sqlserver 搜索一个库中 含有某个字段的表
USE 数据库
select [name] from sysobjects where id in(select id from syscolumns Where name='待查询的字段名称')
select a.name as [column],b.name,b.length as TYPE from syscolumns a,systypes b where a.id=object_id('CasesAttachment') and a.xtype=b.xtype and a.name='Attachment'
select 'select a.name as [column],b.name,b.length as TYPE from syscolumns a,systypes b where a.id=object_id('''+[name]+''') and a.xtype=b.xtype and a.name=''Attachment''' from sysobjects where id in(select id from syscolumns Where name='Attachment')