Oracle 查询表结构、主键自增
select t.column_name, decode(s.data_type, 'date', 'date', s.data_type ||'('|| s.data_length||')'), t.comments from all_col_comments t, all_tab_columns s where t.table_name = 'SKK_IMP_OPER_RENT_CONTR' and s.table_name = 'SKK_IMP_OPER_RENT_CONTR' and t.column_name = s.column_name;
-- 查询 oracle 表空间 select tablespace_name,sum(bytes)/1024/1024 from dba_data_files group by tablespace_name; -- 查询 oracle 所有用户 select * from dba_user; select * from all_users; -- 查询 用户 pbbase 所有的 skk 开头的表 select owner,table_name,tablespace_name,status from all_tables where owner = 'pbbase' and table_name like 'SKK%'; select owner,table_name,status from all_tables where owner = 'pbbase' and table_name like 'SKK%'; --========================== --建立 skk_tables 表 create table skk_tables( id int primary key, batch_id int, table_name varchar(80) ); --建立 skk_tables2 表 create table skk_tables2( id int primary key, batch_id int, table_name varchar(80) ); --建立自增序列 drop sequence skk_table_id_sequence; create sequence skk_table_id_sequence minvalue 1 nomaxvalue increment by 1 start with 1 nocache; --初始化序列 select skk_table_id_sequence.nextval from dual; --查询当前序列值 select skk_table_id_sequence.currval from dual; --创建触发器 drop trigger skk_table_insert_id_trigger create or replace trigger skk_table_insert_id_trigger before insert on skk_table for each row begin select skk_table_id_sequence.nextval from dual; end; select * from dba_objects where object_type = 'trigger' and object_name = 'skk_table_inset_id_trigger' -- 修改 skk_table2 的主键 update skk_table2 set id=id+100; insert into skk_table --新建 skk_table3 数据为 skk_table 的 id , skk_table2 的表名, 使得 skk_table 与 skk_table3 的 id 和表名 保证一致 -- 通过 id 联合查询,可查需要导入 impala 而 oracle 不存在的表 create table skk_tables3 as (select,4 as batch_id,b.table_name from skk_table a inner join skk_table2 b on a.table_name = b.table_name) --删除多余数据 delete from skk_tables2 where id<100; truncate table skk_table2; --查询 skk_table select * from skk_tables; select * from skk_tables2; select * from skk_tables3; alter table skk_table3 change batct_id batch_id int; alter table skk_table3 modify column batch_id int; --Oracle 有的 skk表 但是无导入impala 需求 select * from skk_table where table_name not in (select table_name from skk_table3); --Oracle 没有的skk 但是需要导入impala select * from skk_table where table_name not in (select table_name from skk_table3) order by; --Oracle 源表不存在 select * from skk_table a inner join skk_table2 b on a.table_name = b.table_name; --查询被锁会话ID和系列详情 select session_id from v$locked_object select sid,serial#,username,osuser from v$session where sid = 2286 --杀掉会话 'sid,serial#' alter system kill session '2286,25936';
--查所有表 select * from all_tables; --oracle查用户下的所有表 select * from all_tables where owner ='table_owner' --oracle查建表语句 SELECT DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL ('TABLE','table_name') FROM DUAL --oracle查表字段标注释(没有类型) SELECT * FROM user_col_comments WHERE TABLE_NAME='table_name' --查表结构 number 的精度和尺度 含义 select ut.COLUMN_NAME,uc.comments,ut.DATA_TYPE,ut.DATA_LENGTH,ut.DATA_PRECISION,ut.DATA_SCALE
from user_tab_columns ut inner JOIN user_col_comments uc on ut.TABLE_NAME = uc.table_name and ut.COLUMN_NAME = uc.column_name
where ut.Table_Name='table_name' order by ut.column_name 注释:table_name与table_owner需替换成自己的