summer of 2016错误及解决汇总(1)

Error parsing text-format caffe.NetParameter: 64:7: Message type "caffe.LayerParameter" has no field named "layer".
prototxt文件格式出错,line 64 缺少‘}’

python Visualize param:
TypeError: Invalid dimensions for image data
plt.imshow() needs a 2D array (or a 3D array with the third dimension being of shape 3 or 4)!
# Assuming your array/image has the variable name: array

import numpy as np
# If the result is 2 you can always use it with imshow

# If the result is 3 you need to check the third dimension:
np.asarray(array).shape[2] # Must be 3 or 4 for RGB or RGBA images


Train a reformed AlexNet,keep conv layer input size,transform fc layers to conv which kernel size is 1*1.But loss is shocking and Net cannot converge.

By visualizing each Layer parameters and Blob,find conv6/conv7(kernel = 1*1) parameters are all zero!


conv6/conv7 in train_val.prototxt cannot initialize.

convolution_param {
 num_output: 1
 bias_term: false
 kernel_size: 16
 stride: 8
 pad: 4

 weight_filler {
  type: "gaussian"
  std: 0.01
 bias_filler {
  type: "constant"
  value: 0.1

Or:利用已有的caffemodel fine-tuning


posted @ 2016-08-22 17:32  chanyn  阅读(810)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报