opencv 将视频分解成图片和使用本地图片合成视频


// cvTest.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;

char outname[200];

typedef struct __SaveProp__
	int width;
	int height;
	int framerate;

	struct __SaveProp__(int W, int H, int F)
		width = W;
		height = H;
		framerate = F;


void Video2Img(char* filename, char* outpath, int index, char* postfix);
void Img2Video(char* filepath, unsigned int startIndex, unsigned int EndIndex, char* fOutname, SaveProp* p_prop);

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	//Video2Img("E:\\3.avi", "E:\\data", 500, "bmp");

	SaveProp saveprop(640, 482,15);

	Img2Video("E:\\data", 1, 481, "E:\\test", &saveprop);
	return 0;

void Video2Img(char* filename, char* outpath, int index, char* postfix)
	VideoCapture cap(filename);
	if (!cap.isOpened())
		cout << "============================= Video Open Error ============================= " << endl;
	Mat frame;
	int totalname = cap.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT);

	for (int i = 1; i <= totalname; i++)
		cap >> frame;
		if (frame.empty())
                cout << "============================= write " << i << " frame  =============================" << endl;
		sprintf(outname, "%s\\%04d.%s", outpath, index, postfix);

		imshow("video", frame);

		imwrite(outname, frame);

	cout << "============================= Finish Converting =============================" << endl;

// 编码方法
CV_FOURCC('P','I','M','1') = MPEG-1 codec
CV_FOURCC('M','J','P','G') = motion-jpeg codec
CV_FOURCC('M', 'P', '4', '2') = MPEG-4.2 codec
CV_FOURCC('D', 'I', 'V', '3') = MPEG-4.3 codec
CV_FOURCC('D', 'I', 'V', 'X') = MPEG-4 codec
CV_FOURCC('U', '2', '6', '3') = H263 codec
CV_FOURCC('I', '2', '6', '3') = H263I codec
CV_FOURCC('F', 'L', 'V', '1') = FLV1 codec
// 图片合成视频
void Img2Video(char* filepath, unsigned int startIndex, unsigned int EndIndex, char* fOutname, SaveProp* p_prop)
	sprintf(outname, "%s.avi", fOutname);

	VideoWriter writer(outname, VideoWriter::fourcc('M', 'P', '4', '2'), p_prop->framerate,
		Size(p_prop->width, p_prop->height));

	Mat frame;
	char filename[200];

	for (unsigned int i = startIndex; i <= EndIndex; i++)
		sprintf(filename, "%s\\%04d.bmp", filepath, i);
		frame = imread(filename);
		if (!frame.empty())
			cout << "============================= write " << i <<" frame  =============================" << endl;
			cout << "============================= Image Open Error ============================= " << endl;


	cout << "============================= Finish Converting =============================" << endl;
posted @ 2019-03-23 08:48  youngliu91  阅读(1225)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报