int mode = carInfoService.getCompanyCarMode(companyId); public int getCompanyCarMode(Long companyId) { String sql = "select t.id from iov_biz_car_info t join iov_biz_device d on d.iov_biz_car_info_id = t.id and d.is_primary = 1 where d.cbm_mag_company_id = ? and rownum = 1"; List<Number> create = findBySQL(sql, new Object[] { companyId }); sql = "select t.id from iov_biz_car_info t join iov_biz_device d on d.iov_biz_car_info_id = t.id and d.is_primary = 1 join iov_biz_l_car_info_company lc on lc.iov_biz_car_info_id =t.id where lc.cbm_mag_company_id = ? and rownum = 1"; List<Number> link = findBySQL(sql, new Object[] { companyId }); if (create.size() > 0 && link.size() < 1) {//本企业 return 1; } if (create.size() < 1 && link.size() > 0) {//授权 return 2; } return 0; } objectList = getService().findCountGroupByProvince(companyId, companyIds, posIds, mode); public List<Object[]> findCountByProvince(Long companyId, List<Long> companyIds, List<Long> posIds, int carMode) { Map<String, Object> params = Maps.newHashMap(); StringBuilder hql = new StringBuilder(); hql.append("select t.province, count(distinct t.id) as count from "); hql.append(Device.class.getName()).append(" t inner join t.carInfo t10 left join t10.companies t3 "); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(posIds)) { hql.append(" join t10.positions t2 "); } hql.append(" where 1=1 "); switch (carMode) { case 1: hql.append(" and t.company.id in (:companyIds) "); params.put("companyIds", companyIds); break; case 2: hql.append(" and t3.id =:companyId "); params.put("companyId", companyId); break; default: hql.append(" and (t.company.id in (:companyIds) or t3.id =:companyId) "); params.put("companyId", companyId); params.put("companyIds", companyIds); break; } if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(posIds)) { hql.append(" and t2.id in (:posIds) "); params.put("posIds", posIds); } hql.append(" and t.primary=1 group by t.province order by count(distinct t.id) desc"); return findByNamedParam(hql.toString(), params); }