


Each webapplication you build is composed of objects that collaborate to get stuffdone. These objects need to be instantiated and wired together for the app towork. In AngularJS apps most of these objects are instantiated and wiredtogether automatically by the injector service.

The injectorcreates two types of objects, services and specializedobjects.

Services areobjects whose API is defined by the developer writing the service.

Specializedobjects conform to a specific AngularJS framework API. These objects are one ofcontrollers, directives, filters or animations.

The injectorneeds to know how to create these objects. You tell it by registering a"recipe" for creating your object with the injector. There are fiverecipe types.

The most verbose,but also the most comprehensive one is a Provider recipe. The remaining fourrecipe types — Value, Factory, Service and Constant — are just syntacticsugar on top of a provider recipe.

Let's take alook at the different scenarios for creating and using services via variousrecipe types. We'll start with the simplest case possible where various placesin your code need a shared string and we'll accomplish this via Value recipe.

Note: A Word onModules

In order for theinjector to know how to create and wire together all of these objects, it needsa registry of "recipes". Each recipe has an identifier of the object andthe description of how to create this object.

Each recipebelongs to an AngularJS module. An AngularJSmodule is a bag that holds one or more recipes. And since manually keepingtrack of module dependencies is no fun, a module can contain information aboutdependencies on other modules as well.

When anAngularJS application starts with a given application module, AngularJS createsa new instance of injector, which in turn creates a registryof recipes as a union of all recipes defined in the core "ng" module, applicationmodule and its dependencies. The injector then consults the recipe registrywhen it needs to create an object for your application.

Value Recipe

Let's say thatwe want to have a very simple service called "clientId" that providesa string representing an authentication id used for some remote API. You woulddefine it like this:

var myApp =angular.module('myApp', []);

myApp.value('clientId', 'a12345654321x');

Notice how wecreated an AngularJS module called myApp, and specifiedthat this module definition contains a "recipe" for constructingthe clientId service, which is a simple string inthis case.

And this is howyou would display it via AngularJS's data-binding:

myApp.controller('DemoController', ['clientId', function DemoController(clientId) {

  this.clientId = clientId;



  <bodyng-controller="DemoControlleras demo">

    Client ID: {{demo.clientId}}



In this example,we've used the Value recipe to define the value to provide when DemoController asks for the service with id "clientId".

On to morecomplex examples!

Factory Recipe

The Value recipeis very simple to write, but lacks some important features we often need whencreating services. Let's now look at the Value recipe's more powerful sibling,the Factory. The Factory recipe adds the following abilities:


  • ability to use other services (have dependencies)
  • 使用其它service的能力(具有依赖)。
  • service initialization
  • service初始化。
  • delayed/lazy initialization
  • 延迟/懒 初始化。

The Factory recipe constructs a new service using a function with zero ormore arguments (these are dependencies on other services). The return value ofthis function is the service instance created by this recipe.


Note: Allservices in AngularJS are singletons. That means that the injector uses eachrecipe at most once to create the object. The injector then caches thereference for all future needs.


Since a Factoryis a more powerful version of the Value recipe, the same service can beconstructed with it. Using our previous clientIdValue recipe example,we can rewrite it as a Factory recipe like this:

因为一个Factory是一个更有力的Value食谱的版本,同样的service可以被它构造,使用我们之前的clientId Value食谱的例子,我们可以重写它作为Factory食谱就像这样:

myApp.factory('clientId', functionclientIdFactory() {

  return 'a12345654321x';


But given that thetoken is just a string literal, sticking with the Value recipe is still moreappropriate as it makes the code easier to follow.


Let's say,however, that we would also like to create a service that computes a token usedfor authentication against a remote API. This token will be called apiToken and will be computed based on the clientId value and a secret stored in the browser's localstorage:

比如说,然后,我们也想要创建一个service,可以计算被用于针对一个远程API的认证的token。这个token将会被叫做apiToken并且将会被计算,基于这个clientId 值,和一个储存在浏览器本地存储中的密钥。

myApp.factory('apiToken', ['clientId', functionapiTokenFactory(clientId) {

  var encrypt = function(data1, data2) {

    // NSA-proof encryption algorithm:

    return (data1 + ':' +data2).toUpperCase();



  var secret = window.localStorage.getItem('myApp.secret');

  var apiToken = encrypt(clientId, secret);


  return apiToken;


In the codeabove, we see how the apiToken service isdefined via the Factory recipe that depends on the clientId service. The factory service then uses NSA-proofencryption to produce an authentication token.

