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将以下代码粘贴到 Form1 的模块中:Option ExplicitPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Dim FormName As StringFormName = "MyCustomForm" ' Use special, user-defined form.UseForm FormNameEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Dim FormName As String' Get FormName from the ListBox.On Error GoTo ListBoxERR ' Trap for no selection.FormName = Mid(List1.Text, 1, InStr(1, List1.Text, " -") - 1)On Error GoTo 0 ' Turn off Error trap.UseForm FormNameExit SubListBoxERR:MsgBox "Select a printer from the ListBox before using this option.", _ vbExclamationEnd SubPrivate Sub Command3_Click()Dim RetVal As LongDim PrinterHandle As Long ' Handle to printerDim PrinterName As StringDim FormName As StringDim Continue As Long' Delete form that is selected in ListBox.PrinterName = Printer.DeviceName ' Current printerIf OpenPrinter(PrinterName, PrinterHandle, 0&) Then On Error GoTo ListBoxERR ' Trap for no selection. FormName = Mid(List1.Text, 1, InStr(1, List1.Text, " -") - 1) On Error GoTo 0 ' Turn off Error trap. Continue = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to permanently remove " & _ FormName & " from " & PrinterName & "?", vbYesNo) If Continue = vbYes Then RetVal = DeleteForm(PrinterHandle, FormName & Chr(0)) If RetVal <> 0 Then ' DeleteForm succeeded. List1.Clear ' Reflect the deletion in the ListBox. Form_Load ' Rebuild the list. MsgBox FormName & " deleted!", vbInformation, "Success!" Else MsgBox FormName & " not deleted!" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ "Error code: " & Err.LastDllError, vbInformation, "Failure!" End If End If ClosePrinter (PrinterHandle)End IfExit SubListBoxERR:MsgBox "Select a printer from the ListBox before using this option.", _ vbExclamationClosePrinter (PrinterHandle)End SubPrivate Sub Form_Load()Dim NumForms As Long, I As LongDim FI1 As FORM_INFO_1Dim aFI1() As FORM_INFO_1 ' Working FI1 arrayDim Temp() As Byte ' Temp FI1 arrayDim BytesNeeded As LongDim PrinterName As String ' Current printerDim PrinterHandle As Long ' Handle to printerDim FormItem As String ' For ListBoxDim RetVal As LongDim FormSize As SIZEL ' Size of desired formPrinterName = Printer.DeviceName ' Current printerIf OpenPrinter(PrinterName, PrinterHandle, 0&) Then With FormSize ' Desired page size .cx = 214000 .cy = 216000 End With ReDim aFI1(1) RetVal = EnumForms(PrinterHandle, 1, aFI1(0), 0&, BytesNeeded, _ NumForms) ReDim Temp(BytesNeeded) ReDim aFI1(BytesNeeded / Len(FI1)) RetVal = EnumForms(PrinterHandle, 1, Temp(0), BytesNeeded, _ BytesNeeded, NumForms) Call CopyMemory(aFI1(0), Temp(0), BytesNeeded) For I = 0 To NumForms - 1 With aFI1(I) ' List name and size including the count (index). FormItem = PtrCtoVbString(.pName) & " - " & .Size.cx / 1000 & _ " mm X " & .Size.cy / 1000 & " mm (" & I + 1 & ")" List1.AddItem FormItem End With Next I ClosePrinter (PrinterHandle)End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub UseForm(FormName As String)Dim RetVal As IntegerRetVal = SelectForm(FormName, Me.hwnd)Select Case RetVal Case FORM_NOT_SELECTED ' 0 ' Selection failed! MsgBox "Unable to retrieve From name", vbExclamation, _ "Operation halted!" Case FORM_SELECTED ' 1 ' Selection succeeded! PrintTest ' Comment this line to avoid printing Case FORM_ADDED ' 2 ' Form added and selected. List1.Clear ' Reflect the addition in the ListBox Form_Load ' by rebuilding the list.End SelectEnd Sub
