C#提供一种机制,使程序员可以使用含有XML文本的特殊注释语法为他们的代码编写文档。在源代码文件中,具有某种格式的注释可用于指导某个工具根据这些注释和它们后面的源代码元素生成XML。使用这类语法的注释称为文档注释(documentation comment)。这些注释后面必须紧跟用户定义类型(如类、委托或接口)或者成员(如字段、事件、属性或方法)。XML生成工具称作文档生成器(documentation generator)。(此生成器可以但不一定必须是C#编译器本身。)由文档生成器产生的输出称为文档文件(documentation file)。文档文件可作为文档查看器(documentati 阅读全文
IntroductionWhen I was looking for a standard convention for generics, I came across a 50-page manual for coding standards for C#. I am sure that, apart from the author, there are few who actually go through and read all of them. So, I thought of coming up with this article. I have tried to comprehe 阅读全文