The beginning iOS8 Programming with Swift 中文翻译 - 5

Use the default name or your own name but remember to select iOS as the platform.    使用默认的名字或者你自己的名字,但是切记要选择iOS平台

Once you confirm to save the file, Xcode opens the Playground interface. Your screen should like this:   当你确定保存文件,Xcode打开了练习场页面,你的屏幕可能会像这样:

On the left pane of the screen, it is the editor area where you type your code. As you write your code, Playground immediately interprets your code and displays the result on the right pane. By default, Playground includes two lines of code. As you can see, the result of the “str” declaration appears immediately on the right pane.



We’ll write some code in Playground together. Remember the purpose of this exercise is to let you experience Swift programming and get a better idea of Xcode 6. I’ll try to explain part of the code as we move along. However, even if you do not understand any line of the code, that is completely fine especially you’re a new comer. I’m quite sure you’ll be confused by some of the terms like class, method. Forget about their meanings, just relax and play around with Xcode. We’ll go over them again in later chapters.


Cool! Let’s get started.   酷!让我们开始吧。

First, key in a couple lines of code. Here we declare two more variables:    首先,先写几行代码吧!这里我们申明两个变量:

var message1 = "Hello swift! How can I get started?"

var message2 = "The best way of get started is to stop talking and code."

As soon as you insert the above lines of code, you will see the result on the right pane.  当你一再代码中插入以上的代码,就立刻可以在右边框里看到结果。

Let’s continue to add the following line of code:  让我们接着添加一些代码:


Xcode’s editor comes with an auto-complete feature. Auto-complete is a very handy feature to speed up your coding. Once you type “mess”, you’ll see an auto-complete window showing some suggestions based on what you have keyed in. All you need to do is to select “message1” and hit enter. 


Swift employs the dot syntax for calling methods and accessing the properties of a variable. As you type the dot after message1, the auto-complete window pops out again. It suggests a list of methods and properties belonged to the variable. You can continue to type “uppercaseString” or select it from the auto-complete window. 



Once you complete your typing, you would see the output immediately. When we use the uppercaseString property, the content of message1 is converted to upper case automatically. 




posted @ 2015-12-04 16:52  CJDanger  阅读(192)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报