I’ve seen the world,lit it up as my stage now

I’ve seen the world,lit it up as my stage now

阅尽繁华 点亮红尘做舞台

Channeling angels in,the new age now

粉末登场 有你有我新时达

Hot summer days,rock and roll

The way you’d play or me at your show

激情夏日  知君歌舞皆为我

And all the ways I got to know

Your pretty face and electic soul

我亦永记 君之深意与俊颜

Will you still love me when I’m no longer young and beautiful

青春若逝  容颜易老 君爱知否能如故

Will you still love me when I got nothing but my aching soul

身无一物 徒留伤悲 君爱知否能如初?

                      -----------------Lana Del Rey Young and Beautiful

posted @ 2015-08-10 22:03  农民阿姨  阅读(636)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报