#!/usr/local/bin/python3 # coding:utf-8 import string, subprocess, send_mail from time import strftime, gmtime, sleep, re import urllib.request, re def filter_tags(htmlstr): re_cdata = re.compile('//<!\[CDATA\[[^>]*//\]\]>', re.I) # 匹配CDATA re_script = re.compile('<\s*script[^>]*>[^<]*<\s*/\s*script\s*>', re.I) # Script re_style = re.compile('<\s*style[^>]*>[^<]*<\s*/\s*style\s*>', re.I) # style re_br = re.compile('<br\s*?/?>') # 处理换行 re_h = re.compile('</?\w+[^>]*>') # HTML标签 re_comment = re.compile('<!--[^>]*-->') # HTML注释 s = re_cdata.sub('', htmlstr) # 去掉CDATA s = re_script.sub('', s) # 去掉SCRIPT s = re_style.sub('', s) # 去掉style s = re_br.sub('\n', s) # 将br转换为换行 s = re_h.sub('', s) # 去掉HTML 标签 s = re_comment.sub('', s) blank_line = re.compile('\n+') s = blank_line.sub('\n', s) return s def ip_info(ip): # url = '' % ip url = '' % ip f = urllib.request.Request(url) f.add_header('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:51.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/51.0') response = ((urllib.request.urlopen(f)).read()).decode('utf-8') ip_information = (filter_tags(response)).split('\n\t')[19] return ip_information tcptmpStr = ( ((subprocess.Popen("ss -antp |grep -v LISTEN", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)) whiteIp = ['', 'x.x.x.x', 'x.x.x.x'] whitePort = ['80', '22', '3306'] # udptmpStr = ((subprocess.check_output(["netstat", "-nulp"])).decode('utf-8')).strip() # get tcp connect # # def getTCPservice(tcptmpStr): tmpList = tcptmpStr.split("\n") del tmpList[0] # newList = [] for i in tmpList: val = i.split() del val[0:3] valTmpip = (val[1].split(":"))[-2] # remote addr valTmpprot = (val[0].split(":"))[-1] # local port if valTmpip not in whiteIp and valTmpprot not in whitePort: with open('/var/openresty/nginx/logs/suspicious.txt', 'a') as f: current_time = '#================<< Capture Time : ' + strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) + ' >>==============\n' f.write(current_time) f.write(val[2] + '\n') f.write(valTmpip + '\n') sleep(5) ipInfo = ip_info(valTmpip) f.write(ipInfo) # send_mail.sendMail('/var/openresty/nginx/logs/suspicious.txt')