在上面的代码中,我们看到一个apiToken service是如何被定义,通过依赖clientId serviceFactory食谱。这个工厂service然后使用NSA-proof 加密算法去生成一个认证的token

Best Practice: name thefactory functions as  <serviceId>Factory (e.g., apiTokenFactory). While this namingconvention is not required, it helps when navigating the code base or lookingat stack traces in the debugger.


Just like withthe Value recipe, the Factory recipe can create a service of any type, whetherit be a primitive, object literal, function, or even an instance of a customtype.


Service Recipe

JavaScriptdevelopers often use custom types to write object-oriented code. Let's explorehow we could launch a unicorn into space via our unicornLauncher servicewhich is an instance of a custom type:


function UnicornLauncher(apiToken) {


  this.launchedCount = 0;

  this.launch = function() {

    // Make a request to the remote API andinclude the apiToken





We are now readyto launch unicorns, but notice that UnicornLauncher depends on our apiToken. We can satisfy this dependency on apiToken using the Factory recipe:


myApp.factory('unicornLauncher', ["apiToken",function(apiToken) {

  return new UnicornLauncher(apiToken);


This is,however, exactly the use-case that the Service recipe is the most suitable for.


The Servicerecipe produces a service just like the Value or Factory recipes, but it doesso by invoking a constructor with the newoperator. Theconstructor can take zero or more arguments, which represent dependenciesneeded by the instance of this type.


Note: Servicerecipes follow a design pattern called constructorinjection.


Since we alreadyhave a constructor for our UnicornLauncher type, we can replace the Factoryrecipe above with a Service recipe like this:


myApp.service('unicornLauncher', ["apiToken", UnicornLauncher]);

Much simpler!


Note: Yes, wehave called one of our service recipes 'Service'. We regret this and know thatwe'll be somehow punished for our misdeed. It's like we named one of ouroffspring 'Child'. Boy, that would mess with the teachers.


Provider Recipe

As alreadymentioned in the intro, the Provider recipe is the core recipe type and all theother recipe types are just syntactic sugar on top of it. It is the most verboserecipe with the most abilities, but for most services it's overkill.


The Providerrecipe is syntactically defined as a custom type that implements a $get method. This method is a factory function just like the one we usein the Factory recipe. In fact, if you define a Factory recipe, an emptyProvider type with the $get method setto your factory function is automatically created under the hood.


You should usethe Provider recipe only when you want to expose an API for application-wideconfiguration that must be made before the application starts. This is usuallyinteresting only for reusable services whose behavior might need to varyslightly between applications.


Let's say thatour unicornLauncher service isso awesome that many apps use it. By default the launcher shoots unicorns intospace without any protective shielding. But on some planets the atmosphere isso thick that we must wrap every unicorn in tinfoil before sending it on itsintergalactic trip, otherwise they would burn while passing through theatmosphere. It would then be great if we could configure the launcher to usethe tinfoil shielding for each launch in apps that need it. We can make itconfigurable like so:

比如说,我们的unicornLauncher 服务是这么令人了不起,好多应用都用它。默认,这个发射器会把独角兽发射到太空,而没有任何的保护层。但是在一些请求上,大气是这样的厚以至于我们必须把独角兽包裹在锡纸中,在送它去进行它的银河间的旅行之前,否则他们将会燃烧,当穿过大气的时候。我们如果能配置这个发射器去使用锡纸防护对一次应用中需要的发射那将是很棒的。我们将这样配置它:

myApp.provider('unicornLauncher', function UnicornLauncherProvider() {

  var useTinfoilShielding = false;


  this.useTinfoilShielding = function(value) {

    useTinfoilShielding = !!value;



  this.$get = ["apiToken", functionunicornLauncherFactory(apiToken) {


    // let's assume that the UnicornLauncherconstructor was also changed to

    // accept and use theuseTinfoilShielding argument

    return new UnicornLauncher(apiToken,useTinfoilShielding);



To turn thetinfoil shielding on in our app, we need to create a config function via themodule API and have the UnicornLauncherProvider injected into it:

myApp.config(["unicornLauncherProvider",function(unicornLauncherProvider) {



Notice that theunicorn provider is injected into the config function. This injection is doneby a provider injector which is different from the regular instance injector,in that it instantiates and wires (injects) all provider instances only.


