有元素从容器的旧内存拷贝到它的新内存。 // (3) 销毁旧内存中的对象。 // (1) 回收旧内存。 str.reserve(20); std::cout << str << ";str 长度:" << str.length() << ";str最大容量:" << str.capacity() << std::endl; str.reserve(31); std::cout << str << ";str 长度:" << str.length() << ";str最大容量:" << str.capacity() << std::endl; str.reserve(41); std::cout << str << ";str 长度:" << str.length() << ";str最大容量:" << str.capacity() << std::endl; char a[] = "I am a const char array"; std::cout << typeid(a).name() << std::endl; // 5. 判空与清空 std::cout << "5.str.empty(): " << str.empty() << std::endl; str.clear(); std::cout << "5.str.clear(): " << str.empty() << std::endl; // 结果: // 1.str: I am a string // 2.第3个字符:a;每个字符类型:c // 2.第4个字符:m;每个字符类型:c // 3.str.size(): 13 // 3.str.length(): 13 // 3.str.max_size(): 2147483647 // 3.str.capacity(): 15 // 4.str.resize(3)I a // I ann;str最大容量:15 // I ann;str 长度:5;str最大容量:30 // I ann;str 长度:5;str最大容量:60 // I ann;str 长度:5;str最大容量:41 // A24_c // 5.str.empty(): 0 // 5.str.clear(): 1 } void zeng(){ std::string str("I am a handsome string in my mom's heart!"); // 1. 在str末尾添加 str.append("also in my heart."); // 末位添加字符数组(const char*型, const char[]的数组名即为const char*) std::cout << "1.str.append( ):" << str << std::endl; str.push_back('~'); // 末位添加单个字符(char型) std::cout << "1.str.push_back( ):" << str << std::endl; // 2. insert函数,C++中insert函数有10中重载(不同的C++会引入新的的重载形式); https://www.cnblogs.com/meihao1203/p/9670680.html std::string str2("string"); str2.insert(1,2,'S'); // 在索引为1的位置添加2个字符s std::cout << "2.1 insert():" << str2 << std::endl; str2.insert(3, "Tt"); // 在索引为3的位置插入Tt std::cout << "2.2 insert():" << str2 << std::endl; str2.insert(6, "str", 1); // 在索引为6的位置插入str索引为1的字符 std::cout << "2.3 insert():" << str2 << std::endl; str2.insert(6, "str", 1, 2); // 在索引为6的位置插入str索引为1开始的2个字符,即插入tr std::cout << "2.4 insert():" << str2 << std::endl; str2.insert(6, "str", 1, std::string::npos); // 在索引为6的位置插入str索引1开始到结束的字符,即插入tr std::cout << "2.4 insert():" << str2 << std::endl; std::string::iterator it = str2.insert(str2.begin(), 'a'); // 第一个参数为const_iterator,第二个字符'a'; std::cout << "2.5 *it:" << *it << "; str2:" << str2 << std::endl; // str.begin()返回可读可写指向字符串第一个元素的迭代器 std::string::iterator it2 = str2.insert(str2.cbegin(), 'a'); // str.cbegin()返回只读(const iterator)的只想字符串第一个元素的迭代器 std::cout << "2.5 *it2:" << *it2 << "; str2:" << str2 << std::endl; str2.insert(++str2.begin(), 2, 'b'); // 在str索引为1的位置插入2个字符'b' std::cout << "2.6 insert(): " << str2 << std::endl; std::string::iterator it3 = str2.insert(++str2.cbegin(), 2, 'b'); std::cout << "2.6 insert(): " << str2 << std::endl; std::cout << "2.6 *it3: " << *it3 << std::endl; std::string::iterator it4 = str2.insert(str2.end(), str2.begin(), str2.end()); std::cout << "2.7 str: " << str2 << std::endl; std::string::iterator it5 = str2.insert(std::end(str2), std::begin(str2), std::end(str2)); std::cout << "2.7 str: " << str2 << std::endl; // 3. 字符串拼接 std::string str3 = "str3"; std::string str4("this is str4", 8, 4); std::string str5 = str3 + str4; std::cout << "3. str5: " << str5 << std::endl; // 结果: // 1.str.append( ):I am a handsome string in my mom's heart!also in my heart. // 1.str.push_back( ):I am a handsome string in my mom's heart!also in my heart.