ubuntu 16.04 + N驱动安装 +CUDA+Qt5 + opencv

Nvidia driver installation(after download XX.run installation file)

1. ctrl+Alt+F1   //go to virtual terminal

2.sudo service lightdm stop   //stop X window

3.sudo init 3

4. sudo ./XX.run    if Nouveaue is using,disable it. by [sudo update-initramfs -u]

5. sudo service lightdm start 


sudo apt-get install cmake cmake-curses-gui  //install cmake and GUI

download CUDA and install

sudo apt-get search qt5 // search for qt5 package and install availables

download opencv and build & install //using ccmake

have fun.
posted @ 2017-01-03 11:44  模式识别与计算机视觉  阅读(728)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报