Duringapplication bootstrap, before AngularJS goes off creating all services, itconfigures and instantiates all providers. We call this the configuration phaseof the application life-cycle. During this phase, services aren't accessiblebecause they haven't been created yet.

在应用自举阶段,在AngularJS 开始创建所有的services之前,它配置并且实例化所有的providers。我们称应用生命周期的这个阶段为配置阶段。在这个阶段,services不被访问,因为它们还没有被创建。

Once theconfiguration phase is over, interaction with providers is disallowed and theprocess of creating services starts. We call this part of the applicationlife-cycle the run phase.


Constant Recipe

We've justlearned how AngularJS splits the life-cycle into configuration phase and runphase and how you can provide configuration to your application via the configfunction. Since the config function runs in the configuration phase when noservices are available, it doesn't have access even to simple value objectscreated via the Value recipe.

Since simplevalues, like URL prefixes, don't have dependencies or configuration, it's oftenhandy to make them available in both the configuration and run phases. This iswhat the Constant recipe is for.

Let's say thatour unicornLauncher servicecan stamp a unicorn with the planet name it's being launched from if this namewas provided during the configuration phase. The planet name is applicationspecific and is used also by various controllers during the runtime of theapplication. We can then define the planet name as a constant like this:

myApp.constant('planetName', 'Greasy Giant');

We could thenconfigure the unicornLauncherProvider like this:

myApp.config(['unicornLauncherProvider', 'planetName',function(unicornLauncherProvider, planetName) {




And sinceConstant recipe makes the value also available at runtime just like the Valuerecipe, we can also use it in our controller and template:

myApp.controller('DemoController', ["clientId", "planetName", function DemoController(clientId,planetName) {

  this.clientId = clientId;

  this.planetName = planetName;



  <bodyng-controller="DemoControlleras demo">

   Client ID: {{demo.clientId}}


   Planet Name: {{demo.planetName}}



Special PurposeObjects

Earlier wementioned that we also have special purpose objects that are different fromservices. These objects extend the framework as plugins and therefore mustimplement interfaces specified by AngularJS. These interfaces are Controller,Directive, Filter and Animation.

The instructionsfor the injector to create these special objects (with the exception of theController objects) use the Factory recipe behind the scenes.

Let's take alook at how we would create a very simple component via the directive api thatdepends on the planetName constantwe've just defined and displays the planet name, in our case: "PlanetName: Greasy Giant".

Since thedirectives are registered via the Factory recipe, we can use the same syntax aswith factories.

myApp.directive('myPlanet', ['planetName', functionmyPlanetDirectiveFactory(planetName) {

  // directive definition object

  return {

    restrict: 'E',

    scope: {},

    link: function($scope, $element) {$element.text('Planet: ' + planetName); }



We can then usethe component like this:






Using Factoryrecipes, you can also define AngularJS's filters and animations, but thecontrollers are a bit special. You create a controller as a custom type thatdeclares its dependencies as arguments for its constructor function. Thisconstructor is then registered with a module. Let's take a look at the DemoController, created in one of the early examples:

myApp.controller('DemoController', ['clientId', function DemoController(clientId) {

  this.clientId = clientId;


TheDemoController is instantiated via its constructor, every time the app needs aninstance of DemoController (in our simple app it's just once). So unlikeservices, controllers are not singletons. The constructor is called with allthe requested services, in our case the clientId service.


To wrap it up,let's summarize the most important points:

  • The injector uses recipes to create two types of objects: services and special purpose objects
  • There are five recipe types that define how to create objects: Value, Factory, Service, Provider and Constant.
  • Factory and Service are the most commonly used recipes. The only difference between them is that the Service recipe works better for objects of a custom type, while the Factory can produce JavaScript primitives and functions.
  • The Provider recipe is the core recipe type and all the other ones are just syntactic sugar on it.
  • Provider is the most complex recipe type. You don't need it unless you are building a reusable piece of code that needs global configuration.
  • All special purpose objects except for the Controller are defined via Factory recipes.

Features / Recipe type






can have dependencies






uses type friendly injection






object available in config phase






can create functions






can create primitives






* at the cost ofeager initialization by using new operatordirectly

** the serviceobject is not available during the config phase, but the provider instance is(see the unicornLauncherProvider exampleabove).


posted on 2017-04-06 21:36  chaiyu2002  阅读(193)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