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将下面的代码粘贴到 Module1 中:Option ExplicitPublic Declare Function EnumForms Lib "winspool.drv" Alias "EnumFormsA" _ (ByVal hPrinter As Long, ByVal Level As Long, ByRef pForm As Any, _ ByVal cbBuf As Long, ByRef pcbNeeded As Long, _ ByRef pcReturned As Long) As LongPublic Declare Function AddForm Lib "winspool.drv" Alias "AddFormA" _ (ByVal hPrinter As Long, ByVal Level As Long, pForm As Byte) As LongPublic Declare Function DeleteForm Lib "winspool.drv" Alias "DeleteFormA" _ (ByVal hPrinter As Long, ByVal pFormName As String) As LongPublic Declare Function OpenPrinter Lib "winspool.drv" _ Alias "OpenPrinterA" (ByVal pPrinterName As String, _ phPrinter As Long, ByVal pDefault As Long) As LongPublic Declare Function ClosePrinter Lib "winspool.drv" _ (ByVal hPrinter As Long) As LongPublic Declare Function DocumentProperties Lib "winspool.drv" _ Alias "DocumentPropertiesA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, _ ByVal hPrinter As Long, ByVal pDeviceName As String, _ pDevModeOutput As Any, pDevModeInput As Any, ByVal fMode As Long) _ As LongPublic Declare Function ResetDC Lib "gdi32" Alias "ResetDCA" _ (ByVal hdc As Long, lpInitData As Any) As LongPublic Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "KERNEL32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _ (hpvDest As Any, hpvSource As Any, ByVal cbCopy As Long)Public Declare Function lstrcpy Lib "KERNEL32" Alias "lstrcpyA" _ (ByVal lpString1 As String, ByRef lpString2 As Long) As Long' Optional functions not used in this sample, but may be useful.Public Declare Function GetForm Lib "winspool.drv" Alias "GetFormA" _ (ByVal hPrinter As Long, ByVal pFormName As String, _ ByVal Level As Long, pForm As Byte, ByVal cbBuf As Long, _ pcbNeeded As Long) As LongPublic Declare Function SetForm Lib "winspool.drv" Alias "SetFormA" _ (ByVal hPrinter As Long, ByVal pFormName As String, _ ByVal Level As Long, pForm As Byte) As Long' Constants for DEVMODEPublic Const CCHFORMNAME = 32Public Const CCHDEVICENAME = 32Public Const DM_FORMNAME As Long = &H10000Public Const DM_ORIENTATION = &H1&' Constants for PRINTER_DEFAULTS.DesiredAccessPublic Const PRINTER_ACCESS_ADMINISTER = &H4Public Const PRINTER_ACCESS_USE = &H8Public Const STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED = &HF0000Public Const PRINTER_ALL_ACCESS = (STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED Or _ PRINTER_ACCESS_ADMINISTER Or PRINTER_ACCESS_USE)' Constants for DocumentProperties() callPublic Const DM_MODIFY = 8Public Const DM_IN_BUFFER = DM_MODIFYPublic Const DM_COPY = 2Public Const DM_OUT_BUFFER = DM_COPY' Custom constants for this sample's SelectForm functionPublic Const FORM_NOT_SELECTED = 0Public Const FORM_SELECTED = 1Public Const FORM_ADDED = 2Public Type RECTL Left As Long Top As Long Right As Long Bottom As LongEnd TypePublic Type SIZEL cx As Long cy As LongEnd TypePublic Type SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR Revision As Byte Sbz1 As Byte Control As Long Owner As Long Group As Long Sacl As Long ' ACL Dacl As Long ' ACLEnd Type' The two definitions for FORM_INFO_1 