The beginning iOS8 Programming with Swift 中文翻译 - 4

Swift Playgrounds  Swift操练场地

In this year’s Worldwide Developer Conference, Apple surprised all iOS developers by launching a new programming language called Swift. Swift is advertised as a “fast, modern, safe, interactive” programming language. The language is easier to learn and comes with features to make programming more productive.

Prior to the announcement of Swift, iOS apps were primarily written in Objective-C. The language has been around for more than 20 years and was chosen by Apple as the primary programming language for Mac and iOS development. I’ve talked to many aspiring iOS developers. A majority of them said Objective-C was hard to learn and its syntax looked weird. Simply put, the code scares some beginners off from learning iOS programming. 





The release of Swift programming language is probably Apple’s answer to some of these comments. The syntax is much cleaner and easier to read. I have been programming in Swift since its beta release. I can say you're almost guaranteed to be more productive using Swift. It definitely speeds up the development process. Once you get used to Swift programming, it would be hard for you to switch back to Objective-C.

It seems to me that Swift will lure more web developers to build apps. If you’re a web developer with some programming experience on any scripting languages, you can leverage your existing expertise to gain knowledge on developing on iOS. It would be fairly easy for you to pick up Swift. That said, even if you’re a total beginner with no prior programming experience, you’ll also find the language friendlier and feel more comfortable to develop apps in Swift.




To get a taste of Swift programming language, let’s take a look at the following code snippets.   为了感受一下swift开发语言,让我们通过下面一小段代码来瞧瞧到底如何。






The first block of code is written in Objective-C, while the second one is written in Swift. Which language do you prefer? I guess you would prefer to programming in Swift, especially if you’re frustrated with the Objective-C syntax. 



Constants and variables are two basic elements in programming. In the Objective-C world, it’s your responsibility to specify the type information when declaring a variable or a constant, be it an integer or a string. For Swift, it introduces a new feature called Type Inference. You no longer need to annotate variables/constants with type information. All you need to do is to use let to declare a constant and var to declare a variable. Swift is intelligent enough to deduce the type by examining the values you provide.


Another difference that you may notice is the omission of the semi-colon. In Objective-C, you have to end each statement with a semicolon. If you forget to do so, you will end up with an error. I know many Objective-C beginners have experienced this error before. Swift should make your developer’s life easier.


Swift has added many powerful features to streamline your coding. As you can see from the above example, string manipulation is much simpler. In Objective-C, you have to choose between NSString and NSMutableString classes to indicate whether the string can be modified. You do not need to make such choice in Swift. Whenever you assign a string as variable (i.e. var), the string can be modified in your code. Concatenating strings is super easy. Just use the + operator to combine two strings. Further, Swift allows you to compare strings directly using the == operator.


There is no better way to explore coding than actually writing code. Xcode 6 introduces a new feature called Playgrounds. It’s an interactive development environment for developers to experiment Swift programming and allows you to see the result of your code in real-time. Assuming you’ve installed Xcode 6 (or up), launch the application (by clicking the Xcode icon in Launchpad). You’ll see a startup dialog. 

 没有一种方法比直接上手写代码更能探索代码世界的奥妙。Xcode6引入了一个新的特性叫做练习场。他是一个对于开发者来说测试swift程序最好的可交互的开发环境并且是你在写下代码之后立马可以看到结果的方式  。假设你已经安装好了Xcode6或以上版本,打开Xcode编程工具(通过在Launchpad里点击Xcode图标),你将可以看到一个对话框。(书中是Xcode6,我读的时候已经到7.1.1了,我直接截图自己的,不用书中的拉


Playground is a special type of Xcode file. You can simply click “Get started with a playground” to get started. You’ll then be prompted to fill in a project name and select a platform. 

训练场在xcode文件中是一种特别的类型,你可以简单的点击“Get started with a playgound”去打开它。你将马上被提示输入项目名称和选择一个平台。





posted @ 2015-12-04 15:27  CJDanger  阅读(259)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报