~ // 2.1 insert():sSString // 2.2 insert():sSSTttring // 2.3 insert():sSSTttsring // 2.4 insert():sSSTtttrsring // 2.4 insert():sSSTtttrtrsring // 2.5 *it:a; str2:asSSTtttrtrsring // 2.5 *it2:a; str2:aasSSTtttrtrsring // 2.6 insert(): abbasSSTtttrtrsring // 2.6 insert(): abbbbasSSTtttrtrsring // 2.6 *it3: b // 2.7 str: abbbbasSSTtttrtrsringabbbbasSSTtttrtrsring // 2.7 str: abbbbasSSTtttrtrsringabbbbasSSTtttrtrsringabbbbasSSTtttrtrsringabbbbasSSTtttrtrsring // 3. str5: str3str4 } void shan_gai(){ std::string str1 = "This is str1"; std::cout << "str1: " << str1 << std::endl; // str1: This is str1 // 1. assign共有9种重载形式(不同的C++会引入新的的重载形式) str1.assign("ABC"); // 清空字符串,并将”ABC“赋值给str1 std::cout << "1.1 str1: " << str1 << std::endl; // 1.1 str1: ABC str1.assign("ABC", 2); // 清空字符串,并将”ABC“前两个字符赋值给str1 std::cout << "1.2 str1: " << str1 << std::endl; // 1.2 str1: AB str1.assign("ABC", 1, 1); // 清空字符串,并将”ABC“索引1开始的1个字符赋值给str1 std::cout << "1.3 str1: " << str1 << std::endl; // 1.3 str1: B str1.assign(5, 'B'); // 清空字符串,并将”ABC“索引1开始的1个字符赋值给str1 std::cout << "1.4 str1: " << str1 << std::endl; // 1.4 str1: BBBBB // 2. replace共有17种重载形式(不同的C++会引入新的的重载形式) std::string str2("This is str2"); str2.replace(1,2,"abc"); // str2从索引1开始,共2个字符被“abc”替换 std::cout << "2.1 replace(): " << str2 << std::endl; // 2.1 replace(): Tabcs is str2 str2.replace(1,3,"hi",0, -1); // str2从索引1开始,共2个字符被“th”的全部字符替换 // 等效于 str2.replace(1,3,"hi",0, std::string::npos); std::cout << "2.2 replace(): " << str2 << std::endl; // 2.2 replace(): This is str2 str2.replace(1,2,str1.c_str(), 3); // str2从索引1开始,共2个字符被c语言字符串的前3个字符替换 std::cout << "2.3 replace(): " << str2 << std::endl; // 2.3 replace(): TBBBs is str2 str2.replace(1,3,str1.c_str()); // str2从索引1开始,共3个字符被c语言字符串的替换 std::cout << "2.4 replace(): " << str2 << std::endl; // 2.4 replace(): TBBBBBs is str2 str2.replace(1,5,2,'H'); // str2从索引1开始,共5个字符被2个字符H的替换 std::cout << "2.5 replace(): " << str2 << std::endl; // 2.5 replace(): THHs is str2 std::string::iterator it1 = ++str2.begin(), it2 = str2.begin() + 3; str2.replace(it1, it2, "hi"); // hi字符串替换str2的it1到it2范围的字符串,[it1, it2) std::cout << "2.6 replace(): " << str2 << std::endl; // 2.6 replace(): This is str2 // 3. erase str2.erase(7, 2); // 从索引7开始共删除2个字符,包括索引7,即删除索引7、8 std::cout << "3.1 erase(): " << str2 << std::endl; // 3.1 erase(): This istr2 str2.erase(it1); // 删除迭代器it1指向的单个字符 std::cout << "3.2 erase(): " << str2 << std::endl; // 3.2 erase(): Tis istr2 str2.erase(it1, it2); // 删除迭代器it1和it2范围内的字符,[it1, it2) std::cout << "3.3 erase(): " << str2 << std::endl; // 3.3 erase(): T istr2 // 4. clear std::cout << "4 str2.capacity(): "<< str2.capacity() << "; str2.length(): " << str2.length() << "; str2.max_size(): " << str2.max_size()<< "; str2: " << str2 << std::endl; // 4 str2.capacity(): 15; str2.length(): 7; str2.max_size(): 2147483647; str2: T istr2 str2.clear(); // clear()不会影响capacity(),max_size();但会影响length(); std::cout << "4 str2.capacity(): "<< str2.capacity() << "; str2.length(): " << str2.length() << "; str2.max_size(): " << str2.max_size() << "; str2: " << str2 << std::endl; // 4 str2.capacity(): 15; str2.length(): 0; str2.max_size(): 2147483647; str2: // 5. reverse() 在头文件algorithm中 std::string str3("ABC",2); std::reverse(str3.begin(), str3.end()); // [begin,end) std::cout << "5. reverse(): " << str3 << std::endl; // 6. swap std::string str4 = "abc"; str4.swap(str3); std::cout << "str3: " << str3 << "; str4:" << str4 << std::endl; // str3: abc; str4:BA } void cha(){ std::string str1 = "This is str1 and str2"; std::string str2(str1, 0, str1.length()); std::cout << "str2: " << str2 << std::endl; // str2: This is str1 and str2 // 1. find 从头到尾开始查找 std::size_t start = 0, n = 11; // size_t = long unsigned int std::size_t pos = str2.find("str", 0); // 在str2中按头到尾的顺序查找c风格字符串"str"首次出现的位置,第二个参数默认为0 // 源码中定义:static const size_type npos = static_cast<size_type>(-1); Value returned by various member functions when they fail. if(pos != str2.npos) // str2.npos 与 std::string::npos的类型和数值大小(4294967295)一样 std::cout << "1.1 find: " << pos << std::endl; // 1.1 find: 8 std::string str3 = "is"; pos = str2.find(str3, 0); // 在str2中按头到尾的顺序查找"is"首次出现的位置,第二个参数默认为0 if(pos != std::string::npos) std::cout << "1.2 find: " << pos << std::endl; // 1.2 find: 2 pos = str2.find("str", 0, 2); // 在str2中按头到尾的顺序从位置索引0开始查找c风格字符串"str"前2个字符首次出现的位置 std::cout << "1.3 find: " << pos << std::endl; // 1.3 find: 8 // 2. rfind str2.rfind("s", 3); // 从位置3开始倒叙查找c风格字符串 str2.rfind("str1", 3, 2); // 从位置3开始倒序查找c风格字符串"str1"中前2个字符 str2.rfind(str3, 3); // 从位置3开始倒序查找字符串 // 3. find_first_of 从头到尾的顺序查找 std::string str4 = "str4"; std::size_t pos2 = str1.find_first_of(str4, 0); // 向后查找str1中与str4相等的任何字符,查找到首次相等字符并返回在str1的位置,否则返回npos;第二个参数可省略,默认0 std::cout << "3.1 find_first_of(): " << pos2 << std::endl; //3.1 find_first_of(): 3 pos2 = str1.find_first_of("str4", 0); // 向后查找str1中与c风格字符串str4相等的任何字符,查找到首次相等字符并返回在str1的位置,否则返回npos;第二个参数可省略,默认0 std::cout << "3.2 find_first_of(): " << pos2 << std::endl; //3.2 find_first_of(): 3 pos2 = str1.find_first_of("str4", 3, 4); // 向后查找str1中与c风格字符串str4相等的任何字符,从位置3开始,共查找4个字符,查找到首次相等字符并返回在str1的位置,否则返回npos;第二个参数可省略,默认0 std::cout << "3.3 find_first_of(): " << pos2 << std::endl; //3.3 find_first_of(): 3 // 4. find_last_of 从尾到头的顺序查找 std::size_t pos3 = str1.find_last_of(str4, str1.length()-1); // 从最后一个元素向前查找 pos3 = str1.find_last_of("str4", str1.length()-1); // 从最后一个元素向前查找 pos3 = str1.find_last_of("str4", str1.length()-1, 3); // 从最后一个元素向前查找,共向前查找3个字符 // 5. find_first_not_of // 从头到尾 str1.find_first_not_of(str4, 0); // str1.find_first_not_of("str4", 0); str1.find_first_not_of("str4", 3, 4); // 6. find_last_not_of str1.find_last_not_of(str4, 0); // str1.find_last_not_of("str4", 0); str1.find_last_not_of("str4", 3, 4); // 7. compare std::string str6 = "str6"; std::string str7("str7"); std::string str8("This is str8", 0, 12); int tmp1 = str6.compare(str7); std::cout << "7.1 str6.compare(str5): " << tmp1 << std::endl; // 7.1 str6.compare(str5): -1 int tmp2 = str6.compare(0, 4, str8); // 从str8的位置0开始共比较4个字符 std::cout << "7.2 str6.compare(str5): " << tmp2 << std::endl; // 7.2 str6.compare(str5): 1 int tmp3 = str6.compare(0, str6.length()-1, str8, 8, 3); // 从str8的位置8开始共3个字符形成的字符串,与str6从位置0开始共str6.length()-1个字符比较 std::cout << "7.3 str6.compare(0, str6.length()-1, str8, 8, 3): " << tmp3 << std::endl; int tmp4 = str6.compare("str9"); int tmp5 = str6.compare(0, 4, "str10"); // 8. <= >= == if("str8" >= "str4"){ std::cout << "str8 >= str4" << std::endl; // str8 >= str4 } if("str7" <= "str8"){ std::cout << "str7 <= str8" << std::endl; // str7 <= str8 } if("str8" == "str8"){ std::cout << "str8 == str8" << std::endl; // str8 == str8 } } void convert(){ // std::string 与c风格字符串之间转换 // 1. c风格字符串转换为string : 可直接把char []、const char[]、char*、const char*赋值给string类型变量; char [] 的数组名为char* char c_string1[] = "c_string1"; std::string str1 = c_string1; const char c_string2[] = "c_string2"; std::string str2 = c_string2; char* c_string3 = c_string1; std::string str3 = c_string3; const char* c_string4 = "c_string4"; std::string str4 = c_string4; std::cout << "str1: " << str1 << std::endl; std::cout << "str2: " << str2 << std::endl; std::cout << "str3: " << str3 << std::endl; std::cout << "str4: " << str4 << std::endl; // 2. string转换为c风格字符串 const char* c_string5 = str1.c_str(); // c_string5: 常量指针 const char* c_string6 = str1.data(); std::cout << "c_string5: " << c_string5 << std::endl; std::cout << "c_sting6: " << c_string6 << std::endl; // 结果: // str1: c_string1 // str2: c_string2 // str3: c_string1 // str4: c_string4 // c_string5: c_string1 // c_sting6: c_string1 } int main(){ std::string str1,str2,str3,str4,str5,str6,str7,str8; // str1,str2,str3,str4,str5,str6,str7,str8 = declare_string(); // basic_operation(); // zeng(); shan_gai(); // cha(); // convert(); return 0; }
1. https://blog.csdn.net/liitdar/article/details/80498634