make the coding easier.Public Type FORM_INFO_1 Flags As Long pName As Long ' String Size As SIZEL ImageableArea As RECTLEnd TypePublic Type sFORM_INFO_1 Flags As Long pName As String Size As SIZEL ImageableArea As RECTLEnd TypePublic Type DEVMODE dmDeviceName As String * CCHDEVICENAME dmSpecVersion As Integer dmDriverVersion As Integer dmSize As Integer dmDriverExtra As Integer dmFields As Long dmOrientation As Integer dmPaperSize As Integer dmPaperLength As Integer dmPaperWidth As Integer dmScale As Integer dmCopies As Integer dmDefaultSource As Integer dmPrintQuality As Integer dmColor As Integer dmDuplex As Integer dmYResolution As Integer dmTTOption As Integer dmCollate As Integer dmFormName As String * CCHFORMNAME dmUnusedPadding As Integer dmBitsPerPel As Long dmPelsWidth As Long dmPelsHeight As Long dmDisplayFlags As Long dmDisplayFrequency As LongEnd TypePublic Type PRINTER_DEFAULTS pDatatype As String pDevMode As Long ' DEVMODE DesiredAccess As LongEnd TypePublic Type PRINTER_INFO_2 pServerName As String pPrinterName As String pShareName As String pPortName As String pDriverName As String pComment As String pLocation As String pDevMode As DEVMODE pSepFile As String pPrintProcessor As String pDatatype As String pParameters As String pSecurityDescriptor As SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR Attributes As Long Priority As Long DefaultPriority As Long StartTime As Long UntilTime As Long Status As Long cJobs As Long AveragePPM As LongEnd TypePublic Function GetFormName(ByVal PrinterHandle As Long, _ FormSize As SIZEL, FormName As String) As IntegerDim NumForms As Long, I As LongDim FI1 As FORM_INFO_1Dim aFI1() As FORM_INFO_1 ' Working FI1 arrayDim Temp() As Byte ' Temp FI1 arrayDim FormIndex As IntegerDim BytesNeeded As LongDim RetVal As LongFormName = vbNullStringFormIndex = 0ReDim aFI1(1)' First call retrieves the BytesNeeded.RetVal = EnumForms(PrinterHandle, 1, aFI1(0), 0&, BytesNeeded, NumForms)ReDim Temp(BytesNeeded)ReDim aFI1(BytesNeeded / Len(FI1))' Second call actually enumerates the supported forms.RetVal = EnumForms(PrinterHandle, 1, Temp(0), BytesNeeded, BytesNeeded, _ NumForms)Call CopyMemory(aFI1(0), Temp(0), BytesNeeded)For I = 0 To NumForms - 1 With aFI1(I) If .Size.cx = FormSize.cx And .Size.cy = FormSize.cy Then ' Found the desired form FormName = PtrCtoVbString(.pName) FormIndex = I + 1 Exit For End If End WithNext IGetFormName = FormIndex ' Returns non-zero when form is found.End FunctionPublic Function AddNewForm(PrinterHandle As Long, FormSize As SIZEL, _ FormName As String) As StringDim FI1 As sFORM_INFO_1Dim aFI1() As ByteDim RetVal As LongWith FI1 .Flags = 0 .pName = FormName With .Size .cx = FormSize.cx .cy = FormSize.cy End With With .ImageableArea .Left = 0 .Top = 0 .Right = FI1.Size.cx .Bottom = FI1.Size.cy End WithEnd WithReDim aFI1(Len(FI1))Call CopyMemory(aFI1(0), FI1, Len(FI1))RetVal = AddForm(PrinterHandle, 1, aFI1(0))If RetVal = 0 Then If Err.LastDllError = 5 Then MsgBox "You do not have permissions to add a form to " & _ Printer.DeviceName, vbExclamation, "Access Denied!" Else MsgBox "Error: " & Err.LastDllError, "Error Adding Form" End If AddNewForm = "none"Else AddNewForm = FI1.pNameEnd IfEnd FunctionPublic Function PtrCtoVbString(ByVal Add As Long) As StringDim