





ZooKeeper: A Distributed Coordination Service for Distributed Applications

ZooKeeper is a distributed, open-source coordination service for distributed applications. It exposes a simple set of primitives that distributed applications can build upon to implement higher level services for synchronization, configuration maintenance, and groups and naming. It is designed to be easy to program to, and uses a data model styled after the familiar directory tree structure of file systems. It runs in Java and has bindings for both Java and C.



ZooKeeper is a centralized service for maintaining configuration information, naming, providing distributed synchronization, and providing group services. All of these kinds of services are used in some form or another by distributed applications. Each time they are implemented there is a lot of work that goes into fixing the bugs and race conditions that are inevitable. Because of the difficulty of implementing these kinds of services, applications initially usually skimp on them ,which make them brittle in the presence of change and difficult to manage. Even when done correctly, different implementations of these services lead to management complexity when the applications are deployed.


ZooKeeper aims at distilling the essence of these different services into a very simple interface to a centralized coordination service. The service itself is distributed and highly reliable. Consensus, group management, and presence protocols will be implemented by the service so that the applications do not need to implement them on their own. Application specific uses of these will consist of a mixture of specific components of Zoo Keeper and application specific conventions. ZooKeeper Recipes shows how this simple service can be used to build much more powerful abstractions.

ZooKeeper旨在将这些不同服务的本质提炼为一个非常简单的集中协调服务接口。服务本身是分布式且高度可靠的。协议,组管理和存在协议将由服务实现,以便应用程序不需要自己实现它们。这些应用程序的特定用途将由Zoo Keeper的特定组件和特定于应用程序的约定组成。 ZooKeeper Recipes展示了如何使用这个简单的服务来构建更强大的抽象。


ZooKeeper 的由来

下面这段内容摘自《从 Paxos 到 ZooKeeper》(粗看了一下,这本书讲的还是不错的):

Zookeeper 最早起源于雅虎研究院的一个研究小组。在当时,研究人员发现,在雅虎内部很多大型系统基本都需要依赖一个类似的系统来进行分布式协调,但是这些系统往往都存在分布式单点问题。所以,雅虎的开发人员就试图开发一个通用的无单点问题的分布式协调框架,以便让开发人员将精力集中在处理业务逻辑上。

关于“ZooKeeper”这个项目的名字,其实也有一段趣闻。在立项初期,考虑到之前内部很多项目都是使用动物的名字来命名的(例如著名的Pig项目),雅虎的工程师希望给这个项目也取一个动物的名字。时任研究院的首席科学家 Raghu Ramakrishnan 开玩笑地说:“在这样下去,我们这儿就变成动物园了!”此话一出,大家纷纷表示就叫动物园管理员吧,因为各个以动物命名的分布式组件放在一起,雅虎的整个分布式系统看上去就像一个大型的动物园了,而 Zookeeper 正好要用来进行分布式环境的协调,于是,Zookeeper 的名字也就由此诞生了。


ZooKeeper is simple.

ZooKeeper allows distributed processes to coordinate with each other through a shared hierarchal namespace which is organized similarly to a standard file system. The name space consists of data registers - called znodes, in ZooKeeper parlance - and these are similar to files and directories. Unlike a typical file system, which is designed for storage, ZooKeeper data is kept in-memory, which means ZooKeeper can acheive high throughput and low latency numbers.


The ZooKeeper implementation puts a premium on high performance, highly available, strictly ordered access. The performance aspects of ZooKeeper means it can be used in large, distributed systems. The reliability aspects keep it from being a single point of failure. The strict ordering means that sophisticated synchronization primitives can be implemented at the client.


ZooKeeper is replicated.

Like the distributed processes it coordinates, ZooKeeper itself is intended to be replicated over a sets of hosts called an ensemble.


The servers that make up the ZooKeeper service must all know about each other. They maintain an in-memory image of state, along with a transaction logs and snapshots in a persistent store. As long as a majority of the servers are available, the ZooKeeper service will be available.


Clients connect to a single ZooKeeper server. The client maintains a TCP connection through which it sends requests, gets responses, gets watch events, and sends heart beats. If the TCP connection to the server breaks, the client will connect to a different server.

ZooKeeper is ordered.

ZooKeeper stamps each update with a number that reflects the order of all ZooKeeper transactions. Subsequent operations can use the order to implement higher-level abstractions, such as synchronization primitives.


ZooKeeper is fast. It is especially fast in “read-dominant” workloads. ZooKeeper applications run on thousands of machines, and it performs best where reads are more common than writes, at ratios of around 10:1.





posted on 2019-12-15 17:06  chaiyu2002  阅读(76)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
