刚看了Event Handler的MSND上的WEBCAST。似乎是理清楚了注册DLL的方法了。
--The Wss V2 way (Only for document libraries) // 仅对文档库,可以高级设置里加入DLL信息
--Programmatically via the object model //通过Console application/windows application注册DLL,
// 删除注册//for (int i=event.EventReceiver.Count-1;i>=0;i++){event.EventReceiver[i].Delete();}
// SPSite site = new SPSite(site);SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb(web);SPList list = web.Lists[listname];
// list.EventReceiver.add(SPEventReceiverType.Type,assembley,class);
--Using the new WSS feature framework //通过v3的feature功能,使用Caml语言写XML
<Feature Scope = "Web" Title = "Title of Event Handler" ID = "New Guid"
xmlns = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint">
<ElementManifest Location="Feature Definition File"/>
Feature Definition File.xml
<Receivers ListTemplateOwner = "GUID" ListTemplate="ID">
<Name>name of event handler</Name>
<Assembly>strong name of the assembly</Assembly>
<Class>full qualified name of class</Class>
Setup Custom Feature
Stsadm.exe -o installfeature -filename MyFeature\feature.xml
Stsadm.exe -o activefeature -filename MyFeature\feature.xml
最后提醒一下自己,每次有更改Event Handler必需IISRESET才可生效。。。