sTemp As String * 512, x As Longx = lstrcpy(sTemp, ByVal Add)If (InStr(1, sTemp, Chr(0)) = 0) Then PtrCtoVbString = ""Else PtrCtoVbString = Left(sTemp, InStr(1, sTemp, Chr(0)) - 1)End IfEnd FunctionPublic Function SelectForm(FormName As String, ByVal MyhWnd As Long) _ As IntegerDim nSize As Long ' Size of DEVMODEDim pDevMode As DEVMODEDim PrinterHandle As Long ' Handle to printerDim hPrtDC As Long ' Handle to Printer DCDim PrinterName As StringDim aDevMode() As Byte ' Working DEVMODEDim FormSize As SIZELPrinterName = Printer.DeviceName ' Current printerhPrtDC = Printer.hdc ' hDC for current PrinterSelectForm = FORM_NOT_SELECTED ' Set for failure unless reset in code.' Get a handle to the printer.If OpenPrinter(PrinterName, PrinterHandle, 0&) Then ' Retrieve the size of the DEVMODE. nSize = DocumentProperties(MyhWnd, PrinterHandle, PrinterName, 0&, _ 0&, 0&) ' Reserve memory for the actual size of the DEVMODE. ReDim aDevMode(1 To nSize) ' Fill the DEVMODE from the printer. nSize = DocumentProperties(MyhWnd, PrinterHandle, PrinterName, _ aDevMode(1), 0&, DM_OUT_BUFFER) ' Copy the Public (predefined) portion of the DEVMODE. Call CopyMemory(pDevMode, aDevMode(1), Len(pDevMode)) ' If FormName is "MyCustomForm", we must make sure it exists ' before using it. Otherwise, it came from our EnumForms list, ' and we do not need to check first. Note that we could have ' passed in a Flag instead of checking for a literal name. If FormName = "MyCustomForm" Then ' Use form "MyCustomForm", adding it if necessary. ' Set the desired size of the form needed. With FormSize ' Given in thousandths of millimeters .cx = 214000 ' width .cy = 216000 ' height End With If GetFormName(PrinterHandle, FormSize, FormName) = 0 Then ' Form not found - Either of the next 2 lines will work. 'FormName = AddNewForm(PrinterHandle, FormSize, "MyCustomForm") AddNewForm PrinterHandle, FormSize, "MyCustomForm" If GetFormName(PrinterHandle, FormSize, FormName) = 0 Then ClosePrinter (PrinterHandle) SelectForm = FORM_NOT_SELECTED ' Selection Failed! Exit Function Else SelectForm = FORM_ADDED ' Form Added, Selection succeeded! End If End If End If ' Change the appropriate member in the DevMode. ' In this case, you want to change the form name. pDevMode.dmFormName = FormName & Chr(0) ' Must be NULL terminated! ' Set the dmFields bit flag to indicate what you are changing. pDevMode.dmFields = DM_FORMNAME ' Copy your changes back, then update DEVMODE. Call CopyMemory(aDevMode(1), pDevMode, Len(pDevMode)) nSize = DocumentProperties(MyhWnd, PrinterHandle, PrinterName, _ aDevMode(1), aDevMode(1), DM_IN_BUFFER Or DM_OUT_BUFFER) nSize = ResetDC(hPrtDC, aDevMode(1)) ' Reset the DEVMODE for the DC. ' Close the handle when you are finished with it. ClosePrinter (PrinterHandle) ' Selection Succeeded! But was Form Added? If SelectForm <> FORM_ADDED Then SelectForm = FORM_SELECTEDElse SelectForm = FORM_NOT_SELECTED ' Selection Failed!End IfEnd FunctionPublic Sub PrintTest() ' Print two test pages to confirm the page size. Printer.Print "Top of Page 1." Printer.NewPage ' Spacing between lines should reflect the chosen page height. Printer.Print "Top of Page 2. - Check the page Height (Length.)" Printer.EndDoc MsgBox "Check Printer " & Printer.DeviceName, vbInformation, "Done!"End Sub