


  1. 如果你还没有设置本地开发环境,请先配置它。

  2. 学习 Tour of Heroes tutorial.

    这个 Tour of Heroes 将会一步一步带着你从 setup 到一个完整功能的例子, 展示了一个专业性的应用的本质细节:一个可以感知到的项目结构,数据绑定,master/detail(主/细节),services,依赖注入,导航,和远程数据访问。

  3. 阅读 Architecture (架构)总览来获得一个整体的印象。

  4. The Root Module (根模块)介绍了 NgModule类, 这个类告诉了 Angular 如何编译和运行你的应用程序。

  5. Displaying Data (显示数据)展示了数据绑定是如何把组件的属性值放到屏幕上的。 

  6. User Input (用户输入)解释了如何响应用户发起(user-initiated)的DOM事件。

  7. Forms (表单)涵盖了在UI中的数据条目和有效化确认。

  8. Dependency Injection (依赖注入)是一条路,从小的,单一目的的部分去建立大的,可维护的程序。

  9. Template Syntax (模板语法)是一个对于Angular模板HTML的综合学习。




Everyone learns differently. You don't have to read the documentation straight through. Most pages stand on their own. Those new to Angular may wish to follow this popular learning path. 

  1. Setup for local Angular development, if you haven't already done so.

  2. Take the Tour of Heroes tutorial.

    The Tour of Heroes takes you step-by-step from setup to a full-featured example that demonstrates the essential characteristics of a professional application: a sensible project structure, data binding, master/detail, services, dependency injection, navigation, and remote data access.

  3. Read the Architecture overview for the big picture.

  4. The Root Module introduces the NgModule class that tells Angular how to compile and run your application.

  5. Displaying Data shows how data binding puts component property values on screen.

  6. User Input explains how to respond to user-initiated DOM events.

  7. Forms covers data entry and validation within the UI.

  8. Dependency Injection is the way to build large, maintainable applications from small, single-purpose parts.

  9. Template Syntax is a comprehensive study of Angular template HTML.

After reading the above sections, feel free to skip around among the other pages on this site.

posted on 2017-01-08 09:17  chaiyu2002  阅读(119)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
