- 类的非静态成员方法、静态成员方法都可以直接访问静态成员变量
- 其他类要访问某个类的静态成员变量,既可以通过实例名访问,也可以直接用类名来访问,推荐用类名访问的方式,这样能更直观的说明访问的变量是静态成员变量
- 不能直接访问非静态成员变量,也不能直接调用非静态成员方法,需要实例化一个对象,再通过该对象来访问要访问的非静态成员变量或要调用的非静态成员方法。也就是说,静态成员方法不能直接使用非静态成员。个人理解是,非静态成员变量是依托对象而存在的,当没有实例一个对象时,非静态成员变量是没有分配内存空间的,静态方法要使用非静态成员变量不知道要到哪里去找,当然就不能直接使用非静态成员变量了。而非静态成员方法有有可能访问非静态成员变量,所以也不能直接调用非静态成员方法了。
- 其他类要调用某个类的静态成员方法,既可以通过实例名调用,也可以直接用类名来调用,推荐用类名调用的方式,这样能更直观的说明调用的方法是静态成员方法
- 静态成员方法staticMethod访问了静态成员变量citizenship
- 定义并使用了局部变量testY
- 非静态成员方法informationPrint访问了静态成员变量citizenship
public static void staticMethod() { int testY = 20; System.out.println("She has applied for " + citizenship + " citizenship"); //static variable access System.out.println("She's now " + testY + " years old"); //local variable access
public void informationPrint() { System.out.println("My name is " + getName()); System.out.println("I am " + getAge() + " years old"); if(getGender() == "female") System.out.println("I am a girl"); else if(getGender() == "male") System.out.println("I am a boy"); else System.out.println("Something is wrong!"); System.out.println("My hobby is " + hobby); if(citizenship == "Chinese") System.out.println("I am a chinese"); else if(citizenship == "US") System.out.println("I am an American"); else System.out.println("Oh,something is wrong"); }
public static void main(String[] args) { Person xiaoxi = new Person("xiaoxi",29,"female","piano"); xiaoxi.informationPrint(); staticMethod(); }
My name is xiaoxi I am 29 years old I am a girl My hobby is piano I am a chinese She has applied for Chinese citizenship She's now 20 years old
- 静态成员方法可以直接访问静态成员变量
- 静态成员方法可以自定义局部变量
- 非静态成员方法可以直接访问静态成员变量
- 静态成员方法staticMethod访问了静态成员变量citizenship
- 定义并使用了局部变量testY
- 访问了非静态成员变量hobby
public static void staticMethod() { int testY = 20; System.out.println("She has applied for " + citizenship + " citizenship"); //static variable access System.out.println("She's now " + testY + " years old"); //local variable access System.out.println("She doesn't like " + hobby); //nonstatic variable access }
My name is xiaoxi I am 29 years old I am a girl My hobby is piano I am a chinese Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem: Cannot make a static reference to the non-static field hobby at human.Person.staticMethod( at human.Person.main(
- 静态成员方法不能直接访问非静态成员变量,否则会出现“Cannot make a static reference to the non-static field hobby” 的错误。
- 静态成员方法staticMethod使用了静态成员变量citizenship
- 定义并使用了局部变量testY
- 创建一个Person实例testP,并使用了testP的变量hobby
public static void staticMethod() { int testY = 20; Person testP = new Person(); System.out.println("She has applied for " + citizenship + " citizenship"); //static variable access System.out.println("She's now " + testY + " years old"); //local variable access System.out.println("She doesn't like " + testP.hobby); // nonstatic variable access via object instance testP }
My name is xiaoxi I am 29 years old I am a girl My hobby is piano I am a chinese She has applied for Chinese citizenship She's now 20 years old She doesn't like null
- 静态成员方法要访问非静态成员变量,可以先实例化一个对象,再通过对象访问。
- 静态成员方法staticMethod使用了静态成员变量citizenship
- 定义并使用了局部变量testY
- 创建一个Person实例testP,并使用了testP的hoppy变量
- 直接调用非静态成员方法informationPrint()
public static void staticMethod() { int testY = 20; Person testP = new Person(); System.out.println("She has applied for " + citizenship + " citizenship"); //static variable access System.out.println("She's now " + testY + " years old"); //local variable access //System.out.println("She doesn't like " + testP.hobby); //nonstatic variable access System.out.println("She doesn't like " + testP.hobby); // nonstatic variable access via object instance testP System.out.println("Her personal information is as follows:"); informationPrint(); }
My name is xiaoxi I am 29 years old I am a girl My hobby is piano I am a chinese Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem: Cannot make a static reference to the non-static method informationPrint() from the type Person at human.Person.staticMethod( at human.Person.main(
- 静态成员方法不能直接调用非静态成员方法,否则会出现与直接访问非静态成员变量类似的错误,Cannot make a static reference to the non-static method informationPrint() from the type Person。
- 静态成员方法staticMethod使用了静态成员变量citizenship
- 定义并使用了局部变量testY
- 创建一个Person实例testP,并使用了testP的hoppy变量
- 通过testP调用非静态成员方法informationPrint()
public static void staticMethod() { int testY = 20; Person testP = new Person(); System.out.println("She has applied for " + citizenship + " citizenship"); //static variable access System.out.println("She's now " + testY + " years old"); //local variable access System.out.println("She doesn't like " + testP.hobby); // nonstatic variable access via object instance testP System.out.println("Her personal information is as follows:"); //informationPrint(); testP.informationPrint(); }
My name is xiaoxi I am 29 years old I am a girl My hobby is piano I am a chinese She has applied for Chinese citizenship She's now 20 years old She doesn't like null Her personal information is as follows: My name is null I am 0 years old Something is wrong! My hobby is null I am a chinese
- 静态成员方法要调用非静态成员方法,可以先实例化一个对象,再通过该对象来调用。
- 类TestMain通过类名Person直接调用了静态成员方法staticMethod()和静态成员变量citizenship
package human; public class TestMain { public static void main(String[] args) { Person.staticMethod(); System.out.println("static variable \"citizenship\":" + Person.citizenship); } }
She has applied for Chinese citizenship She's now 20 years old She doesn't like null Her personal information is as follows: My name is null I am 0 years old Something is wrong! My hobby is null I am a chinese static variable "citizenship":Chinese
package human; public class Person { String name; int age; String gender; private String hobby; protected String residence; static String citizenship = "Chinese"; public Person() { } public Person(String n, String g) { = n; this.gender = g; } public Person(String n, int a, String g, String h) { = n; this.age = a; this.gender = g; this.hobby = h; //test:静态变量初始化的时机是否在构造方法之前 // System.out.println("constructor:"); // System.out.println("change value of the static variable citizenship " + "\"" + citizenship + "\""); // citizenship = "US"; // System.out.println(" to " + "\"" + citizenship + "\""); } public Person(String n, int a, String g, String h, String r) { = n; this.age = a; this.gender = g; this.hobby = h; this.residence = r; } public void setName(String n) { = n; } public void setAge(int a) { this.age = a; } public void setGender(String g) { this.gender = g; } public void setHobby(String h) { this.hobby = h; } public void setResidence(String r) { this.residence = r; } public String getName() { return; } public int getAge() { return this.age; } public String getGender() { return this.gender; } public String getHobby() { return this.hobby; } public String getResidence() { return this.residence; } public void informationPrint() { System.out.println("My name is " + getName()); System.out.println("I am " + getAge() + " years old"); if(getGender() == "female") System.out.println("I am a girl"); else if(getGender() == "male") System.out.println("I am a boy"); else System.out.println("Something is wrong!"); System.out.println("My hobby is " + hobby); if(citizenship == "Chinese") System.out.println("I am a chinese"); else if(citizenship == "US") System.out.println("I am an American"); else System.out.println("Oh,something is wrong"); } public static void staticMethod() { int testY = 20; Person testP = new Person(); System.out.println("She has applied for " + citizenship + " citizenship"); //static variable access System.out.println("She's now " + testY + " years old"); //local variable access System.out.println("She doesn't like " + testP.hobby); // nonstatic variable access via object instance testP System.out.println("Her personal information is as follows:"); //informationPrint(); testP.informationPrint(); } public static void main(String[] args) { Person xiaoxi = new Person("xiaoxi",29,"female","piano"); xiaoxi.informationPrint(); staticMethod(); } }